莫桑比克技巧(英语:Mozambique Drill)[1],又叫补枪技巧(英语:Failure Drill)、目标未停止补枪技巧(英语:Failure to Stop drill),也有一个非正式叫法是“身上打两枪,脑袋补一枪”[2][3],是一种用于近身距离作战的射击技巧。进攻方需先向目标的躯干开火两次(这一步骤又被称作双连击),接着再朝目标头部射击一次(这一步骤较难)。若前两枪都未能让目标停止移动,而最后一枪能打准的话,那么目标要么会被击毙,要么也会停止移动[4][5][6]。
编辑根据口述历史记载,这项技术由 Mike Rousseau 发明,他是一名参与莫桑比克独立战争(1964年至1974年)的罗德西亚雇佣兵。[7]在马普托国际机场(现今莫桑比克首都马普托)的战斗中,Rousseau 在一处转角遭遇了一名持有卡拉什尼科夫自动步枪的莫桑比克解放阵线党战士,双方距离约7.5米(25英尺)。Rousseau 使用其白朗宁大威力半自动手枪向对方上胸部连射两发,这通常足以造成目标瘫痪或死亡。[8]然而,当他发现敌人仍继续前进时,他瞄准头部射击,成功命中颈部底部,切断了脊髓并将其击毙。
事后,Rousseau 将这段经历讲述给他的朋友——小型武器专家 Jeff Cooper,即后来枪术训练机构“Gunsite Academy”的创始人。Cooper 将此技术纳入其现代射击技术方法中。[9][10][11][12]
1970 年代后期,“莫三比克射击术”被正式编入 Gunsite 的课程中。1980 年,两名洛杉矶警察局都会分局特种武器和战术部队干员 Larry Mudgett 和 John Helms 前往 Gunsite 接受手枪训练,并获得 Cooper 的许可,将这技术带回洛杉矶警察局。由于担心“莫三比克”这个名称可能带有种族歧视的涵义,这项技术被重新命名为 失败射击术(Failure Drill)。[10]
1980 年代,大多数特种部队均接受过这项技术的训练。然而,随著九一一袭击事件后反恐与反叛乱威胁的性质改变,尤其是可能遇到自杀炸弹背心的情况,这项技术逐渐被其他方法取代。虽然射击“两发”的概念仍然保留,但现代战术更依赖高容量弹匣,将目标瘫痪作为首要任务,而非节省弹药。
- 向目标骨盆发射两组双连发,让对方失去移动能力并倒地,然后再补射胸部或头部
- 向目标身体中心射出多组双连发,再补射头部,并重复此模式直到确认目标失去威胁能力。[13]
编辑- ^ Oldale, John. A World of Curiosities: Surprising, Interesting, and Downright Unbelievable Facts from Every Nation on the Planet. Penguin. 2012. ISBN 9781101580400.See section on Mozambique.
- ^ Wilson, Jim. The Mozambique Drill: A History and How To. Shooting Illustrated. National Rifle Association. 18 May 2017 [14 September 2018]. (原始内容存档于14 September 2018).
- ^ Nash, David. Understanding the Use of Handguns for Self-Defense: What You Need to Know. Looseleaf Law. 2011: 110–111. ISBN 978-1608850259.
- ^ Burleson, Tony Lee. The Survival Code and Situational Awareness: Teaching the Instructed. Trafford. 2012: 17–18. ISBN 978-1466929104.
- ^ Wilson, Jim. Failure Drill. Shooting Illustrated. National Rifle Association. 10 November 2011 [24 September 2014]. (原始内容存档于6 October 2014).
- ^ Lesson Plan: Immediate Target Engagement (CMC-22 Combat Marksmanship Coaches Course 08/12/2008). United States Marine Corps: 12. 21 February 2008 [10 July 2023]. (原始内容存档于17 February 2013).
- ^ Sadowski, Robert. History of the Failure Drill: Mozambique Revolt Roots. The Armory Life. 20 March 2022 [June 3, 2022]. (原始内容存档于May 19, 2022).
- ^ Thompson, Leroy (2020). The Browning High-Power Pistol, p. 55. Bloomsbury Publishing. ISBN 9781472838100, 1472838106. Google Books. Retrieved 8 July 2023.
- ^ Oldale, John. A World of Curiosities: Surprising, Interesting, and Downright Unbelievable Facts from Every Nation on the Planet. Penguin. 2012. ISBN 9781101580400.See section on Mozambique.
- ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Wilson, Jim. Failure Drill. Shooting Illustrated. National Rifle Association. 10 November 2011 [24 September 2014]. (原始内容存档于6 October 2014).
- ^ Boatman, Robert. Jeff Cooper's Mozambique Drill. Jeffcoopersmozambiquedrill.blogspot.ca. 2004-02-26 [2013-12-03]. (原始内容存档于19 November 2015).
- ^ 12.0 12.1 Mann, Richard A. Shooting Skills: The Mozambique-Failure Drill. Gun Digest. 29 March 2017 [30 September 2018]. (原始内容存档于30 September 2018).
- ^ Neville, Leigh (2016). "Chapter 1: Combat Pistols: Tactics and Techniques". Guns of the Special Forces, 2001–2015. Pages 16–18. Pen & Sword Books. ISBN 9781473881013, 1473881013. Google Books. Retrieved 8 July 2023.
- ^ Lesson Plan: Immediate Target Engagement (CMC-22 Combat Marksmanship Coaches Course 08/12/2008). United States Marine Corps: 12. 21 February 2008 [10 July 2023]. (原始内容存档于17 February 2013).
Head. A bullet through the brain has a similar effect as turning off a light. The opponent will immediately cease all action and will have no involuntary muscle contraction, provided that the shot was properly placed. This is known as the "Immediate Incapacitation Shot" and is highly successful. The shooter must place the shot directly through the “T-Box”. The “T-Box” is the area that encompasses the nose and eyes. At 25 yards the shooter will need to acquire sight picture directly between the eyebrows.
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