利马集团(英语:The Lima Group,西班牙语:Grupo de Lima,葡萄牙语:Grupo de Lima,简称:GL)为一个多边组织。利马宣言于2017年8月8日在秘鲁首都利马签订后,组织随即宣告成立。组织一共有12个成员国,目的是以和平手段结束委内瑞拉危机[1]

Grupo de Lima
The Lima Group
类型政府间组织英语Intergovernmental organization
成立 秘鲁利马
• 利马宣言
2017年8月8日 (2017-08-08)









Establishes member states and outlines the democratic and noninterventional ambitions of the group to find a peaceful solution to the crisis in Venezuela.

联合宣言 007 - 17


The Foreign Ministers and Representatives of Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, Costa Rica, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico, Panama, Paraguay and Peru, meeting in the city of Lima, on 8 August 2017, to address the critical situation in Venezuela and explore ways to contribute to the restoration of democracy in that country through a peaceful and negotiated solution


Encouraged by the spirit of solidarity that characterizes the region and the conviction that negotiation, with full respect for the norms of international law and the principle of nonintervention, does not violate human rights and democracy, and is the only tool that ensures a lasting solution to the differences;



Highlights the positions and goals of the Lima Group regarding the crisis in Bolivarian Venezuela.

They declare:
  1. 谴责委内瑞拉民主秩序的崩溃 Their condemnation of the breakdown of democratic order in Venezuela.
  2. 基于制宪大会的非法本质,利马集团决定不承认制宪大会及其作为。 Their decision not to recognize the National Constituent Assembly, nor the acts emanating from it, due to its illegitimate nature.
  3. 利马集团完全支持民主选出的全国代表大会Their full support and solidarity with the National Assembly, democratically elected.
  4. 根据宪法要求全国代表大会授权的法律行为,只有在该大会批准后才会被承认。 Legal acts that according to the Constitution require authorization from the National Assembly, will only be recognized when said Assembly has approved them.
  5. 坚决拒绝使用暴力或任何涉及使用武力的选项。 Their energetic rejection of violence and any option that involves the use of force.
  6. 支持并与委内瑞拉的总检察长和公共部门成员团结一致,并要求履行国际美洲人权委员会发布的预防措施。 Their support and solidarity with the Attorney General and the members of the Public Ministry of Venezuela and demand the application of the precautionary measures issued by the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights.
  7. 谴责系统性侵犯人权和基本自由、暴力、镇压和政治迫害,谴责政治犯的存在以及缺乏独立国际观察下的自由选举。 Their condemnation of the systematic violation of human rights and fundamental freedoms, of violence, repression and political persecution, the existence of political prisoners and the lack of free elections under independent international observation.
  8. 指出委内瑞拉未遵守联合国人权理事会的要求或义务。 That Venezuela does not comply with the requirements or obligations of the members of the Human Rights Council of the United Nations.
  9. 对国家面临的人道主义危机深表关切,并谴责政府不允许粮食和药品进入,以支援委内瑞拉人民。 Their serious concern about the humanitarian crisis facing the country and his condemnation of the government for not allowing the entry of food and medicine in support of the Venezuelan people.
  10. 决定继续对委内瑞拉应用美洲国家组织民主宪章。 Their decision to continue the application of the Inter-American Democratic Charter to Venezuela.
  11. 支持南方共同市场根据《乌斯怀亚议定书》的民主条款,暂停委内瑞拉的成员资格。 Their support for the decision of MERCOSUR to suspend Venezuela in application of the Ushuaia Protocol on Democratic Commitment.
  12. 决定不支持委内瑞拉在地区和国际机制及组织中的任何候选人。 Their decision not to support any Venezuelan candidacy in regional and international mechanisms and organizations.
  13. 呼吁根据《武器贸易条约》第6条和第7条,停止向委内瑞拉转移武器。 Their call to stop the transfer of arms to Venezuela in light of articles 6 and 7 of the Arms Trade Treaty.
  14. 鉴于当前情况,将要求加勒比海共同体和欧盟,推迟原定于2017年10月举行的欧盟与拉丁美洲暨加勒比海共同体峰会。 That, taking into account the current conditions, they will request the Pro Tempore Presidency of CELAC and the European Union, the postponement of the CELAC-EU Summit scheduled for October 2017.
  15. 承诺在外交部长级别密切关注委内瑞拉局势,直至该国民主得到完全恢复,并承诺在联合国大会下次会议前,至少召开一次会晤,届时可能还会有其他国家参与。 Their commitment to keep track of the situation in Venezuela, at the level of Foreign Ministers, until the full restoration of democracy in that country, and to meet no later than the next session of the General Assembly of the United Nations, an opportunity in which may be added other countries.
  16. 愿意在尊重委内瑞拉主权的前提下,紧急支持任何有可信议的谈判和善意的努力,该努力得到各方的共识,旨在和平实现该国民主的恢复。 Their willingness to urgently support, within the framework of respect for Venezuelan sovereignty, any effort of credible negotiation and good faith, which has the consensus of the parties and is aimed at peacefully achieving the restoration of democracy in the country.













  1. ^ Grupo de Lima | América Latina. Deutsche Welle. 14 November 2017 [15 February 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-22) (西班牙语). 
  2. ^ Declaration of Lima. Government of Peru. [15 February 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22) (西班牙语). 
  3. ^ Regional neighbors call on Venezuela to cancel election. Washington Post. 2018-05-14 [2018-05-15]. ISSN 0190-8286. (原始内容存档于2018-05-15) (美国英语). 
  4. ^ Regional 'Lima Group' leaders urge Venezuela to suspend election. Reuters. [2018-05-15]. (原始内容存档于2020-11-09) (美国英语). 
  5. ^ Los 14 países del Grupo de Lima llaman a consultas a sus embajadores en Caracas. [2018-05-21]. (原始内容存档于2018-05-27) (西班牙语). 
  6. ^ Lima Group recalls Venezuela ambassadors, condemns vote. 21 May 2018 [21 May 2018]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-16) (英语). 
  7. ^ Perú convoca al Grupo de Lima para analizar elecciones en Venezuela. El Nacional. 8 February 2018 [15 February 2018]. (原始内容存档于2018-02-12) (西班牙语). 
  8. ^ Cancilleres firmaron la Declaración de Lima - Caretas. Caretas. 3 August 2017 [15 February 2018]. (原始内容存档于2019-01-06). 
  9. ^ Grupo de Lima respalda a Panamá tras sanciones de Venezuela en su contra. [2018-04-07]. (原始内容存档于2018-06-13) (西班牙语).