

  • 希臘-弗里吉亞語族

主流觀點一般認為希臘語是弗里吉亞語關係最近的親屬,支持者有Brixhe、Neumann、Matzinger、Woodhouse、Ligorio、Lubotsky和Obrador-Cursach。此外,Obrador Cursach收集的36條共同創新證據中,弗里吉亞語和希臘語共享34個,其中22個是它們獨有的。最近50年來,弗里吉亞語學界發展出了希臘-弗里吉亞語假說,認為希臘語和弗里吉亞語有共同祖先。如果弗里吉亞語的語料能再多些,這種語言應該能被構擬出來。[2]:72[3]:171[4]:1816[5]:102[6]:238-239[6]:243



語言學家Claude Brixhe指出下列希臘語和弗里吉亞語共享且特有的特徵:[2]

Obrador-Cursach (2019)給出了語音學形態學詞彙學證據以支持希臘語和弗里吉亞語間的緊密關係,並附以弗里吉亞語、希臘語亞美尼亞語阿爾巴尼亞語印度-伊朗語族的共同創新。[6]:234-238

弗里吉亞語特徵 希臘 亞美尼亞 阿爾巴尼亞 印度-伊朗
顎音 + - - -
*CRh₃C > *CRōC + - - -
/s/失落 + + + -
詞首增元音 + + + -
*-ih₂ > -iya + - + -
*ki̯- > s- + - - -
*-m > -n + + ? -
*M > T - + - -
弗里吉亞語特徵 希臘 亞美尼亞 阿爾巴尼亞 印度-伊朗
條件的ai + - - -
e增音 + + + +
e-指示詞 + - - -
*-eh₂-s 陽性 + - - -
t-擴大 + - - -
-e-yo-中的動詞 + - - -
-o-yo-中的動詞 + - - -
*-dh + - - -
*dhh₁s-ó- + - - -
*-eu̯-/*-ēu̯- + - - -
*gu̯her-mo- + + + -
*gneh₂-ik- + + - -
*h₂eu̯-to- + - + -
*h₃nh₃-mn- + + - -
*méǵh₂-s + - - -
*meh₁ + + + +
*-mh₁no- + - - -
ni(y)/νι + - - -
*-(t)or - ? - -
-toy/-τοι + - - +
  1. ^ 高亮部分表示無法排除借詞。
弗里吉亞語特徵 希臘 亞美尼亞 阿爾巴尼亞 印度-伊朗
*bhoh₂-t-/*bheh₂-t- + - - -
*(h₁)en-mén- + - - -
hl̥h₃-ró- + - - -
kako- + - - -
ken- + + - -
*koru̯- + - - -
*mōro- + - - -
*sleh₂g- + - - -
  1. ^ 高亮部分表示無法排除借詞。





  1. ^ Hammarström, Harald; Forkel, Robert; Haspelmath, Martin; Bank, Sebastian (編). Graeco-Phrygian. Glottolog 2.7. Jena: Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History. 2016. 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Brixhe, Claude. Phrygian. Woodard, Roger D (編). The Ancient Languages of Asia Minor. Cambridge University Press. 2008 [2021-10-01]. ISBN 978-0-521-68496-5. (原始內容存檔於2022-03-19). "Unquestionably, however, Phrygian is most closely linked with Greek."
  3. ^ Woodhouse 2009:This question is of course only just separable from the question of which languages within Indo-European are most closely related to Phrygian, which has also been hotly debated. A turning point in this debate was Kortlandt's (1988) demonstration on the basis of shared sound changes that Thraco-Armenian had separated from Phrygian and other originally Balkan languages at an early stage. The consensus has now returned to regarding Greek as the closest relative.
  4. ^ Ligorio & Lubotsky (2018): "Phrygian is most closely related to Greek. The two languages share a few unique innovations [...] It is therefore very likely that both languages emerged from a single language, which was spoken in the Balkans at the end of the third millennium BCE.
  5. ^ Obrador-Cursach 2018:Furthermore, if Phrygian were not so-poorly attested perhaps we could reconstruct a Proto-Greco-Phrygian stage of both languages.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Obrador-Cursach 2020:To the best of our current knowledge, Phrygian was closely related to Greek. This affirmation is consistent with the vision offered by Neumann (1988: 23), Brixhe (2006) and Ligorio and Lubotsky (2018: 1816) and with many observations given by ancient authors. Both languages share 34 of the 36 features considered in this paper, some of them of great significance:…The available data suggest that Phrygian and Greek coexisted broadly from pre-historic to historic times, and both belong to a common linguistic area (Brixhe 2006: 39–44). 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「FOOTNOTEObrador-Cursach2020」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  7. ^ Blažek, Václav. On the internal classification of Indo-European languages: survey (PDF). Linguistica Online. November 2005 [2021-10-01]. ISSN 1801-5336. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2012-04-20). 




  • Blažek, Václav. Paleo-Balkanian Languages I: Hellenic Languages (PDF). Sborník prací Filozofické fakulty brněnské univerzity 10. Brno: Masarykova univerzita: 15–33. 2005 [2021-10-01]. ISBN 80-210-3784-9. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於2019-05-09). 
  • Brixhe, Claude. Interactions between Greek and Phrygian under the Roman Empire. Adams, J. N.; Janse, Mark (編). Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language Contact and the Written Text. Oxford University Press. 2002. :246–266
  • Fortson, Benjamin W. Indo-European Language and Culture: An Introduction 2nd. Blackwell. 2011. :203, 252
  • Masson, Olivier. Anatolian Languages. Boardman, John; Edwards, I. E. S. (編). The Cambridge Ancient History. Cambridge University Press. 1991. :668–669
  • Woudhuizen, Fred C. Phrygian & Greek (PDF). Talanta, Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society 40–41: 181–217. 2008–2009. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於7 April 2014).