


科学分类 编辑
域: 细菌域 Bacteria
门: 芽孢杆菌门 Bacillota
纲: 梭菌纲 Clostridia
目: 真细菌目 Eubacteriales
科: 颤螺旋菌科 Oscillospiraceae
Peshkoff, 1940
Chatton and Pérard 1913
  • Ruminococcaceae Rainey 2010
  • Hungateiclostridiaceae Zhang et al., 2018




  • Amygdalobacter Srinivasan et al. 2023[2]
    • Amygdalobacter indicium Srinivasan et al. 2023
    • Amygdalobacter nucleatus Srinivasan et al. 2023
  • 从正菌属 Congzhengia Liu et al. 2021,本属以金代大医学家张从正的名字命名
  • Drancourtella Durand et al. 2023
    • Drancourtella massiliensis Durand et al. 2023[3]
  • Dysosmobacter Le Roy et al. 2020
    • Dysosmobacter acutus Li et al. 2022
    • Dysosmobacter hominis Liu et al. 2022
    • Dysosmobacter welbionis Le Roy et al. 2020
  • Evtepia Strandwitz et al. 2019
    • Evtepia excrementipullorum Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Evtepia faecavium Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Evtepia faecigallinarum Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Evtepia gabavorous Strandwitz et al. 2019
  • Faecalibacterium Duncan et al. 2002Name
    • Faecalibacterium avium Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Faecalibacterium butyricigenerans Zou et al. 2021
    • Faecalibacterium duncaniae Sakamoto et al. 2022
    • Faecalibacterium faecigallinarum Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Faecalibacterium faecipullorum Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Faecalibacterium gallinarum Sakamoto et al. 2022
    • Faecalibacterium gallistercoris Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Faecalibacterium hattorii Sakamoto et al. 2022
    • Faecalibacterium hominis Afrizal et al. 2022
    • Faecalibacterium hominis Liu et al. 2023
    • Faecalibacterium intestinavium Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Faecalibacterium intestinigallinarum Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Faecalibacterium intestinipullorum Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Faecalibacterium longum Zou et al. 2021
    • Faecalibacterium moorei Fitzgerald et al. 2018
    • Faecalibacterium prausnitzii (Hauduroy et al. 1937) Duncan et al. 2002
    • Faecalibacterium taiwanense Liou et al. 2024[4]
  • Faecalispora Rios-Galicia et al. 2024
    • Faecalispora anaeroviscerum Rios-Galicia et al. 2024[5]
    • Faecalispora jeddahensis (Lagier et al. 2016) Rios-Galicia et al. 2024
    • Faecalispora sporosphaeroides (Soriano and Soriano 1948) Rios-Galicia et al. 2024
  • Flavonifractor Carlier et al., 2010
    • Flavonifractor plautii (Séguin 1928) Carlier et al. 2010
  • Hominenteromicrobium Afrizal et al. 2023[6]
    • Hominenteromicrobium mulieris Afrizal et al. 2023
  • Hominicoprocola Afrizal et al. 2023[7]
    • Hominicoprocola fusiformis Afrizal et al. 2023
  • Hominilimicola Afrizal et al. 2023[8]
    • Hominilimicola fabiformis Afrizal et al. 2023
  • Intestinimonas Kläring et al., 2013
    • Intestinimonas aquisgranensis Afrizal et al. 2023[9]
    • Intestinimonas butyriciproducens Kläring et al. 2013
    • Intestinimonas gabonensis Mourembou et al. 2017
    • Intestinimonas massiliensis Afouda et al. 2020
    • Intestinimonas massiliensis Durand et al. 2017
    • Intestinimonas merdavium Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Intestinimonas pullistercoris Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Intestinimonas stercoravium Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Intestinimonas stercorigallinarum Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Intestinimonas timonensis Durand et al. 2017
