
华人长老会教堂雪梨华人长老会(英语:Chinese Presbyterian Church,简称:CPC)是一个长老会堂会,也是澳洲现存最古老的华人教会[1]。2017年,该堂约有600人,礼拜语言使用英语粤语中华民国国语[2]



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  1. ^ Mar, W.L. So Great A Cloud Of Witness: A history of the Chinese Presbyterian Church Sydney 1893–1993. Chinese Presbyterian Church. 1993: 1. ISBN 0646138340. 
  2. ^ Engage with us. www.cpc.org.au. [2023-08-08]. (原始内容存档于2023-11-04). 
  3. ^ Jupp, James. The Australian People: An Encyclopedia of the Nation, Its People and Their Origins. Cambridge University Press. 2001: 210 [2015-02-06]. (原始内容存档于2015-02-06). 

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