
  合法監管 – 合法且受監管
  合法不受監管 – 個體賣淫合法且不受監管,但有組織的賣淫或拉客為違法
  禁止 – 被界定為非法







《預防及遏制賣淫法案》(B.E. 2539,1996年)[16]是有關性服務產業監管的最主要法律。根據該法規定,「賣淫」的定義為「不論行為的雙方為同性或異性,為滿足他人的性需求,以收取金錢或其他利益等作為對價,進行性交或實施其他淫亂行為」,該法並沒有對「淫亂行為」進行更清晰的界定[17]












Related activities such as brothel keeping, solicitation and profiting from the prostitution of others are illegal.[17] Public nuisance laws are also used against prostitution.[17] Prostitution operates clandestinely in many parts of the country.[25]


A go-go bar, Soi Cowboy, Bangkok
我們[甘比亞]不是性服務需求者的目的地。如果你想要去這樣的地方,那你就去泰國。——甘比亞旅遊部長Hamat Bah在2018年評論了當地的性旅遊趨勢,引發了泰國政府的譴責。[26]

越南戰爭以來,泰國作為性旅遊目的地,在許多國家的旅行者中迅速知名[27]。泰國性工作者的確切數量很難評估。各方的估計值差異很大,並引發了國際上的爭議[28] 至今並沒有泰國官方機構提供的調查數據[29]朱拉隆功大學的Nitet Tinnakul博士在2004年預計泰國共有280萬名性工作者,包括200萬名女性、2萬名成年男性和80萬名18歲以下的未成年人,但大多數觀察家認為女性和未成年人的數字被嚴重誇大了[30]。根據世界衛生組織在2001年的一份報告:「最可靠的建議是,有15萬到20萬名性工作者。」[31][32][30] In its annual human rights report for 2008, the US State Department noted that, "A government survey during the year found that there were 76,000 to 77,000 adult prostitutes in registered entertainment establishments. However, NGOs believed there were between 200,000 and 300,000 prostitutes."[28] The state department's 2013 Human Rights Report for Thailand made no estimates of the extent of prostitution,[33] but in 2015 Havocscope, a database providing information about the global black market, gave an approximate figure of about 250,000 for the number of prostitutes working in Thailand.[34][35] UNAIDS in 2015 estimated the total population of sex workers in Thailand to be 147,000.[36]

It has been suggested for example that there may be as many as 10,000 prostitutes on Ko Samui alone, an island resort destination not usually noted for prostitution, and that at least 10 percent of tourist dollars may be spent on the sex trade.[37] An estimate published in 2003 placed the trade at US$4.3 billion per year, or about three percent of the Thai economy.[4] In 2015 Havocscope said that about US$6.4 billion in annual revenue was being generated by the trade, a figure which accounted for 10 percent of Thailand's GDP. Havocscope says that sex workers in Thailand send an annual average of US$300 million to family members who reside in more rural areas of Thailand.[34][35]

In 1996, the police in Bangkok estimated that there were at least 5,000 Russian prostitutes working in Thailand, many of whom had arrived through networks controlled by Russian gangs.[38]

In July 2016, it was reported that the Thai government intended to abolish the sex industry. Kobkarn Wattanavrangkul, the tourism minister, said "Tourists don't come to Thailand for [sex]. They come here for our beautiful culture" and that "We want Thailand to be about quality tourism. We want the sex industry gone".[39] Kobkarn was replaced as tourism minister in November 2017.[40] The Royal Thai Police says that more than 24,000 people were arrested in 2019.[41]

The closure of the country's borders in 2020 as a reaction to the COVID-19 pandemic in Thailand resulted in there being few foreign clients for the country's sex workers. 35 percent of them had no access to public cash relief; some were refused government financial aid after they identified themselves as sex workers, while others had to lie about their profession in order to receive payments. Many switched to jobs outside the sex industry. The Department of Women’s Affairs and Family Development said that it was providing sex workers with relief supplies and job training. It also said that it was planning to amend the country's prostitution law to allow them to access social welfare benefits, as only 5 percent were part of Thailand's social security system.[42]


