尚·勒內·德西雷·凡賽(法語:Jean René Désiré Françaix ; 1912年5月23日—1997年9月25日),法國新古典主義作曲家鋼琴家,作品大多數為管樂器創作,產量超過200多首,風格獨特而且充滿活力。

Jean René Désiré Françaix
國籍 法國
《五首異域風情的舞曲》(Cinq Danses Exotiques)
兒女克勞德·凡賽(Claude Françaix)



凡賽出生的家庭有音樂背景,從小就受到家人鼓勵創作音樂和學習鋼琴。他的父親是勒芒音樂學院的院長,母親是歌唱老師。凡賽先後在勒芒音樂學院和巴黎音樂學院學習,六歲時就開始嘗試作曲,其創作風格深受前輩莫里斯·拉威爾的影響。拉威爾十分賞識年少時的凡賽,曾向他的父母說:「在我的觀察來說,一名藝術家最重要有效的天賦,那就是好奇心。無論現在還是將來,你們都不能扼殺凡賽這些珍貴的天賦,否則這樣的天賦會慢慢的離他而去。」 [1][2]凡賽於1922年出版的第一部作品引起了出版社音樂家馬賽爾·德曼齊亞利英語Marcelle de Manziarly的注意,德曼齊亞利便將凡賽引薦向娜迪亞·布朗熱,成為他的導師[3]

由於凡賽是鋼琴演奏家,尤其在為管弦樂器創作的室內樂作品以鋼琴為主要特色,作品大多採用複雜的對位法[4]此外,凡賽的作品也包涵不同的音樂形式,包括協奏曲交響曲歌劇戲劇芭蕾舞清唱套曲等,[2]以及借鑑20世紀的作品,並加以創新,例如他的神劇《聖約翰啟示錄》(L'apocalypse selon St. Jean)寫於1939年,全長約1小時,採用了大型合唱團和管弦樂隊,第二個樂器組意外地運用了一些非正規樂團的樂器,包括薩克斯風手風琴曼陀林結他來描繪地獄的場景。[5]儘管他經常將自己的新風格融入到舊的創作方式中,但他是公認的「新古典主義者」,而不是「現代主義者」,主張清晰的音樂語言,拒絕無調性音樂及無意義的即興效果。

凡賽在鋼琴方面頗有成就,他曾在巴黎音樂學院獲得鋼琴一等獎,並在歐洲和美國巡迴演出[2] 。他與大提琴家莫里斯·讓德隆(Maurice Gendron)的二重奏表現出色,還演奏了大量鋼琴協奏曲。1964年,凡賽與他的女兒克勞德·凡賽(Claude Françaix)首演了他的雙鋼琴協奏曲[2]



  • Scherzo (1932), his first mature work for solo piano
  • Huit Bagatelles, for piano and string quartet (1932)
  • Concertino for piano and orchestra (1932)
  • String trio (1933)
  • Quartet for winds (1933)
  • Beach, ballet (1933)
  • Sonatine, for violin and piano (1934)
  • Quintet, for flute, harp and string trio (1934)
  • Sérénade, for small orchestra (1934)
  • Sérénade (Andantino from the 'Sérénade for small orchestra', 1934) – (arr. Maurice Gendron, 1953)
  • Petit quatuor, saxophone quartet (1935)
  • Le Malheurs de Sophie, ballet (1935)
  • Piano concerto (1936)
  • Cinq portraits de jeunes filles, piano (1936)
  • Le Diable boiteux, Opera (1937)
  • Rondino staccato (from the Opera Le Diable boiteux, 1937) – (arr. Maurice Gendron, 1953)
  • L'apocalypse selon Saint-Jean, Oratorio (1939)
  • L'apostrophe, a musical comedy (1940)
  • Berceuse (from 'L'Apostrophe', 1940) – (arr.Maurice Gendron, 1953)
  • Divertissement for bassoon and string quintet, or orchestra (1942) – dedicated to William Waterhouse
  • L'Arlequin blanc, ballet (1944)
  • Mouvement perpétuel (from 'L'Arlequin blanc', 1944) – (arr. Maurice Gendron, 1953)
  • L'Heure du Berger, sextet for piano and wind quintet (1947)
  • Wind quintet No.1 (1948)
  • Les demoiselles de la nuit, ballet (1948)
  • Nocturne (from Les demoiselles de la nuit, 1948) – (arr. Maurice Gendron, 1951)
  • Symphony in G (1953)
  • Divertimento, for horn and piano (1953)
  • Divertimento, for flute and piano (1953; orchestrated in 1974)
  • Napoléon, film score (1954)
  • Si Paris nous était conté film score (1956)
  • L'horloge de flore, for oboe and orchestra (1959)
  • Harpsichord concerto (1959)
  • Suite for solo flute (1962)
  • Six preludes, for string orchestra (1963)
  • Double piano concerto (1965)
  • La princesse de Clèves, Opera (1965)
  • Flute concerto (1966)
  • Clarinet Concerto (1967)
  • Violin concerto No.1 (1968)
  • Quartet, for cor anglais and string trio (1970)
  • Concerto for double bass and orchestra (1974)
  • Le gai Paris, for trumpet and winds (1974)
  • Cassazione, for three orchestras (1975)
  • Cinque piccoli duetti, for flute and harp (1975)
  • Variations sur un thème plaisant, for piano and winds (1976)
  • Quintet for clarinet and string quartet (1977)
  • Serenade, for guitar (1978)
  • Concerto for bassoon and 11 strings (1979)
  • Impromptu, for flute and 11 strings (1983)
  • Concerto, for trombone and 10 wind instruments (1983)
  • Sonata for recorder and guitar (1984)
  • Double concerto for flute, clarinet, and orchestra (1991)
  • Accordion concerto (1993)
  • Trio for oboe, bassoon, and piano (1994) – dedicated to William Waterhouse
  • Sonate for flute and piano (1996)
  • Neuf historiettes de Tallemant des Réaux for baritone voice, tenor saxophone, and piano (1997) -Françaix's last completed work-
  • Marche triomphale for 4 trumpets and organ


  1. ^ "Françaix, Jean (René Désiré)." The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians. London/New York: Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2001, p. 138.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 "Françaix, Jean René (23 May 1912, Le Mans)." Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003. Credo Reference. Web. 1 October 2012.
  3. ^ "Boulanger, Nadia." Britannica Concise Encyclopedia. Chicago: Encyclopædia Britannica, 2009. Credo Reference. Web. 1 October 2012.
  4. ^ Gordon, Daniel. "Music Reviews—Instrumental Solo and Ensemble Music: Jean Françaix, "Suite for Four Saxophones"; M. William Karlins, "Night Light: Quartet no. 3 for Saxophones"." Notes: Quarterly Journal of the Music Library Association 51.3 (1995): 1146–48. International Index to Music Periodicals Full Text. Web. 3 October 2012.
  5. ^ "Françaix, Jean René (23 May 1912, Le Mans)." The Harvard Biographical Dictionary of Music. Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2003. Credo Reference. Web. 1 October 2012.