













In China, Matteo Ricci reused the Cérémonial and adapted it to the Chinese context. At one point the Jesuits even started to wear the gown of Buddhist monks, before adopting the more prestigious silk gown of Chinese literati.[6] In particular, Matteo Ricci's Christian views on Confucianism and Chinese rituals, often called as "Template:Link-zh" (中文:利瑪竇規矩), was followed by Jesuit missionaries in China and Japan.[7]

In a decree signed on 23 March 1656, Pope Alexander VII accepted practices "favorable to Chinese customs", reinforcing 1615 decrees which accepted the usage of the Chinese language in liturgy, a notable exception to the contemporary Latin Catholic discipline which had generally forbidden the use of local languages.[8]

In the 1659 instructions given by the Sacred Congregation for the Propagation of the Faith (known as the Propaganda Fide) to new missionaries to Asia, provisions were clearly made to the effect that adapting to local customs and respecting the habits of the countries to be evangelised was paramount:[9]

Do not act with zeal, do not put forward any arguments to convince these peoples to change their rites, their customs or their usages, except if they are evidently contrary to the religion [i.e., Catholic Christianity] and morality. What would be more absurd than to bring France, Spain, Italy or any other European country to the Chinese? Do not bring to them our countries, but instead bring to them the Faith, a Faith that does not reject or hurt the rites, nor the usages of any people, provided that these are not distasteful, but that instead keeps and protects them.










然而不久之後,耶穌會遇到一個考驗,在中國,大部分社會精英都崇奉儒家學說,而佛教與道教的信徒則大多為普通平民百姓和低等貴族、官吏,儘管之間差異很大,但儒教和道教的信仰都涉及到祖先崇拜。[3] 有鑑於此,他們在中國傳教的同時,並逐步制定並通過了利瑪竇對待中國禮儀的策略,即「利瑪竇規矩」。[21] Besides the Jesuits, other religious orders such as the Dominicans, Franciscans, and Augustinians started missionary work in China during the 17th century, often coming from the Spanish colony of the Philippines. Contrary to the Jesuits, they refused any adaptation to local customs and wished to apply in China the same tabula rasa principle they had applied in other places,[6] and were horrified by the practices of the Jesuits.[11]

They ignited a heated controversy and brought it to Rome.[22] They raised three main points of contention:[6]

  • Determination of the Chinese word for "God", which was generally accepted as 天主 Tiānzhǔ (Lord of Heaven), while Jesuits were willing to allow Chinese Christians to use 天 Tiān (Heaven) or 上帝 Shàngdì (Lord Above / Supreme Emperor)
  • Prohibition for Christians to participate in the season rites for Confucius.
  • Prohibition for Christians of the use of tablets with the forbidden inscription "site of the soul", and to follow the Chinese rites for the ancestor worship.

In Rome, the Jesuits tried to argue that these "Chinese Rites" were social (rather than religious) ceremonies, and that converts should be allowed to continue to participate.[13][23]

The Jesuits argued that Chinese folk religion and offerings to the Emperor and departed ancestors were civil in nature and therefore not incompatible with Catholicism, while their opponents argued that these kinds of worship were an expression of native religion and thus incompatible with Catholic beliefs.[13][24]






公元1715年,教皇克勉十一世又頒布《自登基之日》(Ex Illa Die[26]教宗通諭,重申必須絕對遵守1704年的禁令,否則將受絕罰。所有傳教士必須宣誓服從。[12][27][28]

教宗本篤十四世於是在1742年頒佈《自從上主聖意》(Ex quo singulari),重申「自登基之日」禁約。這個通諭還禁止在華傳教士討論「禮儀」問題。本篤十四通諭宣布之後,「異論頓息,人心翕然,迄今二百年,各省傳教神父,勿論何國何會,悉遵教皇諭旨,宣傳天主正教,共遵一途,共守一道,毫無爭執歧異之端,而聖教之至一至聖,亦愈彰明較著焉。」[30][31]