Soi Cowboy, Bangkok
Bars in Patong Beach, Phuket

The primary tourist "prostitution zones" of Thailand are often identified as the red-light districts of Bangkok[27] and Pattaya[43][44] as well as Patong Beach Resort on Phuket Island.[45] In addition Hat Yai and other Malaysian border cities cater to Malaysians.[46] In Bangkok the areas most commonly associated with prostitution include the entertainment district of Patpong[27] as well as locations in the western Sukhumvit Road area such as the street called Soi Cowboy[27] and the Nana Plaza building.[27] The area known as the Ratchadaphisek entertainment district, running along Ratchadaphisek Road near the Huai Khwang intersection, is the location of several large entertainment venues which include sexual massage.[47] Lumphini Park in central Bangkok is well-known as a prostitution spot after dark.[48] In Pattaya the primary areas associated with prostitution are Boyztown,[44] Sunee Plaza and Walking Street.[43]

Rather than face of the risks of working independently, many sex workers choose the relative safety that comes with fixed employment in businesses such as "karaoke" bars, "massage" parlours, or brothels.[29] Prostitution may take place in a number of different types of venues, including brothels, hotels, massage parlours, restaurants, saunas, hostess bars, go-go bars and "beer bars".[49] Many other service sector workers offer sexual services as a sideline. Thai prostitution is divided into different sectors that serve different markets (the main criteria being the socioeconomic status of customers and the nationality of both customers and prostitutes).[30] Straightforward brothels, which offer no services aside from sex, represent the lower end of the market. These are most common outside Bangkok, serving low-income Thai men.[29]

Profiting from prostitution is prohibited under Thai law, but karaoke bars and massage parlours can be registered as normal, legal businesses. When arrests of sex workers occur at such premises, police usually treat the act of prostitution as an exchange between the sex worker and the client—an exchange to which the owner of the business was not a party. Although uncommon, cases of foreign clients being charged have happened, with Pattaya being the location in which most foreigners have been caught up in a police raid.[50] Owners of such establishments are only accused of crimes when breaking other laws, such as the employment of underage workers or illegal migrants.[29]



泰式浴場(泰語สถานอาบอบนวด, "浴場及按摩店"),類似於日本的泡泡浴,是泰國性服務業的主流類型,其往往提供油壓按摩,裸體按摩以及包含性服務的陪同入浴服務[51]。在泰式浴場中,男性顧客一般均可以與女性服務人員發生性行為[48]。這一類的浴場也往往被成為桑拿按摩浴室("bathing-sauna-massage")[52]。 據報道,由於曼谷市區內大量存在的浴場對水的需求極大,業者不得不使用非法開採的地下水資源,從而導致曼谷的地面每年沉降1厘米[53]







Bars catering to foreigners

Night bars in Pattaya

Women ("bargirls"), or men, in the case of gay bars, or transsexual ("kathoeys") are employed by the bars either as dancers (in the case of go-go bars) or simply as hostesses who will encourage customers to buy them drinks. Apart from these sorts of bars, there are a number of other sex trade venues. In most of these establishments the prostitutes are directly employed, but in hotels, some bars and discos freelance prostitutes are allowed to solicit clients.[55][56] Prostitutes will usually receive a commission when a customer buys drinks and sexual services can be arranged to take place on premises or elsewhere (with the latter requiring the customer to pay a "bar fine" to release the prostitute from the bar).[30][57] The relationships established in such contexts superficially mimic the "dating" culture of the west, with a mix of friendship, intimacy, sexual entertainment, and money.[58]



有關泰國賣淫業的歷史記載最早可向上追溯六百多年,公開且明確的書面記錄來自中國旅行家馬歡(1433年)以及兩名歐洲人Van Neck(1604年)和Gisbert Heeck(1655年)。 這個古老的行業在二戰的日占時期以及隨後的越戰期間有了蓬勃的發展[59][60]在越戰結束後,由於大批美軍士兵在泰國駐點,他們帶來的性需求讓泰國性產業迅猛發展[61]

Thailand has an ancient, continuous tradition of legal texts, generally described under the heading of Dhammasattha literature (Thai pron., tam-ma-sat), wherein prostitution is variously defined and universally banned. The era of traditional legal texts came to an end in the early 20th century, but these earlier texts were significant in regard to both the writ and spirit of modern legislation.[62]

In the twentieth century a variety of laws relating to the sex industry were passed, including the Contagious Diseases Prevention Act of 1908 and the Entertainment Places Act of 1966.[55] In the 1950s the Thai prime minister Field Marshal Sarit Thanarat initiated a morality campaign which included the aim of criminalising prostitution through the imposition of fines and imprisonment. A system of medical examinations and "moral rehabilitation" was introduced and the focus of public blame was moved from traffickers and procurers to the prostitutes themselves.[63] Prostitution itself was made illegal in Thailand[28] in 1960, when a law was passed under pressure from the United Nations.[64] The government instituted a system of monitoring sex workers in order to prevent their mistreatment and to control the spread of sexually transmitted diseases.[25] The 1960 law was repealed by the Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, B.E. 2539 (1996). Under this law prostitution as such is technically illegal.

