性化是指在角色或事物上从事某些行为、借此使人意识到性[1][2],特别是与男人和女人有关的性。性化与性物化的关系密不可分。sexualization(性化)这个术语是近几十年才出现在在英文里的。根据美国心理学会,当个体被视为性对象并根据其身体特征和性别进行评价时,性化便发生[3]。在进行了相关的研究后,其结果表明,相较于男性,女性被以性的方式所表现的频率更高(例如身穿袒胸露背的衣裳、展现妖娆动人的胴体或摆出性暗示的表情)、并且被物化(例如被当成装饰品、或仅展现身体的特定部位而非整个人)。此外、还呈现出狭隘又不现实的物理美感标准。这些都成为了女孩们学习与模仿女性化的对象[4]。拥抱自身性欲的女性被只想要个女人来当自己性玩具的男性视作是性感且有吸引力的,在那些男人的眼里,女性实践这种行为以达提供令人满意的服务这一纯粹目的并展现出她们的自然人性[5]。根据媒体教育基金会(Media Education Foundation)的论述,媒体中对女性的性化以及女性在主流文化中表现出来的形象,都不利于年轻女孩的发展,因为她们正在以将自己视为性的存在的方式发展自己的人格。[6]
编辑研究名称 | 国家 | 年份 | 来源 |
恋童癖团体法人:澳大利亚对儿童的性化 | 澳大利亚 | 2006 | [11] |
儿童专用的性用品:苏格兰议会平等机会委员会的报告 | 苏格兰、英国 | 2009 | [12] |
美国心理学会(APA)女孩性化问题特别工作组的报告 | 美国 | 2010 | [8] |
年轻人的性化:报告(内政部) | 英国 | 2010 | [13] |
让孩童当个孩童:对孩童商业化和性化的独立审查报告(详见贝利报告) | 英国 | 2011 | [14] |
贝利报告的作者是母亲联盟(Mothers' Union)的长官雷格·贝利(Reg Bailey)[18],而该联盟是一个以支援亲子为宗旨、在世界上83个国家都有分布的慈善组织[14]。报告查访了双亲、儿童、组织、商界和公众人士以采纳他们的意见,并对四个家长与群众关注的主题给出相关的建议,这四个主题分别是:
- 1) 儿童生活中的“壁纸”
- 2) 儿童的服装、产品与服务
- 3) 儿童作为消费者
- 4) 让双亲的声音被听见
- Reporter: Joanna Skrzydlewska,欧洲议会议员
编辑对于白人女性的性化、与对于非白人的有色女性的性化是大不相同的,而媒体在这种性化中扮演重要的角色。“如果持续地、一致地播送在形式上加以证实为性化的讯息,则媒体会具有强大的影响力。作为一种媒体的影响,刻板印象依靠重复地播送使自己持盈守成”。[20]。Celine Parreñas Shimizu表示:“看到少数族群就是看到性,反之亦然。”[21]
编辑在一次纽约拉瓜地亚社区学院的Herbert Samuels 教授与加利福尼亚大学圣塔芭芭拉分校的 Mireille Miller-Young教授接受美国全国公共广播电台的采访中,他们谈起美国黑人身体的性别刻板印象,以及即使在性工作这样相对危险的工作里,黑人女性仍因为她们身体受到社会对她们过度性化与物化的影响而面临更糟糕的处境。黑人女性的身体是被忽略且不受人重视的[22]。在19世纪,有一位名为沙提婕·巴特曼的南非女性以“霍藤特的维纳斯”(Hottentot Venus)[注 1]的名堂为噱头,在英国伦敦和法国巴黎游街示众,她的丰乳肥臀也被视为异国女子的风情。在这个事件中,她的个人特质被降低、而性征则被放大。此外还有耶洗别的刻板形象,把黑人女性描绘成“混合了性欲亢进的、受控制的、蛮夷野兽般的、淫乱的女性”。[23]
