首都索巴英語Soba (city)
常用語言努比亞語言英語Nubian languages
希臘語 (禮儀)
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Kingdom of Fazughli
Kingdom of al-Abwab

阿洛迪亞(Alodia),或稱阿儒阿阿勒瓦希臘語Aρουα[3];阿拉伯語:علوة‎,轉寫:ʿAlwa)是中古時期存在的一個國家,位於今日蘇丹的中南部。其都城為索巴英語Soba (city),位於青尼羅河白尼羅河交匯處,距今日的蘇丹首都喀土穆不遠。

公元350年左右,統治這一區域的庫施王國崩潰,阿洛迪亞可能在此後不久建立,並於569年第一次出現在歷史記載中。庫施崩潰後,逐漸形成阿洛迪亞、馬庫里亞諾巴提亞英語Nobatia三國,而阿洛迪亞是其中最後一個基督教化的,於約580年才完成這一進程。9-12世紀,其國力可能達到頂峰,有記載顯示,其在領土、軍事力量、經濟繁榮方面都超過了北面的鄰居,雙方統治者存在緊密家族聯繫的馬庫里亞。作為一個多元文化的大國,阿洛迪亞有一位強勢的君主與他任命的行省長官,其都城索巴因貿易中心地位而繁榮,被描繪為「有豪華的住宅與滿是黃金與花園的教堂」[4]。來自馬庫里亞、中東、西非、印度甚至是中國的貨物在這裏匯聚,有希臘文、努比亞文英語Nubian languages銘文存世。

12世紀後,特別是13世紀,阿洛迪亞走向衰落,可能是由於乾旱、貿易路線的改變與南方的入侵。14世紀,它又遭遇了瘟疫打擊,阿拉伯人部落也開始向上尼羅河谷遷徙。到1500年時,都城索巴已被阿拉伯人或豐吉人攻陷,這可能標誌着阿洛迪亞的滅亡,但在蘇丹人的口傳歷史宣稱它的人民移居埃塞俄比亞-蘇丹邊境地區,建立法祖赫里王國英語Kingdom of Fazughli。摧毀索巴城後,豐吉人以森納爾為中心建立蘇丹國,開啟了伊斯蘭化阿拉伯化的進程。、


A British colonial official looking at a capital in Soba, 1905
Soba during the excavations in late 2019

迄今為止,阿洛迪亞是努比亞中世紀三國中被研究最少的國家[5],因為史料非常少[6]。我們對它的了解大多來自少數中古阿拉伯史家的提及,其中最重要的幾位是地理學家葉耳孤比(9世紀)、伊本·郝蓋勒英語Ibn Hawqal艾斯瓦尼英語Ibn Salim al-Aswani(10世紀),以及12世紀的科普特人史家阿布·麥卡里姆英語Abu al-Makarim[7][8]。關於6世紀阿洛迪亞基督教化的記載見於同時期的敘利亞語史家、主教以弗所的約翰英語John of Ephesus的記載[9]。幾種後中世紀的蘇丹史料提及了它的滅亡[10][11]。艾斯瓦尼稱,他曾與與一位「非常熟悉阿勒瓦(阿洛迪亞)歷史」的努比亞史家交流[12],但目前還沒有發現中古努比亞人寫出的歷史著作[13]

雖然現在我們已經知道許多阿洛迪亞遺址的位置[14],但只有其首都索巴英語Soba (city)進行過廣泛的考古挖掘[15],其部分遺址於1950年代後期出土,80年代與90年代又進行了進一步挖掘[16],一項新的多學科研究項目計劃於2019年末啟動[17]。索巴遺址面積約2.75平方千米,被大堆從前屬於紀念性建築的瓦礫覆蓋[16],目前發現的有幾座教堂、一座宮殿及墳墓與其他小成果[18]




伊本·郝蓋勒英語Ibn Hawqal將白尼羅河西側分為馬庫里亞控制的傑布林(Al-Jeblien,可能與現在的北科爾多凡對應)和阿洛迪亞控制的艾赫丁(Al-Ahdin,可能指努巴山脈地區,可能向南延伸到靠近今日蘇丹-南蘇丹邊界的利里山(Jebel al Liri)[26])。有觀點認為努比亞人可能也與達爾富爾地區有聯繫,但缺乏證據[27]

The northern region of 阿洛迪亞 probably extended from the confluence of the two Niles downstream to Abu Hamad near Mograt Island.[28] Abu Hamad likely constituted the northernmost outpost of the 阿洛迪亞n province known as al-Abwab ("the gates"),[29] although some scholars also suggest a more southerly location, nearer the Atbara River.[30] No evidence for a major 阿洛迪亞n settlement has been discovered north of the confluence of the two Niles,[31] although several forts have been recorded there.[32]

Lying between the Nile and the Atbara was the Butana,[33] grassland suitable for livestock.[28] Along the Atbara and the adjacent Gash Delta (near Kassala) many Christian sites have been noted.[34] According to Ibn Hawqal, a vassal king loyal to 阿洛迪亞 governed the region around the Gash Delta.[35] In fact, much of the Sudanese-Ethiopian-Eritrean borderlands, once under control of the Ethiopian kingdom of Aksum, appear to have been under 阿洛迪亞n influence.[36] The accounts of both Ibn Hawqal and al-Aswani suggest that 阿洛迪亞 also controlled the desert along the Red Sea coast.[23]






Kushite bronze figurine, 1st century BC. The Meroitic inscription on its underside identifies the captive individual as a Nubian king.[39]

到4世紀初,一度控制蘇丹沿河地區大部的庫施王國進入衰落期,努比亞人(說努比亞語言英語Nubian languages之人)開始在尼羅河河谷定居[40]。他們原本生活在尼羅河以西,但氣候的改變促使他們東遷,至少在公元前1世紀就開始與庫施王國發生衝突[41]。到4世紀中期,努比亞人已控制庫施領土大部[38],向北到達布塔納英語Butana地帶[42]。阿克蘇姆的銘文提及好戰的努比亞人威脅到了阿克蘇姆王國特克澤河以北的領土,使得阿克蘇姆對他們發動遠征[43]。按照其記述,努比亞人被阿克蘇姆軍隊擊敗,阿克蘇姆軍行軍到達尼羅河與阿特巴拉河的交匯處,並劫掠了那裏的幾個庫施城鎮,包括阿勒瓦(Alwa)[38]

The remains of the fortress of Umm Marrahi near Omdurman, dating to the 6th century

