獸醫教育獸醫高等教育。要成為一名獸醫,必須首先獲得獸醫師學位(DVM、 V.M.D. 、BVS、BVSc、BVMS、BVM 等)。

Large, grey building behind a grassy area
挪威獸醫學院(Norges veterinærhøgskole),位於奧斯陸的一所獸醫學院

美國和加拿大的獸醫醫學學位普遍為本科級別,申請者必須在大學階段累積數年的學習經歷。北美以外的許多獸醫學校使用「獸醫科學學院」(Faculty of Veterinary Science)的名稱,而不是「獸醫醫學學院」(College of Veterinary Medicine)或「獸醫醫學院」(School of Veterinary Medicine),中國日本韓國的一些獸醫學校(例如中國廣西大學授予獸醫博士學位的動物科學技術學院和東京農業技術大學的獸醫學系使用「系」(Department)一詞。 [1] )獸醫學校(Veterinary school)不同於動物科學系(department of animal science),後者提供獸醫預科課程,教授生物醫學科學(並授予理學學士學位或同等學歷),並提供微生物學病毒學分子生物學等學科的研究生獸醫教育。



有志成為獸醫的人可以獲得幾種不同類型的學位,這些學位因國家而異,涉及本科或研究生教育。[1] 在美國,學校授予獸醫師(Doctor of Veterinary Medicine degree,DVM)學位。[2] 此外,孟加拉國、加拿大、埃塞俄比亞、匈牙利、伊朗、馬來西亞、尼日利亞、巴基斯坦、菲律賓、韓國、泰國、多巴哥和特立尼達拉島也頒發了這個學位。[1] 其他國家亦設立了等同於北美DVM學位的獸醫專業資格認證。在英國以及採納本科教育制度的其他國家,完成五至六年的學習後,所獲得的學士學位與北美的獸醫師(DVM)學位具有同等效力。 在美國,學生在完成四年制本科學習之後,可以繼續攻讀為期四年的獸醫學位課程,如獸醫科學學士(Bachelor of Veterinary Science, BVSc)、獸醫學學士(Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine, BVM)或獸醫學與外科學學士(Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine and Surgery, BVMS)。從高中畢業開始算起,共需八年。在愛爾蘭,獸醫學都柏林大學頒授獸醫學學士(Bachelor of Veterinary Medicine,MVB)學位。[3] 在愛丁堡大學,學士學位是 BVM & S (獸醫學和外科學士學位) ,格拉斯哥大學,學士學位是獸醫學和外科學士學位(BVMS)。[4] 一些獸醫學校提供一個學位,允許接受者在本國從事獸醫學,但不允許個人在國外參加執照考試,例如,阿富汗的獸醫學校只提供理學士(BS)學位。[5] 雖然埃塞俄比亞頒發獸醫學博士學位,但在美國和西歐並不被承認。[6]

幾乎每個國家都要求擁有獸醫學位的個人在執業前獲得執照。大多數國家要求擁有獸醫學位的外國人在執業前通過單獨的外國畢業生執照考試。在美國,外國獸醫畢業生教育委員會 (ECFVG) 管理着一項四步考試,該考試得到了美國所有州和地區獸醫執照委員會、美國聯邦政府和哥倫比亞特區的認可。 [7]歐盟頒佈了第 2005/36/EC 號指令,為歐盟範圍內的獸醫教育制定標準,並承認成員國的獸醫學位。 [8]

不同地區對於獸醫執業資格的要求各不相同。在南非1982 年《獸醫和准獸醫專業法》第 19 條規定,從南非、新西蘭或英國的多所大學(包括比勒陀利亞大學梅西大學布里斯托大學、劍橋大學、愛丁堡大學格拉斯哥大學利物浦大學倫敦大學(自 2008 年起))之一畢業,或者通過了皇家獸醫學院管理的執照考試,則可自動獲得執照。其他所有人必須通過考試並在南非獸醫委員會註冊。 [9]印度也有類似的制度,某些學校頒發的學位「被視為」使個人有資格從事獸醫工作,但印度放棄了考試,轉而採用由州法庭調查資格並控制執業獸醫登記的系統。 [10]