Chinese converts were also involved in the controversy through letters of protest, books, pamphlets, etc.[21] The Controversy debate was most intense between a group of Christian literati and a Catholic Bishop (named Charles Maigrot de Crissey) in Fujian province, with the Chinese group of converts support the Jesuits and the bishop supported by less accommodating Iberian mendicants (Dominicans and Franciscans).[23]






Although the Jesuits' defense of Christianity in China was still grounded in the accommodation policy first practiced by Matteo Ricci, it ended in failure in the eighteenth century: The persecution of Chinese Christians steadily increased during the reign of Qianlong Emperor[13] While the Qianlong Emperor appreciated and admired the Jesuit Giuseppe Castiglione's artwork and western technologies, the emperor reinforced anti-Christian policies in 1737.[13]

Dissolution of Jesuits


Pope Clement XIV dissolved the Society of Jesuits in 1773, on the issue over Jesuit accommodation policy; in particular, the 1773 decree did not accept that Chinese Rites can be placed on equal footing with Europe and Christianity.[21]

Pope Pius XII's decision


The Rites controversy continued to hamper Church efforts to gain converts in China. In 1939, a few weeks after his election to the papacy, Pope Pius XII ordered the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples to relax certain aspects of Clement XI's and Benedict XIV's decrees.[39][40] After the Apostolic Vicars had received guarantees from the Manchukuo Government that confirmed the mere "civil" characteristics of the so-called "Chinese rites", the Holy See released, on December 8, 1939, a new decree, known as Plane Compertum, stating that:

  • Catholics are permitted to be present at ceremonies in honor of Confucius in Confucian temples or in schools;
  • Erection of an image of Confucius or tablet with his name on is permitted in Catholic schools.
  • Catholic magistrates and students are permitted to passively attend public ceremonies which have the appearance of superstition.
  • It is licit and unobjectionable for head inclinations and other manifestations of civil observance before the deceased or their images.
  • The oath on the Chinese rites, which was prescribed by Benedict XIV, is not fully in accord with recent regulations and is superfluous.[41]

This meant that Chinese customs were no longer considered superstitious, but were an honourable way of esteeming one's relatives and therefore permitted by Catholic Christians.[42] Confucianism was also thus recognized as a philosophy and an integral part of Chinese culture rather than as a heathen religion in conflict with Catholicism. Shortly afterwards, in 1943, the Government of China established diplomatic relations with the Vatican. The Papal decree changed the ecclesiastical situation in China in an almost revolutionary way.[43] As the Church began to flourish, Pius XII established a local ecclesiastical hierarchy, and, in 1946, named Thomas Tien Ken-sin (中文:田耕莘) SVD, then Apostolic Vicar of Qingdao, as the first Chinese national in the Sacred College of Cardinals[43] and later that year appointed him to the Archdiocese of Beiping.