考古證據顯示庫施王國可能在4世紀中期就已不復存在,無法得知阿克蘇姆軍的遠征是否直接導致了其的滅亡,不過似乎阿克蘇姆勢力在努比亞沒有停留多久[44]。最終,一系列地方中心取代了中央政權,其統治精英被葬在巨大的墳包中[45]。 Such tumuli, within what would become 阿洛迪亞, are known from El-Hobagi, Jebel Qisi and perhaps Jebel Aulia.[46] The excavated tumuli of El-Hobagi are known to date to the late 4th century,[47] and contained an assortment of weaponry imitating Kushite royal funerary rituals.[48] 與此同時,許多庫施人的神廟和定居點都被拋棄,包括首都麥羅埃[49][./User:Dkzzl/三國#cite_note-FOOTNOTEEdwards2004187-51 [49]]。庫施人則融入了努比亞人[50],他們的語言也被努比亞語取代[51]

How the kingdom of 阿洛迪亞 came into being is unknown.[52] Its formation was completed by the mid-6th century, when it is said to have existed alongside the other Nubian kingdoms of Nobadia and 馬庫里亞 in the north.[30] Soba, which by the 6th century had developed into a major urban center,[53] served as its capital.[30] In 569 the kingdom of 阿洛迪亞 was mentioned for the first time, being described by John of Ephesus as a kingdom on the cusp of Christianization.[52] 除了以弗所的約翰,還有一份來自東羅馬帝國治下的埃及的6世紀末的希臘文文獻提及了一名阿洛迪亞裔女奴,也證明了阿洛迪亞的存在[54]


Cross graffito from Musawwarat es-Sufra
Monograms of Archangel Michael in a quarry near Meroe. Such monograms seem to have been the most popular epigraphic expression in 阿洛迪亞, while longer inscriptions are comparably rare.[55]

以弗所的約翰英語John of Ephesus的記述描繪了阿洛迪亞基督教化的細節。作為三個努比亞王國中最靠南的一個,阿洛迪亞也是三國中最後一個基督教化的。根據約翰的記載,阿洛迪亞的國王聽聞諾巴提亞王國皈依基督教(543年)後,向約翰請求派一個主教來為他的人民施洗禮,580年他接到了這一請求,並派朗基努斯英語Longinus (missionary)前往,為國王全國及當地貴族行了洗禮。由此阿洛迪亞成為基督教世界的一部分,其教會歸屬亞歷山大科普特一性論教會 After conversion, several pagan temples, such as the one in Musawwarat es-Sufra, were probably converted into churches.[56] 基督教在阿洛迪亞擴展的速度與範圍也很難估計,雖然貴族都宣佈皈依,但鄉村人口接受基督教的速度可能很難,甚至可能從未真正接受[57]。John of Ephesus' report also implies tensions between 阿洛迪亞 and 馬庫里亞. Several forts north of the confluence of the two Niles have recently been dated to this period. However, their occupation did not exceed the 7th century, suggesting that the 馬庫里亞-阿洛迪亞 conflict was soon resolved.[58]

639-641年,阿拉伯人自拜占庭帝國手中征服了埃及[59]馬庫里亞此時已統一了諾巴提亞[60],並兩次擊退穆斯林的入侵,一次在641/42年,一次在652年。之後,馬庫里亞與阿拉伯人簽訂了「契約」,規定兩方和平相處,每年交換禮物,並規定了兩方的經濟社會關係[61]。阿洛迪亞則不在條約範圍內[62]。 While the Arabs failed to conquer Nubia, they began to settle along the western coast of the Red Sea. They founded the port towns of Aydhab and Badi in the 7th century and Suakin, first mentioned in the 10th century.[63] From the 9th century, they pushed further inland, settling among the Beja throughout the Eastern Desert. Arab influence would remain confined to the east of the Nile until the 14th century.[64]

South-up map of Nubia by al-Idrisi (1192 AD). 阿洛迪亞 ("galua") is erroneously depicted as being north of Makuria ("domkola", after Dongola, the 馬庫里亞n capital).

Based on the archaeological evidence it has been suggested that 阿洛迪亞's capital Soba underwent its peak development between the 9th and 12th centuries.[65] In the 9th century, 阿洛迪亞 was, albeit briefly, described for the first time by the Arab historian al-Yaqubi. In his short account, 阿洛迪亞 is said to be the stronger of the two Nubian kingdoms, being a country requiring a three-month journey to cross. He also recorded that Muslims would occasionally travel there.[66]

A century later, in the mid-10th century, 阿洛迪亞 was visited by traveler and historian Ibn Hawqal, resulting in the most comprehensive known account of the kingdom. He described the geography and people of 阿洛迪亞 in considerable detail, giving the impression of a large, polyethnic state. He also noted its prosperity, having an "uninterrupted chain of villages and a continuous strip of cultivated lands".[67] When Ibn Hawqal arrived, the ruling king was named Eusebius, who was, upon his death, succeeded by his nephew Stephanos.[68][69] Another 阿洛迪亞n king from this period was David, who is known from a tombstone in Soba. His rule was initially dated to 999–1015, but based on paleographical grounds it is now dated more broadly, to the 9th or 10th centuries.[70]

Ibn Hawqal's report describing 阿洛迪亞's geography was largely confirmed by al-Aswani, a Fatimid ambassador sent to 馬庫里亞, who went on to travel to 阿洛迪亞. In a similar manner to al-Yaqubi's description of 100 years before, 阿洛迪亞 was noted as being more powerful than 馬庫里亞, more extensive and having a larger army. The capital Soba was a prosperous town with "fine buildings, and extensive dwellings and churches full of gold and gardens", while also having a large Muslim quarter.[4]

King Mouses Georgios, who probably ruled 馬庫里亞 and 阿洛迪亞 simultaneously. Faras, late 12th century.

Abu al-Makarim (12th century)[7] was the last historian to refer to 阿洛迪亞 in detail. It was still described as a large, Christian kingdom housing around 400 churches. A particularly large and finely constructed one was said to be located in Soba, called the "Church of Manbali".[71] Two 阿洛迪亞n kings, Basil and Paul, are mentioned in 12th century Arabic letters from Qasr Ibrim.[69]

There is evidence that at certain periods there were close relations between the 阿洛迪亞n and the 馬庫里亞n royal families. It is possible that the throne frequently passed to a king whose father was of the royal family of the other state.[72] Nubiologist Włodzimierz Godlewski states that it was under the 馬庫里亞n king Merkurios (early 8th century) that the two kingdoms began to approach each other.[73] In 943 al Masudi wrote that the 馬庫里亞n king ruled over 阿洛迪亞, while Ibn Hawqal wrote that it was the other way around.[72] The 11th century saw the appearance of a new royal crown in 馬庫里亞n art; it has been suggested that this derived from the 阿洛迪亞n court.[74] King Mouses Georgios, who is known to have ruled in 馬庫里亞 in the second half of the 12th century, most likely ruled both kingdoms via a personal union. Considering that in his royal title ("king of the Arouades and Makuritai") 阿洛迪亞 is mentioned before 馬庫里亞, he might have initially been an 阿洛迪亞n king.[75]


Bronze incense burner, bearing a damaged Nubian inscription. Allegedly discovered in Soba.

