
通用表意文字拉丁語術語為characteristica universalis英語當中常解釋為 universal characteristicuniversal character中文之中又常常稱為普遍表意文字普遍語言通用語言普適語言以及普適科學語言等),是德國哲學家戈特弗里德·萊布尼茨所設想的一種通用的形式化語言;該語言能夠表達數學科學以及形上學(純粹哲學)方面的概念。萊布尼茨希望創建的是一種可以在通用邏輯運算或者說推理演算英語Calculus ratiocinator框架之下加以使用的語言



On Leibniz's lifelong interest in the characteristica and the like, see the following texts in Loemker (1969): 165–66, 192–95, 221–28, 248–50, and 654–66. On the characteristica, see Rutherford (1995) and the still-classic discussion in Couturat (1901: chpts. 3,4). Also relevant to the characteristica is Mates's (1986: 183–88) discussion of what he called the lingua philosophica.

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  • Rudolf Carnap, 1958. Introduction to Symbolic Logic with Applications. Dover.
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  • Cohen, C. Jonathan., 1954, "On the project of a universal character," Mind (New Series) 63: 249.
  • Louis Couturat, 1901. La Logique de Leibniz. Paris: Felix Alcan. Donald Rutherford's English translation in progress.
  • Louis Couturat, O. Jespersen, R. Lorenz, Wilhelm Ostwald and L.Pfaundler 1910, International Language and Science: Considerations on the Introduction of an International Language into Science", Constable and Company Limited, London.
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  • Gode, Alexander, 1951, Interlingua-English Dictionary|Interlingua-English: A Dictionary of the International language. New York: Storm Publishers.
  • Nelson Goodman, 1977 (1951). The Structure of Appearance. Reidel.
  • Jaakko Hintikka, 1997. Lingua Universalis vs. Calculus Ratiocinator. An ultimate presupposition of Twentieth-century philosophy. Kluwer.
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  • Kluge, E. H. W., 1980, "Frege, Leibniz and the notion of an ideal language," Studia Leibnitiana 12: 140–54.
  • Clarence Irving Lewis, 1960 (1918). A Survey of Symbolic Logic. Dover.
  • Loemker, Leroy, ed. and trans., 1969. Leibniz: Philosophical Papers and Letters. Synthese Historical Library. Dordrecht: D. Reidel.
  • Mates, Benson, 1986. The Philosophy of Leibniz. Oxford Univ. Press.
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  • —, and Mary Morris, trans., 1973. Leibniz: Philosophical Writings. London: J M Dent.
  • Piper, R. F. 1957, "Review of 'Unified Symbolism for World Understanding in Science' by Oliver L. Reiser," Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17: 432–33.
  • Reiser, Oliver Leslie 1946. A philosophy for world unification;: Scientific humanismas an ideology for cultural integration, Haldeman-Julius Publications.
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  • Nicholas Rescher, 1954, "Review of On the Project of a Universal Character by Jonathan Cohen," Journal of Symbolic Logic 19: 133.
  • Hartley Rogers, Jr., 1963, "An Example in Mathematical Logic," The American Mathematical Monthly 70: 929–45.
  • Rutherford, Donald, 1995, "Philosophy and language" in Jolley, N., ed., The Cambridge Companion to Leibniz. Cambridge Univ. Press.
  • Patrick Suppes, 1999 (1957). Introduction to Logic. Dover.
  • Jean van Heijenoort, 1967, "Logic as calculus and logic as language," Synthese 17: 324–330. Reprinted in Hintikka (1997).
  • Wiener, Philip P., 1940, "Leibniz's Project of a Public Exhibition of Scientific Inventions," Journal of the History of Ideas 1: 232–240.
  • Woodger, Joseph H., 1937, The axiomatic method in biology, Cambridge University Press.
  • Yen, D.C., Huang, S.-M., Ku, C.-Y. 2002, The impact and implementation of XML on business-to-business commerce, Computer Standards and Interfaces 24: 347–62.

