舞姬 (芭蕾舞劇)


舞姬》(俄语:«Баядерк»;法語:La Bayadère),是由莱昂·明库斯(Leon Minkus)作曲,俄籍法裔編舞家莫里斯·珀蒂帕(Marius Petipa)(於1818年~1910年之間)所排演四幕七場的大型芭蕾舞劇。首演於俄羅斯聖彼得堡(於1877年)

舞姬》 劇作描述神廟舞姬 Nikiya 與印度勇士Solor之間的階級之愛。除了刻畫印度宮廷華麗的樂舞景象,同時也保有浪漫芭蕾時期的白色芭蕾場景,傳遞愛情、神秘、命運、復仇與正義,是古典芭蕾傳世經典之作[1]


  • American Ballet Theatre. Program for Natalia Makarova's production of La Bayadère. Metropolitan Opera House, 2000.
  • Beaumont, Cyril. Complete Book Of Ballets.
  • Croce, Arlene. Review titled "Makarova's Miracle", written August 19, 1974, republished in Writing in the Dark, Dancing in 'The New Yorker' (2000) p. 57.
  • Greskovic, Robert. Ballet 101.
  • Guest, Ivor. CD Liner Notes. Léon Minkus, arr. John Lanchbery. La Bayadère. Richard Bonynge Cond. English Chamber Orchestra. Decca 436 917-2.
  • Hall, Coryne. Imperial Dancer: Mathilde Kschessinska and the Romanovs.
  • Imperial Mariinsky Theatre. Yearbook of the Imperial Theatres 1900–1901. St. Petersburg, Russian Empire. 1901.
  • Kschessinskaya, Mathilde Felixovna (Princess Romanovsky-Krassinsky). Dancing in St. Petersburg – The Memoirs of Kschessinska. Trans. Arnold Haskell.
  • Kirov/Mariinsky Ballet. Souvenir program for the reconstruction of Petipa's 1900 revival of La Bayadère. Mariinsky Theatre, 2002.
  • Petipa, Marius. The Diaries of Marius Petipa. Trans. and Ed. Lynn Garafola. Published in Studies in Dance History. 3.1 (Spring 1992).
  • Petipa, Marius. Memuary Mariusa Petipa solista ego imperatorskogo velichestva i baletmeistera imperatorskikh teatrov (The Memoirs of Marius Petipa, Soloist of His Imperial Majesty and Ballet Master of the Imperial Theatres).
  • Royal Ballet. Program for Natalia Makarova's production of La Bayadère. Royal Opera House, 1990.
  • Stegemann, Michael. CD Liner notes. Trans. Lionel Salter. Léon Minkus. Paquita & La Bayadère. Boris Spassov Cond. Sofia National Opera Orchestra. Capriccio 10 544.
  • Vazem, Ekaterina Ottovna. Ekaterina Ottovna Vazem – Memoirs of a Ballerina of the St. Petersburg Imperial Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre, 1867–1884. Trans. Roland John Wiley.
  • Wiley, Roland John. Dances from Russia: An Introduction to the Sergeyev Collection Published in The Harvard Library Bulletin, 24.1 January 1976.
  • Wiley, Roland John, ed. and translator. A Century of Russian Ballet: Documents and Eyewitness Accounts 1810–1910.
  • Wiley, Roland John. Tchaikovsky's Ballets.

  1. ^ 2022大觀國際表演藝術節-古典芭蕾舞劇《舞姬》. 2022大觀國際表演藝術節-古典芭蕾舞劇《舞姬》 — OPENTIX兩廳院文化生活. [2023-09-07]. (原始内容存档于2023-09-07).