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编辑为什么称之为“骄傲游行”? 应该是“尊严/自尊游行才队。因为pride在中文是“尊严/自尊”
- 回应上面的人。我觉得翻译成骄傲游行比尊严游行更为洽当。因为同性恋游行的目的不仅只要求社会给予同性恋尊严,而在强调身为同性恋是一件值得骄傲的事,在酷儿理论的脉络之下,称骄傲游行有着比尊严游行更恰当的意涵--我存在所以我骄傲,而非乞求别人施予尊严。不知大家意见如何?PS.讨论记得留名字--虎儿 12:58 2004年7月25日 (UTC)
Never heard of "尊严/自尊游行", "骄傲游行" is the only translation i ever met. Both google and Baidu suggest 骄傲游行 to be the popular use. (自尊游行 gets no google hit, 尊严游行 gets 13 hits, but few are related to "pride parade" while 骄傲游行 gets 199 google hits, and most of them are relevant. what i can find from English WP about pride parade is: the gay pride campaign of the gay rights movement has three main premises: that people should be proud of what they are.... here 骄傲 is best for this "pride". further more, 骄傲游行 is already a convention, and we should not make up a new confusing translation for it. PS, you can also review the meanings of 骄傲, which, i think, in Chinese, has lots of meanings, including what u mentioned above. --Yacht (talk) 13:21 2004年7月25日 (UTC)
? How sad :( ... Greudin
Community,可以指一群人,这群人只要有密切联系就算不一定要住得近(像是维基社群)。也可以指一个住宅区。我个人觉得,Castro社区那样专门才能叫做社区。 AirBa 22:58 2005年8月31日 (UTC)