
  • chew your food thoroughly and swallow it slowly (細嚼慢嚥)
  • an all-you-can-eat restaurant (吃到飽餐廳)
  • toss and turn (翻來覆去)
  • too slow to meet a pressing need (緩不濟急)
  • Safety is the first priority. (安全至上)
  • Actions speak louder than words. (坐而言,不如起而行;行動勝於空談)
  • People do not know the value of health till they lose it. (失去健康,方知健康的可貴)
  • Only when you lose health will you realize its important. (失去健康,方知健康的重要)
  • We can do no great thing, only small things with great love. (我們做不了什麼偉大的事,只能以偉大的愛來做小事)
  • No act of kindness, however small, is ever wasted. (善意的行為,無論多麼微不足道,都不會白費)
  • When you're good to others, you are best to yourself. (我們善待他人,即是最善待自己)
  • We live in a wonderful world that is full of beauty, charm, and adventure. There is no end to the adventures that we can have if only we seek them with our eyes open. (我們生活在充滿美、魅力及冒險的奇妙世界。只要我們打開雙眼去尋找,便有永無止境的探險)
  • Reading broadens the mind. (閱讀能讓心智成長)
  • Why do we look at ourselves in the mirror and see ugly instead of valuable? (為什麼我們鏡中看到的自己老是醜陋的,而不是有價值的呢?)
  • It is a beautiful thing when a career and a passion come together. (我們的職業和熱情能結合在一起,將是一件美好的事)
  • Do what you love, and love what you do. (一生做其所愛,也愛其所做)
  • Do what you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life. (因為做其所愛,則一生無一日必須工作)
  • Health is the foundation of everything in life. (健康是生活中一切的根本)
  • With love in your heart, you can see beauty in everything. (心中有愛,萬事皆美)
  • Nature selects, the fittest survives. (物競天擇,適者生存)
  • Man proposes but God disposes. (謀事在人,成事在天)
  • You can't do a kindness too soon, for you nerve know how soon it will be too late. (行善不會行之過早,因為你不知道何時將為之已晚)
  • Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. (我們太常低估了一次觸摸、一個微笑、一個善意的字眼、傾聽的耳、一句真誠的讚美或者最微小的關懷行動,所有的這些都有可能改變一個生命)
  • Break things down into small pieces. (化整為零)
  • Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lightening of a fire. (教育不是注滿一桶水,而是點燃一把火)
  • The beautiful thing about learning is that no one can take it away from you. (學習的美妙之處在於沒有人可以從你身上將它取走)
  • You can teach a student a lesson for a day, but if you can teach him to learn by creating curiosity, he will continue the learning process as long as he lives. (你可以每天教導學生一課,但是如果你以引發他的好奇心教導他,他將會終生學習)
  • In nature, noting is perfect and everything is perfect. Trees can be contorted, bent in weird ways, and they're still beautiful. (自然界,無一物是完美的,而每樣事物也具完美性。樹會被扭彎,彎成七形八怪,然而他們依然美麗存在著)
  • A man doesn't plant a tree for himself. He plants it for posterity. (人類種樹並不是為自己而種,而是為子子孫孫而種植)
  • All our dreams can come true, if we have the courage to pursue them. (如果我們有勇氣追夢,所有的夢想都能成真)
  • Education is the key to success in life, and teachers make a lasting impact in the lives of their students. (教育是人生成功之鑰,教師對學生一生的影響恆久遠)
  • All students can learn and succeed, but not in the same day, in the same way. (所有的學生都能學習並獲成功,但是卻不是在同一天裡或是用同樣的方式)



6.酸鹼中和公式 氫離子莫耳濃度=氫氧根莫耳濃度 =>酸性溶液莫耳數x酸性溶液化學式之氫離子個數=鹼性溶液莫耳數x鹼性溶液化學式之氫氧根個數