Archaeological evidence from Soba suggests a decline of the town, and therefore possibly the 阿洛迪亞n kingdom, from the 12th century.[76] By 1300 the decline of 阿洛迪亞 was well advanced.[77] No pottery or glassware postdating the 13th century has been identified at Soba.[78] Two churches were apparently destroyed during the 13th century, although they were rebuilt shortly afterwards.[79] It has been suggested that 阿洛迪亞 was under attack by an African, possibly Nilotic,[80] people called Damadim who originated from the border region of modern Sudan and South Sudan, along the Bahr el Ghazal River.[81] According to geographer Ibn Sa'id al-Maghribi, they attacked Nubia in 1220.[82] Soba may have been conquered at this time, suffering occupation and destruction.[81] In the late 13th century, another invasion by an unspecified people from the south occurred.[83] In the same period poet al-Harrani wrote that 阿洛迪亞's capital was now called Waylula,[77] described as "very large" and "built on the west bank of the Nile".[84] In the early 14th century geographer Shamsaddin al-Dimashqi wrote that the capital was a place named Kusha, located far from the Nile, where water had to be obtained from wells.[85] The contemporary Italian-Mallorcan Dulcert map features both 阿洛迪亞 ("Coale") and Soba ("Sobaa").[86]

Economic factors also seem to have played a part in 阿洛迪亞's decline. From the 10th to 12th centuries the East African coast saw the rise of new trading cities such as Kilwa. These were direct mercantile competitors since they exported similar goods to Nubia.[87] A period of severe droughts occurring in Sub-Saharan Africa between 1150 and 1500 would have affected the Nubian economy as well.[88] Archeobotanical evidence from Soba suggests the town suffered from overgrazing and overcultivation.[89]

By 1276 al-Abwab, previously described as the northernmost 阿洛迪亞n province, was recorded as an independent splinter kingdom ruling over vast territories. The precise circumstances of its secession and its relations with 阿洛迪亞 thereafter remain unknown.[90] Based on pottery finds it has been suggested that al-Abwab continued to thrive until the 15th and perhaps even the 16th century.[91] In 1286 a Mamluke prince sent messengers to several rulers in central Sudan. It is not clear if they were still subject to the king in Soba[92] or if they were independent, implying a fragmentation of 阿洛迪亞 into multiple petty states by the late 13th century.[77] In 1317 a Mamluk expedition pursued Arab brigands as far south as Kassala in Taka (one of the regions which received a Mamluk messenger in 1286[92]), marching through al-Abwab and 馬庫里亞 on their return.[93]

Map depicting the migration routes employed by the Arab tribes to push into Sudan

During the 14th and 15th centuries much of what is now Sudan was overrun by Arab tribes and briefly conquered by the Adal Sultanate.[94] [95][96][96] They perhaps profited from the plague which might have ravaged Nubia in the mid-14th century killing many sedentary Nubians, but not affecting the nomadic Arabs.[97] They would have then intermixed with the remaining local population, gradually taking control over land and people,[98] greatly benefiting from their large population in spreading their culture.[99] The first recorded Arab migration to Nubia dates to 1324.[100] It was the disintegration of 馬庫里亞 in the late 14th century that, according to archaeologist William Y. Adams, caused the "flood gates" to "burst wide open".[101] Many, initially coming from Egypt, followed the course of the Nile until they reached Al Dabbah. Here they headed west to migrate along the Wadi Al-Malik to reach Darfur or Kordofan.[102] 阿洛迪亞, in particular the Butana and the Gezira, was the target of those Arabs who had lived among the Beja[103] in the Eastern Desert for centuries.[104]

Initially, the kingdom was able to exercise authority over some of the newly arrived Arab groups, forcing them to pay tribute. The situation grew increasingly precarious as more Arabs arrived.[105] By the second half of the 15th century, Arabs had settled in the entire central Sudanese Nile valley, except for the area around Soba,[98] which was all that was left of 阿洛迪亞's domain.[106] In 1474[107] it was recorded that Arabs founded the town of Arbaji on the Blue Nile, which would quickly develop into an important centre of commerce and Islamic learning.[108] In around 1500 the Nubians were recorded to be in a state of total political fragmentation, as they had no king, but 150 independent lordships centered around castles on both sides of the Nile.[77] Archaeology attests that Soba was largely ruined by this time.[10]


Late 15th century illustration of Arab horseman by Arnold von Harff

It is unclear if the kingdom of 阿洛迪亞 was destroyed by the Arabs under Abdallah Jammah or by the Funj, an African group from the south led by their king Amara Dunqas.[10] Most modern scholars agree now that it fell due to the Arabs.[109][110]

Abdallah Jammah ("Abdallah the gatherer"), the eponymous ancestor[111] of the Sudanese Abdallab tribe, was a Rufa'a[112] Arab who, according to Sudanese traditions, settled in the Nile Valley after coming from the east. He consolidated his power and established his capital at Qerri, just north of the confluence of the two Niles.[113] In the late 15th century he gathered the Arab tribes to act against the 阿洛迪亞n "tyranny", as it is called, which has been interpreted as having a religious-economic motive. The Muslim Arabs no longer accepted the rule of, nor taxation by, a Christian ruler. Under Abdallah's leadership 阿洛迪亞 and its capital Soba were destroyed,[114] resulting in rich booty such as a "bejeweled crown" and a "famous necklace of pearls and rubies".[113]

An Abdallab with the typical tribal scarification. The Abdallab trace their origin to Abdallah Jammah, the alleged destroyer of 阿洛迪亞.

According to another tradition recorded in old documents from Shendi, Soba was destroyed by Abdallah Jammah in 1509 having already been attacked in 1474. The idea of uniting the Arabs against 阿洛迪亞 is said to have already been on the mind of an emir who lived between 1439 and 1459. To this end, he migrated from Bara in Kordofan to a mountain near Ed Dueim on the White Nile. Under his grandson, called Emir Humaydan, the White Nile was crossed. There he met other Arab tribes and attacked 阿洛迪亞. The king of 阿洛迪亞 was killed, but the "patriarch", probably the archbishop of Soba, managed to flee. He soon returned to Soba. A puppet king was crowned and an army of Nubians, Beja and Abyssinians was assembled to fight "for the sake of religion". Meanwhile, the Arab alliance was about to fracture, but Abdallah Jammah reunited them, while also allying with the Funj king Amara Dunqas. Together they finally defeated and killed the patriarch, razing Soba afterwards and enslaving its population.[11]

The Funj Chronicle, a multi-authored[115] history of the Funj Sultanate compiled in the 19th century, ascribes the destruction of 阿洛迪亞 to King Amara Dunqas; he was also allied with Abdallah Jammah.[110] This attack is dated to the 9th century after the Hijra ( 1396–1494). Afterwards, Soba is said to have served as the capital of the Funj until the foundation of Sennar in 1504.[116] The Tabaqat Dayfallah, a history of Sufism in Sudan ( 1700), briefly mentions that the Funj attacked and defeated the "kingdom of the Nuba" in 1504–1505.[117]


Early 19th century Funj manjil ("kinglet") of Fazughli as depicted by Frédéric Cailliaud. On his head he wears a taqiya umm qarnein.