  • Lawsonibacter Sakamoto et al. 2018
    • Lawsonibacter asaccharolyticus Sakamoto et al. 2018
    • Lawsonibacter celer Liu et al. 2022[10]
    • Lawsonibacter faecis Liu et al. 2022
    • Lawsonibacter hominis Liu et al. 2022
  • Merdimmobilis Abdugheni et al. 2023
    • Merdimmobilis hominis Abdugheni et al. 2023[11]
  • 颤杆菌属 Oscillibacter Iino et al., 2007
    • Oscillibacter acetigenes Hitch et al. 2022
    • Oscillibacter avistercoris Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Oscillibacter excrementavium Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Oscillibacter excrementigallinarum Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Oscillibacter hominis Liu et al. 2022
    • Oscillibacter massiliensis Traore et al. 2017
    • Oscillibacter pullicola Gilroy et al. 2021
    • Oscillibacter ruminantium Lee et al. 2013
    • Oscillibacter valericigenes Iino et al. 2007
  • 颤螺旋菌属 Oscillospira Chatton & Perard, 1913
  • Papillibacter Defnoun et al., 2000
    • Papillibacter cinnamivorans Defnoun et al. 2000
  • Paludihabitans Deshmukh and Oren 2023
    • Paludihabitans psychrotolerans (Li et al. 2017) Deshmukh and Oren 2023[12]
  • Pseudoflavonifractor Carlier et al., 2010
    • Pseudoflavonifractor capillosus (Tissier, 1908) Carlier et al., 2010[13]
    • Pseudoflavonifractor gallinarum Zenner et al. 2021[14]
  • Ructibacterium Zenner et al. 2021
    • Ructibacterium gallinarum Zenner et al. 2021[15]
  • 孢杆菌属 Sporobacter Grech-Mora et al., 1996
  • Thermocaproicibacter Nguyen et al. 2023
    • Thermocaproicibacter melissae Nguyen et al. 2023[16]
  • Vescimonas Kitahara et al. 2021
    • Vescimonas coprocola Kitahara et al. 2021[17]
    • Vescimonas fastidiosa Kitahara et al. 2021[18]


  1. ^ Oscillospiraceae. GBIF. [2022-08-23]. (原始内容存档于2021-04-25). 
  2. ^ Srinivasan S, Austin MN, Fiedler TL, Strenk SM, Agnew KJ, Gowda GAN, Raftery D, Beamer MA, Achilles SL, Wiesenfeld HC, et al. Amygdalobacter indicium gen. nov., sp. nov., and Amygdalobacter nucleatus sp. nov., gen. nov.: novel bacteria from the family Oscillospiraceae isolated from the female genital tract. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:6017.
  3. ^ Durand GA, Lagier JC, Khelaifia S, Armstrong N, Robert C, Rathored J, Fournier PE, Raoult D. Drancourtella massiliensis gen. nov., sp. nov. isolated from fresh healthy human faecal sample from South France. New Microbes New Infect 2016; 11:34-42.
  4. ^ Liou JS, Zhang WL, Hsu LW, Chen CC, Wang YT, Mori K, Hidaka K, Hamada M, Huang L, Watanabe K, et al. Faecalibacterium taiwanense sp. nov., isolated from human faeces. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2024; 74:6413.
  5. ^ Rios-Galicia B, Saenz JS, Yergaliyev T, Roth C, Camarinha-Silva A, Seifert J. Novel taxonomic and functional diversity of eight bacteria from the upper digestive tract of chicken. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2024; 74:6210.
  6. ^ Afrizal A, Hitch TCA, Viehof A, Treichel N, Riedel T, Abt B, Buhl EM, Kohlheyer D, Overmann J, Clavel T. Anaerobic single-cell dispensing facilitates the cultivation of human gut bacteria. Environ Microbiol 2022; 24:3861-3881.
  7. ^ Afrizal A, Hitch TCA, Viehof A, Treichel N, Riedel T, Abt B, Buhl EM, Kohlheyer D, Overmann J, Clavel T. Anaerobic single-cell dispensing facilitates the cultivation of human gut bacteria. Environ Microbiol 2022; 24:3861-3881.
