

雷伊氏综合征(Reye's syndrome),又称雷氏综合征,是会快速进展的脑部疾病[2]。症状包括呕吐、精神混乱、癫痫发作失去意识英语Unconsciousness[1]。虽然一般也会有肝毒性英语hepatic toxicity,但多半不会有黄疸的症状[2]。罹患雷氏综合征的病患死亡率是20%至40%,其余的病患约有三分之一有明显的脑损伤[2][3]

Reye's syndrome



澳洲病理学家Douglas Reye英语Douglas Reye在1963年首次对此综合征作出了详尽的描述[4]。此综合征最常影响孩童,据统计每年有少于100万名的孩童罹患此症[2]。因发现此综合征与阿斯匹灵有关,故原先对于孩童可给予阿斯匹灵的一般用药建议已被废止,只有治疗川崎氏病时才允许使用[3]

成因 编辑



历史 编辑

名称来自R. Douglas Reye(雷伊)医生,他与澳洲医生Graeme Morgan和Jim Baral在1963年于英国医学期刊柳叶刀率先发表该症的研究报告。[8]同样在1963年,George Johnson(约翰逊)与同事在一次B型流感爆发的调查报告中,载有16名幼童神经受损,其中4名出现类似雷尔氏综合征的病征,故有医生又称此症为雷伊氏-约翰逊综合征。其实,该疾的出现可追溯至1929年的病例。


症状 编辑


后果 编辑


鉴别诊断 编辑


个案统计 编辑





注释 编辑

  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 NINDS Reye's Syndrome Information Page. NINDS. 2009-09-25 [2016-08-08]. (原始内容存档于2016-08-01). 
  2. ^ 2.00 2.01 2.02 2.03 2.04 2.05 2.06 2.07 2.08 2.09 Pugliese, A; Beltramo, T; Torre, D. Reye's and Reye's-like syndromes.. Cell biochemistry and function. October 2008, 26 (7): 741–6. PMID 18711704. doi:10.1002/cbf.1465. 
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 3.2 Schrör, K. Aspirin and Reye syndrome: a review of the evidence.. Paediatric drugs. 2007, 9 (3): 195–204. PMID 17523700. doi:10.2165/00148581-200709030-00008. 
  4. ^ McMillan, Julia A.; Feigin, Ralph D.; DeAngelis, Catherine; Jones, M. Douglas. Oski's Pediatrics: Principles & Practice. Philadelphia: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins. 2006: 2306. ISBN 9780781738941. (原始内容存档于2016-08-15) (英语). 
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 5.2 Mortimer EA. Reye's syndrome, salicylates, epidemiology, and public health policy. JAMA. 1987, 257 (14): 941. PMID 3820516. 
  6. ^ Forsyth BW, Horwitz RI, Acampora D; et al. New epidemiologic evidence confirming that bias does not explain the aspirin/Reye's syndrome association. JAMA. 1989, 261 (17): 2517–24. PMID 2704111. 
  7. ^ 2.9 Antiplatelet drugs. British National Formulary for Children. British Medical Association and Royal Pharmaceutical Society of Great Britain. 2007: p.151. 
  8. ^ Reye RD, Morgan G, Baral J. Encephalopathy and fatty degeneration of the viscera. A Disease entity in childhood. Lancet. 1963, 2: 749–52. PMID 14055046. 
  9. ^ Hall SM, Plaster PA, Glasgow JF, Hancock P. Preadmission antipyretics in Reye's syndrome. Arch. Dis. Child. 1988, 63 (7): 857–66. PMID 3415311. 
  10. ^ Autret-Leca E, Jonville-Béra AP, Llau ME; et al. Incidence of Reye's syndrome in France: a hospital-based survey. Journal of clinical epidemiology. 2001, 54 (8): 857–62. PMID 11470397. 

参考文献 编辑

  • Autret-Leca E, Jonville-Bera AP, Llau ME, et al. Incidence of Reye’s syndrome in France: a hospital-based survey. J Clin Eoidemiolo 2001; 54:857-862.
  • Belay ED, Bresee JS, Holman RC, et al. Reye’s syndrome in the United States from 1981 through 1997. NEJM 1999;340(18)1377-1382.
  • Forsyth BW, Horwitz RI, Acampora D, et al. New epidemiologic evidence confirming that bias does not explain the aspirin/Reye’s syndrome association. JAMA. 1989;261:2517-2524.
  • Hall SM, Plaster PA, Glasgow JFT, Hancock P. Preadmission antipyretics in Reye’s syndrome. Arch Dis Child 1988;63:857-866.
  • Hurwitz ES, Barrett MJ, Bergman D, et al. Public Health Service study of Reye’s syndrome and medications: Report of the main study. JAMA 1987;257:1905-1911.
  • Johnson GM, Scurletis TD, Carroll NB. A study of sixteen fatal cases of encephalitis-like disease in North Carolina children. N C Med J 1963;24:464-73.
  • Kauffman RE. (Reye's syndrome and salicylate use, by Karen M. Starko, MD, et al, Pediatrics, 1980;66:859-864; and National patterns of aspirin use and Reye syndrome reporting, United States, 1980 to 1985, by Janet B. Arrowsmith et al, Pediatrics, 1987;79:858-863.) 1998. Pediatrics 102:259-262.
  • “Labeling for oral and rectal over-the-counter drug products containing aspirin and nonaspirin salicylates; Reye’s syndrome warning, Final Rule.” Federal Register 68 (17 April 2003):18861-18869.
  • Mortimer EA. Reye’s syndrome, salicylates, epidemiology, and public health policy. JAMA 1987;257(14):1941.
  • Reye RDK, Morgan G, Basal J. Encephalopathy and fatty degeneration of the viscera. A disease entity in childhood. Lancet 1963;2:749-52.
  • Suchy Frederick J., Ronald J. Sokol, William F. Balistreri (eds), 2007, Liver Disease in Children, Cambridge University Press, ISBN 0-521-85657-4
  • Sullivan KM, Belay ED, Durbin RE, et al. Epidemiology of Reye’s syndrome, United States, 1991-1994: Comparison of CDC surveillance and hospital admission data. Neruoepidemiology 2000;19:338-344.
  • Surgeon General’s advisory on the use of salicylates and Reye syndrome. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep 1982;31:289-90.

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