所有發達國家、大多數新興工業化國家和發展中國家都對獸醫學校給予認可。 [11]美國的獸醫學院由美國獸醫協會(AVMA)教育委員會(COE)認證。 [12] [13]歐盟正在制定認證標準,自 2008 年起,認證通常由歐洲獸醫教育機構協會(EAEVE)提供。 [14] [15] [16]

發展中國家的認證體系差異很大。在墨西哥,獸醫醫學院由國家獸醫和動物技術教育委員會(CONEVET)負責認證,但只有少數學校獲得認證。 [17]其他發展中國家的認證體系較差(或根本不存在);例如,埃塞俄比亞一直致力於建設獸醫醫學院,而不是認證現有的學校。 [6]


1900 年至 2000 年悉尼大學各學院的學生比例。獸醫專業的學生是頂部附近的細粉線,表示可供申請者的名額數量很少。

不同獸醫學校和國家的招生做法、要求和難度存在很大差異。由於名額有限,入學競爭非常激烈。 [18]澳大利亞、加拿大、愛爾蘭、新西蘭、英國和美國的大多數 AVMA 認可機構都共享一個在線申請系統,稱為獸醫醫學院申請服務(VMCAS)。 [18]許多 VMCAS 學院還有額外的、個性化的申請要求,錄取標準很高。 [18] [19]

歐洲、南美、亞洲和非洲的入學標準也有很大差異,許多獸醫學校限制來自其所在地區、州或國家的學生入學。美國 28 所獸醫學校中有 25 所是公立大學,根據法律規定,可能會為州外居民保留少量名額。 [18]其他國家也有類似的計劃。在印度,聯邦法律要求每所獸醫學院保留 15 為來自印度其他地區的學生提供百分之多少的名額。印度獸醫委員會(聯邦政府的一個機構)負責組織全印度統一入學考試,成績優異的考生將被分配到全國各地。 [20]



獸醫學校的課程並不標準化,課程為期三至六年。在美國和加拿大,該課程通常為期四年,通常是在四年的獸醫預科本科學位之後。前三年,學生學習解剖學生理學組織學神經解剖學藥理學免疫學、細菌學、病毒學病理學寄生蟲學毒理學、群體健康、營養學放射學流行病學。第三年,學生將學習麻醉學、診斷學、外科學、眼科學骨科學牙科。第四年的學習時間通常為 12 個月而不是 9 個月,學生們要照顧各種各樣的動物。 [21]臨床教育是世界各地大多數獸醫學校課程的重點。 2005 年,都柏林大學學院的獸醫學課程在其 104 年的歷史上首次設立了無講座的最後一年,專注於臨床培訓。 [22]蘇黎世大學獸醫病理學研究所實施了包含大量臨床內容的病理學教學課程。 [23]以色列[24]西班牙[25]捷克共和國[26]斯洛伐克[27]獸醫學校也重視臨床培訓。

儘管如此,某些學校和國家在提供臨床培訓方面存在限制。例如,在斯里蘭卡,由於伴侶動物(如寵物)的數量較少,直到最近,獸醫教育主要集中於畜群健康管理,而對於臨床技能的培養相對較少。 [28]在埃塞俄比亞,很少有學校擁有臨床培訓設施,政府優先考慮開設更多學校,而不是改善現有的學院。 [6]

