根冠(英語:root cap, calyptra)是植物尖端的數層細胞。根冠的功能包括保護植物根尖的生長點、分泌黏質英语Mucilage以利根部在土壤中的穿透伸展[1],並可能參與與土壤微生物的訊息傳遞[1],另外根冠中的平衡細胞英语Statocyte與植物感知重力而形成的向地性有關[2]


某些寄生植物不具有根冠[3]:138。另外許多水生植物(浮萍) 也不具有根冠,而是形成一個稱為根囊(root pocket)的囊狀構造,因其根懸浮於水中,不需穿透土壤,根囊也失去了根冠的保護功能[4]:2–76


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Raven, J.A.; Edwards, D. Roots: evolutionary origins and biogeochemical significance. Journal of Experimental Botany. 2001, 52 (90001): 381–401. PMID 11326045. doi:10.1093/jexbot/52.suppl_1.381. 
  2. ^ Kuya, Noriyuki; Sato, Seiichi. The relationship between profiles of plagiogravitropism and morphometry of columella cells during the development of lateral roots of Vigna angularis. Advances in Space Research. 2011, 47: 553–562. Bibcode:2011AdSpR..47..553K. doi:10.1016/j.asr.2010.09.009. 
  3. ^ Jeffrey, Edward Charles. The Anatomy of Woody Plants. Pomeroy, Ohio: Carpenter Press. 2007. ISBN 1-4067-1634-0. 
  4. ^ Gupta, P.K. Genetics: Classical to Modern. Rastogi Publications. 2007. ISBN 978-8-1713-3896-2.