
Gold medalist Tommie Smith (center) and bronze medalist John Carlos (right) showing the raised fist on the podium after the 200 m race at the 1968 Summer Olympics; both wear Olympic Project for Human Rights badges. Peter Norman (silver medalist, left) from Australia also wears an OPHR badge in solidarity with Smith and Carlos.

1968年奧運會黑人權力致敬事件是非洲裔美國運動員Tommie Smith和John Carlos在墨西哥城奧林匹克體育場舉行的1968年夏季奧運會頒獎儀式上進行的政治示威。史密斯和卡洛斯分別在200米跑的比賽中獲得金牌和銅牌後,他們在領獎台上面對他們的旗幟,當聽到美國國歌時。每個運動員舉起戴着黑手套的拳頭,直到國歌結束。此外,史密斯,卡洛斯和澳大利亞銀牌得主彼得諾曼都穿着有人權徽章的夾克。史密斯在他的自傳「沉默的姿態」中表示,這一姿態不是對「黑人權力」的致敬,而是對「人權致敬」。該事件被認為是現代奧運史上最公開的政治聲明之一。



1986年10月16日早上,[1] 美國選手 Tommie Smith 以世界紀錄19.83秒贏得200公尺賽跑。澳洲選手 Peter Norman 以20.06秒獲得第2名,而美國選手 John Carlos 以20.10秒的成績獲得第3名,比賽結束後 , 3名得獎者到頒獎台,並由David Cecil,頒獎.兩名美國選手在只穿黑色襪子的情況下領獎,代表黑人貧困.[2] Smith 在脖子上戴着圍巾,代表着黑色的驕傲, Carlos had his tracksuit top unzipped to show solidarity with all blue-collar workers in the US and wore a necklace of beads which he described "were for those individuals that were lynched, or killed and that no-one said a prayer for, that were hung and tarred.

" It was for those thrown off the side of the boats in the Middle Passage."[3] All three athletes wore Olympic Project for Human Rights (OPHR) badges after Norman, a critic of Australia's former White Australia Policy, expressed empathy with their ideals.[4] Sociologist Harry Edwards, the founder of the OPHR, had urged black athletes to boycott the games; reportedly, the actions of Smith and Carlos on October 16, 1968[1] were inspired by Edwards's arguments.[5]

The famous picture of the event was taken by photographer John Dominis.[6]

Both US athletes intended to bring black gloves to the event, but Carlos forgot his, leaving them in the Olympic Village. It was Peter Norman who suggested Carlos wear Smith's left-handed glove. For this reason, Carlos raised his left hand as opposed to his right, differing from the traditional Black Power salute.[7] When The Star-Spangled Banner played, Smith and Carlos delivered the salute with heads bowed, a gesture which became front-page news around the world. As they left the podium they were booed by the crowd.[8] Smith later said, "If I win, I am American, not a black American. But if I did something bad, then they would say I am a Negro. We are black and we are proud of being black. Black America will understand what we did tonight."[2]

Tommie Smith stated in later years that "We were concerned about the lack of black assistant coaches. About how Muhammad Ali got stripped of his title. About the lack of access to good housing and our kids not being able to attend the top colleges."[9]



國際奧林匹克委員會(IOC)主席 艾弗里·布倫達治 認為這是國內政治聲明並不適合奧運會的非政治性國際論壇。他命令史密斯和卡洛斯暫停美國隊並被禁止進入奧運村,以此來懲戒他們的行為。當美國奧林匹克委員會拒絕時, 布倫達治威脅要禁止整個美國田徑隊。而這種威脅導致兩名運動員被驅逐出了奧運會。[10]

一個國際奧林匹亞委員會的發言人說 史密斯 和 卡洛斯 的行為是「 蓄意和暴力地違反奧林匹克精神的基本原則。」[2] 布倫達治,於1936年擔任美國奧林匹克委員會的主席,在柏林奧運會期間沒有反對對納粹致敬。他爭辯當國家對納粹致敬時,在國際競賽中是被接受的,但運動員並不代表一個國家,因此不被接受[11]

即使在第二次世界大戰爆發之後,布倫達治 被指認為美國最著名的納粹同情者之一,而他還被國際奧委會主席任命為是奧林匹克人權項目的三個目標之一。[12]


  1. 原文裏面的「...his removal as president of the IOC....」是指OPHR(奧會人權組織)是因為他的言論,而想要把他從IOC主席的地位彈劾這件事,是他們的目標之一。另外,納粹其實是加害者的角色,所以sympathiser應該解釋成《支持某種政治立場的人》
  2. 最後一段的那句「除了得到獎牌以外⋯」主要是描述他們兩個人的作為,已經超越了贏得獎牌的成就,使他們自己在歷史上留名 (made names for themselves),帶有讚美肯定的意思



史密斯和卡洛斯在很大的程度上受到美國體育界的排斥與批評。 『時代』雜誌於1968年10月25日寫道:「更快,更高,更強」是奧運會的座右銘。而「更憤怒、兇惡、醜陋」比較適合描述上週墨西哥城發生的情景。[14][15] 回到家鄉後,他們和家人都受到了虐待以及死亡威脅。[16]

史密斯 繼續參加田徑比賽,還跟辛辛那提孟加拉虎隊一起參加了國家美式足球聯盟比賽[17] ,之後又成為奧伯林學院體育助理教授。 1995年,他在巴塞隆拿世界室內錦標賽上幫助指導了美國隊。 1999年,他被頒獲加州黑人運動員千禧獎。 而他現在則是一個公眾演說家。


