歡迎加入Wikipedia大家庭!在動手之前,請先抽出時間閱讀Wikipedia:版權資訊、Wikipedia:如何編輯頁面及Wikipedia:幫助。您也可以到Wikipedia:沙盒中實驗一下,有什麼問題請到Wikipedia:互助客棧提出,或者直接與我聯繫。--Formulax 09:36 2003年8月30日 (UTC)
你好,請關注關於中華民國詞條的說明,我認為不應該把中華民國等同於目前的台灣。 就像不能把蒙古帝國等同於目前的蒙古國一樣
你好!很高興認識。同性戀也不要大張旗鼓的宣揚吧,不反對,不支持,不鼓勵,不...,呵呵 多多指教Wikinu 2004年4月16日星期五 16:28
漢語拼音寫的好!--Menchi 18:58 2003年9月13日 (UTC)
Wing你好,我也是身處德國。不過我是剛剛才開始對WIKI產生興趣,只是經常拿德語WIKI和中文的比來比去,自己瞎寫些條目而已。 今天看到你在2004年3月23日「WIKI第一印象」中寫到關於「德語版建立一套官僚機構」的提法覺得很是迷惑。 德語版在發展過程中有什麼程序化的錯誤嗎?期待解迷!
很高興能認識! --Jintan 17:00 2004年6月12日 (UTC)
同意你的意見,光緒已改回--Shizhao 00:32 2003年9月22日 (UTC)
能幫忙給德語添加一些內容嗎?語法等等的。--Samuel 04:18 2003年12月13日 (UTC)
- 寫的很好呀!讓我這個對德語一無所知的人都了解了很多關於德語的東西。:) --Samuel 16:55 2003年12月16日 (UTC)
Hi, 如果你是管理員請幫我刪除掉我剛剛發的東西。謝謝~~
--Gaoxuewei 13:35 2004年1月22日 (UTC)
Greeting from Yacht! u have other username here! :) I am planning to translate the article I wrote in English wiki. It seems that u made a lot of contributions here, as well as in German wiki! u r now translating the gay-related articles into German? --yacht (Talk)Q 02:00 2004年1月29日 (UTC)
你把武則天中的「他」改成「她」,我個人覺得沒必要,因「他」這個字是中性的。Wshun 21:38 2004年1月30日 (UTC)
祝賀! 您現在是管理員. (Congratulations! You are now a sysop.) :) Angela 01:22 2004年2月7日 (UTC)
Regarding the administration, you can rollback more easily, by clicking on [回退], which is, for example, beside "Shizhao (Talk | 貢獻)" in [1]. --Menchi (討論頁)Â 13:39 2004年2月19日 (UTC)
- Ah, thanks very much. I have searched for that :-) -- Wing 13:49 2004年2月19日 (UTC)
我已經把英文的購買力平價翻譯過來了。 Zj 20:36 2004年2月23日 (UTC)
I'm worrying about User:Thkperson - he's also spamming at other wikipedia's. I used babelfish to find a sysop here (i don't speak zh) - so i leave a message here. Can you take a look at it? Thanks. 18:48 2004年2月24日 (UTC) (nl:gebruiker:Wilinckx).
Don't want to disturb your home page, but since you don't let other people to "TALK" to you, sorry to write you here.
You deleted far more items than necessary. The Chinese "Animual" I wrote is something I think as one perfect Stub, which othe people, especialy people have no Wiki experience to build on.
Wiki is for everyone, and I, one of the everyone want to you remind you to review your standard, as your standard may not be agreed by everyone.
- Philx9771你好:維基百科不是沒有質量要求的,我刪除的關於動物的文章不符合維基百科的要求,請參看Wikipedia:管理員刪除指導和Wikipedia:完美的兔尾巴/簡。我們對一些內容已經定義了它們的格式,請參考Wikipedia:WikiProject生物和Wikipedia:維基工程。下面是幾個關於生物的文章,你可以借鑑:哺乳動物、人屬和歐洲野牛。--Wing 20:19 2004年2月25日 (UTC)
Hey, I am planning to work here for a while, can u help? ^_^ --yacht (Talk)Q 13:47 2004年2月27日 (UTC)
Hi, r u administrator? what is your authority and working area in this website?i think u can delete everything here. But could u offer some remark or comment for your deletion? I am fresh man for Wiki. So i think guidance is better than taboo. can i wirte something about essentials of accounting here? how can i conduct this job? thx so much
Queer 請問,您加入德國籍了嗎?
