牛津城堡(英语:Oxford Castle)是位于英国英格兰牛津郡城市牛津市中心西侧的一座诺曼中世纪城堡,现在只保留有部分建筑。牛津城堡的大部分建筑在英国内战时被毁。18世纪时,残馀的建筑改为监狱。1996年,监狱被关闭并改建为酒店。现在牛津城堡是一座英国一级保护建筑。


  • Amt, Emilie. (1993) The Accession of Henry II in England: Royal Government Restored, 1149-1159. Woodbridge, Boydell Press. ISBN 978-0-85115-348-3.
  • Creighton, O. H. (2002) Castles and Landscapes: Power, Community and Fortification in Medieval England. London: Equinox. ISBN 978-1-904768-67-8.
  • Crossley, Alan and C. Elrington. (eds) (1979) Victoria County History: A History of the County of Oxford, Volume 4: The City of Oxford.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 OCLC 7534514.
  • Davies, Mark. (2001) Stories of Oxford Castle: From Dungeon to Dunghill. Oxford: Oxford Towpath Press. ISBN 0-9535593-3-5.
  • Gravett, Christopher and Adam Hook. (2003) Norman Stone Castles: The British Isles, 1066-1216. Botley, Osprey. ISBN 978-1-84176-602-7.
  • Harfield, C. G. A Hand-list of Castles Recorded in the Domesday Book. English Historical Review. 1991, 106: 371–392. JSTOR 573107. doi:10.1093/ehr/CVI.CCCCXIX.371. 
  • Harrison, Colin. (ed) (1998) John Malchair of Oxford: Artist and Musician. Oxford: Ashmolean Museum. ISBN 978-1-85444-112-6.
  • Hassall, T. G. (1971) "Excavations at Oxford," in Oxoniensia, XXXVI (1971).
  • Hassall, T. G. (1976) "Excavations at Oxford Castle: 1965-1973," in Oxoniensia, XLI (1976).
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  • Joy, T. (1831) Oxford Delineated: A sketch of the history and antiquities.页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆 Oxford: Whessell & Bartlett. OCLC 23436981.
  • MacKenzie, James Dixon. (1896/2009) The Castles of England: Their Story and Structure. General Books. ISBN 978-1-150-51044-1.
  • Marks, Richard. (1993) Stained glass in England during the Middle Ages. London: Routledge. ISBN 978-0-415-03345-9.
  • Munby, Julian. (1998) "Malchair and the Oxford Topographical Tradition," in Harrison (ed) 1998.
  • Smith, Philip. (2008) Punishment and Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press. ISBN 978-0-226-76610-2.
  • Tyack, Geoffrey. (1998) Oxford: an Architectural Guide. Oxford: Oxford University Press. ISBN 978-0-19-817423-3.
  • Whiting, R. C. (1993) Oxford: Studies in the History of a University Town Since 1800. Manchester: Manchester University Press. ISBN 978-0-7190-3057-4.



51°45′11″N 1°15′50″W / 51.7531°N 1.2640°W / 51.7531; -1.2640