
由Jimmy-bot在話題吾改Module:High-use前欲論之上作出的最新留言:1 年前



<code>local p = {}

local _fetch = require('Module:Transclusion_count').fetch local nspn = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('項目頁') local _separated_entries = require('Module:Separated entries').main function p.num(frame, count) if count == nil then count = _fetch(frame) end -- Build output string local return_value = "" if count == nil then if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "大量頁面" else return_value = "許多頁面" end else -- Use 2 significant figures for smaller numbers and 3 for larger ones local sigfig = 2 if count >= 100000 then sigfig = 3 end -- Prepare to round to appropriate number of sigfigs local f = math.floor(math.log10(count)) - sigfig + 1 -- Round and insert "approximately" or "+" when appropriate if (frame.args[2] == "yes") or (mw.ustring.sub(frame.args[1],-1) == "+") then -- Round down return_value = string.format("%s+", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) ) * (10^(f))) ) else -- Round to nearest return_value = string.format("約%s", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) + 0.5) * (10^(f))) ) end -- Insert percent of pages if frame.args["all-pages"] and frame.args["all-pages"] ~= "" then local percent = math.floor( ( (count/frame:callParserFunction('NUMBEROFPAGES', 'R') ) * 100) + 0.5) return_value = string.format("%s,佔全部頁面的%s%%", return_value, percent) end end return return_value end -- Actions if there is a large (greater than or equal to 100,000) transclusion count function p.risk(frame) local return_value = "" if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "risk" else local count = _fetch(frame) if count and count >= 100000 then return_value = "risk" end end return return_value end function p.text(frame, count) local bot_text = "\n\n----\n<small>模板引用數量會自動更新。</small>" if frame.args["nobot"] == "true" then bot_text = "" end if count == nil then count = _fetch(frame) end local return_value = {} local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local isdemo = false if frame.args["demo"] and frame.args["demo"] ~= "" then isdemo = true title = mw.title.new(frame.args["demo"], "Template") end if title.subpageText == "doc" or title.subpageText == "sandbox" or title.subpageText == "testcases" then title = title.basePageTitle end local templatecount = string.format("https://templatecount.toolforge.org/index.php?lang=zh&namespace=%s&name=%s", title.namespace,mw.uri.encode(title.text)) local used_on_text = string.format("'''%s用於[%s %s]'''", (isdemo and "[["..title.fullText.."]]") or ("此"..nspn), templatecount, p.num(frame, count) ) local sandbox_text = _separated_entries({ string.format("[[%s/sandbox|'''沙盒''']]", title.fullText), string.format("[[%s/testcases|'''測試樣例''']]", title.fullText), (title.namespace == 828 and "" or "[[Special:Mypage/沙盒|'''您的沙盒''']]"), separator="、", conjunction="或" }) local info = "" if frame.args["info"] and frame.args["info"] ~= "" then info = "<br />" .. frame.args["info"] end sandbox_text = string.format("。%s<br /><small>為了避免大規模影響,%s應先於%s測試。</small>", info, nspn, sandbox_text ) local discussion_text = string.format("<br /><small>測試後無誤的版本可%s,但修改前請務必於", nspn) if frame.args["2"] and frame.args["2"] ~= "" and frame.args["2"] ~= "yes" then discussion_text = string.format("%s'''[[%s]]'''", discussion_text, frame.args["2"]) else discussion_text = string.format("%s[[%s|'''討論頁''']]", discussion_text, title.talkPageTitle.fullText ) end return table.concat({used_on_text, sandbox_text, discussion_text, "發起討論。</small>", bot_text}) end function p.main(frame) local count = _fetch(frame) local return_value = "" local image = "[[File:Dialog-warning-yellow.svg|64px|alt=Warning|link=]]" local type_param = "style" if (frame.args[1] == "risk" or (count and count >= 100000) ) then image = "[[File:Dialog-warning-orange.svg|64px|alt=Warning|link=]]" type_param = "content" end if frame.args["form"] == "editnotice" then return_value = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'editnotice', args = { ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } else return_value = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'ombox', args = { ["type"] = type_param, ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } end return return_value end