编辑亚洲女性在好莱坞电影里的形象与性征有直接的关联,无论是她们扮演的角色、或是她们在大众文化里具体登场的任何形象皆然。亚洲女性在性化上的形象与她们在传统文化上的特质有关,两种在媒体中常见的经典形象分别是象征传统女性的“阿莲”和她的反面“龙女”。“阿莲”象征“牺牲自我、遵守三从四德和妇道的传统亚洲妇女”;而“龙女”则是相对应的角色,“一位牺牲自我,利用自己东方美人的特质给白人男性设下美人计、以成全丈夫的女性”,根据电影学者Celine Shimizu所言,“亚裔美国女性的死亡数据象征一种特殊的死亡诱惑,她以阴柔、无害和奴性的女性气质令人著迷,同时掩盖了她那坚韧、危险和霸气的本性”[21]。
编辑在电视、电影里刻划的拉丁女性角色以一种易于识别的性感形象呈现,例如“令人上瘾的浪漫、感性、性欲十足的甚至是危险的 (Mastro & Behm-Morawitz, 2005, p. 125),压抑自我的、依赖他人的、无能的、在性方面幼稚的、骄傲、不负责任的(Arredondo, 1991; Gil, 1996; King, 1974; Lott & Saxon, 2002)”。古板的拉丁身体特征包括“红唇、细腰、妖艳的巨乳和丰满的美臀”以及“高跟鞋、圈状耳环、寡廉鲜耻的衣裳”。性感拉丁女人的刻板形象有三种典型的例子:酒吧女郎、忠诚且牺牲自我的女性、诱人荡妇。酒吧女郎的形象是“以诱人的姿态起舞,调戏感情并展现自己的倾城魅力”;忠诚且牺牲自我的女性最初是位好女孩、但最后会变坏。她以牺牲自我的身体来保护诺曼系英国人的爱人免受暴力;诱人荡妇则是“善用自己的智慧与性感魅力来获取自己想要的一切”。[25]
- 一个人的价值是只由他或她的性吸引力或性行为而决定的;
- 一个人在物理吸引力上的标准是是否性感;
- 一个人被性物化。换言之,他或她被当成别人的性工具,而不是一位具有独立思考和决策能力的人类;
- 某人被施加了不合适的性的要素。[8]
引发这种性早熟的原因包括媒体对性相关事物的呈现,特别是针对儿童行销与贩售的、含有性涵义的产品,也包括服装[27] 缺乏双亲的管教与监督;透过网际网路轻易地取得成人文化;缺乏全面的学校性教育课程[8][28]。APA的报告还表示,性化特别对女孩与年轻女性的自我意像与健康发展有负面影响。[8]
- 包括女孩在广告里身穿性感撩人的衣裳或展现诱人媚态,
- 让女孩子穿得像是成熟的女性,例如紧身衣、高跟鞋、假睫毛和擦脂抹粉。[29]
- 让女人打扮成年轻女孩的样子,亦即装年轻。
- 让知名的年轻偶像以高度性的方式代言或推销产品。
APA还透过援引唐纳德·F·罗伯兹等人的研究进一步地探究轻少年杂志市场,发现“在8至18岁的女孩之中,有47%的人每天会读前一天的杂志至少五分钟”[8][30]。这些杂志大多聚焦在一个主题,表现自己对男性的性欲望。这在 Duffy 和 Gotcher的研究中被称为“诱惑的化妆”(costuming for seduction)。[8][31]
- 美国品牌Bratz贩售给6岁女童的时尚娃娃,身穿性化的服装,例如过膝网袜、羽毛蟒蛇围巾和迷你裙。[3]
- 针对年轻女孩贩售的高度性化与性感的万圣节服饰,例如一套名为“性感消防员”的服装,由连身紧身迷你裙和高跟靴组成。[32]
- 10、11岁左右的小女孩穿著丁字裤上学。[33]
- 销售给幼儿或学龄前儿童的服装(例如T恤)上面印有“So Many Boys So Little Time”(男孩多秀色 岁月不待人)字样。[6]
- 对七岁女童贩售的比基尼用填充胸垫[34],另外也有些人爱好类似少女胸罩的款式,然而、也有证据表明随著西方女孩青春期的平均年龄下降,她们会比以前的女孩更早使用少女胸罩。[35]
苏格兰政府的研究报告[12]调查英国高街32家零售商后,发现许多较大的连锁商家,包括特易购、Debenhams、JJ Sports和马莎百货等商家都没有供应针对儿童的性化产品,报告指出了整体的盛行率,不过也承认这是立基于一个非常狭隘的研究简报而产生的结论。
编辑此章节翻译品质不佳,原文在en:Sexualization。 |