Legalization attempt


In 2003, the Ministry of Justice considered legalising prostitution as an official occupation with health benefits and taxable income and held a public discussion on the topic. Legalisation and regulation was proposed as a means to increase tax revenue, reduce corruption, and improve the situation of the workers.[4] However, nothing further was done. In 2020, Thai sex workers took part in a campaign for legalization. The Empower Foundation, which supports sex workers, is trying to collect 10,000 signatures so that they can send a petition to parliament.[41]



In 2008, 532,522 Thais were suffering from HIV/AIDS.[65] The UNAIDS estimated in 2013 that from 380,000 to 520,000 Thais were living with HIV.[66] In 2017, the number of Thais living with HIV was 440,000.[67] The prevalence of HIV/AIDS among Thai adults aged 15–49 is estimated to be 1.1 percent (2016).[68] Among freelance female sex workers, the prevalence of HIV was 2.8 percent in 2017.[67] Among female sex workers in brothels, it was 0.6 percent (2017).[67]

Mechai Viravaidya, known as "Mr. Condom",[69] has campaigned tirelessly to increase the awareness of safe sex practices and use of condoms in Thailand. He served as minister for tourism and AIDS prevention from 1991 to 1992, and also founded the restaurant chain Cabbages and Condoms, which gives free condoms to customers.

After the enactment of the Thai government's first five-year plan to combat the HIV/AIDS epidemic in the country, including Mechai's "100% condom programme", as of 1994 the use of condoms during commercial sex probably increased markedly. No current data on the use of condoms is available. The programme instructed sex workers to refuse intercourse without a condom, and monitored health clinic statistics in order to locate brothels that allow sex without condoms.[25]



A study done by AIDS Care investigated substance use of HIV risk behaviors among kathoey sex workers in Bangkok, Thailand.[70] Only half of participants stated that they were tested for HIV and one had seen a health care provider in the past 12 months.[70] It found that katheoys who experienced abuse from a father or brother were less likely to use condoms during anal sex with customers.[70] Katheoy sex work tends to be in large cities and tourist areas including Bangkok, Chiang Mai, Phuket City, and Pattaya.[70] Many kathoeys work part-time as freelance prostitutes and keep a day-time job.[71] Female prostitutions are often preferred to Kathoey as they are viewed as less likely to carry sexually transmitted diseases.[71] Pressure from often specialized "ladyboy" bars puts kathoeys at risk of contracting sexually transmitted diseases given that many customers are unwilling to use condoms.[72]

Reasons for prevalence and toleration


Social views


Thai society has its own unique set of often contradictory sexual mores. Visiting a prostitute or a paid mistress is not an uncommon, though not necessarily acceptable, behaviour for men. Many Thai women, for example, believe the existence of prostitution actively reduces the incidence of rape.[25] Among many Thai people, there is a general attitude that prostitution has always been, and will always be, a part of the social fabric of Thailand.[25] On the other hand, "...the idea of legalizing sex work is unacceptable to many thin-faced Thais who judge the profession to be a foundation of vices. It doesn't matter how many sex workers are left out of the formal economic sector and become more prone to extortion, exploitation and abuse – many Thais simply will not tolerate sex work as legal."[73]

According to a 1996 study, the sexual urge of men is perceived by both Thai men and women as being very much stronger than the sexual urge of women. Where women are thought to be able to exercise control over their desires, the sexual urge of men is seen to be "a basic physiological need or instinct". It is also thought by both Thai men and women that men need "an occasional variation in partners". As female infidelity is strongly frowned upon in Thai society, and, according to a 1993 survey, sexual relationships for single women also meets disapproval by a majority of the Thai population, premarital sex, casual sex and extramarital sex with prostitutes is accepted, expected and sometimes even encouraged for Thai men, the latter being perceived as less threatening to a marriage over lasting relationships with a so-called "minor wife".[74]

Another reason contributing to this issue is that ordinary Thais deem themselves tolerant of other people, especially those whom they perceive as downtrodden. This acceptance has allowed prostitution to flourish without much of the extreme social stigma found in other countries. According to a 1996 study, people in Thailand generally disapprove of prostitution, but the stigma for prostitutes is not lasting or severe, especially since many prostitutes support their parents through their work. Some men do not mind marrying former prostitutes.[75] A 2009 study of subjective well-being of prostitutes found that among the sex workers surveyed, sex work had become normalized.[76]



