
Rosegarden 1.7.0 screenshot
開發者Chris Cannam, Richard Bown, Guillaume Laurent, et al.
類型Digital Audio Workstation
許可協議GNU General Public License

Rosegarden is a free software digital audio workstation program developed for Linux with ALSA and QT4. It acts as an audio and MIDI sequencer, scorewriter and musical composition and editing tool. It is intended to be a free alternative to such applications as Cubase.

Software synthesizer is available as a plugin, and it is possible to use external MIDI synthesizer, hardware or software (such as FluidSynth or TiMidity++) in order to make any sound from MIDI compositions. Recent versions of Rosegarden support the DSSI software synthesizer plugin interface, and can use some Windows VST plugins through an adapter.

The current Rosegarden program was originally named Rosegarden-4, to distinguish it from a previous program by the same authors called Rosegarden 2.1, which is now known as X11 Rosegarden. X11 Rosegarden is very limited, but is stable on a wide variety of Unix-like operating systems and other platforms such as OpenVMS. In contrast, because Rosegarden(-4) uses the Linux ALSA system, it only runs in a very limited manner on non-Linux systems [1].

The Rosegarden project was started in 1993 at the University of Bath. Rosegarden 2.1 (X11 Rosegarden) was released under the GPL in 1997; Rosegarden(-4) began in April 2000. Version 1.0 was released on February 14, 2005, and version 1.2.4 on July 14, 2006. The current release is 10.02, which was released on February 14, 2010.

Rosegarden was developed up through 1.0 by Chris Cannam, Richard Bown and Guillaume Laurent. Since then, each release has been developed by a different mix of core and contributing project members, including, but not limited to D. Michael McIntyre, Pedro Lopez-Cabanillas, and Heikki Junes. Bown has retired from the project, while Laurent has left to pursue his interest in porting to Mac OS X via Cocoa in an as yet unnamed spinoff project.


  • MIDI and audio playback and recording with ALSA and JACK
  • Piano-roll, score, event list and track overview editors
  • DSSI synth and audio effects plugin support, including Windows VST effects and instrument support via dssi-vst
  • LADSPA audio effects plugin support
  • JACK transport support for synchronisation with other software
  • Ability to build and run without JACK, for MIDI-only use
  • Score interpretation of performance MIDI data
  • Shareable device (.rgd) files to ease MIDI portability
  • Triggered segments for pattern sequencing & performable ornaments
  • Audio and MIDI mixers
  • MIDI and Hydrogen file import
  • MIDI, Csound, LilyPond and MusicXML file export (including PostScript and PDF output file generation of score)
  • User interface translations for Russian, Spanish, German, French, Welsh, Italian, Swedish, Estonian, Japanese, Simplified Chinese, Dutch, Polish, Czech, Catalan, and Finnish, as well as UK and US English
  • Help documentation available substantially or entirely translated into German, Swedish and Japanese as well as English

rosegarden'是一個免費軟件 數字音頻工作站方案Linux的開發的 ALSA的 QT4的。它作為一個音頻的MIDI 編曲scorewriter音樂創作和編輯工具。其目的是成為一個自由的選擇為Cubase的這類申請。

軟件合成可以作為一個插件,它可以使用外部的MIDI合成器,硬件或軟件(如FluidSynth為了膽怯++)作出任何MIDI聲音組成。最近版本的rosegarden支持DSSI軟件合成器插件接口,並可以使用某些Windows 偉仕通過適配器插件。

目前rosegarden方案最初被命名rosegarden- 4,為了區別於以前由同一作者的所謂rosegarden2.1方案,這是現在的X11rosegarden相識。 X11的Rosegarden是非常有限的,但是是基於對類Unix作業系統,如OpenVMS的等多種平台穩定。與此相反,因為rosegarden(-4)使用Linux ALSA的系統,它只有在非Linux系統非常有限的方式運行[2]

該rosegarden項目開始於1993年在英國巴斯大學。rosegarden2.1(X11的rosegarden)發布在 GPL的於1997年;rosegarden(-4)在2000年4月開始的。版本1.0發布於2005年2月14日,並於2006年7月14日版本1.2.4。目前的版本是10.02,於2010年2月14日獲釋。

rosegarden到1.0開發了由克里斯Cannam,理查德鮑敦和紀堯姆勞倫特。從那時起,每次發布已經制定了一套核心的不同組合和有貢獻的項目成員,包括但不限於四邁克爾麥金太爾,佩德羅洛佩茲Cabanillas和科瓦萊寧朱尼斯。鮑敦已經退出了該項目,而追求洛朗已經離開他在移植通過可可到Mac OS X的興趣在一個尚未命名的剝離項目。


  • 的MIDI和音頻播放,並與 ALSA的錄製和千斤頂
  • 鋼琴卷,評分,事件列表編輯和跟蹤概述
  • DSSI合成器和音頻效果插件的支持,包括Windows 偉仕的影響,並通過dssi - VST樂器支持
  • LADSPA音頻效果插件的支持
  • 千斤頂與其他軟件同步傳輸支持
  • 能力建設和運行沒有插口,MIDI可只使用
  • MIDI數據的性能分數解釋
  • 可共享設備(。RGD)的可攜性的MIDI文件,以紓緩
  • 用於模式測序及演出;飾品觸發段
  • 音頻和MIDI攪拌機
  • MIDI和文件導入
  • 的MIDI,CsoundLilyPondMusicXML文件導出(包括PostScript的 PDF格式輸出文件生成的分數)
  • 用戶俄語,西班牙語,德語,法語,威爾士,界面翻譯意大利,瑞典,愛沙尼亞語,日語,簡體中文,荷蘭語,波蘭語,捷克語,加泰羅尼亞語,和芬蘭,以及英國和美國英語
  • 幫助文檔中獲得主要或完全進入德國,瑞典和日本以及英語翻譯





音頻編輯器} {{} }} {{Scorewriters

類別:免費音頻軟件 [[類別:免費軟件,在C + +]程序] 分類:KDE的 類別:免費音樂軟件 分類:Scorewriters 分類:數字音頻工作站軟件 類別:免費音頻編輯器 [[分類:與Jack支持]音頻軟件] 分類:軟件的使用Qt 分類:KDE軟件

政務司司長:rosegarden 德:rosegarden 西:rosegarden 神父:rosegarden 它:rosegarden 茉莉:rosegarden 編號:rosegarden pt:以rosegarden 如:rosegarden 英國:rosegarden