Plantin是一款舊式襯線字體,以十六世紀出版商克里斯托夫·普朗坦命名[1]。這款字是英國蒙納公司為其自動鑄排機系統設計製作,原型可追溯到十六歲世紀刻字師羅貝爾·格朗容刻制、並保存於安特衛普普朗坦-莫雷圖斯博物館的Gros Cicero活字。[2]

Fritz Stelzer

蒙納公司當時製作這款字的目的在於他們需要一款更粗的字形以適用於光面紙張的印刷[3] 在設計構思時,蒙納公司的工程部經理弗蘭克·辛曼·皮爾蓬特特地到安特衛普的普朗坦-莫雷圖斯博物館拿到了一些字體樣張[4]。這款字也是蒙納公司第一批不是單純複製英國流行的印刷字體而進行傳統復刻的字體之一,自發布之後廣受歡迎,讓蒙納公司之後的二三十年加速了對其他經典字體的復刻。Plantin也是三十年代製作Times New Roman字體時的參照字體之一。[1][5] Plantin字體家族包括常規體、細體、粗體以及配套的義大利體。


Steel punches, the masters used to stamp matrices used to cast metal type, at the Plantin-Moretus Museum. Its unique collection of original sixteenth-century matrices and punches inspired the Plantin design.

建於1876年的普朗坦-莫雷圖斯博物館保留了普朗坦、莫雷圖斯等人的大量收藏,其中包括十六世紀最著名的字體,吸引了弗蘭克·辛曼·皮爾蓬特前往拜訪。 [6]弗蘭克·辛曼·皮爾蓬特所參照的Gros Cicero的字,是十七世紀初普朗坦-莫雷圖斯印刷所使用字體之一,由羅貝爾·格朗容設計。[3][4][7][8])

Plantin的金屬鑄造活字由蒙納公司薩利工廠製作,由弗蘭克·辛曼·皮爾蓬特和Fritz Stelzer主持。選擇這樣一款法國文藝復興時期的活字在當時並不常見,因為當時英國印刷商喜歡用Caslon或者尼古拉·詹森十五世紀設計的復刻字體。儘管如此,在其後的幾十年裡,多家鑄排機廠商都復刻了多款Aldine或法國文藝復興時期的字體,其中包括蒙納自家的PoliphilusBemboGaramond,還有萊諾的 GranjonEstienne 等等,都是很受歡迎的正文字體。


Miller & Richard's Old Style, a delicate reinterpretation of pre nineteenth-century printing styles that became popular in the late nineteenth century. While offering a version of it as one of their first faces, Monotype in creating Plantin aimed to offer a more solid design that would print clearly.

以精美印刷聞名的Claude Lamesle在其1742年樣張中展示了格朗容字體原有的風貌。[9][8] Mosley has close-up images of some characters of the face.[10][a]而Plantin保留了格朗容設計中高大的x字高的特點,但把降部改短,並放大了小寫字母a、e的字懷[4]。並非所有字體都源自格朗容,因為十六世紀的法國並不使用字母J、U和W;另外在印刷字體樣張時,小寫字母a被替換成了一個十八世紀風格的設計。[12][10]


A digitisation of Times New Roman below Plantin and two other typefaces originally considered as a basis for the Times project: Perpetua, Baskerville and Plantin. Times is most based on Plantin, but with the letters made taller and its appearance "modernised" by adding eighteenth- and nineteenth-century influences similar to Baskerville and Perpetua, in particular enhancing the stroke contrast.
A sample image of Plantin created by Fontshop, showing infant styles and the condensed "News" and "Headline" styles sold for newspapers.

這款字以其粗狂、紮實的設計在二十世紀早期大為流行,廣泛用於商業以及報紙印刷。[13][14][15][16]}} As the basic font is relatively dark on the page, Monotype offered a 'light' version as well as a bold, which Hugh Williamson describes as "particularly suitable for bookwork."[17]

兩次世界大戰之間,這款字被用於Francis Meynell的Pelican出版社、Cloister出版社,以及劍橋大學出版社[4] 還有為Nonesuch Press出版社製作的定製版,拉高了小寫字母的升部和降部。[18] 蒙納公司還在七十年代為《觀察家報》製作了窄體版的 News Plantin。[19][1] 另外還有一款「兒童版」,小寫字母a、g採用單層設計,y兩邊保持豎直。

ABC新聞於1978年到1999年一直採用此字體。 Monocle雜誌全線也採用Plantin和 Helvetica.[20]

Plantin也是蒙納公司最著名的Times New Roman字體的設計基礎。[21][22] Times與Plantin非常類似,但通過增加筆畫對比顯得更現代、更鋒利。[23][24][25] Allan Haley commented that Times New Roman "looks like Plantin on a diet."[26]

最近其他廠商也有很多不同的數碼復刻版本,其中包括Chester Jenkins和Kris Sowersby 設計的Galaxie Copernicusis[27][28]