性化也是媒体研究和文化研究学者的争论议题。在这个情境中、这个术语并非单纯地用来表示一个社会问题,而是用来表示性别的型式在媒体与文化里出现了更多、更广泛的涵义[36],包括: 在各式媒体里、对性的价值观、习俗和身份的广泛讨论[37] ;以及各种媒体里出现许多与性相关的内容,例如色情文学、斜线小说[注 2]、性行为或自慰指南书、多种色情子类别;新型式的性经验,例如以即时通讯、虚拟实境的方式从事性行为;社会大众对制定及应对色情相关法规的讨论出现分歧;媒体对性丑闻的报导、争议与恐慌。[38][39]
在英文中,“Pornographication”这个词汇被用来描述性产业的风格和内容已经进入主流的文化(例如电视、流行音乐、主流电影)并成为主流文化的一部分,或是指某些主流媒体的文本和文化引用性产业的风格、形式或审美观的情形变得更为突出。[40]Brian McNair将这种现象描述为“主流文化色情化”(pornographication of the mainstream),[41]这种现象已经随著色情文化和色情影片的领域扩展而逐渐发展,而色情或色情影片本身也得到了更多的受众。根据Brian McNair所述,这两项发展都可以在“脱衣舞”这项文化的转变中体现,这种文化破坏了后现代西方文化中公共和私人话题之间的界线。这种文化趋势普遍地在生活方式、现实、互动性、自我暗示和公共亲密。[41]
编辑澳大利亚的作家Catharine Lumby 和 Kath Albury在2010年出版的作品中批评,[42] 认为性化是“一场酝酿了近十年的论辩”,对性与媒体的关注早就不是新鲜事。而最近关于性化的文章多数是批评的,因为它采用“单方面、选择性、过度简化、归纳式的、否定态度”的引证方式。[43]并且已经“在瞩目与监管的言词中达到饱和”。[44]在这些著作与受到广泛关注的报导中,批评者认为、这个词通常被用做为“一个渴望儿童性交易的老头同一个无缘无故引起一切的女孩眉来眼去”。[45]他们认为,这些论述往往忽视了媒体、性别与身体上的女性主义成果,并提出非常保守的性观念,例如只有一夫一妻制中的异性性行为才是正常的。[46]他们认为,这些论点倾向于忽略对性别表现与规范的任何历史性理解,亦经常忽略性与媒体、文化与技术之间的理论与实务关系。[12][45]
对女性的性化已经成为一个社会问题,而这应该要被避免,因位它会影响女性如何看待和表达自我。Patrice Oppliger在书籍《Girls Gone Skank》(当平凡女孩变成俗艳贱货)的书评里提出社会塑造个人兴趣的方式。[47] Amanda Mills谈道:“因此、女孩被社会化,参与对自己的虐待,变成狂热的消费者或改变自己的行为以反映性剥削的形象和商品。”[48] Audre Lorde 在自己的作品《色情的用途:以色情为力量》(Uses Of The Erotic: The Erotic As Power)中指出,对女性施加的抑制性色情女性导致她们感觉自己优于男人,“表面上,色情被积极地建立成男尊女卑的标记,但另一方面、女性也从中体会到苦处,并对此感到反感、蔑视并怀疑它的存在。[49]
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- ^ Attwood, Feona. Sexed up: theorizing the sexualization of culture. Sexualities (Sage). February 2006, 9 (1): 77–94. doi:10.1177/1363460706053336. Pdf. (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- ^ Attwood, Feona. Mainstreaming sex the sexualization of Western culture. London: I.B. Tauris. 2009. ISBN 1845118278.
