- 本條目主要描述猶太教文獻中的耶書(Yeshu)。関於希伯來語的類似發音的名字請參看耶書亞。
耶書(希伯來語ישו ,Yeshu)指代 托塞夫塔,巴比倫的塔木德和Toledot Yeshu記述的一個或者多個人。托塞夫塔(c 200)和巴比倫的塔木德(c 500)rarely[1]Adin Steinsaltz認為耶書可能指生活在西元1或者2世紀的1個人。[2]還有一些學者認為他就是指耶穌。
編輯已知最早的巴比倫塔木德中出現的耶書被認為指的就是基督教中的耶穌,該說法源自中世紀,現代學者對此有各種不同觀點[5]。部分當代學者認為這些段落指向基督教和基督徒描述的耶穌[6],另外一部分學者認為這些段落是後世拉比添加的內容[7][8],塔木德學者Johann Maier認為米書拿和兩個塔木德版本均沒有記錄耶穌[9]。 塔木德中關於耶穌的生活時間的描述是矛盾的,Sotah 47a和Sanhedrin 107中表示耶穌生活在Alexander Jannaeus的統治時期 (西元前103~ 前76年),但是Sanhedrin 43a中提到耶穌於西元200~500年之間被處死。
編輯- ^ Theissen, Gerd and Annette Merz. The historical Jesus: a comprehensive guide. Fortress Press. 1998. 譯自德文(1996版)
- ^ Jesus' Death Now Debated by Jews (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) by Eric J. Greenberg, The Jewish Week, USA, 2003年10月3日刊
- ^ David Talshir, 'Rabbinic Hebrew as Reflected in Personal Names', Scripta Hierosylamitana vol. 37, Magnes Press, Hebrew University in Jerusalem, 1998:374ff.
- ^ Brown Driver Briggs Brown-Driver-Briggs Hebrew and English Lexicon; Hendrickson Publishers 1996 ISBN 1-56563-206-0
- ^ The Blackwell Companion to Jesus p220 Delbert Burkett - 2010 "That is to say, varying presuppositions as to the extent to which the ancient rabbis were preoccupied with Jesus and Christianity can easily predetermine which texts might be identified and interpreted as having him in mind."
- ^ Robert E. Van Voorst. Jesus outside the New Testament. 2000 ISBN 978-0-8028-4368-5. p. 124. "This is likely an inference from the Talmud and other Jewish usage, where Jesus is called Yeshu, and other Jews with the same name are called by the fuller name Yehoshua, "Joshua""
- ^ Meier, John P. The Roots of the Problem and the Person (Convenience link). A marginal Jew: rethinking the historical Jesus 1. Anchor Bible Series. 1991: 98 [August 3, 2011]. ISBN 978-0-385-26425-9. LCCN 91010538. OCLC 316164636. (原始內容存檔於2021-10-13).
While not accepting the full, radical approach of Maier, I think we can agree with him on one basic point: in the earliest rabbinic sources, there is no clear or even probable reference to Jesus of Nazareth. Furthermore, I favor the view that, when we do finally find such references in later rabbinic literature, they are most probably reactions to Christian claims, oral or written.
- ^ Theissen, Gerd; Merz, Annette. The Historical Jesus: A Comprehensive Guide. Minneapolis: Augsburg Fortress. 1998: 74–76. ISBN 978-0-8006-3122-2. LCCN 98016181. OCLC 38590348.
- ^ Johann Maier, Jesus von Nazareth in der talmudischen Uberlieferung (Ertrage der Forschung 82; Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1978)
編輯- Steven Bayme, Understanding Jewish History (KTAV), 1997
- Daniel Boyarin, Dying for God: Martyrdom and the Making of Christianity and Judaism Stanford: Stanford University Press, 1999
- Robert Goldenberg, The Nations Know Ye Not: Ancient Jewish Attitudes towards Other Religions New York: New York University Press 1998
- Mark Hirshman, A Rivalry of Genius: Jewish and Christian Biblical Interpretation in Late Antiquity trans. Baya Stein. Albany: SUNY PRess 1996
- Joseph Klausner, Jesus of Nazareth (Beacon Books), 1964
- Jacob Neusner, Judaism in the Matrix of Christianity Philadelphia: Fortress Press 1986
- Jeffrey Rubenstein Rabbinic Stories (The Classics of Western Spirituality) New York: The Paulist Press, 2002
- R. Travers Herford, Christianity in Talmud and Midrash (KTAV), 1975
編輯- The Sepher Toldoth Yeshu and it's Links to the Gospel Jesus (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- (Refutations about) Jesus in the Talmud by Gil Student (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- The (alleged) Jesus Narrative In The Talmud by Gil Student
- Did Jesus of Nazareth Exist? (The Talmud) by Dennis McKinsey (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館)
- Toldoth Yeshu (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) One version of the Toldoth Yeshu commonly dated to approximately the sixth century.
- Did Jesus Live 100 B.C.? By G. R. S. Mead (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館), a classic work dedicated to this topic
- Jesus' Death Now Debated by Jews (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) by Eric J. Greenberg, The Jewish Week, USA, October 3, 2003