
Ada, Countess of Lovelace
Augusta Ada Byron

配偶威廉·金-诺尔(第一代洛夫莱斯伯爵)英语William King-Noel, 1st Earl of Lovelace

洛夫莱斯伯爵夫人奥古斯塔·埃达·金·诺尔(Augusta Ada King-Noel, Countess of Lovelace,1815年12月10日-1852年11月27日),原姓拜伦(Byron),是一位英国数学家兼作家,代表作是她为查尔斯·巴贝奇分析机——机械式通用电脑——所写的作品。她是第一位主张电脑不只可以用来算数的人,也发表了第一段分析机用的算法。因此,埃达被公认为史上第一位认识电脑完全潜能的人,也是史上第一位电脑程序员[1][2][3]

埃达·洛夫莱斯是名诗人拜伦的唯一婚生子,母亲为温特沃斯女爵安妮·伊莎贝拉·米尔班奇(安娜贝拉)英语Anne Isabella Milbanke[4]拜伦的其他子女都是和其他女人间的非婚生子。[5]埃达出生周月父母离异,四个月后父亲离开英国,一去不归。拜伦在诗中写着:“我的娇女,你的容颜是否如母?埃达,我屋檐下、我心中唯一的女儿。”.[6]埃达八岁时,拜伦在希腊独立战争中病死。埃达母亲始终痛恨拜伦,致力栽培埃达的数学逻辑兴趣,以免埃达陷入她眼中拜伦的疯狂下场。但埃达终究很在意父亲,过世时要求要葬在父亲身旁。埃达童年多病。1835年埃达与威廉·金英语William King-Noel, 1st Earl of Lovelace结婚,威廉·金于1838年受封洛夫莱斯伯爵,她成为洛夫莱斯伯爵夫人。

借着她的家庭与教育环境,她认识许多科学家,如安德鲁·克罗斯英语Andrew Crosse大卫·布儒斯特爵士查尔斯·惠斯通麦可·法拉第和作家狄更斯,跟着他们进修。埃达自称是“分析家(兼形而上学家)”[7],并自称在从事“诗意科学”[8]







Ada, aged four

Byron expected his baby to be a "glorious boy" and was disappointed when his wife gave birth to a girl.[10] Augusta was named after Byron's half-sister, Augusta Leigh, and was called "Ada" by Byron himself.[11]


拜伦想要一个“光耀的男儿”,所以当妻子生下女儿时,非常失望。[10]她的名字“奥古斯塔”取自拜伦同父异母的姐姐奥古斯塔·李英语Augusta Leigh (Augusta Leigh),拜伦自己命名“埃达”。[11]

On 16 January 1816 Ada's mother, Annabella, at Byron's behest, left for her parents' home at Kirkby Mallory, taking one-month-old Ada with her.[10] Although English law at the time gave fathers full custody of their children in cases of separation, Byron made no attempt to claim his parental rights[12] but did request that his sister keep him informed of Ada's welfare.[13] On 21 April Byron signed the Deed of Separation, although very reluctantly, and left England for good a few days later.[14] Aside from an acrimonious separation, Annabella continually made allegations about Byron's immoral behaviour throughout her life.[15]

1816年1月16日,安娜贝拉在拜伦要求下,带着一个月大的埃达离家,回到柯比马洛里英语Kirkby Mallory的娘家。[10]依当年的英国法律,离婚后子女监护权属于父方。但拜伦不想要监护权[12],只委托姐姐在埃达有需要时通知他。[13]4月21日拜伦勉为其难签字离婚,几天后旋即离开英国。[14]除离婚外,安娜贝拉一辈子都在抱怨拜伦的败德行为。[15]

Ada, aged seven, by Alfred d'Orsay, 1822, Somerville College, Oxford.

This set of events made Ada famous in Victorian society. Byron did not have a relationship with his daughter, and never saw her again. He died in 1824 when she was eight years old. Her mother was the only significant parental figure in her life.[16] Ada was not shown the family portrait of her father (covered in green shroud) until her twentieth birthday.[17] Her mother became Baroness Wentworth in her own right in 1856.