2005 年 6 月,威斯康星大學麥迪遜分校獸醫學院的學生在課堂講座上做筆記。

大多數獸醫學院要求學生具備廣泛的動物治療技能,而不是只專注於某一特定物種的醫療實踐。 [29]然而,大多數獸醫課程允許學生選修課程,使他們能夠在畢業時專攻某一領域。澳大利亞、加拿大、英國和美國的獸醫學校都實行「追蹤」制度,學生會被問及他們打算從事哪個獸醫分支(如伴侶動物、牛、馬、食品供應、鳥類、野生動物和公共衛生)。 [30]儘管跟蹤存在爭議,但大約 60% 的美國和加拿大獸醫學校對學生實行全部或部分跟蹤,一些北美獸醫教育組織也呼籲實行全面跟蹤。 [31] [32]有人認為,加強追蹤應該與獸醫的「有限執照」掛鈎,獸醫只能在其接受過培訓的物種(或專業)中執業。 [31] [33]儘管很少有獸醫學校要求學生畢業後參加實習或住院醫師培訓,但在加拿大、歐洲和美國,尋求委員會認證的獸醫通常需要實習和住院醫師培訓。 [34]

講座死記硬背是獸醫教育中最常見的兩種教學方法。 [35]在較小程度上,成果導向型教育[36]發現式學習和基於探究的學習也被採用。 [37]大多數發達國家的獸醫學校都採用了基於問題的學習方式,特別是澳大利亞、加拿大、新西蘭、美國和西歐[38]

近年來,基於能力的教學理念受到了廣泛關注,一些教授獸醫學的大學正在調整其課程。 [39] [40]此外,制度化的系統性教師反饋的重要性已得到認可,並且臨床診療卡等工具正在臨床獸醫教育中實施。 [41]




