模板:Infobox astronomical object/doc

Infobox astronomical object/doc
(历元 required)

在可见光 (V)

In non-visible light (Radio, X-ray, etc.)
视大小 (specify){{{appsize_specify}}}
视尺寸 (specify){{{appdim_specify}}}
通量 (specify){{{flux_specify}}}
光度 (specify){{{luminosity_specify}}}
大小 (specify){{{size_specify}}}

质量{{{mass_msol}}} M
金属量{{{metal_feh}}} dex



This template is for use at the start of articles on astronomical objects that do not have a specialized infobox template of their own.



Just add:

{{infobox astronomical object}}

to the top of an article, and data will be automatically included from Wikidata where they are available. These values can be overridden by passing values to the relevant parameters in the article. The full list of parameters is:

Parameter Default Description
name Wikidata label (en)
(Or Page name)
The designation of the object
image 图像 (P18) Illustration
caption 媒体说明 (P2096) Picture caption (if necessary).
credit Picture credit (if necessary).
image2 定位图图片 (P242) Location map
caption2 Location map caption (if necessary).
type 隶属于 (P31) The parameter for object type (put unknown or undefined if there is no type). This value should be wikified, if possible
ra The parameter for right ascension. Please use {{RA|00|00|00}} or {{Deg2HMS|000.0000|sup=yes}} templates to specify this
dec The parameter for declination. Please use the {{DEC|00|00|00}} template to specify this
epoch The parameter for astronomical epoch. Common values are B1875.0 , B1900.0 , B1950.0 , J2000.0 ; please wikify this value, if possible
constellation / constel 星座 (P59) The parameter for the constellation. Use a comma separated list if there is more than one constellation, please wikify the list
names 目录编号 (P528) Place all the popular designations for the object here
notes Place any notes about the object here, which deserve special notice in the infobox
distance / dist_pc / dist_ly 距离地球的距离 (P2583) The distance to the object, in parsecs or light years
z 红移值 (P1090) The cosmological redshift of the object, in unitless 'z'
appsize_v The apparent size of the object (such as radius or diameter). This should be given in angular units, such as milliarcseconds (mas)
appdim_v The apparent dimensions of the object (a bivalue term, that gives the major diameter and minor diameter). This should be given in angular units, such as milliarcseconds (mas)
appmag_v 视星等 (P1215) The apparent magnitude of the object (brightness)
absmag_v The absolute magnitude of the object (visual luminosity)
size_v The physical size of the object in visible light, a trivalue term, such as height x width x depth. This should be given in astronomical distance units, such as parsecs, megaparsecs, or redshiftspace terms (such as km-s−1)
appsize_specify The apparent size of the object (such as radius or diameter) in non-visible light (specify microwave, radio, infrared, UV, X-ray, gamma ray, keV or GeV range, etc.). This should be given in angular units, such as milliarcseconds (mas)
appdim_specify The apparent dimensions of the object (a bivalue term, that gives the major diameter and minor diameter). This should be given in angular units, such as milliarcseconds (mas)
flux_specify Flux is measured differently at different wavelengths. For example, X-ray flux is usually given in erg s−1 cm−2 for some keV range.
luminosity_specify Can be bolometric, or wavelength-specific. For example, X-ray luminosity is usually given in erg s−1 for some keV range. In either case, flux is preferred if the distance to the object is uncertain. In non-visible light (specify microwave, radio, infrared, UV, X-ray, gamma ray, keV or GeV range, etc.)
size_specify The physical size of the object outside the visible spectrum, a trivalue term, such as height x width x depth. This should be given in astronomical distance units, such as parsecs, megaparsecs, or redshiftspace terms (such as km-s−1)
propmo The proper motion of the object, the movement of the object across the sphere of the sky, as a 2-D projection. This should be given in angular units per unit time, such as arcminutes per decade
radvel The radial velocity of an object, the movement of the object towards or away from us. In the case of objects at cosmological distances, this value should be that that is not covered by the expansion of space.
pecmo The peculiar motion of an object, the velocity of an object in space, this is a vector value. For objects at cosmological distances, this value is that that is not covered by Hubble motion
mass / mass_msol Depending on the mass of the object, use kg, Template:Lunar mass, M🜨, MJ, or M (via {{Lunar mass|link=y}}, {{Earth mass|link=y}}, {{Jupiter mass|link=y}}, or {{Solar mass|link=y}}).
velocity_dispersion The velocity dispersion of the parent object, if it is composed of many smaller objects, measured in units of velocity, typically km/s.
"temperature" The units with which temperature is measured vary with the temperature of the object. For example, below several thousand kelvins, (K) are used, and X-ray temperature is usually given in keV.
"metal_feh" The metallicity as a logarithmic abundance of iron relative to hydrogen, as compared to the Sun. For example, Template:Fe/H = solar metallicity.
radius_ly Radius in lightyears
age Estimated age
commons 共享资源分类 (P373) Commons category