  1. ^ A better-quality digitisation of the whole specimen is available but it does not include this leaf.[11]
  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Slinn, Judy; Carter, Sebastian; Southall, Richard. History of the Monotype Corporation. : 202–3 etc. 
  2. ^ Schuster, Brigitte. Monotype Plantin: A Digital Revival by Brigitte Schuster (PDF). Royal Academy of Art, The Hague (M.A. thesis). 2010 [23 May 2014]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2016-02-18). 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Carter, Sebastian, Twentieth Century Type Designers, W. W. Norton & Company: 28–29, 1995 .
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Morison, Stanley. A Tally of Types . CUP Archive. 7 June 1973: 22–24. ISBN 978-0-521-09786-4. 
  5. ^ Meggs, Philip B.; Carter, Rob, 29. Plantin, Typographic Specimens: The Great Typefaces, John Wiley and Sons: 302–311, 1993, ISBN 978-0-471-28429-1 .
  6. ^ Mosley, James. The materials of typefounding. Type Foundry. [14 August 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2015-08-28). 
  7. ^ Mann, Meredith. Where Did Times New Roman Come From?. New York Public Library. [2 February 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-14). 
  8. ^ 8.0 8.1 Hendrik D. L. Vervliet. The Palaeotypography of the French Renaissance: Selected Papers on Sixteenth-century Typefaces. BRILL. 2008: 226–7. ISBN 978-90-04-16982-1. 
  9. ^ Lamesle, Claude. Épreuves générales des caracteres. 1742: 55. 
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 Mosley, James. Comments on Typophile thread. Typophile (archived). [16 December 2016]. (原始內容存檔於2011-10-13). The consensus appears to be that not only the wrong-fount a in the cases at Antwerp but also the italic that Monotype adapted for their Plantin (which can be seen on that first page of the 1905 specimen) may be the work of Johann Michael Schmidt (died 1750), also known as J. M. Smit or Smid. 
  11. ^ Lamesle, Claude. Épreuves générales des caracteres. 1742. 
  12. ^ Mosley, James. Reviving the Classics: Matthew Carter and the Interpretation of Historical Models. Mosley, James; Re, Margaret; Drucker, Johanna; Carter, Matthew (編). Typographically Speaking: The Art of Matthew Carter. Princeton Architectural Press. 2003: 31–34 [2021-02-14]. ISBN 9781568984278. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-05). Plantin was a recreation of one of the old types held at the Plantin-Moretus Museum in Antwerp, of which a specimen, printed in 1905, had been acquired by Pierpont on a visit. The type from which the specimen was printed was not only centuries old and worn almost beyond use, but it was contaminated with wrong-font letters (notably the letter 『a』) and the italic did not even belong to the roman. The revival, derived by Monotype from an indirect and confused original, is as sound a piece of type-making as was ever created in the 20th century…behind the foggy image of the roman type lies the...'Gros Cicero' Roman of Robert Granjon, acquired by the Plantin printing office after the death of its founder. 
  13. ^ Monotype (advert). Modern Publicity. 1930: 187 [15 March 2017]. [失效連結]
  14. ^ Warde, Beatrice. Twenty Years of Advertising Typography. Advertiser's Weekly. 1932: 130 [15 March 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-24). 
  15. ^ Hackney, Fiona Anne Seaton. "They Opened Up a Whole New World": Feminine Modernity and the Feminine Imagination in Women's Magazines, 1919-1939 (PDF). Goldsmith's College (PhD thesis). [15 March 2017]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2017-03-16). 
  16. ^ Lucy Lethbridge. Servants: A Downstairs View of Twentieth-century Britain. A&C Black. 14 March 2013: 187–8 [2021-02-14]. ISBN 978-1-4088-3407-7. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-16). 
  17. ^ Williamson, Hugh. Methods of Book Design. Oxford University Press. 1966: 81. 
  18. ^ Steeves, Andrew. Poetry Books for the Trala. Gaspereau Press. 14 April 2011 [12 March 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2018-03-10). 
  19. ^ Luna, Paul. Small Print. Designer. 1986. The first national to install a Lasercomp, it overcame the lack of suitable text faces by commissioning its own, a slightly condensed version of Plantin. 
  20. ^ Coles, Stephen. In Use: Plantin for Monocle. The FontFeed. FSI FontShop International. February 13, 2009 [2009-12-23]. (原始內容存檔於2009-08-27). 
  21. ^ Rhatigan, Dan. Time and Times again. Monotype. [28 July 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-19). 
  22. ^ Hutt, Allen. Times Roman: a re-assessment. Journal of Typographic Research. 1970, 4 (3): 259–270 [5 March 2017]. (原始內容存檔於2017-03-05). 
  23. ^ Lawson, Alexander. Anatomy of a Typeface. New York: David R. Godine. 1990: 270–294 [6 March 2016]. ISBN 9780879233334. 
  24. ^ Morison, Stanley. Changing the Times. Eye. [28 July 2015]. (原始內容存檔於2018-10-14). 
  25. ^ Allan Haley. Typographic Milestones. John Wiley & Sons. 15 September 1992: 106. ISBN 978-0-471-28894-7. 
  26. ^ Haley, Allen. ABC's of type. Watson-Guptill Publications. 1990: 86. ISBN 9780823000531. 
  27. ^ Heck, Bethany. Galaxie Copernicus review. Font Review Journal. [13 September 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-08). 
  28. ^ Thomson, Mark; Sowersby, Kris. Reputations: Kris Sowersby. Eye. [12 September 2019]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-25). 