Historian Jay Spaulding proposes that the fall of Soba was not necessarily the end of 阿洛迪亞. According to the Jewish traveler David Reubeni, who visited the country in 1523, there was still a "kingdom of Soba" on the eastern bank of the Blue Nile, although he explicitly noted Soba itself was in ruins. This matches the oral traditions from the Upper Blue Nile, which claim that 阿洛迪亞 survived Soba's fall and still existed along the Blue Nile. It had gradually retreated to the mountains of Fazughli in the Ethiopian-Sudanese borderlands, forming the kingdom of Fazughli.[118] Recent excavations in western Ethiopia seem to confirm the theory of an 阿洛迪亞n migration.[119] The Funj eventually conquered Fazughli in 1685 and its population, known as Hamaj, became a fundamental part of Sennar, eventually seizing power in 1761–1762.[120] As recently as 1930[111] Hamaj villagers in the southern Gezira would swear by "Soba the home of my grandfathers and grandmothers which can make the stone float and the cotton ball sink".[92]

In 1504–1505 the Funj founded the Funj sultanate, incorporating Abdallah Jammah's domain, which, according to some traditions, happened after a battle where Amara Dunqas defeated him.[121] The Funj maintained some medieval Nubian customs like the wearing of crowns with features resembling bovine horns, called taqiya umm qarnein,[122] the shaving of the head of a king upon his coronation,[123] and, according to Jay Spaulding, the custom of raising princes separately from their mothers, under strict confinement.[124]

The aftermath of 阿洛迪亞's fall saw extensive Arabization, with the Nubians embracing the tribal system of the Arab migrants.[125] Those living along the Nile between al Dabbah in the north and the confluence of the two Niles in the south were subsumed into the Ja'alin tribe.[126] To the east, west and south of the Ja'alin the country was now dominated by tribes claiming a Juhaynah ancestry.[127] In the area around Soba, the tribal Abdallab identity prevailed.[128] The Nubian language was spoken in central Sudan until the 19th century, when it was replaced by Arabic.[129] Sudanese Arabic preserves many words of Nubian origin,[130] and Nubian place names can be found as far south as the Blue Nile state.[131]

The fate of Christianity in the region remains largely unknown.[132] The church institutions would have collapsed together with the fall of the kingdom,[125] resulting in the decline of the Christian faith and the rise of Islam in its stead.[133] Islamized groups from northern Nubia began to proselytize the Gezira.[134] As early as 1523 King Amara Dunqas, who was initially a Pagan or nominal Christian, was recorded to be Muslim.[135] Nevertheless, in the 16th century large portions of the Nubians still regarded themselves as Christians.[136] A traveler who visited Nubia around 1500 confirms this, while also saying that the Nubians were so lacking in Christian instruction they had no knowledge of the faith.[137] In 1520 Nubian ambassadors reached Ethiopia and petitioned the Emperor for priests. They claimed that no more priests could reach Nubia because of the wars between Muslims, leading to a decline of Christianity in their land.[138] In the first half of the 17th century, a prophecy made by the Sudanese Sheikh Idris Wad al-Arbab mentioned a church in the Nuba Mountains.[139] As late as the early 1770s there was said to be a Christian princedom in the Ethiopian-Sudanese border area, called Shaira.[140] Apotropaic rituals stemming from Christian practices outlived the conversion to Islam.[141] As late as the 20th century several practices of undoubtedly Christian origin were "common, though of course not universal, in Omdurman, the Gezira and Kordofan",[142] usually revolving around the application of crosses on humans and objects.[c]

Soba, which remained inhabited until at least the early 17th century,[148] served, among many other ruined 阿洛迪亞n sites, as a steady supply of bricks and stones for nearby Qubba shrines, dedicated to Sufi holy men.[149] During the early 19th century many of the remaining bricks in Soba were plundered for the construction of Khartoum, the new capital of Turkish Sudan.[150]



While information about 阿洛迪亞's government is sparse,[151] it was likely similar to that of Makuria.[152] The head of state was the king who, according to al-Aswani, reigned as an absolute monarch.[151] He was recorded to be able to enslave any of his subjects at will, who would not oppose his decision, but prostrated themselves before him.[153] As in 馬庫里亞, succession to the 阿洛迪亞n throne was matrilineal: it was the son of the king's sister, not his son who succeeded to the throne.[152] There might be evidence a mobile royal encampment existed, although the translation of the original source, Abu al-Makarim, is not certain.[154] Similar mobile courts are known to have existed in the early Funj sultanate, Ethiopia and Darfur.[155]

The kingdom was divided into several provinces under the sovereignty of Soba.[156] It seems delegates of the king governed these provinces.[151] Al-Aswani stated that the governor of the northern al-Abwab province was appointed by the king.[157] This was similar to what Ibn Hawqal recorded for the Gash Delta region, which was ruled by an appointed Arabophone (Arabic speaker).[35] In 1286, Mamluk emissaries were sent to several rulers in central Sudan. It is unclear whether those rulers were actually independent,[77] or if they remained subordinate to the king of 阿洛迪亞. If the latter was the case, this would provide an understanding of the kingdom's territorial organization. The "Sahib" of al-Abwab[92] seems certain to have been independent.[90] Apart from al-Abwab, the following regions are mentioned: Al-Anag (possibly Fazughli); Ari; Barah; Befal; Danfou; Kedru (possibly after Kadero, a village north of Khartoum); Kersa (the Gezira); and Taka (the region around the Gash Delta).[158]

State and church were intertwined in 阿洛迪亞,[159] with the 阿洛迪亞n kings probably serving as its patrons.[160] Coptic documents observed by Johann Michael Vansleb during the later 17th century list the following bishoprics in the 阿洛迪亞n kingdom: Arodias, Borra, Gagara, Martin, Banazi, and Menkesa.[161] "Arodias" may refer to the bishopric in Soba.[159] The bishops were dependent on the patriarch of Alexandria.[4]

阿洛迪亞 may have had a standing army,[158] in which cavalry likely projected force and symbolized royal authority deep into the provinces.[162] Because of their speed, horses were also important for communication, providing a rapid courier service between the capital and the provinces.[162] Aside from horses, boats also played a central role in transportation infrastructure.[163]

統治時期 註釋
喬治(Giorgios) ? Recorded on an inscription at Soba.[69]
大衛(David) 9th or 10th century Recorded on his tombstone at Soba. Initially thought to have ruled from 999 to 1015, but now proposed to have lived in the 9th / 10th centuries.[70]
尤西比歐斯(Eusebios) c. 938–955 Mentioned by Ibn Hawqal.[69][164]
斯蒂法諾斯Stephanos c. 955 Mentioned by Ibn Hawqal.[69][164]
Mouses Georgios 1155–1190 馬庫里亞與阿洛迪亞的共主,Recorded on letters from Qasr Ibrim and a graffito from Faras.[75]
?Basil 12th century Recorded on an Arabic letter from Qasr Ibrim[69] and a graffito from Meroe(?).[165]
?Paul 12th century Recorded on an Arabic letter from Qasr Ibrim.[69]




Nubian graffiti from Musawwarat es-Sufra
Tombstone of King David (9th or 10th century), carved in the Greek language at Soba.

