編輯奧地利天主教阿洛伊斯·胡達爾(Alois Hudal)主教是納粹同情者,曾擔任 羅馬教宗條頓聖瑪麗亞阿尼瑪學院(Pontificio Istituto Teutonico Santa Maria dell'Anima)的院長,這是一所為奧地利和德國神父開設的神學院,也是居住在義大利的德國人民的精神寄託。[7]義大利戰爭結束後,胡達爾開始積極幫助關押在義大利各地戰俘營中的德國戰俘與拘留者。1944年12月,梵蒂岡國務秘書處獲准任命一名代表探訪在義大利被拘留的德裔居民,這項工作交給了胡達爾。
胡達爾則利用這一職務與主教身分幫助被通緝的納粹戰犯逃跑,其中包括特雷布林卡指揮官弗蘭茨·斯坦格爾、索比堡指揮官古斯塔夫·瓦格納、德蘭西拘留營(Drancy) 營長阿洛伊斯·布倫納、阿德廷大屠殺負責人埃里希·普里克及阿道夫·艾希曼。事後胡達爾毫不掩飾地公開了這一事實。[8][9]
胡達爾在自己的回憶錄提到:「我感謝上帝,他允許我探望並安慰許多監獄和集中營中的受害者,並幫助他們用逃跑。盟軍對德國的戰爭不是一場十字軍東征,而是他們一直為勝利而戰的經濟聯合體之間的競爭。這個所謂的商業……使用民主、種族、宗教自由和基督教等流行語作為群眾的誘餌。所有這些經歷使我在 1945 年之後感到有責任將我的全部慈善工作主要奉獻給前國家社會主義者和法西斯主義者,特別是他們(指盟軍)所謂的『戰犯』。」
編輯- 安特·帕韋利奇 (Ante Pavelić)
- 阿道夫·艾希曼 (Adolf Eichmann)
- 約瑟夫·門格勒 (Josef Mengele)
- 安德里亞·阿圖科維奇 (Andrija Artukovic)
- 克勞斯·芭比 (Klaus Barbie)
- 奧托·斯科爾茲尼 (Otto Skorzeny)
- 阿洛伊斯·布倫納 (Alois Brunner)
- 赫伯特·庫庫斯 (Herberts Cukurs)
- 萊昂·德格雷爾(Léon Degrelle)
- 阿里伯特·海姆 (Aribert Heim)
- 阿恩·考哈寧 (Aarne Kauhanen)
- 桑多爾·凱皮羅 (Sándor Képíró)
- 埃里希·普里克 (Erich Priebke)
- 沃爾特·勞夫 (Walter Rauff)
- 愛德華·羅斯曼 (Eduard Roschmann)
- 漢斯-烏爾里希·魯德爾 (Hans-Ulrich Rudel)
- 丁科·薩基奇 (Dinko Šakić)
- 鮑里斯·斯梅斯洛夫斯基 (Boris Smyslovsky)
- 弗蘭茲·斯坦格爾 (Franz Stangl)
- 古斯塔夫·瓦格納 (Gustav Wagner)
編輯- ^ "Colombia Nazi". (頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館) Semana. Retrieved 14 November 2016.
- ^ 2.0 2.1 Phayer, Michael (2008). Pius XII, The Holocaust, and the Cold War. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press.
- ^ What did the Vatican know about the Nazi escape routes? – DW – 03/01/2020. dw.com. [2022-12-18]. (原始內容存檔於2023-10-04) (英語).
[...] thousands of Nazis and collaborators [...], with the help of the Catholic Church, escaped Europve[sic] via routes called 'ratlines' — some of which ran from Innsbruck over the Alps to Merano or Bolzano in South Tyrol, then to Rome and from there to the Italian port city of Genoa.
- ^ Kertzer, David I. The Pope's Secret Back Channel to Hitler. The Atlantic. 2022-05-31 [2022-12-18]. (原始內容存檔於2023-06-23) (英語).
- ^ "History of the Italian Rat Line" (10 April 1950), document signed by "IB Operating Officer" Paul E. Lyon, 430th Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), Headquarters of the U.S. Forces in Austria. 網際網路檔案館的存檔,存檔日期2007-10-08., from the original, jasenovac-info.com; accessed 7 February 2023. - "During the summer of 1947 the undersigned received instructions from G-2, USFA, through Chief CIC, to establish a means of disposition for visitors who had been in the custody of the 430th CIC and completely processed in accordance with current directives and requirements, and whose continued residence in Austria constituted a security threat as well as a source of possible embarrassment to the Commanding General of USFA, since the Soviet Command had become aware that their presence in US Zone of Austria and in some instances had requested the return of these persons to Soviet custody."
- ^ "History of the Italian Rat Line" (10 April 1950), document signed by "IB Operating Officer" Paul E. Lyon, 430th Counter Intelligence Corps (CIC), Headquarters of the U.S. Forces in Austria. Archived 2007-10-08 at the Wayback Machine, from the original, jasenovac-info.com; accessed 7 February 2023. - "During the summer of 1947 the undersigned received instructions from G-2, USFA, through Chief CIC, to establish a means of disposition for visitors who had been in the custody of the 430th CIC and completely processed in accordance with current directives and requirements, and whose continued residence in Austria constituted a security threat as well as a source of possible embarrassment to the Commanding General of USFA, since the Soviet Command had become aware that their presence in US Zone of Austria and in some instances had requested the return of these persons to Soviet custody."
- ^ 7.0 7.1 Aarons, Mark & Loftus, John (1998) [1991]. Unholy Trinity: The Vatican, The Nazis, and the Swiss Bankers (revised ed.). New York: St. Martin's Press. ISBN 1862075816.
- ^ Phayer, Michael (2000). The Catholic Church and the Holocaust, 1930–1965. Bloomington and Indianapolis: Indiana University Press. ISBN 0253214718.
- ^ Sereny, Gitta (1983) [1977]. Into That Darkness: An Examination of Conscience. London: Picador. ISBN 9780394710358.