return p</code>
<code>local p = {}

local _fetch = require('Module:Transclusion_count').fetch local nspn = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('項目頁') local _separated_entries = require('Module:Separated entries').main function p.num(frame, count) if count == nil then count = _fetch(frame) end -- Build output string local return_value = "" if count == nil then if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "大量頁面" else return_value = "許多頁面" end else -- Use 2 significant figures for smaller numbers and 3 for larger ones local sigfig = 2 if count >= 100000 then sigfig = 3 end -- Prepare to round to appropriate number of sigfigs local f = math.floor(math.log10(count)) - sigfig + 1 -- Round and insert "approximately" or "+" when appropriate if (frame.args[2] == "yes") or (mw.ustring.sub(frame.args[1],-1) == "+") then -- Round down return_value = string.format("%s+", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) ) * (10^(f))) ) else -- Round to nearest return_value = string.format("約%s頁", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) + 0.5) * (10^(f))) ) end -- Insert percent of pages if frame.args["all-pages"] and frame.args["all-pages"] ~= "" then local percent = math.floor( ( (count/frame:callParserFunction('NUMBEROFPAGES', 'R') ) * 100) + 0.5) return_value = string.format("%s,佔全部頁面的%s%%", return_value, percent) end end return return_value end -- Actions if there is a large (greater than or equal to 100,000) transclusion count function p.risk(frame) local return_value = "" if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "risk" else local count = _fetch(frame) if count and count >= 100000 then return_value = "risk" end end return return_value end function p.text(frame, count) local bot_text = "\n\n----\n<small>模板引用數量會自動更新。</small>" if frame.args["nobot"] == "true" then bot_text = "" end if count == nil then count = _fetch(frame) end local return_value = {} local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local isdemo = false if frame.args["demo"] and frame.args["demo"] ~= "" then isdemo = true title = mw.title.new(frame.args["demo"], "Template") end if title.subpageText == "doc" or title.subpageText == "sandbox" or title.subpageText == "testcases" then title = title.basePageTitle end local templatecount = string.format("https://templatecount.toolforge.org/index.php?lang=zh&namespace=%s&name=%s", title.namespace,mw.uri.encode(title.text)) local used_on_text = string.format("'''%s用於[%s %s]'''", (isdemo and "[["..title.fullText.."]]") or ("此"..nspn), templatecount, p.num(frame, count) ) local sandbox_text = _separated_entries({ string.format("[[%s/sandbox|'''沙盒''']]", title.fullText), string.format("[[%s/testcases|'''測試樣例''']]", title.fullText), (title.namespace == 828 and "" or "[[Special:Mypage/沙盒|'''您的沙盒''']]"), separator="、", conjunction="或" }) local info = "" if frame.args["info"] and frame.args["info"] ~= "" then info = "<br />" .. frame.args["info"] end sandbox_text = string.format("。%s<br /><small>為了避免大規模影響,%s應先於%s測試。</small>", info, nspn, sandbox_text ) local discussion_text = string.format("<br /><small>測試後無誤的版本可%s,但修改前請務必於", nspn) if frame.args["2"] and frame.args["2"] ~= "" and frame.args["2"] ~= "yes" then discussion_text = string.format("%s'''[[%s]]'''", discussion_text, frame.args["2"]) else discussion_text = string.format("%s[[%s|'''討論頁''']]", discussion_text, title.talkPageTitle.fullText ) end return table.concat({used_on_text, sandbox_text, discussion_text, "發起討論。</small>", bot_text}) end function p.main(frame) local count = _fetch(frame) local return_value = "" local image = "[[File:Dialog-warning-yellow.svg|64px|alt=Warning|link=]]" local type_param = "style" if (frame.args[1] == "risk" or (count and count >= 100000) ) then image = "[[File:Dialog-warning-orange.svg|64px|alt=Warning|link=]]" type_param = "content" end if frame.args["form"] == "editnotice" then return_value = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'editnotice', args = { ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } else return_value = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'ombox', args = { ["type"] = type_param, ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } end return return_value end

return p</code>

—以上留言由捍粵者對話貢獻)於2023年5月5日 (五) 02:07 (UTC)加入;原先簽名因嚴重違反簽名指引而移除

「500頁」有歧義。例如分類頁面的「下一頁」的「頁」不是頁面的意思。反對此項修改。「一次性地加入」我個人不是很清楚具體是指什麼操作,改成「直接加入」意思上有變化,需要確認修改後是否符合實際的操作。--Tiger留言2023年5月5日 (五) 19:47 (UTC)
實際效果是在模板頁頂顯示【此模板用於約[幾]頁】,不是用在分類頁頂,上下文已很清楚;英文版甚至沒有【測試後無誤的版本可以一次性地加入此模板中】,中文版不知為何有此句。——勿用「進行」污染中文,要言簡意賅。 匣趕以乙精寫 2023年5月6日 (六) 12:28 (UTC)
「為了避免有大規模影響」比原文怪。「造成」一詞又不是一定不能用,帶了介賓短語「對某事」的才是翻譯腔,要改成「影響某事」。反對虛化[1]動詞「造成」的實質是反對抽象化[2]名詞「影響」,如果你用動詞「有」,「影響」一詞仍然是抽象的[3]。這裏「為了避免造成大規模的影響」直接轉換過來應該是「為了避免大規模影響……什麼?」而不是簡單換成一個「有」字。 ——魔琴 留言 貢獻 新手2023計劃 ] 2023年5月10日 (三) 16:06 (UTC)
【為了避免影響大量頁面】這樣好點?--——勿用「進行」污染中文,要言簡意賅。 匣趕以乙精寫 2023年5月10日 (三) 16:13 (UTC)
也許。但放到模板上有有點囉嗦(……用於420000頁面。……影響大量頁面……)這樣一想「影響過大」可能比較好,雖然影響還是抽象化的,但是聽起來更像中文。或者這半句可以刪去改為「因此」。 ——魔琴 留言 貢獻 新手2023計劃 ] 2023年5月10日 (三) 16:53 (UTC)
<code>local p = {}

