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Qian Zhijun


Hi! Would you mind taking a look at User_talk:楷叔講古#Edit_summaries and User_talk:WhisperToMe#關於三國之見龍卸甲飾演劉禪的演員

I think he's saying Qian didn't star in the movie ultimately, based on the blog entry that was used as the justification for the edit you reverted on the English Wikipedia

Would you mind taking a look at the edits?

If Qian Zhijun didn't star in the movie, I would think that newspapers would announce this. WhisperToMe (留言) 2012年1月18日 (三) 19:49 (UTC)回覆

Whoops! I just checked out the film credits and realised that Liu Shan was not played by Qian Zhijun. The credits are in both Chinese and English. The actor is called Hu Jingbo (胡敬波). See Baidu Baike. Lonelydarksky (留言) 2012年1月20日 (五) 15:10 (UTC)回覆
That's odd. What happened? I thought that was a mistake on IMDB.
Anyway, it would be nice to include a source that said "they decided not to film him" or "his footage was not included in the final cut". For instance, in the movie en:Kick-Ass_(film)#Cast there were scenes with a Scottish comedian that ultimately didn't make it in the final film.
I still think the plans to include him should be acknowledged because several sources discussed them in detail, but we need a new source that states that he was dropped, etc.
Something like this: Fulton, Rick. "Cartoon Cavalcade legend Glen Michael's cameo role is cut from new movie Kick-Ass." The Daily Record. 22 March 2010.
If you want, I can try to search for a source that discusses this. What would be the associated Chinese words that would say something like "cut from the film"?
WhisperToMe (留言) 2012年1月20日 (五) 17:33 (UTC)回覆
I can't think of a direct translation of "cut from the film". How about 演員被替換 (actor replaced)? I'm going off now. See you several hours later. Lonelydarksky (留言) 2012年1月20日 (五) 18:13 (UTC)回覆

Alright! I found something at:

  • "小胖和芙蓉姐姐劃清界限 胡戈對內地電影沒信心." SDNews. July 3, 2007.
  • "跳出網絡的小胖一直想演電影,前段時間便傳出將在劉德華(聽歌)主演的《三國之見龍卸甲》出演「阿斗」一角,「後來因投資方出狀況,改了劇本,把角色換了」,小胖第一次觸電的計劃就此夭折。近日,又有消息稱,美國一家影視公司打算把去年國內最熱門的網絡小說、古墓探險題材故事《鬼吹燈》拍成電影,並邀請小胖出演男二號,對此小胖本人表示只拿到了劇本,但角色、片酬等細節還沒進行商談。對自己的演技,小胖並沒有像烹飪一樣的自信,「演搞笑的角色我還是可以的,跟我一起的人都覺得我非常瘋,非常搞笑。我還是需要去找一些院校,在形體、台詞、唱歌等方面進行學習。」小胖還透露了唱歌的願望,目前也有製作團隊跟他聯繫過,「我平時就喜歡唱歌,我覺得我的音色和音域會有一些歌適合我的。」"
  • "Out of the chubby has always wanted to play network movies, some time ago will be heard in Andy Lau (music) star in "Three Kingdoms Resurrection of the Dragon" star "fools" the iceberg, "because the investor was out of position, change the script, the role for a "chubby plan this first shock died. Recently, there has been news that a U.S. film company intended to last the most popular Internet novel, adventure theme tomb story "Ghost Blows" into a movie, and invited the chubby star in M II, I said only this chubby got the script, but the role, pay and other details not negotiate. Acting on their own, and not as chubby as cooking confidence, "played the role I can still funny, and with me would think I was crazy, very funny, I still need to find some of the institutions, in the form , lines, singing and other aspects of learning. "chubby also revealed a desire to sing, it is now also contacted the production team with him," I usually liked to sing, I think my tone and range have some songs for me."

Is this confirming that his role was axed? WhisperToMe (留言) 2012年1月20日 (五) 19:22 (UTC)回覆

The Little Fatty who emerged from the Web has always wanted to act in movies. Previously there were rumours that he would be playing "A'dou" (Liu Shan) in Three Kingdoms: Resurrection of the Dragon, which stars Andy Lau. However due to problems with financing, the script was amended and the role (of Liu Shan) changed (i.e. Qian was cut from the film). The Little Fatty lost his first opportunity (to act in a movie) just like that. Recently, there are rumours that an American film company is planning to make a movie adaptation of Ghost Blows Out the Light, an adventure story that was the most popular online novel last year, and Little Fatty was invited to play the second lead. Little Fatty himself confirmed that he has received the script, but has yet to discuss about details such as his role and pay. He has little confidence in his own acting skills, "I'm fine with playing comedic roles. People who work with me all feel that I'm very wild and funny. (However,) I feel that I still need to attend acting classes and learn more about image, lines, singing etc." Little Fatty also expressed his wish to sing, and he has been contacted by a production team. "I've always enjoyed singing. I feel that there will be songs that suit my tone and range."
Lonelydarksky (留言) 2012年1月21日 (六) 02:19 (UTC)回覆
Thank you! I amended en:Three_Kingdoms:_Resurrection_of_the_Dragon#Replaced_cast and I am going to post at the DRV thread. I did find a source stating how many episodes that the cooking show ran, so what could happen is it will be the notability of the cooking show AND the 2010 film, instead of the small 2007 film role that never happened WhisperToMe (留言) 2012年1月21日 (六) 03:48 (UTC)回覆

看來各位討論後確認小胖沒有演。 楷叔講古 (留言)



Hi! Would you mind looking at 中華美食頻道 and checking to see if I made any errors? I'm not sure if the result for the word "cooking show" translated correctly. Thanks WhisperToMe (留言) 2012年2月1日 (三) 03:39 (UTC)回覆



{| style="background-color: #fdffe7; border: 1px solid #fceb92;" |rowspan="2" style="vertical-align: middle; padding: 5px;" |   |style="font-size: x-large; padding: 3px 3px 0 3px; height: 1.5em;" | 金星章 |- |style="vertical-align: middle; padding: 3px;" | 感謝你對中國近代史曾國藩,曾蔭權,俞正聲研究!--鄧小平複制人黃魯宏(user:cn223)()(★) 2013年3月7日 (四) 01:00 (UTC) |}回覆

你送錯了吧?我未曾對以上那些條目做出任何貢獻。Lonelydarksky留言2013年3月7日 (四) 07:23 (UTC)回覆