

世界人居獎(World Habitat Awards)是英國建築和社會住房基金會英語Building and Social Housing Foundation(BSHF)於1985年設立的獎項。世界人居獎每年頒發給兩個實用、創新和可持續的解決方案,要求獲獎方案可以在其它地方推廣。[1]




  • 應對世界各國當前住房問題的實用、創新和可持續的解決方案
  • 可以合理地在其它地方推廣
  • 從廣義的角度來理解「人居」(habitat),且帶來其他好處(如能源、節約用水、創收、社會融合、教育等)



年度 項目 獲獎單位 國家
2019 Restoration of dignity and human rights of indigenous tribal community in Karnataka頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 ActionAid India, Koraga Federation, Samagra Grameena Ashram, India   印度
2019 Viviendas para las Entidades Sociales頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Fundació Hàbitat3, Spain   西班牙
2018 Affordable and safe housing for single mothers in Japan頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Little Ones, Japan   日本
2018 Pakistan Chulahs: The smokeless stoves empowering women and changing lives頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Heritage Foundation, Pakistan   巴基斯坦
2017 Post-Haiyan Self-Recovery Housing Programme頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Care International UK   菲律賓
2017 Mutual Housing at Spring Lake頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Mutual Housing California   美國
2016 A Roof, A Skill, A Market頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Nubian Vault Association - AVN   布吉納法索
2016 More than Housing頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Baugenossenschaft mehr als wohnen   瑞士
2015 Caño Martín Peña Community Land Trust頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Fideicomiso de la Tierra del Caño Martín Peña   波多黎各
2015 Self-Help Housing in the North of England頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Giroscope and Canopy Housing   英國
2014 Liter of Light @ Night頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 MyShelter Foundation   菲律賓
2014 Y-Foundation, Housing First頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Y-Foundation   芬蘭
2013 Hebron Old City Rehabilitation Programme頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Hebron Rehabilitation Committee   巴勒斯坦
2013 The 100,000 Homes Campaign頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Community Solutions   美國
2012 South-South Cooperation: international transfer of the FUCVAM model of mutual aid housing cooperatives頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Federación Uruguaya de Cooperativas de Vivienda por Ayuda Mutua   烏拉圭
2012 Green Mortgage頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 INFONAVIT   墨西哥
2011 Community Programme for Neighbourhood Improvement頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Secretaría de Desarrollo Social   墨西哥
2011 Housing for Health Programme頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Healthabitat   澳大利亞
2010 Augustenborg Eco-neighbourhood City of Malmö and MKB Housing Company   瑞典
2010 Local Housing Movement Program頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 The Better Life Association for Comprehensive Development   埃及
2009 Technological Transfer Processes for Popular Habitat頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 AVE/CEVE   阿根廷
2009 Building Partnerships to Eradicate Poverty頁面存檔備份,存於網際網路檔案館 Barka   波蘭
2008 Preventing Typhoon Damage to Housing Development Workshop France   越南
2008 Community Land Trust Innovation Champlain Housing Trust   美國
2007 Ecomaterials in Social Housing Projects CIDEM Research and Development Institute   古巴
2007 ZukunftsWerkStadt Leinefelde Municipality of Leinefelde-Worbis   德國
2006 Building and Construction Improvement Programme Aga Khan Planning and Building Services   巴基斯坦
2006 Johannesburg Housing Company Johannesburg Housing Company   南非
2005 生態草磚房 香港安澤國際救援協會/One World Design Architecture   中國
2005 Solar Housing Renovation Project in Gårdsten Solar Housing Renovation Project in Gårdsten   瑞典
2004 La Paz Post-earthquake Reconstruction Programme FUNDASAL   薩爾瓦多
2004 The Eldonian Village, Liverpool Eldonian Community Based Housing Association   英國
2003 Rural Health and Environment Programme, Orissa Gram Vikas   印度
2003 The Prince George, New York Common Ground Community   美國
2002 Architect in the Community Programme National Housing Institute/Habitat Cuba   古巴
2002 Setagaya-Ku Fukasawa Symbiotic Housing, Tokyo Fukasawa Symbiotic Housing Complex   日本
2001 Orangi Low-cost Housing and Sanitation Programme, Karachi Orangi Pilot Project - Research and Training Institute   巴基斯坦
2001 East Lake Commons Conservation Community, Atlanta East Lake Commons Project   美國
2000 New Living Program, Perth Department of Housing and Works, Australia   澳大利亞
2000 Chagas 2000 Fundación Pro Habitat   玻利維亞
1999 Promotion of Woodless Construction in Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger Development Workshop   尼日爾
1999 The Grow Home, Montreal McGill University School of Architecture   加拿大
1998 Wintringham Port Melbourne Hostel, Melbourne Wintringham Port Melbourne Hostel   澳大利亞
1998 The Grameen Bank Housing Programme Grameen Bank   孟加拉
1997 Urban Management in Curitiba - Building Full Citizenship Curitiba Popular Housing Company/Institute of Research and Urban Planning   巴西
1997 The Europahaus Project, Langenhagen Jacobson & Widmark/Nyréns/Mjöbäcks   德國
1996 Tatry and Arbour Mill Non-profit Housing Project, Toronto Pathway Non-Profit Housing Corporation   加拿大
1996 Viviendas del Hogar de Cristo, Guayaquil Viviendas del Hogar de Cristo   厄瓜多
1995 Build Together Programme National Habitat Committee   納米比亞
1995 Tent City, Boston Tent City Corporation   美國
1994 Skotteparken Low-energy Housing Project, Ballerup KAB   丹麥
1994 Indore Habitat Project See Slum Networking Department for International Development   印度
1993 北京菊兒胡同新四合院工程 清華大學吳良鏞   中國
1993 Housing Cooperative Ludwig-Frank, Mannheim Housing Cooperative Ludwig-Frank   德國
1992 The Kampung Improvement Programme, Surabaya Tenth of November Institute of Technology   印度尼西亞
1992 淡濱尼新鎮 建屋發展局   新加坡
1991 Attic Flats Project Attic Flats Project   捷克
1991 The Core Shelter Housing Project Department of Social Welfare and Development   菲律賓
1991 The Frank G. Mar Community Housing Project, Oakland East Bay Asian Local Development Corporation/Bridge Housing Corporation of San Francisco   美國
1990 National Housing Programme, 1986-90 National Housing Programme of Costa Rica   哥斯大黎加
1990 Reconstruction of Hiroshima City and the Danbara Redevelopment Project Reconstruction of Hiroshima City and the Danbara Redevelopment Project   日本
1989 Ismailia Development Projects Culpin Planning Ltd.   埃及
1989 Industrial Habitat Project, Givisiez Industrial Habitat Project   瑞士
1988 One Million House Programme One Million House Programme   斯里蘭卡
1988 St Vincent de Paul Village, San Diego St Vincent de Paul Village   美國
1987 Rural Housing Programme United Nations Development Programme/United Nations Human Settlements Programme   馬拉維
1987 Walter Segal Self-build Housing Project, London Walter Segal Self Build Trust   英國
1986 Sonatala Milan Sangha, West Bengal Sonatala Milan Sangha   印度
1986 Batıkent Project, Ankara Batıkent Project   土耳其


  1. ^ World Habitat Awards - About the Awards. [2014-01-11]. (原始內容存檔於2016-04-01). 