- Why should I discriminate a Chinese if I am not a chinese citisen? I don't understand the question. --Wing 11:57 2004年3月3日 (UTC)
- I wrote you before, that I have no chinese input device when I am at work. I can very well write you in Chinese when I am at home today evening. I dont need a german citizenship get the benefits of registered civil partnership. I live in this country, so I would like to have the same right and responsity as the other citizens to determine the politics of this country, that's why I acquired german citizenship. -- Wing 12:29 2004年3月3日 (UTC)
- have no chinese input device when I am at work, Wow, u work on Wikipedia even when u r at work? u must be a Wikiaholic! :) Be careful of the boss! ^_^ --Samuel (對話頁) 16:51 2004年3月3日 (UTC)
- 維基狂我可當不上,我記得上次試的時候只得了40幾分,不及格:-P。--Wing 20:53 2004年3月3日 (UTC)
- I am since 16 years abroad. I confess I know China no more so good. As I was there two years ago I was very stunned of much things that had since then changed. I could recognize nothing more in the city of my birth, Shanghai. For your last question, no, I don't think so. I mean, I don't think that people are silly if they stay in China. I also don't think that idealism is silly. I like people with idealism better then people who are just oppotunistic. -- Wing 12:51 2004年3月3日 (UTC)
- I was far more older than 16 when I went here. I came for study. Indeed, I knew in my inside that I am gay since I got know this word, and that was probably when I was 16. --Wing 13:56 2004年3月3日 (UTC)
y protected User:Ppip? --Samuel 08:46 2004年3月4日 (UTC)
- Sorry, was not intentional. -- Wing 09:19 2004年3月4日 (UTC)
- i thought someone kept destroying that. ;) --Samuel 09:58 2004年3月4日 (UTC)
- 南開大學條目一定要在 /temp 中重新編寫麼?Ppip 00:50 2004年3月7日 (UTC)
您有blog或其他種類的個人網頁嗎? --mingwangx 17:44 2004年4月1日 (UTC)
謝謝 for 神曲 燈火下樓台 http://blog.msnfans.com/silveryea/
- 不客氣,為什麼不登錄了再編輯呢?--Wing 20:48 2004年3月19日 (UTC)
你好!很高興能在wiki里認識你,我也準備去德國留學了,是去漢諾威。我想知道你當初放棄中國國籍 是不是因為在中國的同性戀是不被社會所認同的?
- Hello S, normally I answer questions direct in your talk page. Yes, I am one of the sysops. --Wing 14:22 2004年3月25日 (UTC)
Tiglam wing,你好,關於我編輯的條目,基本上是我自己搜集公開的出版物上的資料後,總結匯編而成的,數據部分來源於公開發表的軍事雜誌和軍械展中廠家派發的產品介紹。我是一個新手,希望能得到各位前輩的指點,為維基的發展盡一分力,謝謝。你也可以直接用E-mail和我聯繫,或者qq:46027604 我的流動電話有E-mail功能,就算我不在線,也可以和您交流。
Jamguo 認為Blog/簡體、Blog/繁體條目保留毫無意義,加上更新麻煩,建議刪除之
來自Robin的問候 Wing,你好!發現這裏原來還有這樣一片天地,但是我不知道是不是可以隨便的發言,呵呵。 但是,我想在你的這個討論頁面是可以的吧?或者,有什麼問題也能夠很方便的刪去。 我想這樣一種共同的編輯的方式,是不是可以利用來創作一些互動的作品。比如一部共同創作的小說, 所有的人都能夠把自己的想法寫進去,這是不是很有意思?嗬嗬 另:周日給你寫有信,不知道你收到沒有?
