烈日千阳》(A Thousand Suns)是林肯公园的第四张录音室专辑,在2010年9月8日于美国加拿大等地上市,并在9月14日于台湾发行。

A Thousand Suns
录制时间2008年-2010年8月于加州洛杉矶的 The Mansion 录音室
Machine Shop Recordings
末日警钟 毁灭·新生
生命 进化 原点

距离上一张专辑《末日警钟 毁灭·新生》三年后,本专辑再度延续环保议题,并带出反战意识,专辑的灵感来自被称为美国“原子弹之父”的物理学家罗伯特·奥本海默,在史上第一颗原子弹试爆时想起了印度著名史诗薄伽梵歌,引用所说出的一段名句:“If the radiance of a thousand suns were to burst at once into the sky, that would be like the splendor of the Mighty One”[1],因此这张专辑背后的意识比《末日警钟 毁灭·新生》更浓厚,是一张更高层次的概念专辑。专辑再度邀请多座格莱美奖加冕的摇滚宗师瑞克·卢宾(Rick Rubin)担任制作人,延续上一张的曲风。

专辑中的“The Catalyst”(催化剂)是这张专辑表达反战意识之代表,同时是特别为美商艺电公司(Electronic Arts)的第一人称射击游戏《荣誉勋章》所作的主题曲,其后更邀请全球热爱音乐的高手来制作混音版。“Iridescent”(虹彩光辉)一曲被变形金刚导演麦可·贝选为(变形金刚3)的主题曲,成为林肯公园第三首被用在变形金刚的歌曲。“Blackout”(一片黑暗)一曲也被EA收录在其招牌足球游戏FIFA 11中。

曲目列表 编辑

全碟词曲:Linkin Park 
1.The Requiem(安魂曲)2:01
2.The Radiance(奇光异彩)(收录罗伯特·奥本海默的演说片段[注 1]0:57
3.Burning In The Skies(在天空中燃烧)4:13
4.Empty Spaces(空洞)0:18
5.When They Come For Me(冲着我来)4:53
6.Robot Boy(机器人男孩)4:29
7.Jornada Del Muerto(死亡旅程)1:34
8.Waiting For The End(等待终幕)3:51
10.Wretches And Kings(恶棍与国王)(收录马里奥·萨维奥英语Mario Savio的演说片段[注 2]4:10
11.Wisdom, Justice, and Love(智慧、正义和爱)(收录马丁·路德·金恩的演说片段[注 3]1:38
14.The Catalyst(催化剂)5:42
15.The Messenger(信差)3:01
《烈日千阳》中引用了罗伯特·奥本海默(左)、马里奥·萨维奥英语Mario Savio(中)以及马丁·路德·金恩(右)的知名演说。


  1. ^ "We knew the world would not be the same. A few people laughed, a few people cried, most people were silent. I remembered the line from the Hindu scripture, the Bhagavad-Gita; Vishnu is trying to persuade the Prince that he should do his duty and, to impress him, takes on his multi-armed form and says, Now I am become Death, the destroyer of worlds. I suppose we all thought that, one way or another.(参见维基文库(英文))"
  2. ^ "There is a time when the operation of the machine becomes so odious, makes you so sick at heart, that you can't take part. You can't even passively take part! And you've got to put your bodies upon the gears and upon the wheels, upon the levers, upon all the apparatus, and you've got to make it stop! And you've got to indicate to the people who run it, to the people who own it — that unless you're free, the machine will be prevented from working at all!"(参见维基文库(英文)
  3. ^ "I come to this magnificent house of worship tonight because my conscience leaves me no other choice. A true revolution of values will lay hands on the world order and say of war: 'This way of settling differences is not just.' This business of burning human beings with napalm, of filling our nation's homes with orphans and widows, of injecting poisonous drugs of hate into veins of people normally humane, of sending men home from dark and bloody battlefields physically handicapped and psychologically deranged, cannot be reconciled with wisdom, justice and love."(越南之后:打破沉默的时刻英语Beyond Vietnam: A Time to Break Silence - 1967.04.04)

参考 编辑

  1. ^ LINKIN PARK PREMIERE 'THE CATALYST' ON MTV!. MTV. 2013-06-07 [2013-06-07]. (原始内容存档于2012-05-02). 
  2. ^ Special version of ATS released in UK. Linkin Park. December 20, 2010 [December 23, 2010]. (原始内容存档于2012年5月2日). 
  3. ^ Shinoda, Mike. A THOUSAND SUNS +. Shinoda, Mike. linkinpark.com. 5 March 2011 [1 August 2011]. (原始内容存档于2012年5月2日). 

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