七岁的埃达,作者Alfred d'Orsay,1822年,收藏于牛津大学萨默维尔学院


Annabella did not have a close relationship with the young Ada and often left her in the care of her own mother Judith, Hon. Lady Milbanke, who doted on her grandchild. However, because of societal attitudes of the time—which favoured the husband in any separation, with the welfare of any child acting as mitigation—Annabella had to present herself as a loving mother to the rest of society. This included writing anxious letters to Lady Milbanke about Ada's welfare, with a cover note saying to retain the letters in case she had to use them to show maternal concern.[18] In one letter to Lady Milbanke, she referred to Ada as "it": "I talk to it for your satisfaction, not my own, and shall be very glad when you have it under your own."[19] In her teenage years, several of her mother's close friends watched Ada for any sign of moral deviation. Ada dubbed these observers the "Furies" and later complained they exaggerated and invented stories about her.[20]


Ada, aged seventeen, 1832

Ada was often ill, beginning in early childhood. At the age of eight, she experienced headaches that obscured her vision.[11] In June 1829, she was paralysed after a bout of measles. She was subjected to continuous bed rest for nearly a year, which may have extended her period of disability. By 1831, she was able to walk with crutches. Despite being ill Ada developed her mathematical and technological skills. At age 12 this future "Lady Fairy", as Charles Babbage affectionately called her, decided she wanted to fly. Ada went about the project methodically, thoughtfully, with imagination and passion. Her first step, in February 1828, was to construct wings. She investigated different material and sizes. She considered various materials for the wings: paper, oilsilk, wires, and feathers. She examined the anatomy of birds to determine the right proportion between the wings and the body. She decided to write a book, Flyology, illustrating, with plates, some of her findings. She decided what equipment she would need; for example, a compass, to "cut across the country by the most direct road", so that she could surmount mountains, rivers, and valleys. Her final step was to integrate steam with the "art of flying".[5]



In early 1833 Ada had an affair with a tutor and, after being caught, tried to elope with him. The tutor's relatives recognised her and contacted her mother. Annabella and her friends covered the incident up to prevent a public scandal.[21] Ada never met her younger half-sister, Allegra, the daughter of Lord Byron and Claire Clairmont. Allegra died in 1822 at the age of five. Ada did have some contact with Elizabeth Medora Leigh, the daughter of Byron's half-sister Augusta Leigh, who purposely avoided Ada as much as possible when introduced at Court.[22]

1833年初,埃达和一个家教坠入情网,恋情曝光后,他们就私奔了。家教的亲戚认出埃达后,通报了埃达的母亲。安娜贝拉和朋友联手屏蔽了所有消息,以免被舆论攻击。埃达从未见过拜伦和克莱尔·克莱尔蒙特的女儿,她同父异母的妹妹奥格拉·拜伦。1822年,奥格拉五岁时过世。埃达和拜伦同父异母姐姐奥古斯塔·李的女儿伊丽莎白·梅朵拉·李英语Elizabeth Medora Leigh有往来,虽然对方后来在法院上刻意避开她。

  1. ^ Fuegi & Francis 2003.
  2. ^ Phillips, Ana Lena. Crowdsourcing Gender Equity: Ada Lovelace Day, and its companion website, aims to raise the profile of women in science and technology. American Scientist. November–December 2011, 99 (6): 463. 
  3. ^ Ada Lovelace honoured by Google doodle. The Guardian. 10 December 2012 [10 December 2012]. 
  4. ^ Ada Lovelace Biography, biography.com
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Toole, Betty Alexandra, Poetical Science, The Byron Journal, 1987, 15: 55–65, doi:10.3828/bj.1987.6 .
  6. ^ Last leaving England. I. Personal, Lyric, and Elegiac. Lord Byron. 1881. Poetry of Byron. www.bartleby.com. [2018-01-31]. 
  7. ^ Toole 1998,第156–157页.
  8. ^ Toole 1998,第234–235页.
  9. ^ Fuegi & Francis 2003,第19, 25页.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 10.3 Turney 1972,第35页.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 11.3 Stein 1985,第17页.
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 Stein 1985,第16页.
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 Woolley 1999,第80页.
  14. ^ 14.0 14.1 Turney 1972,第36–38页.
  15. ^ 15.0 15.1 Woolley 1999,第74–77页.
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Turney 1972,第138页.
  17. ^ 17.0 17.1 Woolley 1999,第10页.
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 Woolley 1999,第85–87页.
  19. ^ 19.0 19.1 Woolley 1999,第86页.
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Woolley 1999,第119页.
  21. ^ Woolley 1999,第120–21页.
  22. ^ Turney 1972,第155页.