local _fetch = require('Module:Transclusion_count').fetch local nspn = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('項目頁') local _separated_entries = require('Module:Separated entries').main function p.num(frame, count) if count == nil then count = _fetch(frame) end -- Build output string local return_value = "" if count == nil then if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "大量頁面" else return_value = "許多頁面" end else -- Use 2 significant figures for smaller numbers and 3 for larger ones local sigfig = 2 if count >= 100000 then sigfig = 3 end -- Prepare to round to appropriate number of sigfigs local f = math.floor(math.log10(count)) - sigfig + 1 -- Round and insert "approximately" or "+" when appropriate if (frame.args[2] == "yes") or (mw.ustring.sub(frame.args[1],-1) == "+") then -- Round down return_value = string.format("%s+", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) ) * (10^(f))) ) else -- Round to nearest return_value = string.format("約%s", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) + 0.5) * (10^(f))) ) end -- Insert percent of pages if frame.args["all-pages"] and frame.args["all-pages"] ~= "" then local percent = math.floor( ( (count/frame:callParserFunction('NUMBEROFPAGES', 'R') ) * 100) + 0.5) return_value = string.format("%s,佔全部頁面的%s%%", return_value, percent) end end return return_value end -- Actions if there is a large (greater than or equal to 100,000) transclusion count function p.risk(frame) local return_value = "" if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "risk" else local count = _fetch(frame) if count and count >= 100000 then return_value = "risk" end end return return_value end function p.text(frame, count) local bot_text = "\n\n----\n<small>模板引用數量會自動更新。</small>" if frame.args["nobot"] == "true" then bot_text = "" end if count == nil then count = _fetch(frame) end local return_value = {} local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local isdemo = false if frame.args["demo"] and frame.args["demo"] ~= "" then isdemo = true title = mw.title.new(frame.args["demo"], "Template") end if title.subpageText == "doc" or title.subpageText == "sandbox" or title.subpageText == "testcases" then title = title.basePageTitle end local templatecount = string.format("https://templatecount.toolforge.org/index.php?lang=zh&namespace=%s&name=%s", title.namespace,mw.uri.encode(title.text)) local used_on_text = string.format("'''%s用於[%s %s]'''", (isdemo and "[["..title.fullText.."]]") or ("此"..nspn), templatecount, p.num(frame, count) ) local sandbox_text = _separated_entries({ string.format("[[%s/sandbox|'''沙盒''']]", title.fullText), string.format("[[%s/testcases|'''測試樣例''']]", title.fullText), (title.namespace == 828 and "" or "[[Special:Mypage/沙盒|'''您的沙盒''']]"), separator="、", conjunction="或" }) local info = "" if frame.args["info"] and frame.args["info"] ~= "" then info = "<br />" .. frame.args["info"] end sandbox_text = string.format("。%s<br /><small>%s應先於%s測試。</small>", info, nspn, sandbox_text ) local discussion_text = string.format("<br /><small>測試無誤%s,但修改前請務必於", nspn) if frame.args["2"] and frame.args["2"] ~= "" and frame.args["2"] ~= "yes" then discussion_text = string.format("%s'''[[%s]]'''", discussion_text, frame.args["2"]) else discussion_text = string.format("%s[[%s|'''討論頁''']]", discussion_text, title.talkPageTitle.fullText ) end return table.concat({used_on_text, sandbox_text, discussion_text, "發起討論。</small>", bot_text}) end function p.main(frame) local count = _fetch(frame) local return_value = "" local image = "[[File:Dialog-warning-yellow.svg|64px|alt=Warning|link=]]" local type_param = "style" if (frame.args[1] == "risk" or (count and count >= 100000) ) then image = "[[File:Dialog-warning-orange.svg|64px|alt=Warning|link=]]" type_param = "content" end if frame.args["form"] == "editnotice" then return_value = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'editnotice', args = { ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } else return_value = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'ombox', args = { ["type"] = type_param, ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } end return return_value end