阿洛迪亞是個多民族、多語言的國家[166],不過其多數人民使用努比亞語言[167]。Based on a few inscriptions found in 阿洛迪亞n territory it has been suggested that the 阿洛迪亞ns spoke a dialect distinct from Old Nobiin of northern Nubia, dubbed as Alwan-Nubian. This assumption rests primarily on the script used in these inscriptions,[168] which, while also being based on the Greek alphabet,[169] differs from that employed in 馬庫里亞 by making no use of Coptic diacritics and instead having special characters based on Meroitic hieroglyphs. However, ultimately the classification of this language and its relationship to Old Nobiin has yet to be specified.[170] In the 1830s it was said a Nubian language was still being spoken as far south as Berber near the junction of the Nile and the Atbara. It was supposedly similar to Kenzi but with many differences.[171]

Fragmentary marble stone from Soba with Nubian inscription

Although Greek, a prestigious sacral language, was used, it does not appear to have been spoken.[172] An example of the use of Greek in 阿洛迪亞 is the tombstone of King David from Soba, where it is written with quite correct grammar.[173] Al-Aswani noted that books were written in Greek and then translated into Nubian.[4] The Christian liturgy was also in Greek.[174] Coptic was probably used to communicate with the Patriarch of Alexandria,[152] but written Coptic remains are very sparse.[175]

Apart from Nubian, a multitude of languages were spoken throughout the kingdom. In the Nuba mountains several Kordofanian languages occurred together with Hill Nubian dialects. Upstream along the Blue Nile Eastern Sudanic languages like Berta or Gumuz were spoken. In the eastern territories lived the Beja, who spoke their own Cushitic language, as did the Semitic Arabs[1] and the Tigre.[2]


Suggestive ground plan of the "Mound C" church, Soba

The existence of 400 churches has been recorded throughout the kingdom; most have yet to be located.[176] Only seven have been identified so far, given the simple names of church "A", "B", "C", "E", the "Mound C" church in Soba, the church in Saqadi and the temple-church in Musawwarat as-Sufra.[177] A hypothetical church was recently discovered in Abu Erteila in the western Butana.[178] Churches "A"–"C" as well as the "Mound C" church were basilicas comparable to the largest 馬庫里亞n churches. The Saqadi church was an insertion into a pre-existing structure. Church "E" and the church of Musawwarat es-Sufra were "normal" churches. Thus, the known 阿洛迪亞n houses of worship can be categorized into three classes.[176]

Church complex of "Mound B", Soba, including, from up to bottom: "Church A", "Church B" and "Church C"
Capitals and other small finds from Soba

On "Mound B" in Soba lay the standalone complex of the three churches "A", "B" and "C". Churches "A" and "B", both probably built in the mid-9th century, were large buildings, the first measuring 28米 × 24.5米(92英尺 × 80英尺) and the second 27米 × 22.5米(89英尺 × 74英尺). Church "C" was much smaller [179] and built after the other two churches, probably after 900.[78] The three churches had many similarities, including having a narthex, wide entrances on the main east-west axis and a pulpit along the north side of the nave. Differences are evident in the thickness of the bricks used. Church "C" lacked outer aisles.[180] It seems probable that the complex was the ecclesiastical center of Soba, if not the entire kingdom.[181]

Temple-church, Musawwarat es-Sufra

Church "E", on a natural mount, was 16.4米 × 10.6米(54英尺 × 35英尺) in size (and like all red brick structures in Soba heavily robbed).[182] Its layout was unusual,[183] such as its L-shaped narthex.[184] The roof was supported by wooden beams resting on stone pedestals. The internal walls used to be covered by painted whitewashed mud; the external walls were rendered in white lime mortar.[185]

The "Mound C" church, perhaps the oldest of the churches of Soba,[186] was around 13.5米(44英尺) in length. It was the only 阿洛迪亞n church known to have incorporated stone columns.[176] Very little remains of it and its walls, probably made of red bricks, have completely disappeared. Five capitals have been noted, belonging to a style that appeared in Nubia at the turn of the 8th century.[187]

The unearthing of the Saqadi church in 1913

The church of Musawwarat es-Sufra, called "Temple III A", was initially a pagan temple but was converted into a church, probably soon after the royal conversion in 580.[188] It was rectangular and slightly skewed, being 8.6米—8.8米 × 7.4米—7.6米(28英尺—29英尺 × 24英尺—25英尺) in size. It was divided into one large and three small rooms.[183] The roof, of an indeterminate shape, was supported by wooden beams.[189] Despite originally being a Kushite temple it still bears similarities to purpose-built churches, for example having an entrance on both the north and south sides.[183]

The southernmost known Nubian church was in Saqadi,[24] a red brick building[190] inserted into a pre-existing building of unknown nature.[176] It had a nave, where two L-shaped walls projected, and at least two aisles with rectangular brick piers between, as well as a range of possibly three rooms across the western end, which was a typically Nubian arrangement.[190]

Nubian church architecture was greatly influenced by that of Egypt, Syria and Armenia.[191] The constellation of the "Mound B" complex might reflect Byzantine influences.[192] The relations between the church architecture of 馬庫里亞 and 阿洛迪亞 remain uncertain.[193] What seems clear is that 阿洛迪亞n churches lacked eastern entrances and tribunes, features characteristic for churches in northern Nubia.[194] Furthermore, 阿洛迪亞n churches used more wood.[192] Similarities with medieval Ethiopian church architecture are harder to find, only a few details matching.[190]



在中世紀努比亞,陶器製作及其裝飾被視為一種藝術形式[195]。Until the 7th century, the most common pottery type found at Soba was the so-called "Red Ware". These wheel-made hemispherical bowl were made of red or orange slip and painted with separated motifs such as boxes with inner cross-hatchings, stylized floral motifs or crosses. The outlines of the motifs were drawn in black while the interiors were white. In their design, they are a direct continuation of Kushite styles, with possible influences from Aksumite Ethiopia. Due to their relative rarity, it has been suggested that they were imported, although they bear similarities to the pottery type, known as "Soba Ware", that succeeded them.[196]