- ^ Paasonen, Susanna; Nikunen, Kaarina; Saarenmaa, Laura. Pornification: sex and sexuality in media culture. Oxford New York: Berg. 2007. ISBN 9781845207045.
- ^ 41.0 41.1 McNair, Brian. Striptease culture sex, media and the democratization of desire. London New York: Routledge. 2002. ISBN 9780415237345.
- ^ Lumby, Catharine; Albury, Kath. Introduction: children, young people, sexuality and the media. Media International Australia (Sage). 2010-05, 135 (1): 56–60. doi:10.1177/1329878X1013500108.
- ^ Vanwesenbeeck, Ine. The risks and rights of sexualization: an appreciative commentary on Lerum and Dworkin's "Bad Girls Rule". Journal of Sex Research (Taylor and Francis). July 2009, 46 (4): 268–270. doi:10.1080/00224490903082694.
- A commentary on: Lerum, Kari; Dworkin, Shari L. "Bad Girls Rule": an interdisciplinary feminist commentary on the Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Journal of Sex Research (Taylor and Francis). July 2009, 46 (4): 250–263. doi:10.1080/00224490903079542.
- ^ Smith, Clarissa. Pornographication: a discourse for all seasons. International Journal of Media & Cultural Politics (Ingentaconnect). January 2010, 6 (1): 103–108. doi:10.1386/macp.6.1.103/3.
- ^ 45.0 45.1 Egan, R. Danielle; Hawkes, Gail L. Endangered girls and incendiary objects: unpacking the discourse on sexualization. Sexuality & Culture, special issue: Sexuality, Sexualization and the Contemporary Child (Springer). December 2008, 12 (4): 291–311. doi:10.1007/s12119-008-9036-8.
- ^ Lerum, Kari; Dworkin, Shari L. "Bad Girls Rule": an interdisciplinary feminist commentary on the Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Journal of Sex Research (Taylor and Francis). July 2009, 46 (4): 250–263. doi:10.1080/00224490903079542.
- ^ Oppliger, Patrice. Girls gone skank: the sexualization of girls in American culture. Jefferson, North Carolina: McFarland and Company Inc. 2008. ISBN 9780786435227.
- ^ Mills, Amanda. Book review: "Girls gone skank: the sexualization of girls in American culture" by Patrice Oppliger. Feminist Review (Palgrave Macmillan). November 2011, 99 (1): e16–e17. doi:10.1057/fr.2011.45.
- ^ Lorde, Audre. Uses of the erotic: the erotic as power. Tucson, Arizona: Kore Press. 2000 [1984]. ISBN 9781888553109.
- Also available as: Lorde, Audre, Uses of the erotic: the erotic as power, Kirk, Gwyn; Okazawa-Rey, Margo (编), Women's lives: multicultural perspectives, New York, New York: McGraw-Hill: 168–172, 2010, ISBN 9780073512303.
编辑- Attwood, Feona. Mainstreaming sex the sexualization of Western culture. London: I.B. Tauris. 2009. ISBN 1845118278.
- Buckingham, David; Bragg, Sara. Young people, sex and the media: the facts of life. Houndmills England New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2004. ISBN 9781403918222.
- Carey, Tanith. Where has my little girl gone? How to protect your daughter from growing up too soon. London: Lion. 2011. ISBN 9780745955421. A guide for parents on girls' body image and other issues.
- Charles, Claire. Elite girls' schooling, social class and sexualised popular culture. New York, New York: Routledge. 2014. ISBN 9781136195884.
- Durham, Meenakshi G. The Lolita effect: the media sexualization of young girls and what we can do about it. Woodstock, NY: Overlook Press. 2008. ISBN 9781590200636. Looks at media messges and suggests that it promotes early maturation and sexualisation of pre-adolescent girls.
- Egan, R. Danielle. Becoming sexual: a critical appraisal of the sexualization of girls. Cambridge Malden, MA: Polity Press. 2013. ISBN 9780745650739.