Chuwit Kamolvisit was the owner of several massage parlours in Bangkok and considered by many a "godfather of prostitution" in Thailand. In 2005 he was elected for a four-year term to the Thai House of Representatives, but in 2006 the Constitutional Court removed him from office. In October 2008 he again ran for governor of Bangkok but was not elected. He revealed in 2003 that some of his best clients were senior politicians and police officers, whom he also claimed to have paid, over a decade, more than £1.5 million in bribes so that his business, selling sex, could thrive.[77]

Although Thailand's sex trade aimed at foreigners can be considered overt, the industry that caters exclusively to Thai men had never before been publicly scrutinised, let alone the sexual exploits of Thailand's unchallengeable officials.[77]

Support of prostitution is pervasive in political circles, as BBC News reported in 2003. "MPs from Thailand's ruling Thai Rak Thai Party are getting hot under the collar over plans by the party leadership to ban them from having mistresses or visiting brothels...." One MP told The Nation newspaper that if the rules were enforced, the party would only be able to field around 30 candidates, compared to its more than 200 sitting MPs."[78]

Attitudes towards women were exemplified by MP Thirachai Sirikhan, quoted in The Nation, "To have a mia noi [mistress] is an individual's right. There should be no problem as long as the politician causes no trouble to his family or society".[78]

After a police raid on some Bangkok parlours where policemen had sex with prostitutes, "Acting Suthisan Police chief Colonel Varanvas Karunyathat defended the police action, saying that the (police) officers involved needed to have sex with the masseuses to gain evidence for the arrest."[79] Apparently, this is standard practice as a separate police force did the same in Pattaya in May 2007.[80]

Organized crime


According to a Library of Congress study published in 2003, "The red-light districts of Thai cities are home to...brothels, casinos, and entertainment facilities that function both as sources of income and as operations centers for trafficking in humans...."[81]:44 It has been estimated that organised crime groups have brought over a million women into Thailand from Mainland China, Laos, and Vietnam.[82] The 14K Triad organisation dominates the trafficking of women from Mainland China to Bangkok for prostitution.[83]

In November 2015, Prime Minister Prayut Chan-o-cha launched a "clean up Thailand" campaign to eliminate organised crime in all areas, including vice.[84]



Buddhism in Thailand is largely of the Theravada school, which is followed by 95 percent of the population. "While Buddhism regards the celibate monastic life as the higher ideal, it also recognizes the importance of marriage as a social institution."[85] Thai Buddhism encourages adherence to the fundamental code of Buddhist ethics for the laity. The Five Precepts contains an admonishment against sexual misconduct, although what constitutes misconduct from the perspective of a particular school of Buddhism varies widely depending on the local culture. In the traditional Pāli Canon, the Sigālovāda Sutta contains a large section which advises men on honoring their wives by remaining faithful.

In the book Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy, Kevin Bales argues that in Thai Buddhism, women are viewed as naturally inferior to men, and that Buddha told his disciples that women were "impure, carnal, and corrupting."[86] This is also supported by the belief that women cannot attain enlightenment, although this view is disputed by other Buddhist scriptures such as the Vinaya Pitaka in the Pali Canon.[87]:16 The current Dalai Lama has asserted that women can attain enlightenment and function as equals to men in spiritual matters, but his branch of Buddhism is not the one practised in Thailand, which has its own particular canon of beliefs. Bales also points to the fact that ten kinds of wives are outlined in the Vinaya, or rules for monks. In the rules, the first three categories are women who can be paid for their services.[86] In present-day Thailand, this is expressed as tolerance of prostitution by married women. Sex with prostitutes is viewed by wives as "empty sex", and thus women may allow their husbands to have meaningless sex with prostitutes rather than find a new spouse.

Buddhism also prescribes "acceptance and resignation in the face of life's pain and suffering",[86] in accordance with belief in karma and the expiation of sins from previous lives. Women may choose to believe that serving as prostitutes is the ineluctable result of karma.

