Hey Bulldog英国乐团The Beatles的歌曲,首次出现是在1968年黄色潜水艇电影和1969年的同名专辑。它最初由John创作,后来与Paul共同录制[2]。这首歌是在拍摄乐团另一首歌曲 Lady Madonna的宣传片时录制的;而两者一样是乐队少数加入钢琴即兴重复段的歌曲。此外,这歌亦被不同乐手和乐队翻唱,如艾维斯·卡斯提洛辛蒂·罗波等。

Hey Bulldog
The Beatles歌曲
类型硬式摇滚, 迷幻摇滚[1]

概要 编辑

在录制歌曲前数天,Paul在保罗·琼斯的摇滚乐曲The Dog Presides中奏鼓,此曲中带有狗吠的音效。可能是受到这首歌的影响,在录制时Paul毫无先兆地作狗吠声[3]。而原本接下来的歌词应为Hey bullfrog (嘿!牛蛙!),亦被改成Hey bulldog(嘿!斗牛犬!),后来更成为歌曲名称。乐队录音的过程被拍摄来制作Lady Madonna的宣传片,是少数被容许公开的录音过程摄像。

乐队的录音师乔弗里·艾默里克其后声称这歌是最后一首具有团队互动和热诚的歌。在他写的书Here, There, Everywhere中也称赞了此歌:

Paul's bass line was probably the most inventive of any he'd done since Pepper, and it was really well played. Harrison's solo was sparkling, too--one of the few times that he nailed it right away. His amp was turned up really loud, and he used one of his new fuzz boxes, which made his guitar absolutely scream.

Paul的低音演奏是继Sgt. Pepper后最革新、出色的表现。George的演出也是其中一次非常出众的。他响亮的吉他和全新的模糊音装置给人一种咆哮的感觉。

另外,他又认为在乐队1968年5月再回到录音室录制The Beatles时,各成员已受大量问题所困扰,不如往昔,以致后来乐队更被解散。


2006年The Beatles重混专辑Love中的Lady Madonna加进了歌曲的吉他重复段(但由B小调转为A大调)和在Blue Jay Way过渡段中加进了曲中乐手的笑声。


I remember (it) as being one of John's songs and I helped him finish it off in the studio, but it's mainly his vibe. There's a little rap at the end between John and I, we went into a crazy little thing at the end. We always tried to make every song different because we figured, 'Why write something like the last one? We've done that.' We were on a ladder so there was never any sense of stepping down a rung, or even staying on the same rung, it was better to move one rung ahead.


再发行 编辑


1968的单声重混版本于当时未被发行,后被收录于2009年The Beatles in Mono合辑中的Mono Masters。

参与人员 编辑

  • John:主唱(运用了双轨录音)、节奏吉他、钢琴、谈话
  • Paul:和唱、低音吉他、模糊音、铃鼓、谈话、吠叫
  • George:主吉他
  • Ringo:鼓、说话

参考 编辑

  1. ^ J. DeRogatis, Turn On Your Mind: Four Decades of Great Psychedelic Rock (Milwaukie, Michigan: Hal Leonard, 2003), ISBN 0-634-05548-8, p. 48.
  2. ^ Beatles Songwriting & Recording Database: Yellow Submarine. Beatlesinterviews.org. 1969-01-17 [2011-08-21]. (原始内容存档于2011-10-07). 
  3. ^ 81 - 'Hey Bulldog'. 100 Greatest Beatle Songs. Rolling Stone. [17 June 2012]. (原始内容存档于2012-07-05). 
  4. ^ Billboard 111 (37): 25. 1999-09-11.