"Soba Ware" was a type of wheel-made[197] pottery with a distinctive decoration very different from that found in the rest of Nubia.[198] The shape of the pottery was diverse, as was the repertoire of painted decoration. One of the most distinctive features was the use of faces as painted decoration. They were simplified, if not geometric, in form and with big round eyes. This style is foreign to 馬庫里亞 and Egypt, but bears a resemblance to paintings and manuscripts from Ethiopia.[199] It is possible the potters copied these motifs from local church murals.[200] Also unique was the application of animal-shaped bosses (protomes).[201] Glazed vessels were also produced, copying Persian aquamaniles without reaching their quality.[202] Beginning in the 9th century, "Soba Ware" was increasingly replaced by fine ware imported from 馬庫里亞.[203]




A Nubian sakia in the 19th century
Sorghum was the staple food of medieval Nubia.[204]

阿洛迪亞因為位於薩赫勒地帶,其經濟相比北面的鄰居馬庫里亞有一定的優勢[5]。According to al-Aswani the "provisions of the country of Alwa and their king" came from Kersa, which has been identified with the Gezira.[156] North of the confluence of the two Niles agriculture was limited to farms along the river[28] watered by devices like the shadoof or the more sophisticated sakia.[205] In contrast, the farmers of the Gezira profited from sufficient rainfall to make rainfall cultivation the economic mainstay.[206] Archaeological records have provided insight into the types of food grown and consumed in 阿洛迪亞. At Soba, the primary cereal was sorghum, although barley and millet were also known to be consumed.[207] Al-Aswani noted that sorghum was used to make beer and said that vineyards were quite rare in 阿洛迪亞 compared to 馬庫里亞.[208] There is archaeological evidence of grapes.[209] According to al-Idrisi, onions, horseradish, cucumbers, watermelons and rapeseed were also cultivated,[210] but none were found at Soba.[211] Instead, figs, acacia fruits, doum palm fruits and dates have been identified.[212]

Sedentary farmers formed one part of 阿洛迪亞's agriculture, the other consisted of nomads practicing animal husbandry.[152] The relationship between these two groups was symbiotic, resulting in an exchange of goods.[213] Al-Aswani wrote that beef was plentiful in 阿洛迪亞, which he attributed to the bountiful grazing land.[153] Archaeological evidence from Soba attests to the relevance cattle had there,[214] as most animal bones are attributed to that species, followed by those of sheep and goats.[215] Chickens were probably also bred at Soba,[214] although available archaeological proof is very limited, probably due to the fragile nature of bird bones.[216] No remains of pigs have been identified.[215] Camel remains have been noted, but none bore signs of butchery.[217] Fishing and hunting made only minor contributions to the overall diet of Soba.[213]



Trade was an important source of income for the people of 阿洛迪亞. Soba served as a trading hub with north-south and east-west trade routes; goods arrived in the kingdom from 馬庫里亞, the Middle East, western Africa, India and China.[218] Trade with 馬庫里亞 probably ran through the Bayuda Desert, following Wadi Abu Dom or Wadi Muqaddam, while another route went from near Abu Hamad to Korosko in Lower Nubia. A route going east originated around Berber near the confluence of the Nile and the Atbara, terminating in Badi, Suakin and Dahlak.[219] Merchant Benjamin of Tudela mentions a route heading west, going from 阿洛迪亞 to Zuwila in Fezzan.[220] Archaeological evidence for trade with Ethiopia is virtually absent,[221] although trading relations are suggested by other evidence.[d] Trading with the outside world was handled predominantly by Arab merchants.[226] Muslim merchants were recorded as having traversed Nubia, some living in a district in Soba.[227]

Exports from 阿洛迪亞 likely included raw materials such as gold, ivory, salt and other tropical products,[228] as well as hides.[229] According to an oral tradition Arab merchants came to 阿洛迪亞 to sell silk and textiles, receiving beads, elephant teeth and leather in return.[230] At Soba silk and flax have been found, both probably originating from Egypt.[231] Most of the glass found there was also imported.[79] Benjamin of Tudela claimed merchants traveling from 阿洛迪亞 to Zuwila carried hides, wheat, fruits, legumes and salt, while carrying gold and precious stones on their return.[232] Slaves are commonly assumed to have been exported by medieval Nubia.[233] Adams postulates that 阿洛迪亞 was a specialized slave-trading state that exploited the pagan populations to the west and south.[234] Evidence for a regulated slave trade is very limited.[235][e] It is only from the 16th century, after the fall of the Christian kingdoms, that such evidence begins to appear.[237]


  1. ^ Kordofanian languages; various Eastern Sudanic languages spoken in the Upper Blue Nile Valley (for example Berta); Arabic, Beja;[1] and Tigre[2]
  2. ^ "The most southerly church known, which presumably was within the kingdom of Alwa, lay at Saqadi 50 km to the west of Sennar",[24] while "the most southerly find of Alwan material on the Blue Nile is a pottery chalice, from Khalil el-Kubra 40 km upstream of Sennar".[25]
  3. ^ In 1918 it was recorded that in parts of Omdurman, the Gezira and Kordofan, practices of Christian origin included the marking of crosses on foreheads of newborns or on stomachs of sick boys as well as putting straw crosses on bowls of milk.[143] In 1927 it was recorded that along the White Nile, crosses were painted on bowls filled with wheat.[144] In 1930 it was not only recorded that youths in Fazughli and the Gezira would be painted with crosses, but also that coins with crosses were worn to provide assistance against illnesses.[145] A very similar custom was known from Lower Nubia, where women wore such coins on special holidays. It seems likely that this was a living memory of the Jizya tax, which was enforced on Christians who refused to convert to Islam.[146] Christianizing rituals are also known from the Nuba mountains: crosses were painted on foreheads and breasts and were applied to blankets and baskets.[147]
  4. ^ John of Ephesus wrote of Aksumites in 阿洛迪亞, possibly referring to merchants,[222] while the contemporary Cosmas Indicopleustes reported Aksumite trade expeditions into the Blue Nile Valley, so arguably in the 阿洛迪亞n sphere of influence. In the 12th century al-Idrisi made mention of a trading town in the northern Butana, a place "where merchants from Nubia and Ethiopia gather together with those from Egypt".[223] Historian Mordechai Abir suggests that merchants from the Zagwe kingdom traveled through 阿洛迪亞 to reach Egypt.[224] Some Ethiopian traditions recall a people named "Soba Noba".[225]
  5. ^ The African slave armies that were deployed in Egypt by the Tulunids, Ikhshidids and Fatimids are often cited as evidence for a Nubian slave trade, but it is more likely these slaves came from the Chad basin instead. (In Fatimid sources they appear as Zuwayla, indicting an origin from Zuwila in Fezzan.)[236]