Exploitation by police and officialdom


Prostitution's tenuous position in Thai society makes it ripe for exploitation by police and governmental officials. Sex businesses pay considerable sums to authorities in order to be permitted to continue in business. Sex work has become in effect a cash cow for those in a position to extract bribes.[88] Those in a position to benefit have a financial interest in seeing the status quo continue. Business owners and individual sex workers complain that since the junta came to power in 2014, harassment has increased, as have the sums demanded. This has the effect of driving businesses out of business and sex workers to the street or internet as freelancers.[88]

Child prostitution


The exact number of child-prostitutes in Thailand is not known. According to the US-based research institute 「Protection Project」, estimates of the number of children involved in prostitution living in Thailand ranges from 12,000 to the hundreds of thousands (ECPAT International). The government, university researchers, and NGOs estimated that there are as many as 30,000 to 40,000 prostitutes under 18 years of age, not including foreign migrants (US Department of State, 2005b). Thailand’s Health System Research Institute estimates that children in prostitution make up 40% of prostitutes in Thailand.[89]

The reasons why and how children are commercially sexually exploited by include:[90]

  • Poverty: a high proportion of the population lives in poverty.
  • Ethnic hill tribe children: these children live in the border region of northern Thailand. They suffer from disproportionate levels of poverty in relation to the general population and most of them lack citizenship cards. This means that they do not have access to health care or primary school, which limits their further education or employment opportunities.
  • Trafficked children: Many children are trafficked into or within the country through criminal networks, acquaintances, former trafficking victims and border police and immigration officials who transport them to brothels across Thailand.
  • Sense of duty: According to traditional customs, the first duty of a girl is to support her family in any way she can. Due to this sense of duty and to pay off family debts, many girls have been forced into prostitution.

Children are exploited in sex establishments and are also approached directly in the street by paedophiles seeking sexual contact.[91] Child sex tourism is a serious problem in the country. Thailand, along with Cambodia, India, Brazil and Mexico, has been identified as a leading hotspot of child sexual exploitation.[92] Paedophiles, in particular, exploit the lax laws of the country and attempt to find cover to avoid prosecution.[93]

To discourage child sex tourism, the government reported it denied entry to 74 known foreign sex offenders in 2017. The government has developed and launched a video to be shown on flights entering Thailand discouraging sex tourism. The Ministry of Tourism distributed more than 315,000 brochures discouraging sex tourism to businesses and tourism professionals and organized trainings for 800 local government officials, tourism sector workers, students, youth, and civil society organizations on prevention of child sexual exploitation in the tourism industry.[94]

Sex trafficking


Thailand is a source, destination, and transit country for men, women, and children subjected to sex trafficking. Thailand’s commercial sex industry remains vast, increasing vulnerabilities for sex trafficking. Women, men, boys, and girls from Thailand, other Southeast Asian countries, Sri Lanka, Russia, Uzbekistan, and some African countries are subjected to sex trafficking in Thailand. Thailand is also a transit country for victims from Mainland China, North Korea, Vietnam, Bangladesh, India, and Burma subjected to sex trafficking in countries such as Malaysia, Indonesia, Singapore, Russia, South Korea, the United States, and countries in Western Europe. Thai nationals are subjected to sex trafficking in Thailand and in countries in North America, Europe, Africa, Asia, and the Middle East.[94]

Women of Thai and other nationalities have been lured to Japan and sold to Yakuza-controlled brothels, where they are forced to work off financial debt. It is easy to lure these women from neighboring countries because Thailand has 56 unofficial crossover points and 300 checkpoints, where people can cross the border without paperwork.[25] In a landmark case in 2006, one such woman, Urairat Soimee, filed a civil suit in Thailand against the Thai perpetrators, who had previously been convicted in a criminal court. The woman had managed to escape from the Yakuza-controlled prostitution ring by killing the female Thai mama-san and spent five years in a Japanese prison.[95]

The United States Department of State Office to Monitor and Combat Trafficking in Persons in its 2018 U.S. Trafficking in Persons report considered Thailand to be a Tier 2 country, meaning the report states that although the Government of Thailand does not fully meet the minimum standards for the elimination of trafficking, it is making significant efforts to do so.[94]

Thailand has enacted several laws against human trafficking. These include the 2008 Anti Trafficking in Persons Act,[96] the 1997 Anti Trafficking Act,.[97] Thailand has also entered into regional agreements against human trafficking, including The Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative against Trafficking.[98] Thai sex worker organization EMPOWER has expressed several concerns about the 2008 law. These concerns include that the law authorizes police to enter alleged sex establishments without a warrant, the lack of social assistance provided to victims, involutary repatriations, and the resulting division between NGOs which claim to oppose sex trafficking and those which support sex workers themselves.[99] Sex worker organizations in Thailand have strongly opposed "rescue" operations which result in adults who freely entered the sex industry being arrested, denied a livelihood, or subject to deportation.[100]

