


這個猜想以大衛·希爾伯特和美國拓撲學Paul Althaus Smith英语Paul Althaus Smith命名。有些人認為這個猜想是對希爾伯特第五問題更好的表述。

這猜想的一般情形現在仍未解決。2013年,John Pardon英语John Pardon證明了這猜想對三維流形的情形成立。


  • Smith, Paul A., Periodic and nearly periodic transformations, Wilder, R.; Ayres, W (编), Lectures in Topology, Ann Arbor, MI: University of Michigan Press: 159–190, 1941 
  • Chu, Hsin, On the embedding problem and the Hilbert-Smith conjecture, Beck, Anatole (编), Recent Advances in Topological Dynamics, Lecture Notes in Mathematics 318, Springer-Verlag: 78–85, 1973 
  • Repovš, Dušan; Ščepin, Evgenij V., A proof of the Hilbert-Smith conjecture for actions by Lipschitz maps, Mathematische Annalen 308 (2), June 1997, 308 (2): 361–364 
  • Pardon, John, The Hilbert–Smith conjecture for three-manifolds, Journal of the American Mathematical Society 26 (3), 2013, 26 (3): 879–899