
布萊恩·萊斯利·魏斯(英語:Brian Leslie Weiss;1944年11月6日)是一位美國精神科醫生、催眠治療師和作家,專門研究前世回溯。他的著作涉及輪迴、前世回溯、未來生命進展以及死後靈魂的存活[1][2][3]

出生1944年11月6日 編輯維基數據 (79歲)
職業神經科醫生、精神科醫師作家心理治療師 編輯維基數據
網站http://www.brianweiss.com 編輯維基數據


  1. ^ Past Life Regression Therapy: Encouraging Fantasy. Science-Based Medicine. 2016-07-26 [2018-07-06]. (原始內容存檔於2019-04-08) (美國英語). 
  2. ^ Regal, Brian. Pseudoscience: A Critical Encyclopedia. ABC-CLIO. 2009-10-15. ISBN 9780313355080 (英語). 
  3. ^ Lilienfeld, Scott O.; Lynn, Steven Jay; Lohr, Jeffrey M. Science and Pseudoscience in Clinical Psychology, Second Edition. Guilford Publications. 2014: 227. ISBN 978-1-4625-1789-3 (英語). ...Weiss (1988) published a widely publicized series of cases focusing on patients who were hypnotized and age regressed to 「go back to」 the source or origin of a particular present-day problem. When the patients were regressed, they reported events that Weiss and his patients interpreted as having their source in previous lives.