A sex trafficking gang was intercepted in the southern city of Pattaya in October 2014.[101]

In 2017, Ministry of the Interior and Ministry of Justice inspected 11,268 「high-risk」 adult entertainment venues and ordered 268 to cease business activities for five years; these inspections led to the prosecution of eight trafficking cases. Corruption continues to undermine anti-trafficking efforts. Some government officials are directly complicit in trafficking crimes, including through accepting bribes or loans from business owners and brothels where victims are exploited. Credible reports indicate some corrupt officials protect brothels and other commercial sex venues from raids and inspections and collude with traffickers.[94]




  • EMPOWER is a Thai NGO that offers health, educational and counseling services to female sex workers. The organisation seeks to empower sex workers and has been operating since 1985, with offices in Patpong (Bangkok), Chiang Mai, Mae Sai and Patong Beach (Phuket).[102] The organization also operates a museum of sex work in Bangkok and a cooperatively owned bar in Chiang Mai.
  • SWING (Service Workers in Group) is an offshoot of EMPOWER, offering support to male and female sex workers in Patpong and Pattaya. It offers English classes, teaches safe sex education, distributes condoms, and promotes health and safety with an in-house gym and discounted medical examinations. The newly formed organisation SISTERS works with transgender sex workers in Bangkok and Pattaya.[103][104]
  • M Plus is an organization for male sex workers in Chiang Mai, including men who identify as gay, straight or transgender. It operates a health clinic for sex workers and conducts HIV prevention and prophylaxis education.[105]
  • The Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers (APNSW) is a regional organization, headquartered in Thailand, of sex worker-led organizations.[106] It exists to promote and protect the health and human rights of sex workers in Asia. It supports the full decriminalization of sex work and the recognition of sex work as work.




