
占賈導彈襲擊亞塞拜然語Gəncə bombalanmaları)是2020年10月納戈爾諾-卡拉巴赫戰爭期間,亞美尼亞阿爾察赫方前後四次針對亞塞拜然占賈的導彈襲擊事件。

位置 亞塞拜然占賈
  • 2020年10月4日
  • 2020年10月8日
  • 2020年10月10日
  • 2020年10月17日(UTC+04:00








占賈轟炸廢墟中的一名亞塞拜然地雷行動小組英語Mine Action Agency (Azerbaijan)成員

亞塞拜然方強烈譴責襲擊,稱第三次襲擊為繼霍賈利大屠殺後再度發生針對亞塞拜然人的種族滅絕行動[30],總統阿利耶夫指第三次與第四次襲擊構成戰爭罪[31][32],若國際社會無相應反應,亞塞拜然將對亞美尼亞展開「懲罰」[33]亞塞拜然人權專員英語Commissioner for Human Rights of the Republic of Azerbaijan薩比納·阿利耶娃英語Sabina Aliyeva指控亞美尼亞支持恐怖主義[34]。阿爾察赫方則列出了占賈市內軍事目標的清單,呼籲當地居民撤離占賈[35]


11月23日,土耳其籍的諾貝爾化學獎得主阿齊茲·桑賈爾為在第四次襲擊中喪失雙親的嬰兒哈蒂婭·沙赫納扎羅娃(Khadija Shahnazarova)開設了一銀行帳戶,捐贈大筆款項以資助其未來的學業[45]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 Armenia: Unlawful Rocket, Missile Strikes on Azerbaijan. hrw.org. Human Rights Watch. 2020-12-11 [2020-12-11]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-11). 
  2. ^ Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Major cities hit as heavy fighting continues. BBC News. 2020-10-04 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-04) (英國英語). The self-proclaimed authorities there said they hit Ganja's military airport after Azerbaijani forces shelled the region's capital, Stepanakert...They said they had acted after Stepanakert was hit by missiles and alleged the Ganja facility had been used by Azerbaijani forces to launch attacks on civilian areas. 
  3. ^ Artsakh President: The strike on Ganja was a warning. Mediamax.am. [2020-10-04]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-13). Harutyunyan has underlined that Azerbaijan was the first to violate the international law by targeting civilian population. 
  4. ^ Freeman, Colin. Azerbaijan dropping cluster bombs on civilian areas in war with Armenia. The Daily Telegraph. 2020-10-05 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-16). 
  5. ^ Foreign Minister Zohrab Mnatsakanyan’s interview to BBC Newshour. mfa.am. 2020-10-18 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2021-07-20). BBC: Why is Armenia targeting civilians in Ganja, Azerbaijan's second largest city? Zohrab Mnatsakanyan: When it comes to the civilians we have been very vocal about it. For three weeks Stepanakert, the capital of Nagorno-Karabakh, Sushi, Martakert, Martuni, Hadrut and hundreds of villages have been under consistent fire, consistent shelling, consistent bombing by UAVs, Turkish made Bayraktars, air controlled by the Turkish air force. Rocket launchers, Grad, Smerch, tanks, the aviation everything has been falling on those civilian settlements and civilian infrastructure. The situation for our compatriots is absolutely dire. There are many, many displaced people. People are living in shelters. Electricity, water have been destroyed. This much suffering day after day everyday this is happening to our compatriots in Nagorno-Karabakh. Azerbaijan doesn’t understand the language of civility. 
  6. ^ Azərbaycan Respublikasının şəhər və rayonlarının ərazisi, əhalisinin sayı və sıxlığı [Territory, population and density of cities and districts of the Republic of Azerbaijan]. State Statistics Committee. 2020-01-01 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2013-06-23). 
  7. ^ Kazimov, Seymur. Hours after truce agreed, children became orphans in Azerbaijan. Al Jazeera. 2020-10-15 [2020-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-16) (英語). 
  8. ^ Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Major cities hit as heavy fighting continues. BBC. 2020-10-04 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-04) (英語). 
  9. ^ Azerbaijan's No. 2 city targeted in fighting with Armenia. The Independent. 2020-10-04 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-15) (英語). 
  10. ^ Armenia-Azerbaijan fighting expands far beyond the front lines. eurasianet.org. [2021-10-24]. (原始內容存檔於2021-02-16). 
  11. ^ Nagorno-Karabakh conflict: Major cities hit as heavy fighting continues. 2020-10-04 [2021-10-24]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-04) –透過www.bbc.com. 
  12. ^ Armenian MFA warns of "adequate response". mediamax.am. [2021-10-24]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-02). 
  13. ^ A few more days and even archaeologists will not be able to find the place of Ganja. Get sober before it is too late. Poghosyan. 1lurer.am. 2020-10-05. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-02). 
  14. ^ McKernan, Bethan. Nagorno-Karabakh: Azerbaijan accuses Armenia of rocket attack. The Washington Post. 2020-10-05 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-04) (英語). 
  15. ^ Azerbaijan's MOD: Information spread by Armenians about alleged shelling of military facilities in Ganja city is false. APA.az. 2020-10-04 [2020-10-04]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-12) (英語). The information spread by the Armenian side about the alleged shelling of military facilities in Ganja city is provocative and false, Ministry of Defense told APA. As a result of enemy fire, civilians, civilian infrastructure, and ancient historical buildings were harmed. 
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Azerbaijan's Ganja under fire once again by Armenian troops. Trend News Agency. 2020-10-08 [2020-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (英語). 
