

图标符号 e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh
ABZgl                                                 Forward and to left
ABZrf                                                 Forward and to right
ABZg+r                                                 Backward and to left
ABZrg                                                 Backward and to right
ABZql                                                 To left & across
ABZqr                                                 To right & across
ABZq+r                                                 From right and across
ABZq+l                                                 From left and across
ABZlr                                                 To left & right
ABZ+lr                                                 From left & right
ABZl+l                                                 To & from left
ABZr+r                                                 To & from right
图标符号 e x ex t et xt ext h eh xh exh u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext uh ueh uxh uexh


图标符号 e x ex u ue ux uex
mABZlf                 Down & to left
mABZrf                 Down & to right
mABZlg                 Up & to left
mABZrg                 Up & to right
mABZql                 Across & to left
mABZqr                 Across & to right
mABZq+l                 Across & from left
mABZq+r                 Across & from right
mABZlr                 To left & right
mABZ+lr                 From left & right
图标符号 e x ex u ue ux uex




图标符号 e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext
ABZg3                                 Straight & forward to corner 3
ABZg3u                                 Straight & forward to corner 3 branch underneath
ABZg3xu                                 Straight & forward to corner 3 branch underneath ex
ABZg2                                 Straight & forward to corner 2
ABZg2u                                 Straight & forward to corner 2 branch underneath
ABZg2xu                                 Straight & forward to corner 2 branch underneath ex
ABZ23                                 Forward to corners 2 & 3
ABZg+4                                 Straight & forward from corner 4
ABZg+4u                                 Straight & forward from corner 4 branch underneath
ABZg+4xu                                 Straight & forward from corner 4 branch underneath ex
ABZg+1                                 Straight & forward from corner 1
ABZg+1u                                 Straight & forward from corner 1 branch underneath
ABZg+1xu                                 Straight & forward from corner 1 branch underneath ex
ABZ+14                                 Forward from corners 1 & 4
ABZ+4x1                                 Forward from corners 1 & 4 from corner 1 out of use*
ABZ+1x4                                 Forward from corners 1 & 4 from corner 4 out of use*
ABZf+1l                                 Forward from corner 1 & left
ABZq+1                                 Across from corner 1
ABZr+12                                 To right from corner 1 and to 2
ABZq2                                 Across to corner 2
ABZq+4                                 Across from corner 4
ABZl+34                                 to corner 3 from left/to left from corner 4
ABZq3                                 Across to corner 3
ABZ2+4g                                 To corner 2 from corner 4 & back
ABZ2+4r                                 To corner 2 from corner 4 & left
ABZ3+1g                                 To corner 3 from corner 1 & back
ABZ3+1l                                 To corner 3 from corner 1 & right
ABZ1+3r                                 To corner 1 from corner 3 & forward
ABZ1+3f                                 To corner 1 from corner 3 & right
ABZ4+2l                                 To corner 4 from corner 2 & left
ABZ4+2f                                 To corner 4 from corner 2 & forward
图标符号 e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext


图标符号 e x ex u ue ux uex
ABZg+m1                 Through & mixed to corner 1
ABZgm2                 Through & mixed to corner 2
ABZgm3                 Through & mixed to corner 3
ABZg+m4                 Through & mixed to corner 4
ABZmg+1                 Mixed through & to corner 1
ABZmg2                 Mixed through & to corner 2
ABZmg3                 Mixed through & to corner 3
ABZmg+4                 Mixed through & to corner 4
图标符号 e x ex u ue ux uex

KRW (德:kruiswissel; 直译为交叉换道)类图标表示平行线路的换道, 不应该与表示分出支线的ABZ类图标混淆。

图标符号 e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext
KRWl                                 Cross to left
KRWl+l                                 Cross to and from left
KRWxl+l                                 Cross to and from left, to left out of use
KRWl+xl                                 Cross to and from left, from left out of use
KRW+l                                 Cross from left
KRWr                                 Cross to right
KRWr+r                                 Cross to and from right
KRWxr+r                                 Cross to and from right, to right out of use
KRWr+xr                                 Cross to and from right, from right out of use
KRW+r                                 Cross from right
KRWlr                                 Fork to left and right
KRWlxr                                 Fork to left and right, right out of use
KRWrxl                                 Fork to left and right, left out of use
KRW+lr                                 Fork from left and right
KRW+lxr                                 Fork from left and right, right out of use
KRW+rxl                                 Fork from left and right, left out of use
KRWgl                                 Branch to left
KRWg+l                                 Branch from left
KRWgr                                 Branch to right
KRWg+r                                 Branch from right
KRWgl+l                                 Branch to and from left
KRWgxl+l                                 Branch to and from left, to left out of use
KRWgl+xl                                 Branch to and from left, from left out of use
KRWgr+r                                 Branch to and from right
KRWgxr+r                                 Branch to and from right, to right out of use
KRWgr+xr                                 Branch to and from right, from right out of use
KRWglr+lr                                 Branch to and from left and right
KRWglr                                 Branch to left and right
KRWglxr                                 Branch to left and right, right out of use
KRWgrxl                                 Branch to left and right, left out of use
KRWg+lr                                 Branch from left and right
KRWg+lxr                                 Branch from left and right, right out of use
KRWg+rxl                                 Branch from left and right, left out of use


KRWgol                                 Branch to left over from left
KRWgoxl                                 Branch to left over from left, to left out of use
KRWgo+l                                 Branch from left over to left
KRWgor                                 Branch to right over from right
KRWgo+r                                 Branch from right over to right
KRWgo+xr                                 Branch from right over to right, from right out of use
ÜWBol                                 Cross to left over from left
mÜWBol                                 Cross to left over from left, mixed
ÜWBo+l                                 Cross from left over to left
mÜWBo+l                                 Cross from left over to left, mixed
ÜWBor                                 Cross to right over from right
mÜWBor                                 Cross to right over from right, mixed
ÜWBo+r                                 Cross from right over to right
mÜWBo+r                                 Cross from right over to right, mixed


SHI4rq                                 Shift by 4/4 to right, across
SHI4+lq                                 Shift by 4/4 from left, across
SHI4+rq                                 Shift by 4/4 from right, across
SHI4lq                                 Shift by 4/4 to left, across
图标符号 e x ex t et xt ext u ue ux uex ut uet uxt uext