
神話专题 (获评初級低重要度
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生物专题 (获评初級低重要度
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Can someone help find reliable sources for en:Roulingzhi? It is currently nominated for deletion at en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Meat ganoderma due to a lack of sources, if anyone is interested. -- 李博杰  | Talk contribs 2010年9月9日 (四) 11:19 (UTC)回复

Journal articles

    • [1][2][3][4] Title: "生物和氏璧"——神奇的"肉灵芝" ("Biological He Shi Bi" - mysterious "meat lingzhi"); Author: 金得来 Jin Delai; Institution: 南京生华生物研究所涟水特种养殖场,223400 (Nanjing, China Institute of Biology, Health Lianshui); Journal: 农村新技术 (Rural Technology); Year, volume: 2007 (6); QCode: ncxjs200706022; DOI: CNKI:ISSN:1002-3542.0.2007-06-022; Abstract: "肉灵芝"是1996年在湖北神农架深山老林发现的一种粘菌复合体,属菌科生物.据<神农本草经>记载:"肉灵芝,无毒、补中、益精气、增智慧,治胸中结,久服轻身不老". ("Meat Lingzhi" is a type of glutinous germ compound (Note: term for slime mold) body discovered in a deep forest in Shennongjia, Hubei Province in 1996, that belongs to the bacterial biological family. According to Shennong Ben Cao Jing: "Meat Lingzhi, non-toxic, self-repairing, releases spores, (used to) enhance knowledge, regulate chest ??? (Note: Classical Chinese is very difficult for me to understand), prevent aging.")
    • [5][6][7][8] Title: 中药"肉灵芝" (Chinese medicine "meat lingzhi"); Author: 巨锋 Ju Feng; Journal: 知识就是力量 (Knowledge is power); Year, volume: 2008 (11); QCode: zsjsll200811010; DOI: CNKI:SUN:ZSLL.0.2008-11-010; Abstract: 2004年7月27日,陕西省韩城市农民在黄河龙门和大禹庙之间的河滩地上发现了一个特大"肉蘑菇",其高61.5厘米、宽42厘米、重量36千克. (July 27, 2004, in Hancheng, Shaanxi Province, a farmer discovered a very large "meat mushroom" on the floor of the river bank between Longmen at Yellow River and the Da Yu temple, with a height of 61.5 cm, width of 42 cm, and weight 36 kg.)
    • [9] Title: 美容护肤新概念——世纪珍品“肉灵芝” (New concept in beauty and skincare: Century treasure "Meat Lingzhi"); Institution: 莱柏尔公司 (Lai Boer company); Journal: 美与时代 (Beauty & Times); Year, volume: 2002年 01期; DOI: CNKI:SUN:MYSS.0.2002-01-013; Abstract: <正> 北京莱柏尔化妆品有限公司利用被国内外各媒体曾经广泛报道过的神来之物"肉灵芝"研制打造出一系列护肤珍品,为爱美女性提供了全新概念的化妆品。此系列产品的核心原料源自9年前在陕西周至县发现的——"不明生物体"的浸泡液和分泌液,该生物体经过国内有关专家长期研究,最后将其命名为"特大型粘菌复合体"。另据研究报告证实,该生物体是以细菌、酵母菌、霉菌孢子等微小生物为食,以纤维素、几丁质、甲壳质等 (Lai Boer Cosmetics Co., Ltd., Beijing to utilise a "Meat Lingzhi", once widely reported in domestic and international media as a lifeform of supernatural origin, to develop a series of skincare treasure, for the beauty-conscious women to provide a brand of cosmetics. The core material of this series of products was found nine years ago in Zhouzhi County - an "unknown organism" with immerse fluid and secretions, after long-term studies of domestic experts, the ultimate name granted will be "very large-scale glutinous microbe complex". According to another study, it is confirmed that the organisms are bacteria, yeast, mold spores and other tiny creatures for food, cellulose, chitin, chitin, etc.)
    • [10] Title: 神来之物“肉灵芝” (Bizarre lifeform "Meat Lingzhi"); Author: 李永增 Li Yongzeng; Journal: 瞭望 (Outlook Weekly); Year, volume: 2001年 19期; DOI: CNKI:SUN:LWZZ.0.2001-19-027; Abstract: <正> 今年4月底,一块重达80多公斤的"神秘肉团"由西安运抵北京,开始了在北京大观园公园为期三个月的公开展览,由此又揭开了一段尘封达8年之久的旧话。 1992年8月22日,陕西周至县农民杜战盟到渭河边打捞山洪卷下的浮柴时,意外地捞上来一块黑乎乎的"肉团",据杜家人介绍,这块 (At the end of April this year, a "mystery ball of flesh" weighing over 80 kilograms arrived in Beijing from Xi'an, and initiated a three-month public exhibition in Beijing Grand View Garden Park, this has reopened a section of long-laid-idle old words, of a period of 8 years. August 22, 1992, a farmer from Zhoushi county, Shaanxi Province known as Du Zhanmeng went to the edge of Weihe River float salvage wood under torrential volume, which accidentally pulled up a piece of the dark "flesh lump", according to recollection by the Du family.)

Refer to the above. -- 李博杰  | Talk contribs 2010年9月9日 (四) 12:47 (UTC)回复



大家好。我是海外华侨,对中国大陆的学术期刊网站不是很首席。我怎么可以找到学术期刊?可不可以有人帮忙找可靠的参考资料(最好是大学科学报告,期刊,等等)关于肉灵芝?现在,英语维基百科上的en:Roulingzhi要被删除,因为没有足够的可靠参考资料。大家可以来en:Wikipedia:Articles for deletion/Meat ganoderma看看,如果感兴趣的话。 Thanks, -- 李博杰  | Talk contribs 2010年9月9日 (四) 11:28 (UTC)回复

欢迎访问中国知网维普资讯网。--罪孽深重的爱学习的饭桶 (留言) 2010年9月9日 (四) 11:33 (UTC)回复
我发现有很多网站必须要你交钱(3元,人民币)才可以让你看资料。。。我连美元都没有,哪来的人民币。。。这些是免费的吗?谢谢-- 李博杰  | Talk contribs 2010年9月9日 (四) 11:40 (UTC)回复
我只想知道你用户页里的“超级牛逼”是咋搞的。-治愈 (留言) 2010年9月9日 (四) 12:52 (UTC)回复
在userpage上打<span class="noprint" style="position:absolute;top:0px;left:-150px;z-index:4">[[Image:Chaoji niubi.png|150px]]</span> -- 李博杰  | Talk contribs 2010年9月10日 (五) 08:59 (UTC)回复
治愈哥哥,我也会搞。--罪孽深重的爱学习的饭桶 (留言) 2010年9月9日 (四) 13:25 (UTC)回复
你可以找时昭哥哥菲菇哥哥帮忙。--罪孽深重的爱学习的饭桶 (留言) 2010年9月9日 (四) 13:24 (UTC)回复