Robin Ho 13:11 2004年3月31日 (UTC)
Danke, dass du mich hier willkommen geheißen hast! --pne 19:41 2004年4月1日 (UTC)
請教Wing,不知何故,在北非不能正確鏈入西非,為什麼? 如若Bug有問題,可以解決嗎?Cncs對話頁,03:42 2004年4月3日 (UTC)
讚讚讚!! 我還為了這個去寫了 search plugins 給 Mozilla FireFox 來使用
資訊、知識是屬於每一個人的! Human Knowledge Belongs to the World!
--Rickz 14:42 2004年4月5日 (UTC)
多謝翻譯了拜占庭帝國, 很好. 維基戰區加拿大集團軍司令 (對話、留言按這裏) 18:25 2004年4月5日 (UTC)
你好!我想談關於魯迅那頁的修改。我覺得以言語排列,中文(cn)是排在日本(ja)頭的。 而且魯迅的資料的中文敍述比其他語言更為貼切(英文等排頭是因為有亞洲文字顯示問題的人比較易看 我才編輯維基百科不久,不知把ja排在cn頭是否慣用做法 Jackcsk 11:38 2004年4月7日 (UTC)
- 中文不建議使用"cn",這樣將會排擠香港及台灣(zh-tw)的使用者。 --Rickz 09:06 2004年4月8日 (UTC)
編輯我以前就發現過這個問題了,但不知道如何解決,我們要不要到Meta反映一下這個問題?--Mountain(Talk) 23:49 2004年4月7日 (UTC)
err, 台灣共和國裏面兩岸的 "中國" 解釋部份是由 Samuel 提議,才另外註解連結到 "中國" 的。 --Rickz 09:06 2004年4月8日 (UTC)
Use Superrevert!
編輯Hi, if you can read english well, I offer you to read en:Wikipedia:Revert's "bot revert" section and en:Wikipedia:Administrators "Reverting" section. It must be your help! Thanx! fought for wikipedia :) --Suisui 14:10 2004年4月8日 (UTC)
Thanks, Wing, 謝謝各位的信任. Cncs (Talk) 02:20 2004年4月9日 (UTC)
Ok, Wing. 我會關注新聞與新聞動態的,這幾天一直很忙,呵呵,蔬忽了這個條目(Talk) 14:38 2004年4月9日 (UTC)
編輯想Wing大大可否幫忙看看德語版的法輪功是否違反NPOV了?--石添小草 17:40 2004年4月10日 (UTC)
春秋的吳國寫的好.--Menchi (討論頁)Â 01:39 2004年4月15日 (UTC)
我開始強烈的鄙視一些中文Wikipedia的管理員, 其中包括你, 我認為他們缺乏足夠的判斷力, 對於版權問題只有模糊和錯誤的理解.
打開以後就可以發現非常顯然的是Wikipedia風格的內容, 而且是非常嚴格按照WikiProject規格化後的, 事實上, 僅從地址上就可以看出本頁內容是一個中文Wikipedia的條目副本.
簡單觀察之後即可發現該網站是一個搜尋引擎, 很容易知道這只是其一個搜索結果的緩存.
一個中文Wikipedia管理員居然連這樣的簡單問題都看不出來, 極具諷刺意味.
