编辑女性性旅游的主要目的地是南欧(主要是意大利、希腊、西班牙)、东欧(克罗地亚、斯洛文尼亚和乌克兰)、西亚(土耳其)、加勒比地区(牙买加、巴巴多斯和多米尼加共和国)和非洲(突尼斯、赞比亚和肯尼亚 [22]),印尼巴里岛,[23] 泰国的芭达亚或普吉府。其他目的地还包括尼泊尔、摩洛哥、斐济、厄瓜多尔和萨尔瓦多。[24]
一项估计显示,自1980年至今有65万西方女性参与过买春活动,其中很多还是回头客。[25] 根据另一项估计有8万北美和欧洲女性为买春每年到牙买加旅游。[26]
编辑- Cohen, Erik: Thai tourism: hill tribes, islands and open-ended prostitution. 曼谷: White Lotus Press 2001. ISBN 974-8496-67-8
- Becker, Astrid (Red.). Strategien gegen Prostitutionstourismus und internationalen Frauenhandel. Hrsg.: Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung. Bonn 1994. ISBN 3860771752 (siehe auch Weblinks)
- Kleiber, Dieter/Martin Wilke: Aids, Sex und Tourismus. Schriftenreihe des Bundesministeriums für Gesundheit Bd. 33, Baden-Baden: Nomos 1995
- Lon: Ich war erst 13: Die wahre Geschichte von Lon. Berlin: Schwarzkopf & Schwarzkopf 2007. ISBN 978-3-89602-798-6
- OGrady, Ron: Gebrochene Rosen. Kinderprostitution und Tourismus in Asien. J. Horlemann Vlg., Unkel 1998. ISBN 3927905518
- Rothe, Andrea: Männer, Prostitution, Tourismus. Westfälisches Dampfboot 1997. ISBN 3896914081
- Wuttke, Gisela: Kinderprostitution, Kinderpornographie, Tourismus. Eine Bestandsaufnahme. Nachw. v. Christa Dammermann. LAMUV 1998. ISBN 3889775314.
- Minninger, Sabine: Tränen heilen die Wunden nicht. Kinderprostitution im Tourismus. EED 2004.
- Stark, Conrad: Liebe Schnaps Tod. Wahre Geschichten von der thailändischen Insel Phuket. Conrad Stein Verlag, 2001. ISBN 3893925112
编辑- Houellebecq, Michel: 平台. rororo 2004. ISBN 3499233959
- Kwalanda, Miriam und Koch, Birgit Theresa. Die Farbe meines Gesichts《我的脸色》. 一个肯尼亚妇女的传记 ISBN 3426616831
- Gentgen, Alexander J.: Nie wieder Bethlehem《永别伯利恒》. Grotesker Roman aus dem Sextouristen-Milieu. ISBN 3833464518
- Paulo Coelho: Elf Minuten《11分钟》 一个巴西妓女的传记。 ISBN 3257234449
编辑Vers Le Sud 法国-加拿大联合制作,2005年,加拿大电影制作人制作了一系里纪录片来反映买春团现象。这些纪录片包含下列内容:
- Falang: Behind Bangkok's Smile Jordon Clark (2005) (互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《Falang: Behind Bangkok's Smile》的资料(英文)),拍摄于泰国
- CBC the Lens系列之"Selling Sex in Heaven" (2005年) (互联网电影数据库(IMDb)上《Selling Sex in Heaven》的资料(英文)),摄于菲律宾
- 英国第四台 电视系列剧擦边之"The Child Sex Trade" (2003年)[27],摄于罗马尼亚和意大利
- Sex Tourism on Talking Points from Channel4.com[28]
编辑- ^ 联合国专门机构世界旅游组织将性旅游定义为“trips organized from within the tourism sector, or from outside this sector but using its structures and networks, with the primary purpose of effecting a commercial sexual relationship by the tourist with residents at the destination.”
- ^ 2.0 2.1 WTO Statement On The Prevention Of Organized Sex Tourism. Adopted by the General Assembly of the World Tourism Organization at its eleventh session - Cairo (Egypt), 17-22 October 1995 (Resolution A/RES/338 (XI)). Cairo (Egypt): World Tourism Organization. 17–22 October 1995 [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2006年10月10日).
- ^ U.N. Office of the Special Adviser on Gender Issues and Advancement of Women (OSAGI) Gender Mainstreaming Mandates (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- ^ U.N. Congress On The Prevention Of Crime And The Treatment Of Offenders Press Release New Global Treaty to Combat Sex Slavery of Women and Girls Archive.today的存档,存档日期2012-05-26
- ^ Cruey, Greg. Thailand's Sex Industry. About: Asia For Visitors. About, Inc. (隶属纽约时报公司). [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2006-12-25).
Nowhere else is it so open and prevalent.