  8. ^ Afrizal A, Hitch TCA, Viehof A, Treichel N, Riedel T, Abt B, Buhl EM, Kohlheyer D, Overmann J, Clavel T. Anaerobic single-cell dispensing facilitates the cultivation of human gut bacteria. Environ Microbiol 2022; 24:3861-3881.
  9. ^ Afrizal A, Hitch TCA, Viehof A, Treichel N, Riedel T, Abt B, Buhl EM, Kohlheyer D, Overmann J, Clavel T. Anaerobic single-cell dispensing facilitates the cultivation of human gut bacteria. Environ Microbiol 2022; 24:3861-3881.
  10. ^ Liu C, Du MX, Abuduaini R, Yu HY, Li DH, Wang YJ, Zhou N, Jiang MZ, Niu PX, Han SS, et al. Enlightening the taxonomy darkness of human gut microbiomes with a cultured biobank. Microbiome 2021; 9:119.
  11. ^ Abdugheni R, Li DH, Wang YJ, Du MX, Zhou N, Liu C, Liu SJ. Acidaminococcus homini s sp. nov., Amedibacillus hominis sp. nov., Lientehia hominis gen. nov. sp. nov., Merdimmobilis hominis gen. nov. sp. nov., and Paraeggerthella hominis sp. nov., isolated from human faeces. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5648.
  12. ^ Deshmukh UB, Oren A. Proposal of Eoetvoesiella gen. nov., Paludihabitans gen. nov., Rivihabitans gen. nov. and Salella gen. nov. as replacement names for the illegitimate prokaryotic generic names Eoetvoesia, Paludicola, Rivicola and Sala, respectively. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5901.
  13. ^ Carlier JP, Bedora-Faure M, K'ouas G, Alauzet C, Mory F. Proposal to unify Clostridium orbiscindens Winter et al. 1991 and Eubacterium plautii (Seguin 1928) Hofstad and Aasjord 1982, with description of Flavonifractor plautii gen. nov., comb. nov., and reassignment of Bacteroides capillosus to Pseudoflavonifractor capillosus gen. nov., comb. nov. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2010; 60:585-590.
  14. ^ Zenner C, Hitch TCA, Riedel T, Wortmann E, Tiede S, Buhl EM, Abt B, Neuhaus K, Velge P, Overmann J, et al. Early-Life Immune System Maturation in Chickens Using a Synthetic Community of Cultured Gut Bacteria. mSystems 2021; 6:0.
  15. ^ Zenner C, Hitch TCA, Riedel T, Wortmann E, Tiede S, Buhl EM, Abt B, Neuhaus K, Velge P, Overmann J, et al. Early-Life Immune System Maturation in Chickens Using a Synthetic Community of Cultured Gut Bacteria. mSystems 2021; 6:0.
  16. ^ Nguyen TV, Viver T, Smets I, Bernaerts K, Faust K, Lavigne R, Poughon L, Dussap CG, Springael D. Thermocaproicibacter melissae gen. nov., sp. nov., a thermophilic chain-elongating bacterium, producing n-caproate from polymeric carbohydrates. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2023; 73:5893.
  17. ^ Kitahara M, Shigeno Y, Shime M, Matsumoto Y, Nakamura S, Motooka D, Fukuoka S, Nishikawa H, Benno Y. Vescimonas gen. nov., Vescimonas coprocola sp. nov., Vescimonas fastidiosa sp. nov., Pusillimonas gen. nov. and Pusillimonas faecalis sp. nov. isolated from human faeces. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021; 71:5066.
  18. ^ Kitahara M, Shigeno Y, Shime M, Matsumoto Y, Nakamura S, Motooka D, Fukuoka S, Nishikawa H, Benno Y. Vescimonas gen. nov., Vescimonas coprocola sp. nov., Vescimonas fastidiosa sp. nov., Pusillimonas gen. nov. and Pusillimonas faecalis sp. nov. isolated from human faeces. Int J Syst Evol Microbiol 2021; 71:5066.
  • LPSN - List of Prokaryotic names with Standing in Nomenclature