編輯想提提 Wing: 在侵權通知裏所貼的 URL, 記得在引號和 URL 之間留下空格, 要不, 系統就會連同後面的引號也一併放進 URL 內, 就不能探訪那連結了. -- 石添小草 15:11 2004年4月22日 (UTC)
- ACK, TNX :-) --Wing 04:20 2004年4月23日 (UTC)
Hi,Wing,請在Talk:中國恐怖主義談談高見!謝謝。Cncs 15:09, 2004年4月23日 (UTC)
- 關於主頁解除保護問題,我還不是十分熟悉,我是在更新不成功的時候先解除保護實現更新在恢復到保護。Cncs 18:02,2004年4月23日 (UTC)
- 你那現在幾點了?如若喜歡聊聊天,在YAHOO通裏面和MSN 很直接!Cncs 18:07 2004-4-23,(UTC)
Eh...sorry, I created a Talk Page at Talk:亞馬遜河 to notify sysops to delete it. But before I even posted it, you have already deleted that page! (Good job!) So please delete that talk page also. Thanks...and sorry again. --Johna 15:54 2004年4月24日 (UTC)
hi, Wing, there is a page about swjtu in english version which is the same as the page: http://www.swjtu.edu.cn/english/info.htm dont know whether it has the copyright. thx. --Koyn 17:22 2004年4月24日 (UTC)
Wyzh yctc
編輯他/她需要什麽幫助嗎?我沒有看出來,他/她的用戶頁好像沒有問題。--Samuel (talk) 10:17 2004年4月27日 (UTC)
像這個名稱,我確實在條目中以前見過,但像我經常瀏覽網頁和喜歡時事的人,竟然一頭霧水呢!當然,最好的做法,還是用準確的檢索方式定名稱最好。Cncs 13:46 2004年4月27日 (UTC)
俺覺得Mosesofmason有點問題,請注意一下。謝謝。--Koyn 00:45 2004年5月1日 (UTC)
Heat exchanger廣告啊!!!--Koyn 00:50 2004年5月1日 (UTC)
編輯- 看來管理員功能不足
- 累死我了,我先去睡覺了,同志們頂住!!! --Dersonlwd Talk 17:34 2004年5月17日 (UTC)
- 又來了。ZZZ...很睏 (對話、留言按這裏) 18:41 2004年5月18日 (UTC)
- Thanks for helping! --ZZZ...很睏 (對話、留言按這裏)
請去IRC channel irc://irc.freenode.net/mediawiki 。 Danke. --Menchi (討論頁)Â 19:32 2004年5月20日 (UTC)
編輯Eh...I just wanted to ask how is it going with the traditional/simplified chinese problem, do you need someone to code? If so, I can help...I've got a long summer holiday to spend... --Johna 19:44 2004年5月29日 (UTC)
Response at User talk:Menchi#Programming. --Menchi (討論頁)Â 01:26 2004年5月30日 (UTC)
see talk at User talk:Cylauj.--Mountain(Talk) 09:24 2004年5月30日 (UTC)
編輯關於聯合國維持和平人員國際日,是否涉及版權,不過WWW.UN.ORG聲明了版權的問題,但應該屬於公共資源;另外該條目的體裁倒是要改寫。 Cncs 01.41 2004年5月30日 (UTC)
編輯參與一下這裏的討論:Wikipedia talk:繁簡體問題#Talk between Johna and Mountain --Mountain(Talk) 01:58 2004年5月31日 (UTC)
編輯Long time no see, i am back! Let's rock! <:o) --Samuel (talk) 15:02 2004年6月18日 (UTC)
I followed the issue in the english mailinglist. I personally have no problem in reading an article in mixed simplified and traditional chinese. But I should surely not project my own experience into others. Indeed we are working on a programmatic solution for the problem, so that either an automatical synchronization of the both versions or an automatical conversion on the server would be made. Though the problem is not quite easy, we think it is manageable.
I personally don't live in China or in Taiwan and I am quite neutral to this issue. But I think it is not a good idea to separate the language, because as you can see now, the mainlanders and the taiwanese must manage to see that the articles are ballanced, so that the NPOV is aproved for both sides. Though it could be an illusion, I hope this is a good method to make the people know each other, see the point of the view of the other side and comprehend that the otherside have their reasons. I believe this worked quite well until now. But if we separate the language, I believe we would lose a lot of things. I would not like to see that each side ignore the oppinion of the other side and make them self believe that only that what they are told until now are the truth. If we separate the language, it would also be possible that the chinese government would feel far more easier to take over the simplified version and make it in their line.
So, I think there's many very good reason not to separate the language.
