MRC-5(全稱英國醫學研究委員會細胞株5、Medical Research Council cell strain-5)是由成纖維細胞組成的二倍體人類細胞系,該成纖維細胞來自於一個14週齡流產白人男性胎兒組織,胞體呈單一梭形。1966年9月,研究人員從原始菌株的第7代增殖分裂中,分離出了該細胞系,並且已知MRC-5細胞在約42至46代的增殖分裂中,就會達到衰老[1][2]。在過氧化氫的體外誘導下,MRC-5細胞會出現早熟性衰老。MRC-5細胞可用於生產幾種疫苗,包括麻疹腮腺炎德國麻疹混合疫苗水痘疫苗脊髓灰質炎疫苗等。


MRC-5細胞被很多科研單位和細胞培養工作者使用[3],因為其生產出的生物製品無外源因子、無外源性細胞殘餘去氧核糖核酸和無致瘤性。而且因具有廣泛的病毒敏感譜而成為制備疫苗適宜的培養基質,然而因具有對培養基和牛血清營養成分要求高,並且對剪應力敏感等的特點而具有培養難度大的缺點。有研究指出Cytodex 1[4]、Cytodex 2及Cytodex 3等均可應用於MRC-5細胞培養,其中Cytopore 2在細胞培養密度代謝和形態等方面均比Cytodex 3更適合於MRC-5细胞的培養,使用其能進行高密度及大規模的培養[5][6][7]


  1. ^ Jacobs, JP; Jones, CM; Baille, JP. Characteristics of a human diploid cell designated MRC-5.. Nature. 1970-07-11, 227 (5254): 168–70 [2019-11-29]. PMID 4316953. doi:10.1038/227168a0. 
  2. ^ Jacobs, JP. The status of human diploid cell strain MRC-5 as an approved substrate for the production of viral vaccines.. Journal of biological standardization. 1976-04, 4 (2): 97–9 [2019-11-29]. PMID 932048. doi:10.1016/0092-1157(76)90018-4. 
  3. ^ Saeed, K; Pelosi, E. Comparison between turnaround time and cost of herpes simplex virus testing by cell culture and polymerase chain reaction from genital swabs.. International journal of STD & AIDS. 2010-04, 21 (4): 298–9 [2019-11-29]. PMID 20378906. doi:10.1258/ijsa.2009.009006. 
  4. ^ Trabelsi, K; Majoul, S; Rourou, S; Kallel, H. Development of a measles vaccine production process in MRC-5 cells grown on Cytodex1 microcarriers and in a stirred bioreactor.. Applied microbiology and biotechnology. 2012-02, 93 (3): 1031–40 [2019-11-29]. PMID 21935589. doi:10.1007/s00253-011-3574-y. 
  5. ^ Morandi, M; Bandinelli, L; Valeri, A. Growth of MRC-5 diploid cells on three types of microcarriers.. Experientia. 1982-06-15, 38 (6): 668–70 [2019-11-29]. PMID 7049716. doi:10.1007/bf01964083. 
  6. ^ Varani, J; Bendelow, MJ; Chun, JH; Hillegas, WA. Cell growth on microcarriers: comparison of proliferation on and recovery from various substrates.. Journal of biological standardization. 1986-10, 14 (4): 331–6 [2019-11-29]. PMID 3558416. doi:10.1016/0092-1157(86)90020-x. 
  7. ^ Forestell, SP; Kalogerakis, N; Behie, LA. The extended serial subculture of human diploid fibroblasts on microcarriers using a new medium supplement formulation.. Biotechnology and bioengineering. 1992-11, 40 (9): 1039–44 [2019-11-29]. PMID 18601212. doi:10.1002/bit.260400907. 

