
保罗·亚历山德罗维奇(俄语:Павел Александрович,英语:Paul Alexandrovich,1860年10月3日—1919年1月24日),是俄罗斯帝国皇子,俗称保罗大公

Павел Александрович

沙皇亚历山大二世和皇后,玛丽亚·亚历山大芙娜的幼子。1889年保罗大公与希腊的亚历山德拉公主(1870年-1891年)结婚;有一子一女(女儿玛丽亚·帕夫洛夫娜)- 1902年以贵庶通婚法续弦,娶奥丽加·华勒里安诺夫娜·帕雷,婚前原名奥丽加·卡诺维奇(1866年-1929年);子女赐姓帕雷(Paley)。有1子2女。


参见 编辑

  • (女儿玛丽亚·帕夫洛夫娜著有二书(公主教育记,公主流亡记),其中一书为“Великая княгиня Мари́я Па́вловна”(末代沙皇公主回忆录(公主教育记/Education of a Princess, a memoir by Marie, Grand Dushess of Russia. Blue Ribbon Book. New York. 1931.) ISBN 978-7-5146-1528-9 ,本书1931年在纽约出版))
    • Education of a Princess, a memoir by Marie, Grand Dushess of Russia. Blue Ribbon Book. New York. 1931.
    • A Princess in Exile by Marie, Grand Dushess of Russia. The Voking Press. New York. 1931.
    • Мария Павловна. Мемуары. изд. Захаров. Москва. 2004. ISBN 5-8159-0408-2

参考文献 编辑

  • Alexander, Grand Duke of Russia. Once a Grand Duke. Cassell, London, 1932, ASIN: B000J3ZFL2
  • Belyakova, Zoia. Grand Duchess Maria Nikolayevna and her palace in St Peterburg. Ego Publishers, ISBN 5-8276-0011-3
  • Chavchavadze, David. The Grand Dukes, Atlantic, 1989, ISBN 0-938311-11-5
  • Cockfield, Jamie H. White Crow: The Life and Times of the Grand Duke Nicholas Mikhailovich Romanov, 1859-1919. Praeger, 2002, ISBN 0-275-97778-1
  • King, Greg. The Court of the Last Tsar. Wiley, 2006. ISBN 978-0-471-72763-7.
  • Hall, Coryne. Danish efforts to Help the Imprisoned Romanovs. Published in Royal Russia N 6. 2014. ISBN 1927604079.
  • Hall, Coryne. The English Dacha at Tsarkoe Selo. Royalty Digest Quarterly. 2007 N 1. ISSN 1653-5219
  • Lee, William & Davidson, Lisa. Grand Duke Paul Alexandrovich. Published in The Grand Dukes. Eurohistory, 2012. ISBN 9780985460396
  • Marie Georgievna, Grand Duchess of Russia. A Romanov Diary: the Autobiography of the Grand Duchess Marie Georgievna of Russia. Gilbert's Books, 2012. ISBN 978-09865310-6-4
  • Papi, Stefano. Jewels of the Romanovs. Thames & Hudson, 2013. ISBN 978-0-500-51706-2
  • Paley, Princess. Memories of Russia, 1916-1919. Herbert Jenkins Ltd, 1924. ASIN: B000O5UBBE
  • Perry, John and Pleshakov, Constantine. The Flight of the Romanovs. Basic Books, 1999, ISBN 0-465-02462-9.
  • Van der Kiste, John. The Romanovs 1818–1959. Sutton Publishing, 1999, ISBN 0-7509-2275-3.
  • Vassiliev, Alexandre. Beauty in Exile: The Artists, Models, and Nobility who Fled the Russian Revolution and Influenced the World of Fashion. Harry N. Abrams, 2001. ISBN 0-8109-5701-9
  • Zeepvat, Charlotte. Dear Unforgettable Alix. Royalty Digest Quarterly. 2012 N 3. ISSN 1653-5219
  • Zeepvat, Charlotte. The Camera and the Tsars. Sutton Publishing, 2004. ISBN 0-7509-3049-7.
  • Zeepvat, Charlotte. Romanov Autumn: stories from the last century of Imperial Russia. Sutton Publishing, 2000. ISBN 9780750923378