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Zarroug 1991,第89–90頁.
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 Zaborski 2003,第471頁.
  3. ^ Lajtar 2009,第93–94頁.
  4. ^ 4.0 4.1 4.2 4.3 Zarroug 1991,第20頁.
  5. ^ 5.0 5.1 Welsby 2014,第183頁.
  6. ^ Welsby 2014,第197頁.
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Werner 2013,第93頁.
  8. ^ Zarroug 1991,第15–23頁.
  9. ^ Zarroug 1991,第12–15頁.
  10. ^ 10.0 10.1 10.2 Welsby 2002,第255頁.
  11. ^ 11.0 11.1 Vantini 2006,第487–491頁.
  12. ^ Zarroug 1991,第19–20頁.
  13. ^ Welsby 2002,第9頁.
  14. ^ Zarroug 1991,第58–70頁.
  15. ^ Werner 2013,第25頁.
  16. ^ 16.0 16.1 Edwards 2004,第221頁.
  17. ^ Drzewiecki et al. 2018,第28頁.
  18. ^ Werner 2013,第161–164頁.
  19. ^ Werner 2013,第28–29頁.
  20. ^ Zarroug 1991,第41頁.
  21. ^ Welsby 2014,Figure 2.
  22. ^ Obluski 2017,第15頁.
  23. ^ 23.0 23.1 Welsby & Daniels 1991,第8頁.
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Welsby 2002,第86頁.
  25. ^ Welsby 2014,第185頁.
  26. ^ Spaulding 1998,第49頁.
  27. ^ Edwards 2004,第253頁.
  28. ^ 28.0 28.1 28.2 Zarroug 1991,第74頁.
  29. ^ Zarroug 1991,第21–22頁.
  30. ^ 30.0 30.1 30.2 Welsby 2002,第26頁.
  31. ^ Welsby 2014,第192頁.
  32. ^ Welsby 2014,第188–190頁.
  33. ^ Zarroug 1991,第62頁.
  34. ^ Welsby 2014,第187頁.
  35. ^ 35.0 35.1 Zarroug 1991,第98頁.
  36. ^ Fattovich 1984,第105–106頁.
  37. ^ Zarroug 1991,第8頁.
  38. ^ 38.0 38.1 38.2 Hatke 2013,§
  39. ^ Rilly 2008,Fig. 3.
  40. ^ Rilly 2008,第211頁.
  41. ^ Rilly 2008,第216–217頁.
  42. ^ Werner 2013,第35頁.
  43. ^ Hatke 2013,§, see also §4.5. for the discussion of a Greek inscription with similar content.
  44. ^ Hatke 2013,§4.6.3.
  45. ^ Welsby 2002,第22–23頁.
  46. ^ Welsby 2014,第191頁.
  47. ^ Welsby 2002,第28頁.
  48. ^ Welsby 2002,第40–41頁.
  49. ^ Edwards 2004,第187頁.
  50. ^ Werner 2013,第39頁.
  51. ^ Edwards 2004,第182頁.
  52. ^ 52.0 52.1 Werner 2013,第45頁.
  53. ^ Welsby 1998,第20頁.
  54. ^ Pierce 1995,第148–166頁.
  55. ^ Tsakos & Kleinitz 2018,第127頁.
  56. ^ Werner 2013,第51–62頁.
  57. ^ Edwards 2001,第95頁.
  58. ^ Drzewiecki & Cedro 2019,第129頁.
  59. ^ Welsby 2002,第68頁.
  60. ^ Werner 2013,第77頁.
  61. ^ Welsby 2002,第68–71頁.
  62. ^ Welsby 2002,第77頁.
  63. ^ Power 2008.
  64. ^ Adams 1977,第553–554頁.
  65. ^ Shinnie 1961,第76頁.
  66. ^ Zarroug 1991,第16–17頁.
  67. ^ Zarroug 1991,第17–19頁.
  68. ^ Zarroug 1991,第17頁.
  69. ^ 69.0 69.1 69.2 69.3 69.4 69.5 69.6 Welsby 2002,第261頁.
  70. ^ 70.0 70.1 Lajtar 2003,第203頁.
  71. ^ Zarroug 1991,第22–23頁.
  72. ^ 72.0 72.1 Welsby 2002,第89頁.
  73. ^ Godlewski 2012,第204頁.
  74. ^ Danys & Zielinska 2017,第184頁.
  75. ^ 75.0 75.1 Lajtar 2009,第89–94頁.
  76. ^ Welsby 2002,第252頁.
  77. ^ 77.0 77.1 77.2 77.3 77.4 O'Fahey & Spaulding 1974,第19頁.
  78. ^ 78.0 78.1 Welsby & Daniels 1991,第34頁.
  79. ^ 79.0 79.1 Welsby & Daniels 1991,第9頁.
  80. ^ Beswick 2004,第24頁.
  81. ^ 81.0 81.1 Werner 2013,第115頁.
  82. ^ Vantini 1975,第400頁.
  83. ^ Hasan 1967,第130頁.
  84. ^ Vantini 1975,第448頁.
  85. ^ Adams 1977,第537–538頁.
  86. ^ Hirsch 1990,第88頁.
  87. ^ Grajetzki 2009,第121–122頁.
  88. ^ Zurawski 2014,第84頁.
  89. ^ Cartwright 1999,第256頁.
  90. ^ 90.0 90.1 Welsby 2002,第254頁.
  91. ^ Werner 2013,第127, 159頁.
  92. ^ 92.0 92.1 92.2 92.3 Zarroug 1991,第99頁.
  93. ^ Werner 2013,第138頁.
  95. ^ Pouwels, Randall. The History of Islam in Africa. Ohio University Press. 31 March 2000: 229. ISBN 9780821444610. 
  96. ^ 96.0 96.1 Hasan 1967,第176頁.
  97. ^ Werner 2013,第142–143頁.
  98. ^ 98.0 98.1 Hasan 1967,第128頁.
  99. ^ Hasan 1967,第175頁.
  100. ^ Hasan 1967,第106頁.
  101. ^ Adams 1977,第556頁.
  102. ^ Braukämper 1992,第108–109, 111頁.
  103. ^ Hasan 1967,第145頁.
  104. ^ Adams 1977,第554頁.
  105. ^ Hasan 1967,第129, 132–133頁.
  106. ^ Adams 1977,第545頁.
  107. ^ Vantini 1975,第784頁.
  108. ^ McHugh 1994,第38頁.
  109. ^ Zarroug 1991,第25頁.
  110. ^ 110.0 110.1 Adams 1977,第538頁.
  111. ^ 111.0 111.1 Adams 1977,第539頁.
  112. ^ Hasan 1967,第132頁.
  113. ^ 113.0 113.1 O'Fahey & Spaulding 1974,第23頁.
  114. ^ Hasan 1967,第132–133頁.
  115. ^ Hasan 1967,第213頁.
  116. ^ Vantini 1975,第786–787頁.
  117. ^ Vantini 1975,第784–785頁.