  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1.2 "AVMA-Listed Veterinary Colleges of the World." Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates/American Veterinary Medical Association. June 5, 2008. Accessed December 4, 2012.
  2. ^ The School of Veterinary Medicine at the University of Pennsylvania awards the Veterinariae Medicinae Doctoris (VMD) degree, which is the same as the D.V.M. degree. See: "Education and Training." University of Pennsylvania School of Veterinary Medicine. 2008. 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2008-06-27. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  3. ^ "Veterinary Medicine." UCD Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Programme Office. No date. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  4. ^ Pettigrew, G. "The BVM and S at the University of Edinburgh." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Fall 2003.
  5. ^ "Universities, Institutions, Colleges and Schools Awarding Veterinary Degrees." Vets-Net.com. September 15, 2007. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  6. ^ 6.0 6.1 6.2 Mayen, Friederike. A Status Report of Veterinary Education in Ethiopia: Perceived Needs, Past History, Recent Changes, and Current and Future Concerns. Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2006, 33 (2): 244–247. PMID 16849305. doi:10.3138/jvme.33.2.244 .  引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「Mayen」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  7. ^ Educational Commission for Foreign Veterinary Graduates. AVMA.org. 2008. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  8. ^ "Directive 2005/36/EC of the European Parliament and of the Council of 7 September 2005 on the recognition of professional qualifications (Text with EEA relevance)." Official Journal. L 255, September 30, 2005. Accessed July 26, 2008; for a list of national licensing bodies in EU member states, see: "Competent Authorities and Information Centres in the European Union (Articles 2, 3 and 14.1 of Directive 78/1026/EEC; Article 1 of Directive 75/1027/EEC; Article 56.3 of Directive 2005/36/EC) - VETERINARY SURGEONS." Federation of Veterinarians of Europe. March 18, 2008. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  9. ^ "Automatic registration: Registration with the South African Veterinary Council." South African Veterinary Council. No date. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  10. ^ "IVC Act: IVC Acts & Rules." Veterinary Council of India. No date. 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2008-08-13. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  11. ^ Simmons, Don. "Developing an Accreditation System." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2004.
  12. ^ AVMA Center for Veterinary Education Accreditation. AVMA.org. The AVMA COE has accredited veterinary schools overseas, and as of July 2008 had accredited veterinary schools in Australia, Canada, Ireland, the Netherlands, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom.
  13. ^ Krehbiel, Jan. "The AVMA COE Accreditation Site Visit." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2004; Simmons, Don and American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education (COE) Accreditation. "The American Veterinary Medical Association Council on Education (COE) Accreditation." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2004; Barzansky, Barbara. "Comparison of Accreditation Practices and Standards of US Schools of Medicine and Veterinary Medicine." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2004.
  14. ^ Halliwell, R.E. "Accreditation of Veterinary Schools in the United Kingdom and the European Union: The Process, Current Issues and Trends, and Future Concerns." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2004.
  15. ^ Fernandes, Tito. "The Role of Vet2020 Project on Quality of European Veterinary Education." Journal Veterinary Research Communications. August 2004; Veterinary Education and Free Movement of Veterinary Surgeons in Europe: Towards an Accreditation System." Federation of Veterinarians of Europe. November 2000. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  16. ^ European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education Web site.
  17. ^ Berruecos, J.M.; Trigo, Francisco J.; and Zarco, Luis A. "The Accreditation System for Colleges of Veterinary Medicine in Mexico and a Comparison with the AVMA System." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2004.
  18. ^ 18.0 18.1 18.2 18.3 Veterinary Medical School Admission Requirements. Indianapolis, Ind.: Purdue University Press, 2008. ISBN 1-55753-499-3 引用錯誤:帶有name屬性「VMSAR」的<ref>標籤用不同內容定義了多次
  19. ^ Kogan, L.R. and McConnell, S.L. "Gaining Acceptance Into Veterinary School: A Review of Medical and Veterinary Admissions Policies." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Winter 2001; Haynes, Emily N. "Your Path to Success: Advice to People Considering a Career in Health Sciences." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2007.
  20. ^ "All India Common Entrance Examination (AICEE)." Veterinary Council of India. No date. 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期2009-04-16. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  21. ^ Turnwald, Grant H.; Sponenberg, D. Phillip ; and Meldrum, J. Blair. "Part II: Directions and Objectives of Curriculum Structure at Veterinary Medical and Other Health Professions Schools." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2008; Fuentealba, Carmen; Mason, Robert V.; and Johnston, Shirley D. "Community-Based Clinical Veterinary Education at Western University of Health Sciences." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2008; Lloyd, James W.; Fingland, Roger; Arighi, Mimi; Thompson, James; de Laforcade, Armelle; and McManus, Joseph. "Satellite Teaching Hospitals and Public–Private Collaborations in Veterinary Medical Clinical Education." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2008; Cornell, Karen K. "Faculty Expectations of Veterinary Students in Clinical Rotations." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2008.