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 Kuiper, Kathleen. Chinese Rites Controversy (Roman Catholicism) -- Britannica Online Encyclopedia. Encyclopedia Britannica. 31 Aug 2006 [19 February 2013]. The continuing controversy involved leading universities in Europe, was considered by eight popes and by the Kangxi emperor... 
  2. ^ Pacific Rim Report No. 32, February 2004, The Chinese Rites Controversy: A Long Lasting Controversy in Sino-Western Cultural History by Paul Rule, Ph.D.
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 George Minamiki. The Chinese rites controversy: from its beginning to modern times. Loyola University Press. 1985 [20 February 2013]. ISBN 978-0-8294-0457-9. 
  4. ^ Edward G. Gray; Norman Fiering. The Language Encounter in the Americas, 1492–1800: A Collection of Essays. Berghahn Books. 2000: 117 [20 February 2013]. ISBN 978-1-57181-210-0. 
  5. ^ Mantienne, pp.177-8.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 6.3 Mantienne, p.178. 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「Mantienne, p.178」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  7. ^ Rule, Paul A. What Were "The directives of Matteo Ricci" Regarding the Chinese Rites? (PDF). Pacific Rim Report. 2010, (54) [2013-03-04].  參數|title=值左起第43位存在C1控制符 (幫助)
  8. ^ Mantienne, p.179.
  9. ^ Missions, p. 4.
  10. ^ Missions, p. 5. Original French: "Ne mettez aucun zèle, n'avancez aucun argument pour convaincre ces peuples de changer leurs rites, leurs coutumes et leur moeurs, à moins qu'ils ne soient évidemment contraires à la religion et à la morale. Quoi de plus absurde que de transporter chez les Chinois la france, l'Espagne, l'Italie, ou quelque autre pays d'Europe ? N'introduisez pas chez eux nos pays, mais la foi, cette foi qui ne repousse ni ne blesse les rites, ni les usages d'aucun peuple, pourvu qu'ils ne soient pas détestables, mais bien au contraire veut qu'on les garde et les protège."
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 11.2 p. 83. 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「LaunayMoussay2008」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  12. ^ 12.0 12.1 12.2 Mantienne, p. 180.
  13. ^ 13.0 13.1 13.2 13.3 13.4 13.5 13.6 Jocelyn M. N. Marinescu. Defending Christianity in China: The Jesuit Defense of Christianity in the "Lettres Edifiantes Et Curieuses" & "Ruijianlu" in Relation to the Yongzheng Proscription of 1724. ProQuest. 2008: 240– [4 March 2013]. ISBN 978-0-549-59712-4.  引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「Marinescu2008」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  14. ^ Stephen Neill. History of Christian Missions. Penguin Books. 1964 [20 February 2013]. 
  15. ^ Don Alvin Pittman. Toward a Modern Chinese Buddhism: Taixu's Reforms. University of Hawaii Press. 2001: 35–36 [4 March 2013]. ISBN 978-0-8248-2231-6. 
  16. ^ Jesus in history, thought, and culture. 2. K - Z. ABC-CLIO. : 170 [4 March 2013]. ISBN 978-1-57607-856-3. ... an Edict of Toleration, elevating Christiainity to the same status as Buddhism and Daoism. 
  17. ^ Zhidong Hao. Macau: History and Society. Hong Kong University Press. 28 February 2011: 133– [4 March 2013]. ISBN 978-988-8028-54-2. 
  18. ^ Needham, Joseph; Colin A. Ronan. The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China:. Cambridge University Press. 20 June 1985. ISBN 978-0-521-31536-4. 
  19. ^ Udias, Agustin. Jesuit Astronomers in Beijing 1601–1805. Quarterly Journal of the Royal Astronomical Society. 1994, 35: 463 [19 February 2013]. 
  20. ^ Needham, Joseph. Chinese astronomy and the Jesuit mission: an encounter of cultures. China Society occasional papers ; no. 10. China Society. 1958. OCLC 652232428. 