  1. ^ Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, B.E. 2539 [1996]. 
  2. ^ Petch Petpailin. 36 sex workers in Pattaya arrested for prostitution. Thethaiger. November 23, 2022. 
  3. ^ Atiya Achakulwisut. Corruption is embedded in the sex trade. Bangkok Post. January 16, 2018 [February 27, 2021]. 
  4. ^ The Experiences of Burmese Women in Thailand (PDF), The President and Fellows of Harvard College, 2013 [February 27, 2021] 
  5. ^ How The Pandemic Has Upended The Lives Of Thailand's Sex Workers. NPR. February 3, 2021 [February 27, 2021]. 
  6. ^ Groups 'rescue' Thai sex workers, whether they want it or not. PRI's The World. October 17, 2013 [February 27, 2021]. 
  7. ^ 8.0 8.1 Lao women in Isaan's karaoke bars: 'Men certainly don't pretend we're waitresses'. The Isaan Record. 2019-04-04 [1 May 2019]. 
  8. ^ Jasmina Yap. Seven Women from Laos arrested in Phetchabun for Prostitution. The Laotian Times. March 2, 2020 [February 27, 2021]. 
  9. ^ What About Sex & Girls In Koh Samui?. [February 27, 2021]. 
  10. ^ Chris Lyttleton, The Good People of Isan: Commercial Sex in Northeast Thailand, February 2009 [February 27, 2021] 
  11. ^ Prostitutes in Thailand: Their Lives, Motivations, Scams and Customers. Facts and Details. [February 27, 2021]. 
  12. ^ Nanchanok Wongsamuth. Thailand's migrant sex workers fear for the future. Reuters. June 30, 2020 [February 27, 2021]. 
  13. ^ Thai police raid a sex for sale hotel in Loei province staffed by Laotian women working as prostitutes. Thai Examiner. March 23, 2019 [February 27, 2021]. 
  14. ^ Sex Workers: Size Estimate. UNAIDS. [March 14, 2021]. 
  15. ^ Thailand: Prevention and Suppression of Prostitution Act, B.E. 2539 (1996) (Unofficial translation). NATLEX. UN International Labor Organization (ILO). 14 October 1996 [10 January 2018]. 
  16. ^ Finch, James; Tangprasit, Nilobon. Criminal Law in Thailand Part LX: Sex crimes—the prostitute (PDF). Bangkok Post. 24 April 2011. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於October 2, 2013). 
  17. ^ Finch, James; Tangprasit, Nilobon. Criminal Law in Thailand Part LXI: Sex crimes—prostitutes and their customers (PDF). Bangkok Post. 1 May 2011. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於October 2, 2013). 
  18. ^ Finch, James; Tangprasit, Nilobon. Criminal Law in Thailand Part LXII: Sex crimes—underage prostitutes (PDF). Bangkok Post. 8 May 2011. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於October 2, 2013). 
  19. ^ Finch, James; Tangprasit, Nilobon. Criminal Law in Thailand Part LXIII: Sex crimes—the pimp (PDF). Bangkok Post. 15 May 2011. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於October 2, 2013). 
  20. ^ Finch, James; Tangprasit, Nilobon. Criminal Law in Thailand Part LXIV: Sex crimes—wrong place, wrong time (PDF). Bangkok Post. 22 May 2011. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於October 2, 2013). 
  21. ^ Penal Code Amendment Act (No. 14), B.E. 2540 (1997) (PDF). Thai Laws. 14 November 1997 [10 January 2018]. (原始內容 (Unofficial translation)存檔於17 August 2014). 
  22. ^ ENTERTAINMENT PLACE ACT, B.E. 2509 (1966) (Unofficial translation). Office of the Council of State (Thailand). [10 January 2018]. 
  23. ^ 25.0 25.1 25.2 25.3 25.4 25.5 Francoeur, Robert T. (編). The International Encyclopedia of Sexuality: Thailand. New York: The Continuum Publishing Company. 1997 [24 Feb 2015]. (原始內容存檔於3 March 2016). 
  24. ^ Thailand protests Gambian 'slander' of tourism. Bangkok Post. 26 February 2018. 
  25. ^ 27.0 27.1 27.2 27.3 27.4 Iverson, Kelly. A Guide to Bangkok's Red Light Districts. Culture Trip. 9 February 2017 [18 December 2017]. 
  26. ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 2008 Human Rights Report: Thailand; Women. US Department of State. [24 Feb 2015]. 
  27. ^ 29.0 29.1 29.2 29.3 29.4 Somjittranukit, Kornkritch. Sex in grey areas (1): sting operations horrify Thai sex workers. Prachatai English. 2017-12-13 [14 December 2017]. 
  28. ^ 30.0 30.1 30.2 30.3 Lines, Lisa. Prostitution in Thailand: Representations in fiction and narrative non-fiction (PDF). Journal of International Women's Studies. July 2015, 16 (3): 86–100 [21 March 2018]. 
  29. ^ World Health Organization: STI/HIV: Sex Work in Asia (PDF). WHO. July 2001 [24 Feb 2015]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於11 November 2011). 
  30. ^ Prostitution: More Thais selling sex, study finds, The Nation, 3 Jan 2004, (原始內容存檔於November 9, 2013) 
  31. ^ Country Reports on Human Rights Practices for 2013: Thailand. US Department of State. [25 Feb 2015]. 
  32. ^ 34.0 34.1 Julia Boccagno. Thailand's trans sex workers seek empowerment, not pity. Asia Correspondent. 11 November 2015 [16 November 2015]. 
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  84. ^ 86.0 86.1 86.2 Bales, Kevin. Disposable People: New Slavery in the Global Economy . Los Angeles: University of California Press. 2004 [2018-12-30]. ISBN 9780520931701. 
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  86. ^ 88.0 88.1 Sex in grey areas (2): how the junta threatens the lives of sex workers. Pratchatai English. 7 January 2018 [7 January 2018]. 
  87. ^ Burke, Alicia; Ducci, Stefania. Trafficking in Minors for Commercial Sexual Exploitation: Thailand (PDF) (報告). United Nations Interregional Crime and Justice Research Institute. [27 September 2017]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於12 July 2007). 
  88. ^ Child Sex Tourism in Thailand (PDF). End Child Prostitution Pornography and Trafficking (ECPAT UK). [26 Feb 2015]. 
  89. ^ Global Monitoring Report: Thailand (PDF). ECPAT. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於25 April 2012). 
  90. ^ Rights-Mexico: 16,000 Victims of Child Sexual Exploitation. Inter Press Service News Agency. 13 Aug 2007. (原始內容存檔於2012-03-26). 
  91. ^ Pedophiles find cover in parts of Asia - World news - Asia-Pacific | NBC News. NBC News. 2006-08-17 [2013-06-24]. 
  92. ^ 94.0 94.1 94.2 94.3 Thailand 2018 Trafficking in Persons Report. OFFICE TO MONITOR AND COMBAT TRAFFICKING IN PERSONS. United States Department of State. 2018 [4 November 2018]. (原始內容存檔於2017-07-03).   本文含有此來源中屬於公有領域的內容。
  93. ^ Chatrarat Kaewmorakot. WOMAN'S DYING: wish to punish traffickers who ruined her life. The Nation. 23 January 2006 [13 October 2014]. (原始內容存檔於21 October 2014).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  94. ^ Thailand: Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act B.E 2551 (2008). Refworld. January 30, 2018 [4 November 2018] (英語). 
  95. ^ Son Ninsri. Thailand's Anti-Trafficking in Persons Act B.E. 2551 (2008): A New Development in Human Rights Protection and Justice (PDF). In Factis Pax. 2008, 2 (2) [4 November 2018] (英語). 
  96. ^ The Coordinated Mekong Ministerial Initiative against Trafficking. evaw-global-database.unwomen.org. 
  97. ^ The Prevention and Suppression of Human Trafficking Act 2008 : Impact on Sex Workers A Report by Empower Foundation. EMPOWER Foundation: 1–5. February 21, 2012 [4 November 2018] (英語). 
  98. ^ Last Rescue in Siam. EMPOWER Foundation. February 21, 2012 [4 November 2018] (英語). 
  99. ^ ATCC And Police Cracked Down Human Trafficking Gang. Pattaya Daily News. 12 October 2014 [13 October 2014]. (原始內容存檔於2014-10-14). 
  100. ^ Empower's Education ... Learning By Doing. Empower Foundation. [25 Feb 2015]. 
  101. ^ HIV Prevention among MSWs in Pattaya (PDF). UNESCO Bangkok. [6 Jan 2015]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於5 July 2015). 
  102. ^ Swing and Sisters: HIV outreach to sex workers in Thailand. Unaids.org. [2013-06-24]. (原始內容存檔於2009-03-30). 
  103. ^ M Plus Thailand. [2018-12-30]. 
  104. ^ Welcome to APNSW. Asia Pacific Network of Sex Workers. [2018-12-30]. 