  17. ^ Ganja was fired from "Scud" missile, and not "Tochka-U". Turan Information Agency. 2020-10-12 [2020-10-12]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-16) (英語). missile strike on a residential area of the city of Ganja was carried out by a Scud missile, said Gazanfar Ahmedov, executive director of the National Agency for Mine Action (ANAMA). 
  18. ^ Dettmer, Jamie. Why is Azerbaijan Fighting?. Voice of America. 2020-10-12 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-13) (英語). 
  19. ^ Melimopoulos, Elizabeth; Alsaafin, Linah. Nagorno-Karabakh truce frays as both sides allege attacks: Live. Al Jazeera. 2020-10-11 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-11) (英語). 
  20. ^ Guerin, Orla. Karabakh war leaves civilians shell-shocked and bitter. BBC. 2020-10-15 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-13) (英語). 
  21. ^ Qarabağda atəşkəs: Xankəndində nə deyirlər? -BBC Ruscanın müxbiri yazır. BBC Azerbaijani. 2020-10-13 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-24) (阿塞拜疆語). 
  22. ^ Hikmet Hajiyev: According to ANAMA missiles fired to Ganja is SCUD/Elbrus Operative-Tactical Ballistic Missile. APA.az. 2020-10-16 [2020-10-16]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (英語). 
  23. ^ Twelve killed in missile strike on Azerbaijan's Ganja: Prosecutor. The Economic Times. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-19) (英語). 
  24. ^ Azerbaijan says civilians killed by Armenia in Ganja: Live. Al Jazeera. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (英語). 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 Azerbaijan informs Russian embassy about Russian citizen killed by Armenia's attacks. Trend News Agency. 2020-10-24 [2020-10-24]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-27) (英語). 
  26. ^ МЧС Азербайджана сообщило о 13 погибших при ракетном обстреле Гянджи. RIA Novosti. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (俄語). 
  27. ^ Damage to Azerbaijan's Ganja city from Armenian aggression revealed. Trend News Agency. 2020-10-20 [2020-10-20]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-22) (英語). 
  28. ^ Legitimate military targets that have taken the civilian population of Azerbaijan under the gunpoint were neutralized. Azerbaijani Ministry of Defence. 2020-10-14 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (英語). 
  29. ^ Алиев заявил о взятии Азербайджаном под контроль города Физули в Карабахе. RIA Novosti. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (俄語). 
  30. ^ Armenian policy of vandalism against Azerbaijani civilian population continues - assistant to Azerbaijani president (PHOTO). Trend News Agency. 2020-10-11 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-11-24) (英語). 
  31. ^ Турция обвинила Армению в военных преступлениях. The Wall Street Journal. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-11) (英語). 
  32. ^ Алиев пообещал ответить на ракетный обстрел Гянджи на поле боя. RIA Novosti. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (俄語). 
  33. ^ Azerbaijan and Armenia allege truce violations, accuse each other in shelling. Reuters. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (英語). 
  34. ^ Азербайджанский омбудсмен обвинила Ереван в поддержке терроризма. RIA Novosti. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-18) (俄語). 
  35. ^ Армия обороны Карабаха перечислила военные цели в азербайджанской Гяндже. RIA Novosti. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-18) (俄語). 
  36. ^ No: 241, 11 October 2020, Press Release Regarding Armenia's Attacks on Ganja. Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Turkey). 2020-10-11 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-14) (英語). 
  37. ^ Турция обвинила Армению в военных преступлениях. RIA Novosti. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-17]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-18) (俄語). 
  38. ^ Qatar expresses support for Azerbaijan's territorial integrity. Eurasia Diary. 2020-10-13 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-19) (英語). 
  39. ^ Malaysia stands firm on territorial integrity, inviolability of Azerbaijani borders - Ambassador. Trend News Agency. 2020-10-13 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (英語). 
  40. ^ Swiss ambassador calls to stop violence, after seeing Armenia's attack on Ganja. Trend News Agency. 2020-10-13 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-17) (英語). 
  41. ^ Latest events in Azerbaijan's Ganja shock UK's ambassador. Trend News Agency. 2020-10-13 [2020-10-15]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-20) (英語). 
  42. ^ Japan ambassador condemns terror acts against civilians in Ganja. apa.az. 2021-03-04 [2021-03-05]. (原始內容存檔於2021-03-04). 
  43. ^ Azerbaijan: Statement by the Spokesperson on the strikes on the city of Ganja. European External Action Service. 2020-10-17 [2020-10-20]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-19) (英語). 
  44. ^ Both sides obliged to 'spare and protect civilians' over Nagorno-Karabakh fighting declares UN's Guterres. United Nations. 2020-10-18 [2020-10-19]. (原始內容存檔於2020-10-19) (英語). 
  45. ^ Nobel mükafatçısının Gəncədə valideynlərini itirmiş Xədicənin gələcək təhsil xərcləri üçün yardım ayırdığı bildirilir. BBC Azerbaijani Service. 2020-11-23 [2020-11-23]. (原始內容存檔於2020-12-05) (阿塞拜疆語).