  21. ^ 21.0 21.1 21.2 21.3 Stewart J. Brown; Timothy Tackett. Cambridge History of Christianity: Volume 7, Enlightenment, Reawakening and Revolution 1660-1815. Cambridge University Press. 2006: 463 [4 March 2013]. ISBN 978-0-521-81605-2. Whereas from a missionary perspective the focus is on the sharp demarcation between the so-called 『Jesuit』 and 『Dominican』 positions, the role of the Chinese converts has been largely ignored. 『Their involvement in the controversy through books, pamphlets, letters of protest etc. shows that they were truly imbedded in a Chinese society in which rites occupied an important place.』  引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「BrownTackett2006」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  22. ^ Mantienne, pp.177-80
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 D. E. Mungello. The Great Encounter of China and the West, 1500–1800. Rowman & Littlefield Publishers. 1 November 2012: 28 [4 March 2013]. ISBN 978-1-4422-1977-9. Rites Controversy debate was most intense in Fujian province where an active group of Christian literati debated with a combative Catholic bishop named Charles Maigrot de Crissey (1652-1730). European missionaries divided largely on the lines of religious orders and nationalities. The Jesuits largely supported the Chinese while the Iberian mendicants (Dominicans and Franciscans) and secular priests were less accommodating.  引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「Mungello2012」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  24. ^ Donald Frederick Lach; Edwin J.. Van Kley. East Asia. University of Chicago Press. 1998: 195 [20 February 2013]. ISBN 978-0-226-46765-8. 
  25. ^ 25.0 25.1 李天綱. 中国礼仪之争 : 历史·文献和意义. 上海: 上海古籍出版社. 1998-12. ISBN 7532524876. 
  26. ^ 《自登基之日》(Ex Illa Die)載《中國禮儀之爭西文文獻一百篇》,上海古籍出版社 2001年。
  27. ^ 中國教會的禮儀之爭(1715年)
  28. ^ 現代歐洲中心論者對萊布尼茨的抱怨
  29. ^ Mantienne, pp.177-82
  30. ^ 蕭若瑟:《天主教傳行中國考》,第340頁。
  31. ^ James MacCaffrey. The History Of The Catholic Church From The Renaissance To The French Revolution Volume 1. Kessinger Publishing. 30 June 2004: 202 [20 February 2013]. ISBN 978-1-4191-2406-8. 
  32. ^ 閻宗臨:《康熙與克萊芒十一世》,《中外交通史》
  33. ^ Alfred Owen Aldridge. Crosscurrents in the Literatures of Asia and the West: Essays in Honor of A. Owen Aldridge. University of Delaware Press. 1997: 53 [4 March 2013]. ISBN 978-0-87413-639-5. 
  34. ^ 閻宗臨:《身見錄校後記》
  35. ^ Marcia R. Ristaino. The Jacquinot Safe Zone: Wartime Refugees in Shanghai. Stanford University Press. 13 February 2008: 21 [20 February 2013]. ISBN 978-0-8047-5793-5. 
  36. ^ Robert Richmond Ellis. They Need Nothing: Hispanic-Asian Encounters of the Colonial Period. University of Toronto Press. 6 August 2012: 69 [20 February 2013]. ISBN 978-1-4426-4511-0. 
  37. ^ Dun Jen Li. China in transition, 1517-1911. Van Nostrand Reinhold. 1969 [4 March 2013]. 
  38. ^ 北平故宮博物院 編:《康熙與羅馬使節關係文書影印本》,1932年,第41-42頁。
  39. ^ Matthew Bunson; Monsignor Timothy M Dolan. OSV's Encyclopedia of Catholic History. Our Sunday Visitor Publishing. 1 March 2004: 228 [20 February 2013]. ISBN 978-1-59276-026-8. 
  40. ^ Christina Miu Bing Cheng. Macau: A Cultural Janus. Hong Kong University Press. 1999: 78 [20 February 2013]. ISBN 978-962-209-486-4. 
  41. ^ S.C.Prop. Fid., 8 Dec 1939, AAS 32-24. (The Sacred Congregation of Propaganda)
  42. ^ Smit, pp.186–7
  43. ^ 43.0 43.1 Smit, p.188
  • Mantienne, Frédéric 1999 Monseigneur Pigneau de Béhaine, Editions Eglises d'Asie, 128 Rue du Bac, Paris, ISSN 12756865 ISBN 2-914402-20-1,
  • Missions étrangères de Paris. 350 ans au service du Christ 2008 Editeurs Malesherbes Publications, Paris ISBN 978-2-916828-10-7
  • Smit, Jan Olav, 1951 Pope Pius XII, Burns Oates & Washburne, London&Dublin.


  • Jedin, Hubert, Kirchengeschichte Vol. VII, Herder Freiburg, 1988 (德文)
  • Metzler, Joseph, La Congregazione 'de Propaganda Fide' e lo sviluppo delle missioni cattoliche (secc. XVIII al XX), in Anuario de la Historia de la Iglesia, Año/Vol IX, Pamplona, 2000, pp. 145–54 不正確的語言代碼。說明)如果在角色介紹看到此訊息,請參考這個條目修改原始碼。