  118. ^ Spaulding 1974,第12–21頁.
  119. ^ Gonzalez-Ruibal & Falquina 2017,第16–18頁.
  120. ^ Spaulding 1974,第21–25頁.
  121. ^ O'Fahey & Spaulding 1974,第25–26頁.
  122. ^ Zurawski 2014,第148–149頁.
  123. ^ Zurawski 2014,第149頁.
  124. ^ Spaulding 1985,第23頁.
  125. ^ 125.0 125.1 Werner 2013,第156頁.
  126. ^ Adams 1977,第557–558頁.
  127. ^ Adams 1977,第558頁.
  128. ^ O'Fahey & Spaulding 1974,第29頁.
  129. ^ Edwards 2004,第260頁.
  130. ^ Abu-Manga 2009,第377頁.
  131. ^ Taha 2012,第10 (Taha ascribes these names a Dongolawi Nubian origin)頁.
  132. ^ Werner 2013,第171頁.
  133. ^ Adams 1977,第564頁.
  134. ^ McHugh 1994,第59頁.
  135. ^ Werner 2013,第170–171頁.
  136. ^ Zurawski 2014,第84–85頁.
  137. ^ Hasan 1967,第131–132頁.
  138. ^ Werner 2013,第150頁.
  139. ^ Werner 2013,第181頁.
  140. ^ Spaulding 1974,第22, note 31頁.
  141. ^ Werner 2013,第177頁.
  142. ^ Crowfoot 1918,第56頁.
  143. ^ Crowfoot 1918,第55–56頁.
  144. ^ Werner 2013,第177–178頁.
  145. ^ Chataway 1930,第256頁.
  146. ^ Werner 2013,第178頁.
  147. ^ Werner 2013,第182頁.
  148. ^ Crawford 1951,第28–29頁.
  149. ^ McHugh 2016,第110頁.
  150. ^ Zarroug 1991,第43頁.
  151. ^ 151.0 151.1 151.2 Zarroug 1991,第97頁.
  152. ^ 152.0 152.1 152.2 152.3 Obluski 2017,第16頁.
  153. ^ 153.0 153.1 Vantini 1975,第614頁.
  154. ^ Seignobos 2015,第224頁.
  155. ^ Spaulding 1972,第52頁.
  156. ^ 156.0 156.1 Zarroug 1991,第100頁.
  157. ^ Zarroug 1991,第19頁.
  158. ^ 158.0 158.1 Zarroug 1991,第98–100頁.
  159. ^ 159.0 159.1 Werner 2013,第165頁.
  160. ^ Zarroug 1991,第101頁.
  161. ^ Crawford 1951,第26頁.
  162. ^ 162.0 162.1 Zarroug 1991,第22頁.
  163. ^ Zarroug 1991,第85頁.
  164. ^ 164.0 164.1 Vantini 1975,第153頁.
  165. ^ Munro-Hay 1982,第113頁.
  166. ^ Zarroug 1991,第88–90頁.
  167. ^ Werner 2013,第46頁.
  168. ^ Breyer 2014,第188-189頁.
  169. ^ Werner 2013,第186, note 6頁.
  170. ^ Breyer 2014,第189-190頁.
  171. ^ Russegger 1843,第456頁.
  172. ^ Ochala 2014,第43–44頁.
  173. ^ Welsby & Daniels 1991,第274–276頁.
  174. ^ Werner 2013,第197頁.
  175. ^ Ochala 2014,第37頁.
  176. ^ 176.0 176.1 176.2 176.3 Welsby 2002,第153頁.
  177. ^ Welsby 2002,第149, note 38頁.
  178. ^ Baldi & Varriale 2010,第284–288頁.
  179. ^ Werner 2013,第163頁.
  180. ^ Welsby 1996,第188頁.
  181. ^ Edwards 2004,第222頁.
  182. ^ Welsby 1998,第28–29頁.
  183. ^ 183.0 183.1 183.2 Welsby 2002,第154頁.
  184. ^ Welsby 1998,第275頁.
  185. ^ Welsby 1998,第30–32頁.
  186. ^ Welsby 1996,第187頁.
  187. ^ Welsby & Daniels 1991,第321–322頁.
  188. ^ Török 1974,第100頁.
  189. ^ Török 1974,第95頁.
  190. ^ 190.0 190.1 190.2 Welsby & Daniels 1991,第322頁.
  191. ^ Welsby 2002,第155頁.
  192. ^ 192.0 192.1 Werner 2013,第164頁.
  193. ^ Welsby 2002,第149頁.
  194. ^ Welsby 1996,第189頁.
  195. ^ Welsby 2002,第194頁.
  196. ^ Danys & Zielinska 2017,第177–178頁.
  197. ^ Danys & Zielinska 2017,第182頁.
  198. ^ Welsby 2002,第234頁.
  199. ^ Danys & Zielinska 2017,第179–181頁.
  200. ^ Welsby 2002,第235頁.
  201. ^ Danys & Zielinska 2017,第180頁.
  202. ^ Welsby 2002,第194–195頁.
  203. ^ Danys & Zielinska 2017,第183頁.
  204. ^ Welsby 2002,第185頁.
  205. ^ Zarroug 1991,第77–79頁.
  206. ^ Zarroug 1991,第75頁.
  207. ^ Welsby & Daniels 1991,第265–267頁.
  208. ^ Vantini 1975,第613頁.
  209. ^ Welsby 2002,第186頁.
  210. ^ Vantini 1975,第274頁.
  211. ^ Welsby & Daniels 1991,第273頁.
  212. ^ Welsby & Daniels 1991,Table 16.
  213. ^ 213.0 213.1 Welsby 2002,第188頁.
  214. ^ 214.0 214.1 Welsby 1998,第245頁.
  215. ^ 215.0 215.1 Welsby 2002,第187頁.
  216. ^ Welsby 1998,第241頁.
  217. ^ Welsby 1998,第240頁.
  218. ^ Werner 2013,第166頁.
  219. ^ Welsby 2002,第213頁.
  220. ^ Zarroug 1991,第87頁.
  221. ^ Welsby 2002,第214–215頁.
  222. ^ Hatke 2013,§5.3.
  223. ^ Welsby 2002,第215頁.
  224. ^ Abir 1980,第15頁.
  225. ^ Brita 2014,第517頁.
  226. ^ Zarroug 1991,第86頁.
  227. ^ Hasan 1967,第46頁.
  228. ^ Zarroug 1991,第84頁.
  229. ^ Zarroug 1991,第82頁.
  230. ^ Abd ar-Rahman 2011,第52頁.
  231. ^ Welsby & Daniels 1991,第307頁.
  232. ^ Hess 1965,第17頁.
  233. ^ Edwards 2011,第87–88頁.
  234. ^ Adams 1977,第471頁.
  235. ^ Edwards 2011,第103頁.
  236. ^ Edwards 2011,第89–90頁.
  237. ^ Edwards 2011,第95–96頁.



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