
化石時期:中二疊紀,260 Ma
科學分類 編輯
界: 動物界 Animalia
門: 脊索動物門 Chordata
綱: 合弓綱 Synapsida
演化支 獸孔類 Therapsida
演化支 真獸孔類 Eutherapsida
演化支 新獸孔類 Neotherapsida
亞目: 異齒亞目 Anomodontia
屬: 異頭獸屬 Anomocephalus
Modesto et al., 1999
Anomocephalus africanus

Modesto et al., 1999



  1. ^ Modesto, S.; Rubidge, B.; and Welman, J. The most basal anomodont therapsid and the primacy of Gondwana in the evolution of the anomodonts. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B. 1999, 266: 331–337. PMC 1689688 . 
  2. ^ Cisneros, J.C.; Abdala, F.; Rubidge, B.S.; Dentzien-Dias, D.; Bueno, A.O. Dental Occlusion in a 260-Million-Year-Old Therapsid with Saber Canines from the Permian of Brazil. Science. 2011, 331: 1603–1605. Bibcode:2011Sci...331.1603C. PMID 21436452. doi:10.1126/science.1200305. 
  • McCarthy, T. & Rubidge, B. 2005. The story of Earth & Life. A southern African perspective on a 4.6 billion-year journey. Struik Publishers, Cape Town. 333pp.
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