Further reading

  • Bishop, Ryan; Robinson, Lillian S. Night Market; Sexual Cultures and the Thai Economic Miracle Paper. New York: Routledge. 1998 [17 July 2016]. ISBN 978-0-415-91429-1. 
  • Travels in the Skin Trade: Tourism and the Sex Industry (1996, ISBN 0-7453-1115-6) by Jeremy Seabrook describes the Thai sex industry and includes interviews with prostitutes and customers.
  • Cleo Odzer received her PhD in anthropology with a thesis about prostitution in Thailand; her experiences during her three years of field research resulted in the 1994 book Patpong Sisters: An American Woman's View of the Bangkok Sex World (ISBN 1-55970-281-8). In the book she describes the Thai prostitutes she got to know as quick-witted entrepreneurs rather than exploited victims.
  • Hello My Big Big Honey!: Love Letters to Bangkok Bar Girls and Their Revealing Interviews by Dave Walker and Richard S. Ehrlich (2000, ISBN 0-86719-473-1) is a compilation of love letters from Westerners to Thai prostitutes, and interviews with the latter.
  • For an informative caricature of the contemporary sexual norms and mores of Thailand (and its Sex Industry) versus the West see the novels of John Burdett including Bangkok 8 for the comparative anthropology of his half Thai-Western (son of a 'bargirl') protagonist detective, Sonchai Jitpleecheep.
  • Dennis Jon's 2005 documentary travelogue The Butterfly Trap provides a realistic and non-judgmental first person viewpoint of sex tourism in Thailand.
  • Jordan Clark's 2005 documentary Falang: Behind Bangkok's Smile takes a rather critical view of sex tourism in Thailand.
  • David A. Feingold's 2003 documentary Trading Women explores the phenomenon of women from the surrounding countries being trafficked into Thailand.
  • Lines, Lisa. Prostitution in Thailand: Representations in Fiction and Narrative Non-Fiction (PDF). Journal of International Women's Studies. July 2015, 16 (3): 86–100 [2018-12-01]. 
  • For a discussion reflecting on the history of prostitution, see Scott Bamber, Kevin Hewison and Peter Underwood (1997) "Dangerous Liaisons: A History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases in Thailand", in M. Lewis, S. Bamber & M. Waugh (eds), Sex, Disease and Society: A Comparative History of Sexually Transmitted Diseases and HIV/AIDS in Asia and the Pacific (ISBN 978-0313294426), Westport: Greenwood Press, Contributions in Medical Studies No. 43, pp. 37–65.

