

21世紀社會主義(英語:Socialism of the 21st century;西班牙語:socialismo del siglo XXI)是一個社會主義流派,最初由德國社會學家、政治分析家海因茨·迪特里希英語Heinz Dieterich提出,後被許多拉丁美洲左翼領導人採納。







  1. 以馬克思經濟勞動價值論為基礎的等價經濟,由直接創造價值者民主決定,而不是市場經濟原則。
  2. 多數民主利用公民投票來決定重要的社會問題。
  3. 基本的國家民主,適當保護少數人的權利。
  4. 負責任、理性和自決的公民。






2015年,《經濟學人》表示,委內瑞拉的玻利瓦爾革命——在查韋斯於 2013 年去世後,現在在尼古拉斯·馬杜羅的領導下——正在從威權主義轉向獨裁:反對派政客因密謀破壞政府而入獄,暴力事件普遍存在,反對派媒體被關閉。[7]







儘管民主社會主義知識分子歡迎21世紀社會主義,但他們對拉丁美洲的例子持懷疑態度。雖然引用了他們的進步角色,但他們認為這些政府的適當標籤是民粹主義而不是社會主義。[13][14] 同樣,一些左翼粉紅潮政府因從社會主義轉向威權主義和民粹主義而受到批評。[15][16]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Heinz Dieterich: Der Sozialismus des 21. Jahrhunderts – Wirtschaft, Gesellschaft und Demokratie nach dem globalen Kapitalismus, Einleitung
    Socialism of the 21st Century – Economy, Society, and Democracy in the era of global Capitalism, Introduction.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Burbach, Roger; Fox, Michael; Fuentes, Federico. Latin America's Turbulent Transitions. London: Zed Books. 2013. ISBN 9781848135697. 
  3. ^ Partido dos Trabalhadores. Resoluções do 3º Congresso do PT (PDF). 3º Congresso do PT. [2020-11-24]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於2020-02-07). 
  4. ^ Venezuela after Chávez: Now for the Reckoning. The Economist. 9 March 2013 [4 May 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-14). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Does Ecuador's leader aspire to a perpetual presidency?. The Christian Science Monitor. 11 April 2014 [10 July 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2018-06-23). 
  6. ^ Miroff, Nick. Ecuador's popular, powerful president Rafael Correa is a study in contradictions. The Washington Post. 15 March 2014 [10 July 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2014-03-16). 
  7. ^ A slow-motion coup. The authoritarian regime is becoming a naked dictatorship. The region must react.. The Economist. 28 February 2015 [12 June 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2018-02-15). 
  8. ^ Roth, Charles. Venezuela's Economy Under Chávez, by the Numbers. Wall Street Journal. 6 March 2013 [4 May 2013]. (原始內容存檔於2019-01-04). 
  9. ^ Venezuela toilet paper shortage an anti-Bolivarian conspiracy, gov't claims. CBS News. 16 May 2013 [18 March 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2022-09-03). 
  10. ^ Martin, Abby. Empire Files: Venezuela Economy Minister – Sabotage, Not Socialism, Is the Problem. Truthout. 22 June 2017 [22 June 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2018-01-27). 
  11. ^ Why Venezuela is the world's worst performing economy, in three charts. Quartz. 16 March 2015 [22 March 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2022-07-10). 
  12. ^ Smilde, David. Crime and Revolution in Venezuela. NACLA Report on the Americas (NACLA). 14 September 2017, 49 (3): 303–308. ISSN 1071-4839. S2CID 158528940. doi:10.1080/10714839.2017.1373956. Finally, it is important to realize that the reductions in poverty and inequality during the Chávez years were real, but somewhat superficial. While indicators of income and consumption showed clear progress, the harder-to-change characteristics of structural poverty and inequality, such as the quality of housing, neighborhoods, education, and employment, remained largely unchanged .
  13. ^ Munck, Ronaldo. Contemporary Latin America. Palgrave Macmillan. 2012: 119. In a broad historical sense Chávez has undoubtedly played a progressive role but he is clearly not a democratic socialist [...]. 
  14. ^ Iber, Patrick. The Path to Democratic Socialism: Lessons from Latin America. Dissent. Spring 2016 [20 August 2020]. (原始內容存檔於2022-04-17). Most of the world's democratic socialist intellectuals have been skeptical of Latin America's examples, citing their authoritarian qualities and occasional cults of personality. To critics, the appropriate label for these governments is not socialism but populism. 
  15. ^ Lopes, Arthur. ¿Viva la Contrarrevolución? South America's Left Begins to Wave Goodbye. Harvard International Review. Spring 2016, 37 (3): 12–14. JSTOR i26445824. South America, a historical bastion of populism, has always had a penchant for the left, but the continent's predilection for unsustainable welfarism might be approaching a dramatic end. [...] This "pink tide" also included the rise of populist ideologies in some of these countries, such as Kirchnerismo in Argentina, Chavismo in Venezuela, and Lulopetismo in Brazil. 
  16. ^ De Faria, Carlos Aurélio Pimenta; Lopes, Dawisson Belém. When Foreign Policy Meets Social Demands in Latin America. Contexto Internacional (Literature review) (Pontifícia Universidade Católica do Rio de Janeiro). January–April 2016, 38 (1): 11–53. ISSN 1982-0240. doi:10.1590/S0102-8529.2016380100001 . The wrong left, by contrast, was said to be populist, old-fashioned, and irresponsible [...].