return p</code>
<code>local p = {}

local _fetch = require('Module:Transclusion_count').fetch local nspn = mw.getCurrentFrame():preprocess('項目頁') local _separated_entries = require('Module:Separated entries').main function p.num(frame, count) if count == nil then count = _fetch(frame) end -- Build output string local return_value = "" if count == nil then if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "大量頁面" else return_value = "許多頁面" end else -- Use 2 significant figures for smaller numbers and 3 for larger ones local sigfig = 2 if count >= 100000 then sigfig = 3 end -- Prepare to round to appropriate number of sigfigs local f = math.floor(math.log10(count)) - sigfig + 1 -- Round and insert "approximately" or "+" when appropriate if (frame.args[2] == "yes") or (mw.ustring.sub(frame.args[1],-1) == "+") then -- Round down return_value = string.format("%s+", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) ) * (10^(f))) ) else -- Round to nearest return_value = string.format("約%s頁", mw.getContentLanguage():formatNum(math.floor( (count / 10^(f)) + 0.5) * (10^(f))) ) end -- Insert percent of pages if frame.args["all-pages"] and frame.args["all-pages"] ~= "" then local percent = math.floor( ( (count/frame:callParserFunction('NUMBEROFPAGES', 'R') ) * 100) + 0.5) return_value = string.format("%s,佔全部頁面的%s%%", return_value, percent) end end return return_value end -- Actions if there is a large (greater than or equal to 100,000) transclusion count function p.risk(frame) local return_value = "" if frame.args[1] == "risk" then return_value = "risk" else local count = _fetch(frame) if count and count >= 100000 then return_value = "risk" end end return return_value end function p.text(frame, count) local bot_text = "\n\n----\n<small>模板引用數量會自動更新。</small>" if frame.args["nobot"] == "true" then bot_text = "" end if count == nil then count = _fetch(frame) end local return_value = {} local title = mw.title.getCurrentTitle() local isdemo = false if frame.args["demo"] and frame.args["demo"] ~= "" then isdemo = true title = mw.title.new(frame.args["demo"], "Template") end if title.subpageText == "doc" or title.subpageText == "sandbox" or title.subpageText == "testcases" then title = title.basePageTitle end local templatecount = string.format("https://templatecount.toolforge.org/index.php?lang=zh&namespace=%s&name=%s", title.namespace,mw.uri.encode(title.text)) local used_on_text = string.format("'''%s用於[%s %s]'''", (isdemo and "[["..title.fullText.."]]") or ("此"..nspn), templatecount, p.num(frame, count) ) local sandbox_text = _separated_entries({ string.format("[[%s/sandbox|'''沙盒''']]", title.fullText), string.format("[[%s/testcases|'''測試樣例''']]", title.fullText), (title.namespace == 828 and "" or "[[Special:Mypage/沙盒|'''您的沙盒''']]"), separator="、", conjunction="或" }) local info = "" if frame.args["info"] and frame.args["info"] ~= "" then info = "<br />" .. frame.args["info"] end sandbox_text = string.format("。%s<br /><small>%s應先於%s測試。</small>", info, nspn, sandbox_text ) local discussion_text = string.format("<br /><small>測試無誤%s,但修改前請務必於", nspn) if frame.args["2"] and frame.args["2"] ~= "" and frame.args["2"] ~= "yes" then discussion_text = string.format("%s'''[[%s]]'''", discussion_text, frame.args["2"]) else discussion_text = string.format("%s[[%s|'''討論頁''']]", discussion_text, title.talkPageTitle.fullText ) end return table.concat({used_on_text, sandbox_text, discussion_text, "發起討論。</small>", bot_text}) end function p.main(frame) local count = _fetch(frame) local return_value = "" local image = "[[File:Dialog-warning-yellow.svg|64px|alt=Warning|link=]]" local type_param = "style" if (frame.args[1] == "risk" or (count and count >= 100000) ) then image = "[[File:Dialog-warning-orange.svg|64px|alt=Warning|link=]]" type_param = "content" end if frame.args["form"] == "editnotice" then return_value = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'editnotice', args = { ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } else return_value = frame:expandTemplate{ title = 'ombox', args = { ["type"] = type_param, ["image"] = image, ["text"] = p.text(frame, count), ["expiry"] = (frame.args["expiry"] or "") } } end return return_value end

return p</code>
——勿用「進行」污染中文,要言簡意賅。 匣趕以乙精寫 2023年5月13日 (六) 05:24 (UTC)
抱歉,排個版。不然下面的顯示都亂了。--洛普利寧 2023年5月14日 (日) 09:35 (UTC)


  1. ^ 這裏不能去掉「化」字
  2. ^ 這裏不能去掉「化」字,因為「抽象名詞」和「抽象『化』名詞」不一樣,而且這裏強調「化」的過程。
  3. ^ 這裏不宜改為「仍然抽象」,因為我這裏要強調「影響」一詞的性質,因此用系表結構。
返回 "High-use" 頁面。