  22. ^ Doherty, Michael L. and Jones, Boyd R. "Undergraduate Veterinary Education at University College Dublin: A Time of Change." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2006.
  23. ^ Pospischil, Andreas; Djamei, Vahid; Rütten, Maja; Sydler, Titus; and Vaughan, Lloyd. "Introduction to the Swiss Way of Teaching Veterinary Pathology in the Twenty-First Century: Application of e-Learning Modules." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Fall 2007.
  24. ^ Shahar, Ron and Bark, Hylton. "Veterinary Education in Israel." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2006.
  25. ^ González-Soriano, Juncal. "The Present and Future of Veterinary Education in Spain." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2006.
  26. ^ Veerek, Vladimír. "Two Differentiated Programs of Veterinary Medical Education at the University of Veterinary and Pharmaceutical Sciences in the Czech Republic." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2006.
  27. ^ Cabadaj, Rudolph; Pilipcinec, Emil; and Bajová, Viera. "The Curricula of Veterinary Study at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Koice in the Slovak Republic." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2006.
  28. ^ Obeyesekere, N. "Needs, Difficulties, and Possible Approaches to Providing Quality Clinical Veterinary Education With the Aim of Improving Standards of Companion Animal Medicine in Sri Lanka." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2004.
  29. ^ Karg, Michael. "Designated Licensure—The Case for Speciation Within the Veterinary Degree." Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. December 15, 2000.
  30. ^ Center for Emerging Issues. Committee for the Future of Veterinary Services. Centers for Epidemiology and Animal Health. Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service. United States Department of Agriculture. "Veterinary Medicine." in Current Trends and Uncertainties for the Future of Agriculture. Washington, D.C.: USDA/Center for Emerging Issues, 2002.
  31. ^ 31.0 31.1 Willis, Norman G.; Monroe, Fonda A.; Potworowski, J. Andre; Halbert, Gary; Evans, Brian R.; Smith, John E.; Andrews, Kenneth J.; Spring, Lynelle; and Bradbrook, Andrea. "Envisioning the Future of Veterinary Medical Education: The Association of American Veterinary Medical Colleges Foresight Project, Final Report." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Special Issue. January 2007. Accessed July 26, 2008.
  32. ^ Tyler, Jeff W. "Assessing Veterinary Medical Education With Regard to the Attraction, Admission, and Education of Students Interested in Food Supply Veterinary Medicine and Retention of Student Interest in a Career in the Food Supply Sector." Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. September 15, 2006; Karg, Michael. "The Need for a Food Supply–Exclusive College of Veterinary Medicine." Journal of the American Veterinary Medical Association. February 1, 2007; Radostits, Otto M. "Engineering Veterinary Education: A Clarion Call for Reform in Veterinary Education--Let's Do It!" Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2003; Hooper, Billy E. "Ongoing Curricular Change in Veterinary Medical Colleges." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Fall 1994; Lavictoire, Suzanne. "Education, Licensing, and the Expanding Scope of Veterinary Practice: Members Express Their Views." Canadian Veterinary Journal. April 2003; Prescott, John F.; Bailey, Jeremy; Hagele, W. Curt; Leung, Dominic; Lofstedt, Jeanne; Radostits, Otto M.; and Sandals, David. "CVMA Task Force on 'Education, Licensing, and the Expanding Scope of Veterinary Practice.'" Canadian Veterinary Journal. November 2002.
  33. ^ Shadduck, John A. "Challenges Facing Veterinary Medical Education and Some Strategies for the Future." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Fall 1994; Fiala, Jennifer. "Limited Licensure Ignites Debate: National Organizations, Regulators Explore Options." DVM Newsmagazine. April 1, 2008 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期July 10, 2011,.; McLaughlin, Michael A. "Commentary on Limited Licensure: Has Its Day Finally Arrived?" DVM Newsmagazine. July 1, 2008; Fiala, Jennifer. "Future Veterinarians: A 25-Year Look Ahead." DVM Newsmagazine. April 1, 2007 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期July 10, 2011,..
  34. ^ Lloyd, K.C. Kent. "The Scientific Component of Residency Training." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2008; Lumeij, Johannes T. and Herrtage, Michael E. "Veterinary Specialization in Europe." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2006.
  35. ^ Edmondson, Katherine M. "Applying What We Know About Learning to Veterinary Education." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2001; Moore, Dale A.; Leamon, M.H.; Cox, P.D.; and Servis, M.E. "Teaching Implications of Different Educational Theories and Approaches." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Summer 2002.
  36. ^ Trent, A.M. "Outcomes Assessment Planning: An Overview With Applications in Health Sciences." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2002; Black, L.S.; Turnwald, Grant H.; and Meldrum, J.B. "Outcomes Assessment in Veterinary Medical Education." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2002; Kleine, L.J.; Terkla, D.G.; and Kimball, G. "Outcomes Assessment at Tufts University School of Veterinary Medicine." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2002; Walsh, Donal A.; Osburn, Bennie I.; and Schumacher, R.L. "Defining the Attributes Expected of Graduating Veterinary Medical Students, Part 2: External Evaluation and Outcomes Assessment." Journal of Veterinary Medical Education. Spring 2002.
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