- ^ Brazil. The Protection Project. [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2007-09-28).
Brazil is a major sex tourism destination. Foreigners come from Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Spain, Latin America, and North America ...
- ^ Gentile, Carmen J. Brazil cracks down on child prostitution. San Francisco Chronicle (Chronicle Foreign Service). 2006-02-02 [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2007-01-11).
... young prostitutes strut in front of middle-aged American and European tourists...
- ^ Sri Lanka - Country Reports on Human Rights Practices - 2004. Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor. 2005-02-28 [2007-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2009-08-30).
... Boys and girls were victims of commercial sexual exploitation by pedophiles in the sex tourism industry...
- ^ Child exploitation not new to stricken region. CNN. [2007-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2007-11-19).
... some resorts in Thailand Dubai, UAE and Sri Lanka, were so-called "sex tourist" destinations...
- ^ Child sex tourism spreading in Asia. CNN. [2007-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2008-10-10).
... established sex tourist destinations like Thailand, the Philippines and Sri Lanka...
- ^ Dominican Republic. The Protection Project. [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2006-02-26).
The Dominican Republic is one of the most popular sex tourism destinations in the world, and it is advertised on the Internet as a "single man's paradise."
- ^ Scheeres, Julia. The Web, Where‘Pimps’Roam Free. Wired News. CondéNet Inc. 2001-07-07 [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2007-03-19).
- ^ Kovaleski, Serge F. Child Sex Trade Rises In Central America. Washington Post Foreign Service (Washington Post Foreign Service). 2000-01-02 [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2007-01-27).
... "an accelerated increase in child prostitution" in the country ... blamed largely on the unofficial promotion of sex tourism in Costa Rica over the Internet.
- ^ Costa Rica. The Protection Project. [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2007-08-08).
...has come to rival Thailand and the Philippines as one of the world’s leading destinations for sex tourism.
- ^ Cuba. The Protection Project. [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2007-01-05).
Cuba is a popular destination country for sex tourists from Canada, the United States, and Europe.
- ^ Zúñiga, Jesús. Cuba: The Thailand of the Caribbean. The New West Indian. [2006-12-20]. (原始内容存档于2014-02-02).
- ^ Hughes, Dana. TSun, Safaris and Sex Tourism in Kenya. Travel. ABC News. [2008-10-25]. (原始内容存档于2016-03-04).
Tourists Gone Wild: 'They Come Here They Think "I Can Be Whatever I Want to Be" and That's How They Behave'
- ^ Across the Siberian Wastes. Jim Rogers. [2007-11-17]. (原始内容存档于2008-09-14).
... swarms of Russian prostitutes and Japanese johns on sex holidays ...
- ^ Fr. Shay Cullen. Sex Tourism Is Big Money for Pimps and Politicians. imc-qc (philapinas). QC Independent Media Centre. 2005-03-03 [2007-04-08]. (原始内容存档于2007-04-30).
Angeles City, two hours north of Metro Manila, is the home of the most organized sex industry in the Philippines. Thousands of sex tourists from all over the world go there to look for cheap sex, much of it with under age minors.
- ^ 韩国人男性のアジア児童买春深刻=米国务省报告书 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2010-09-22.2007年6月14日朝鲜日报
- ^ In Mongolia, sex tourism by S. Korean males leads to anti-Korean sentiment (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Hankyoreh (ハンギョレ Jul.15,2008)
- ^ Clarke, Jeremy. Older white women join Kenya's sex tourists. Reuters. 2007-11-25 [2007-11-30]. (原始内容存档于2007-11-28).
Hard figures are difficult to come by, but local people on the coast estimate that as many as one in five single women visiting from rich countries are in search of sex.
- ^ Kuta Cowboys: The rodeo is in town everyday in Bali. [2009-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2009-03-12).
- ^ Women going on sex tours look for big bamboos and Marlboro men (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆), Pravda.Ru
- ^ Sex tourism: When women do it, it's called 'romance travelling' 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2007-10-18.
- ^ How sex tourism became the basis of a Royal Court play | 旅游专栏 | 观察家报. [2009-10-12]. (原始内容存档于2013-07-18).
- ^ 儿童性交易 互联网档案馆的存档,存档日期2010-03-05. Hardcash Productions
- ^ Sex Tourism (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆) Talking Points from Channel4.com
编辑- In Mongolia, sex tourism by S. Korean males leads to anti-Korean sentiment (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- 中国・海南島は韓国人向け「買春天国」(日语)
- 珠海:国耻日竟来了日本“买春团” (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- https://joinnearby.com 共享全国红灯区 (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)(简体中文)
- Child sex tourism study 'blames Aussies' (页面存档备份,存于互联网档案馆)
- Sex Tourism in Latin America
- Kenya Tourism Exploitation, Chapter Two - Tourism, sex tourism and the economy