
化石时期:三叠纪后期, 235–210 Ma
科学分类 编辑
界: 动物界 Animalia
门: 脊索动物门 Chordata
纲: 蜥形纲 Sauropsida
总目: 恐龙总目 Dinosauria
目: 蜥臀目 Saurischia
科: 艾雷拉龙科 Herrerasauridae
属: 钦迪龙属 Chindesaurus
Long & Murry, 1995
Chindesaurus bryansmalli

Long & Murry, 1995
  • 盒龙 Caseosaurus
    Hunt et al., 1998



在1985年,Bryan Small在美国亚利桑那州石化林国家公园发现钦迪龙的化石,这个化石是一个部分骨骼,包含一些骨骼碎片,与苏牟龙的化石混合在一起[1]。这个地层属于钦迪组(Chinle Formation),地质年代属于三叠纪晚期的诺利阶,约2亿1600万年前[2]。在1995年,这些化石被正式叙述、命名。模式种C. bryansmalli。属名是以其发现地附近的钦迪角而来,其名字在诺瓦霍语中的意思是“鬼”或“恶灵”;种名是为纪念化石发现者Bryan Small[3]








德州特髅组(Tecovas Formation)发现的一个化石,被1998年被命名为盒龙Chindesaurus[11]。几年后,盒龙被归类于钦迪龙的异名[12]。在2007年的三叠纪北美洲恐龙研究,认为钦迪龙、盒龙有许多相同特征,其他属没有这种特征。研究人员认为,这两属的差异可能来自于体型大小差异。但是,这两属的化石过于零碎,因此他们无法确定这两属是同种动物[13]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Long, R. A., and P. A. Murry. Late Triassic (Carnian and Norian) tetrapods from the southwestern United States. New Mexico Museum of Natural History and Science Bulletin. 1995, 4: 1–254. 
  2. ^ Litwin, R.J., Traverse, A., and Ash, S.R., 1991. Preliminary palynological zonation of the Chinle Formation, southwestern U.S.A., and its correlation to the Newark Supergroup (eastern U.S.A.). Review of Paleobotany and Palynology, v. 77, p. 269-287.
  3. ^ Parker, W. G., R. B. Irmis, and S. J. Nesbitt. 2006. Review of the Late Triassic dinosaur record from Petrified Forest National Park 页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆). Pages 160-161 in Parker, W. G., S. R. Ash, and R. B. Irmis, editors. A century of research at Petrified Forest National Park: geology and paleontology. Museum of Northern Arizona, Flagstaff, Arizona. Bulletin 62.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 Long and Murry, (1995). "Late Triassic (Carnian and Norian) tetrapods from the Southwestern United States." New Mexico Museum Natural History Science Bulletin, 4: 1-254.
  5. ^ Meyer, (1986). "D-Day on the Painted Desert." Arizona Highways, 62(7): 3-13.
  6. ^ Hunt, A. P., Lucas, S. G., Heckert, A. B., Sullivan, R. M., and M. G. Lockley. Late Triassic dinosaurs from the western United States. Geobios. 1998, 31: 511–531. 
  7. ^ Bittencourt and Kellner, (2004). "The phylogenetic position of Staurikosaurus pricei Colbert, 1970 from the Triassic of Brazil." Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 24(3):.
  8. ^ Irmis, Nesbitt, Padian, Smith, Turner, Woody and Downs, (2007). "A Late Triassic dinosauromorph assemblage from New Mexico and the rise of dinosaurs." Science, 317: 358-361.
  9. ^ William G. Parker, Randall B. Irmis, and Sterling J. Nesbitt. Review of the Late Triassic Dinosaur Record from Petrified Forest National Park, Arizona. A Century of Research at Petrified Forest National Park: Geology and Paleontology. Museum of Northern Arizona Bulletin. 2006, 62: 160–161. 
  10. ^ Irmis, R.B., Nesbitt, S.J., Padian, K., Smith, N.D., Turner, A.H., Woody, D.T., and Downs, A. (2007). "A Late Triassic dinosauromorph assemblage from New Mexico and the rise of dinosaurs页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)". Science 317: 358-361
  11. ^ Hunt, Lucas, Heckert, Sullivan and Lockley, (1998). "Late Triassic Dinosaurs from the Western United States." Geobios, 31(4): 511-531.
  12. ^ Langer, (2004). "Basal Saurischia." In Weishampel, Dodson and Osmolska (eds.). The Dinosauria Second Edition. University of California Press. 861 pp.
  13. ^ Nesbitt, Irmis and Parker, (2007). "A critical re-evaluation of the Late Triassic dinosaur taxa of North America." Journal of Systematic Palaeontology, 5(2): 209–243.

