

酸蚀是一种牙齿磨损英语tooth wear现象,指的是酸(非细菌带来)溶解牙齿后牙齿出现磨损状况,牙齿磨损情况不可逆转。[1]牙齿糜烂是5-17岁儿童最常见的慢性疾病[2]。饮用果汁是造成牙齿酸蚀的原因之一[3]。酸蚀的过程先从牙釉质开始,牙釉质变薄后,腐蚀过程蔓延至牙本质,此时牙齿呈现暗黄色,并引发牙本质过敏英语dentin hypersensitivity[4]


引起牙齿腐蚀最常见原因是饮用酸性食物和饮料(例如果汁[5])。一般来说,PH值低于5.0-5.7的食物和饮料都会引发牙齿腐蚀。[6]许多临床和实验室报告都将牙齿糜烂与饮用过多的饮料联系起来。一些酒精和水果饮料、橙汁等含有柠檬酸的果汁和可乐等软性饮料(其中柠檬酸磷酸是导致腐蚀的原因,碳酸则不是)被认为是引发牙齿酸蚀的因素之一。[7] 此外,葡萄酒已被证明可以腐蚀牙齿,因为葡萄酒的pH值会低至3.0-3.8。[6]化过的游泳池的水[8]胃酸反流等也会侵蚀牙齿。[9] 在患有慢性疾病的儿童中,他们服用含有酸性成分的药物也是引发牙齿腐蚀的原因之一。[10]人们在化石中也发现有动物出现牙齿腐蚀的现象,很可能是由它们食用的酸性水果或植物所造成。[1]


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  2. ^ ten Cate JM, Imfeld T. Dental erosion, summary. European Journal of Oral Sciences. April 1996, 104 (2 ( Pt 2)): 241–4. PMID 8804892. doi:10.1111/j.1600-0722.1996.tb00073.x. 
  3. ^ Dugmore CR, Rock WP. A multifactorial analysis of factors associated with dental erosion. British Dental Journal. March 2004, 196 (5): 283–6; discussion 273. PMID 15017418. doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.4811041 . 
  4. ^ Guignon, Anne. Dental Erosion: An Increasingly Common Cause of Dentin Hypersensitivity (PDF). Colgate Dental Aegis. September 2013 [2021-04-29]. (原始内容 (PDF)存档于2021-04-29). 
  5. ^ 'Health juices' harm baby teeth. BBC News Online. 2 August 2007 [2009-05-21]. (原始内容存档于2009-01-11). 
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 Mandel L. Dental erosion due to wine consumption. Journal of the American Dental Association. January 2005, 136 (1): 71–5. PMID 15693499. doi:10.14219/jada.archive.2005.0029. 
  7. ^ Moynihan PJ. Dietary advice in dental practice. British Dental Journal. November 2002, 193 (10): 563–8. PMID 12481178. doi:10.1038/sj.bdj.4801628 . 
  8. ^ Buczkowska-Radlińska J, Łagocka R, Kaczmarek W, Górski M, Nowicka A. Prevalence of dental erosion in adolescent competitive swimmers exposed to gas-chlorinated swimming pool water. Clinical Oral Investigations. March 2013, 17 (2): 579–83. PMC 3579418 . PMID 22476450. doi:10.1007/s00784-012-0720-6. 
  9. ^ Paryag A, Rafeek R. Dental Erosion and Medical Conditions: An Overview of Aetiology, Diagnosis and Management. The West Indian Medical Journal. September 2014, 63 (5): 499–502. PMC 4655683 . PMID 25781289. doi:10.7727/wimj.2013.140. 
  10. ^ Nunn JH, Ng SK, Sharkey I, Coulthard M. The dental implications of chronic use of acidic medicines in medically compromised children. Pharmacy World & Science. June 2001, 23 (3): 118–9. PMID 11468877. S2CID 7071706. doi:10.1023/A:1011202409386. 

