精確的望遠鏡指向和跟蹤,對於獲得良好的天文圖像和天文攝影至關重要。 但是,由於地球自轉,天空相對於地球似乎永遠處於恆定運動狀態。雖然用肉眼觀察時,這種運動似乎相對較慢,但即使是小型望遠鏡也能提供高放大倍率和更小的視野,使得這種運動在秒級的時間尺度上變得明顯。
編輯- ^ GALACSI. eso.org. ESO. [2024-08-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-02-13).
- ^ Announcement. GALACSI Adaptive Optics System Ready to be Mounted on the VLT. The VLT’s MUSE will soon be able to see even more clearly. eso.org. ESO. [2024-08-03]. (原始內容存檔於2024-07-20).
GALACSI will rely on 4 sodium lasers launched from the centre piece of one of the Unit Telescopes of the VLT to produce 「artificial stars」, known as guide stars. Sensors then follow the motion of these guide stars as the light from them flickers in the turbulent atmosphere. That allows a computer to calculate the correction that must be applied to the telescope’s deformable secondary mirror (itself a new addition to the VLT) to compensate for the atmospheric disturbance. In this way, extremely sharp images of the real celestial objects can be obtained.
- ^ Heller, Arnie. Science and Technology Review: Adaptive Optics Sharpen the View from Earth. Blur free imagereveal a wealth of astronomical detail. Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. 2002-06-12 [2024-08-03]. (原始內容存檔於2017-02-09).
The dye laser, similar to that pioneered at Livermore for its Atomic Vapor Laser Isotope Separation program, creates a glowing star of sodium atoms measuring less than 1 meter in diameter at an altitude of about 100 kilometers above Earth’s surface. This artificial reference can be created as close to the astronomical target as desired so that the light from the laser star and the observed object pass through the same small part of the atmosphere.