- Egan, R. Danielle; Hawkes, Gail. Theorizing the sexual child in modernity. Houndmills, Basingstoke, Hampshire New York: Palgrave Macmillan. 2010. ISBN 9781403972576.
- Gil, Eliana; Johnson, Toni Cavanagh. Sexualized children: assessment and treatment of sexualized children and children who molest. Rockville, Maryland: Launch Press. 1993. ISBN 9781877872075.
- Lamb, Sharon. Sex, therapy, and kids: addressing their concerns through talk and play. New York: W.W. Norton & Co. 2006. ISBN 9780393704792.
- Levy, Ariel. Female chauvinist pigs: women and the rise of raunch culture. New York: Free Press. 2006. ISBN 0743284283. A review of what Levy regards as a highly sexualized American culture in which women are objectified, objectify one another, and are encouraged to objectify themselves.
- Liebau, Carol P. Prude: how the sex-obsessed culture damages girls (and America too!). New York: Center Street. 2007. ISBN 9781599956831. Looks at sex in contemporary culture and the impact it has on young girls.
- Lorde, Audre. Uses of the erotic: the erotic as power. Tucson, Arizona: Kore Press. 2000 [1984]. ISBN 9781888553109.
- Also available as: Lorde, Audre, Uses of the erotic: the erotic as power, Kirk, Gwyn; Okazawa-Rey, Margo (编), Women's lives: multicultural perspectives, New York, New York: McGraw-Hill: 168–172, 2010, ISBN 9780073512303.
- McNair, Brian. Striptease culture sex, media and the democratization of desire. London New York: Routledge. 2002. ISBN 9780415237345.
- Oppliger, Patrice. Girls gone skank: the sexualization of girls in American culture. Jefferson, NC: McFarland and Company Inc., Publishers. 2008. ISBN 9780786435227. Discusses issues women face in American society and how those issues reflect on young girls and teens.
- See also: Mills, Amanda. Book review: "Girls gone skank: the sexualization of girls in American culture" by Patrice Oppliger. Feminist Review (Palgrave Macmillan). November 2011, 99 (1): e16–e17. doi:10.1057/fr.2011.45.
- Paasonen, Susanna; Nikunen, Kaarina; Saarenmaa, Laura. Pornification: sex and sexuality in media culture. Oxford New York: Berg. 2007. ISBN 9781845207045.
- Paul, Pamela. Pornified: how pornography is transforming our lives, our relationships, and our families. New York: Times Books. 2005. ISBN 9780805081329. Pamela Paul discusses the impact of ready access to pornography on Americans.
- Sarracino, Carmine; Scott, Kevin M. The porning of America: the rise of porn culture, what it means, and where we go from here. Boston, Mass: Beacon Press. 2008. ISBN 9780807061541. Argues that pornography has become a mainstream part of American culture.
编辑- Aksglaede, Lise; Juul, Anders; Olsen, Lina W.; Sørensen, Thorkild I. A. Tena-Sempere, Manuel , 编. Age at puberty and the emerging obesity epidemic. PLoS ONE. 2009, 4 (12 e8450): 1–6. PMC 2793517 . PMID 20041184. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0008450.
- Attenborough, Frederick T. Complicating the sexualization thesis: The media, gender and 'sci-candy'. Discourse & Society (Sage). November 2011, 22 (6): 659–675. doi:10.1177/0957926511411693. Online.
- Attenborough, Frederick T. Discourse analysis and sexualisation: a study of scientists in the media. Critical Discourse Studies (Taylor and Francis). 2013, 10 (2): 223–236. doi:10.1080/17405904.2012.736704. Online.
- Attenborough, Frederick T. Jokes, pranks, blondes and banter: recontextualising sexism in the British print press. Journal of Gender Studies (Taylor and Francis). 2014, 23 (2): 137–154. doi:10.1080/09589236.2013.774269. Online.
