討論:.308 Winchester
由InternetArchiveBot在話題外部連結已修改上作出的最新留言:7 年前
本條目依照頁面評級標準評為初級。 本條目屬於下列維基專題範疇: |
Dead link
編輯During several automated bot runs the following external link was found to be unavailable. Please check if the link is in fact down and fix or remove it in that case!
- http://www3.sympatico.ca/shooters/7_62vs308.htm (archive)
- In .308 Winchester on 2009-02-26 13:42:25, 404 Not Found
- In .308 Winchester on 2009-03-31 09:09:48, 404 Not Found
The web page has been saved by the Internet Archive. Please consider linking to an appropriate archived version: [1]. --Sz-iwbot (留言) 2009年3月31日 (二) 09:07 (UTC)
- http://www.winchester.com/products/catalog/cfrdetail.aspx?symbol=SBST308
- In .308 Winchester on 2012-06-22 04:34:38, 404 Not Found
- In .308 Winchester on 2012-12-09 10:17:09, 404 Not Found
失效連結 2
- http://www.federalcartridge.com/ballistics
- In .223 Remington on 2012-06-22 04:34:38, 403 Forbidden
- In .223 Remington on 2012-12-09 10:17:59, 403 Forbidden
我剛剛修改了.308 Winchester中的1個外部連結,請大家仔細檢查我的編輯。如果您有疑問,或者需要讓機器人忽略某個連結甚至整個頁面,請訪問這個簡單的FAQ獲取更多信息。我進行了以下修改:
- 向 http://www.federalcartridge.com/ballistics 中加入存檔連結 http://www.webcitation.org/5PtBZg9QQ?url=http://www.federalcartridge.com/ballistics