干酪乳杆菌学名Lacticaseibacillus casei)又称C菌,是乳杆菌属的一种,存在于人类的肠道及口腔。文献记载这个独特的菌种除了可在广泛的pH值及温度的范围内存活,还可以促进嗜酸乳杆菌的成长,而嗜酸乳杆菌又可生产淀粉酶,一种碳水化合物消化酶。干酪乳杆菌被认为是一种可安全食用的益生菌。

科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
界: 细菌界 Bacteria
门: 厚壁菌门 Firmicutes
纲: 芽孢杆菌纲 Bacilli
目: 乳杆菌目 Lactobacillales
科: 乳杆菌科 Lactobacillaceae
属: 乳酪杆菌属 Lacticaseibacillus
干酪乳杆菌 L. casei
Lacticaseibacillus casei
(Orla-Jensen 1916) Zheng et al. 2020
  • "Caseobacterium vulgare" Orla-Jensen 1916
  • Lactobacillus casei (Orla-Jensen 1916) Hansen and Lessel 1971 (Approved Lists 1980)

此物种的命名历史极为混乱。[1]大部分原先被认定为此种的实用菌株,包括ATCC 334、Lc01、代田菌、DN-114001,都实际上属于副干酪乳杆菌L. paracasei)。[2]

代田菌 编辑


代田菌(L. casei Shirota)是干酪乳酸菌的一株,由日本医学博士代田稔培育出来的株种,为养乐多的招牌菌种。2013年,芬兰科学家从酸奶中提取出代田菌并完成了测序。[3]

参考资料 编辑

  1. ^ Judicial Commission of the International Committee on Systematics of, Bacteria. The type strain of Lactobacillus casei is ATCC 393, ATCC 334 cannot serve as the type because it represents a different taxon, the name Lactobacillus paracasei and its subspecies names are not rejected and the revival of the name 'Lactobacillus zeae' contravenes Rules 51b (1) and (2) of the International Code of Nomenclature of Bacteria. Opinion 82.. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. July 2008, 58 (Pt 7): 1764–5. PMID 18599731. doi:10.1099/ijs.0.2008/005330-0 . 
  2. ^ Lacticaseibacillus paracasei strain LcY, whole genome shotgun sequencing project. 2018-10-11. 
  3. ^ Douillard, FP; Kant, R; Ritari, J; Paulin, L; Palva, A; de Vos, WM. Comparative genome analysis of Lactobacillus casei strains isolated from Actimel and Yakult products reveals marked similarities and points to a common origin.. Microbial Biotechnology. September 2013, 6 (5): 576–87. PMC 3918159 . PMID 23815335. doi:10.1111/1751-7915.12062. 

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