- Attwood, Feona. Sexed up: theorizing the sexualization of culture. Sexualities. February 2006, 9 (1): 77–94. doi:10.1177/1363460706053336.
- Coy, Maddy; Garner, Maria. Definitions, discourses and dilemmas: policy and academic engagement with the sexualisation of popular culture. Gender and Education, special issue: Making Sense of the Sexualisation Debates: Schools and Beyond (Taylor and Francis). May 2012, 24 (3): 285–301. doi:10.1080/09540253.2012.667793.
- Duits, Linda; van Zoonen, Liesbet. Headscarves and porno-chic: disciplining girls' bodies in the European multicultural society. European Journal of Women's Studies. 2006, 13 (2): 103–110. doi:10.1177/1350506806062750.
- Egan, R. Danielle; Hawkes, Gail. The problem with protection: or, why we need to move towards recognition and the sexual agency of children. Continuum: Journal of Media & Cultural Studies. 2009, 23 (3): 389–400. doi:10.1080/10304310902842975.
- Evans, Adrienne; Riley, Sarah; Shankar, Avi. Technologies of sexiness: theorizing women's engagement in the sexualization of culture. Feminism & Psychology. 2010, 20: 114–131. doi:10.1177/0959353509351854.
- Gill, Rosalind. From sexual objectification to sexual subjectification: the resexualization of women's bodies in the media, in Editors' Introduction. Feminist Media Studies. 2003, 3 (1): 100–106. doi:10.1080/1468077032000080158.
- Hawkes, Gail L.; Egan, R. Danielle. Landscapes of Erotophobia: the sexual(ized) child in the postmodern Anglophone West. Sexuality & Culture. 2008, 12 (4): 193–203. doi:10.1007/s12119-008-9038-6.
- Hawkes, Gail L.; Egan, R. Danielle. Sexuality, youth and the perils of endangered innocence: how history can help us get past the panic. Gender and Education, special issue: Making Sense of the Sexualisation Debates: Schools and Beyond (Taylor and Francis). May 2012, 24 (3): 269–284. doi:10.1080/09540253.2012.666232.
- Kehily, Mary Jane. Contextualising the sexualisation of girls debate: innocence, experience and young female sexuality. Gender and Education, special issue: Making Sense of the Sexualisation Debates: Schools and Beyond (Taylor and Francis). May 2012, 24 (3): 255–268. doi:10.1080/09540253.2012.670391.
编辑- Buckingham, D.; Bragg, S.; Russell, R.; Willett, R. Sexualised goods aimed at children. Report for the Scottish Parliament Equal Opportunities Committee. The Scottish Parliament (报告). 2009. (原始内容存档于2011-08-26).
- Rush, Emma; La Nauze, Andrea. Corporate paedophilia: the sexualisation of children in Australia (discussion paper number 90). Canberra: The Australian Institute. 2006. ISSN 1322-5421. OCLC 156752334. Pdf version.
- APA Task Force. Report of the APA Task Force on the Sexualization of Girls. Washington, D.C.: American Psychological Association. 2010 [2017-01-31]. OCLC 123130352. (原始内容存档于2011-09-01). Pdf.(页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Papadopoulos, L. Sexualisation of young people : review. Great Britain: UK Home Office. 2010. ISBN 9781849871860.
- Bailey, Reg. Letting children be children: report of an independent review of the commercialisation and sexualisation of childhood. London: The Stationery Office. 2011. ISBN 9780101807821.
编辑- Various authors. Posts on the subject of sexualization. onscenity.org. Onscenity Research Network based at Sheffield Hallam University. [2017-01-31]. (原始内容存档于2020-10-22).
- Friedman, Jaclyn. Cultural Trends/Popular Culture: Women of color seen as always sexually available. Womens eNews (Women's eNews, Inc.). 2011-10-29 [2015-12-07]. (原始内容存档于2016-01-06).
- Lledin, Shantyana C. (guest contributor). I'm not your spicy Latina (blog). thefeministwire.com. The Feminist Wire. 2012-04-28 [2015-12-09]. (原始内容存档于2021-02-07).