

华德福(Waldorf)教育(也称之为史代纳教育)是一种人性化的教育方法,以自然教育为主,它基于创立人智学奥地利哲学家鲁道夫·斯坦纳的一种教育哲学理念。第一所华德福学校创立于1919年,是位于德国斯图尔特的华德福阿斯托里亚卷烟厂为员工子弟建立的一所学校。2017年,全球75个国家建立了1139所独立的、1857所幼儿园[1] 、530所特殊教育中心[2] 。同时还有很多基于华德福教育理念的公立学校[3]、特许学校和在家教育[4]

位于 奥克兰都会区的Michael Park Rudolf Steiner 学校





鲁道夫·史代纳, 人智学创始人


第一所基于这种理念的学校在1919年成立,是由德国企业家,时任斯图加特华德福-阿斯多里亚卷烟厂经理依米尔·默特为他工厂的职工子弟而建立的。这是华德福学校名称的来历,现在作为推广这种教育方式团体的名称和标志。这所学校很快吸引了非华德福卷烟厂职工子弟前来就学[12] ,而使其快速发展。它也是德国第一所综合学校,接纳所有适龄儿童[13]。为了适应当时德国的教育法规,让学校能够很快被大众所接受,早期的华德福学校偏离了斯坦纳的教学思想,但是却实现他的一个目标:让学生能够在华德福教育和传统学校教育中能够快速和自由转换。华德福学校一直都是男女同校的学校[14][15]

华德福学校开始在其他地方建立起来:汉堡、海牙、巴塞尔。在1922年斯坦纳在英国牛津大学做了一场关于教育的演讲后[16],华德福教育开始在英国传播。英国第一所华德福学校建立于1925年,现在叫做迈克尔·霍尔学校;美国的第一所华德福学校建立于1928年,叫做纽约华德福-史代纳学校。在1930年代,大量受到华德福学校启发或者是参照华德福教育理念的学校在德国、瑞士、新西兰、挪威、奥地利、匈牙利、美国、英国建立起来。虽然在二战期间,因和纳粹政治冲突而导致欧洲大量的华德福学校被关闭,但是英国的学校和少数荷兰的学校没有受到影响,被关闭的学校也在二战后重开[17]。1970年代到1980年代华德福学校在世界上快速发展,仅仅在北美,1967-68年只有9所华德福学校在美国[18]和1所在加拿大,[19]发展到今天有两百多所在美国和二十多所在加拿大[20] 现有33所在英国和4所在爱尔兰[21]

苏联解体后,华德福学校开始在中东欧不断发展,最近几年,许多华德福学校在亚洲建立起来,尤其是在中国。[22] [23] 全球现有一千多所独立的华德福学校。


学校数量 国家数
非洲 22 5
亚洲 61 13
欧洲 734 40
北美洲 190 2
大洋洲 60 3
南美洲 58 6
中美洲 15 6
总数 1139 75