I confess that until we get the software solution at least running 80%, the situation now is very unsatisfied. So one of the most urgent thing to do here is to work on that software solution. --Wing 14:42 2004年6月18日 (UTC)
1. About Wing
Strange, aren't you from China? How old were you when you left? I know there are some Chinese that can read both simplified and traditional Chinese, but for the majority of people, I think it's still a problem to read either without studying the other writing system in more depth.
2. Unified Chinese Wikipedia
a. Government intervention
I understand your idealistic desire for unifying Chinese even if that means the automatic conversion of the Chinese writing system when updating an article. However, I think with the PRC's strong control over politically sensitive information, it is virtually impossible to have a unified version. Why? Simply because the PRC government vehemently opposes any writing which makes the country look bad or is completely against their view of the world. This will include such writing such as Taiwan being a part of Japan in history, Tiananmen massacre, or the issue of Senkaku shoutou/Diaoyu islands dispute, etc. As an encyclopedia, such historical events are a fact yet the PRC government tries to wipe out history which is shameful to the country.
The major problem is the PRC government's interference with the human right to freedom of speech (which they say must be limited to ensure stability). The possibility of people having access to altering articles is very attractive to people to vent political views which is why the PRC had blocked wikipedia access, and I think that problem cannot be solved because generally what is accepted internationally will not always be accepted by the PRC government, hence the problem of access.
b. Simplified vs. Traditional Chinese
Refering to Sam's comment on language, the strange thing about classifying a language for Chinese is that while the English speaking world has a completely readable script American vs. English, the Chinese script is completely different. Some simplified characters are readable to overseas Chinese but other characters are just too radically different to be understood.
Another thing is, the main interface of zh.wikipedia.org is simplified. How will it be possible to convert the interface into traditional Chinese? Unless there is a way to convert the entire interface to traditional Chinese, it's not practical to have one unified encyclopedia.
- Ian
Ahhh! I've gone off topic and turned it political. Anyway, if it is possible for navigation to be in either simplified or traditional Chinese, then that's a great solution. I have no idea how it will be possible to convert the characters to be interchangeable but that's a really interesting idea. 加油!
Conformity vs. Display
編輯Ahhh, I don't know who the admins are but I'm wondering about this issue.
The English version of Wikipedia seems to follow a standard of having the national statistics table located below the first subheading section (Introductory text). However on some other language versions I see that they've placed such table at the top-right most corner, therefore being located to the right of the introductory text.
The problem with having the table below the introductory text is, if there are images, these images will be moved to the left of the national table (therefore looking really bad). Do you know what I mean? I wonder how this can be solved. This is mostly due to the pages not having enough content to be lower than the national table.
I just think that pages should conform to a set layout standard but seems to be problematic when images are involved... unless there's some code that can start a new line without wrapping to something on the side. --無名氏 ←其實是我! 抱歉之前未知如何加上簽名 — [[User:Ianm2000uk|ianm2000uk (22男/英國)]]
編輯已經標註了參考文獻了,為什麼要恢復呢? freebsd 條目
編輯- Oops, I forgot to add 楊靖宇 to the copyvio list. thanks! --Djyang 13:29 2004年6月30日 (UTC)
編輯- 我發覺有些中國人的名字拼音和英文名不同(其實暫時發現的只有「孔子」而已;P),所以乾脆全部打上去算了,看上去也比較工整一些吧。而且有些名字看上去好像是中國人的名字,但其實是外國人士,所以用英文名區分一下也比較好,對不?obeli 17:21 2004年6月30日 (UTC)
我們已經在共享創意協議下發佈了Abbooo官方文檔, 請審核詞條 Aboboo
編輯我們在維基百科添加了詞條 Aboboo ,被認為有版權爭議。 為解決爭議,我們在官網上為原文添加了「共享創意署名-相同方式共享 2.5 中國大陸許可協議」的許可聲明。 我們已經在共享創意協議下發佈了Abbooo官方文檔, 請審核 Aboboo 條目。 條目連結: http://zh.wikipedia.org/zh-cn/Aboboo 官網連結: http://aboboo.com/docs/