

Wikipedia:互助客棧/其他 § 為管理人員任免制度檢討等事

近期又一管理人員解任投票,甫應用安全投票之新制,技術實務運作尚難稱熟稔;又逢顯著外來干涉及共識形成程序疑慮,遂致前所未有之困窘,亂象叢生、弊端頻出,社群矛盾對峙趨於激烈,此實無庸置疑。與此同時,定期審視更新管理人員任免制度,有助於人才新陳代謝,充實本站進階維護量能。時值仲裁委員會組織籌備停滯之際,「遠水難救近火」,故謹以此話題為首,先行就管理人員任免制度若干既存問題略作檢討,望社群踴躍發表意見。改革路程自不必操之過急,但求氣象有所更新爾。本人謹提出三個大問題,社群可撥冗予以回應,或自行提出其他值得專門討論之問題。—— Eric Liu 創造は生命(留言留名學生會 2024年8月18日 (日) 18:29 (UTC)

Wikipedia:互助客棧/其他 § 在本地啟用安全投票及electionadmin權限

原標題:SecurePoll elections with the electionadmin right


Hello! My name is Joe Sutherland and I'm on the Trust and Safety team at the Wikimedia Foundation. In the past, your community has shown interest in holding elections with SecurePoll — perhaps you already have through votewiki. We are now looking into making this available to local communities to run elections themselves. This will require the "electionadmin" right to be enabled on your project, which is a right that allows access to sensitive information.

As such, it is likely that you will need to run a Request for Comment (or similar process) to ascertain consensus for the implementation of this feature. To help guide such a discussion, we've put together a Meta-Wiki page with more information about what enabling the right will mean for your community.

If your community does discuss and decides to move forward with this, T&S would like to support you — please let us know via email ( ca@wikimedia.org ) if and when consensus is reached. Thank you!--JSutherland (WMF)留言) 2024年10月17日 (四) 20:07 (UTC)

Wikipedia:互助客棧/其他 § WMF考慮向印度法院披露編輯身份信息,本站是否應該關站抗議


2024年11月14日17:29 (UTC),也就是幾個小時以前,英文維基百科用戶發起民意調查,討論是否就基金會考慮向印度法院披露編輯身份信息而閉站抗議。如果英維閉站抗議,本站是否跟隨? ——魔琴身份聲明 留言 貢獻 新手2023 2024年11月14日 (四) 20:09 (UTC)