  1. ^ Directory of Waldorf and Rudolf Steiner Schools, Kindergartens and Teacher Training Centers worldwide (PDF). [2017-08-21]. (原始内容存档 (PDF)于2019-12-12). 
  2. ^ (德语) Anthroposophical centers for curative education页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) "Currently, there are about 530 international curative education and social therapy centers, more than 60 training centers and 30 associations in more than 40 countries."
  3. ^ J. Vasagard, "A different class: the expansion of Steiner schools"页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Guardian 25 May 2012
  4. ^ M. L. Stevens, "The Normalisation of Homeschooling in the USA", Evaluation & Research in Education Volume 17, Issue 2–3, 2003 , pp. 90–100
  5. ^ McGavin, Harvey. Making room for Rudolf. TES. 11 May 2008 [November 2012]. (原始内容存档于2013-10-26). 
  6. ^ Gruber, Karl Heinz. Impact of Plowden in Germany and Austria. Oxford Review of Education. 1987, 13 (1): 63. Catholic or Protestant private schools hardly differ from the state schools, but the anthroposophical Rudolf Steiner or Waldorf schools enjoy enormous popularity. Not following the state school curriculum these (costly) private establishments put more emphasis on individual interests, creative expression and parental involvement. However, there are only few Waldorf schools (sic) and they seem to be a domain of the affluent, education-conscious middle class. 
  7. ^ "The Free Waldorf School inspired by Steiner has not stirred comparable discussion or controversy....those interested in the Waldorf School today, be they pedagogically enthusiastic parents, educational scholars, or politicians responsible for education, generally tend to view this school form first and foremost as a representative of internationally recognized models of applied classic reform pedagogy." Ullrich, Rudolf Steiner, p. 140-141
  8. ^ Gordon, Anne Miles; Kathryn Williams Browne. Beginnings and Beyond: Foundations in Early Childhood Education 8th Edition. Belmont, California: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. 2010: 14. ISBN 978-0495808176. This system has influenced mainstream education in Europe, and its international reputation is felt in North America today. 
  9. ^ Data drawn from Helmut Zander, Anthroposophie in Deutschland, 2 volumes, Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht Verlag, Göttingen 2007, ISBN 978-3-525-55452-4; Dirk Randall, "Empirische Forschung und Waldorfpädogogik", in H. Paschen (ed.) Erziehungswissenschaftliche Zugänge zur Waldorfpädagogik, 2010 Berlin: Springer 978-3-531-17397-9; "Introduction", Deeper insights in education: the Waldorf approach, Rudolf Steiner Press (December 1983) 978-0880100670. p. vii; L. M. Klasse, Die Waldorfschule und die Grundlagen der Waldorfpädagogik Rudolf Steiners, GRIN Verlag, 2007; Ogletree E J "The Waldorf Schools: An International School System." Headmaster U.S.A., pp8-10 Dec 1979; Heiner Ullrich, Rudolf Steiner, Translated by Janet Duke and Daniel Balestrini, Continuum Library of Educational Thought, v. 11, 2008 ISBN 978-0-8264-8419-2.
  10. ^ Jacobs, Nicholas. The German Social Democratic Party School in Berlin, 1906–1914. History Workshop. Spring 1978, 5: 179–187. 
  11. ^ Zander, Helmut. Anthroposophie in Deutschland. Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht. 2007. 
  12. ^ Johannes Hemleben, Rudolf Steiner: A documentary biography, Henry Goulden Ltd, ISBN 978-0-904822-02-1, pp. 121–126 (German edition Rowohlt Taschenbuch Verlag ISBN 978-3-499-50079-4).
  13. ^ Heiner Ullrich. Inge Hansen-Schaberg, Bruno Schonig , 编. Basiswissen Pädagogik. Reformpädagogische Schulkonzepte Band 6: Waldorf-Pädagogik. Baltmannsweiler: Schneider Verlag Hohengehren. 2002. ISBN 3-89676503-5. 
  14. ^ Barnes, Henry. An Introduction to Waldorf Education. Teachers College Record. 1980, 81 (3): 323–336. 
  15. ^ Reinsmith, William A. The Whole in Every Part: Steiner and Waldorf Schooling. The Educational Forum. 31 March 1990, 54 (1): 79–91. doi:10.1080/00131728909335521. 
  16. ^ Paull, John (2011) Rudolf Steiner and the Oxford Conference: The Birth of Waldorf Education in Britain页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). European Journal of Educational Studies, 3(1): 53–66.
  17. ^ P. Bruce Uhrmacher. Uncommon Schooling: A Historical Look at Rudolf Steiner, Anthroposophy, and Waldorf Education. Curriculum Inquiry. 1995, 25 (4): 381–406 [2018-04-02]. doi:10.2307/1180016. (原始内容存档于2018-07-26). 
  18. ^ The schools founded by 1967 were: Detroit Waldorf School, Green Meadow Waldorf School, High Mowing School, Highland Hall Waldorf School, Honolulu Waldorf School, Kimberton Waldorf School, Rudolf Steiner School of New York City, Sacramento Waldorf School, Waldorf School of Garden City.AWSNA list of schools with dates of founding页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  19. ^ 成立于1968年,多伦多华德福学校 Toronto Waldorf School 是加拿大第一所华德福学校。[1]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  20. ^ Waldorf Schools in Canada 存档副本. [2014-01-04]. (原始内容存档于2014-01-04). 
  21. ^ Steiner Waldorf Schools Foundation, List of Steiner schools [www.steinerwaldorf.org/_listofsteinerschools.html]
  22. ^ Connor, Neil (March 12, 2012). "China Starts to Question Strict Schooling Methods" [2]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆
  23. ^ Lin Qi and Guo Shuhan (2011-06-23). "Educating the Whole Child", China Daily [3]页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆



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