卡洛斯的職業生涯也走上了類似的道路。 第二年,他打破了100碼短跑世界紀錄。 卡洛斯也曾嘗試職業足球,是1970年國家美式足球聯盟選秀中的第15輪選秀,但是膝蓋受傷限制了他與費城老鷹隊的比賽。[18] 然後,他進入了加拿大足球聯賽,在那裏他為蒙特利爾雲雀隊打了一個賽季。[19] 他在20世紀的70年代末陷入困境。 1977年,他的前妻自殺,導致他陷入蕭條時期。 [20] 1982年,他受僱於組織委員會還參加了1984年洛杉磯夏季奧運會,以推廣奧運會,並與該市的黑人社區聯絡。 1985年,成為棕櫚泉高中的田徑教練。 截至2012年,卡洛斯還在該校擔任顧問。[21]


同情競爭對手抗議的諾曼受到澳大利亞媒體保守派的批評。 澳大利亞廚師團長Julius Patching很開心,半開玩笑地私下告訴諾曼,他們說:「他們在為你的血液尖叫,所以請嚴厲訓斥你自己。現在你有得到今天曲棍球的門票了嗎?」[23]儘管已經獲得了13次資格,他還是沒有被選中參加1972年夏季奧運會[7] 事實上,自1896年現代奧運會開始以來,澳大利亞並沒有向1972年的奧運會派出任何男性短跑運動員。[24] 當諾曼在2006年去世時,史密斯和卡洛斯在他的葬禮上都是護柩者[25]

澳大利亞官員表示他們在1968年的比賽中支持諾曼,沒有懲罰他,並且一直認為他是「我們最好的奧運選手之一」。[26] 諾曼在1970年英聯邦運動會上代表澳大利亞,並在1972年奧運會之前因膝蓋受傷而嚴重影響了他的表現。[27]

2012年,澳大利亞正式向諾曼道歉,一名國會議員告訴議會,諾曼的手勢「是一個英雄主義和謙遜的時刻,提升了國際上對種族不平等的認識。」 [28]

韋恩·科萊特樊尚·馬修 在1972年慕尼黑的比賽中舉行類似的抗議活動後也被禁止參加奧運會。[29]



2008年悉尼電影節上有一部名為「致敬」,關於抗議的紀錄片。 這部電影是由彼得·諾曼的侄子馬特·諾曼編寫,導演和製作的。[30]

2008年7月9日,英國廣播公司四號播出了由Geoff Small發表的關於抗議的紀錄片《Black Power Salute》。在一篇文章中,Small指出,參加2008年北京奧運會的英國隊的運動員被要求籤署會限制他們發表政治聲明權利的條款,但他們拒絕了。[31]



在2011年圭爾夫大學的演講中,加拿大奧林匹克委員會成員,加拿大奧林匹克馬術隊隊長Akaash Maharaj說:「在那一刻,湯米史密斯,彼得諾曼和約翰卡洛斯成為奧林匹克唯心主義活生生的例子。從那以後,他們成為了我這一代的偶像,但他們只能以唯心主義為原則做事而不能選擇自己真正想做的。成為比當時奧委會主席更具影響力的人是他們的不幸。」[32]




在2005年, 聖荷西州立大學榮獲前學生史密斯和卡洛斯22英尺高的雕像,名為Victory Salute,由Rigo 23創作[33] 這是由一位學生Erik Grotz發起的活動,他說:「一位教我的教授正在談論這位無名英雄並提到了湯米史密斯和約翰卡洛斯。他說他們為了人民做了一項偉大的貢獻,但他們卻從來沒有被自己的學校尊敬。」這尊雕像位於學校的中心,地點在 37°20′08″N 121°52′57″W / 37.335495°N 121.882556°W / 37.335495; -121.882556 (Olympic Black Power Statue),位在 D. Clark Hall 和 Tower Hall的旁邊。

那些前來造訪雕像的參觀者可以站在紀念碑上來加入支援他們的活動。因為彼得諾曼沒有雕像,所以參觀者可以站在他的位置象徵性地跟他們站在同一陣線; there is a plaque in the empty spot inviting those to "Take a Stand." Norman requested that his space was left empty so visitors could stand in his place and feel what he felt.[34] The bronze figures are shoeless but there are two shoes included at the base of the monument. The right shoe, a bronze, blue Puma, is next to Carlos; while the left shoe is placed behind Smith. The signature of the artist is on the back of Smith's shoe, and the year 2005 is on Carlos's shoe.

The faces of the statues are realistic and emotional. "The statue is made of fiberglass stretched over steel supports with an exoskeleton of ceramic tiles."[35] Rigo 23 used 3D scanning technology and computer-assisted virtual imaging to take full-body scans of the men. Their track pants and jackets are a mosaic of dark blue ceramic tiles while the stripes of the track suits are detailed in red and white.

In January 2007, History San Jose opened a new exhibit called Speed City: From Civil Rights to Black Power, covering the San Jose State athletic program "from which many student athletes became globally recognized figures as the Civil Rights and Black Power movements reshaped American society."[36]

Sydney mural


In Australia, an airbrush mural of the trio on podium was painted in 2000 in the inner-city suburb of Newtown in Sydney. Silvio Offria, who allowed the mural to be painted on his house in Leamington Lane by an artist known only as "Donald," said that Norman, a short time before he died in 2006, came to see the mural. "He came and had his photo taken; he was very happy," he said.[37] The monochrome tribute, captioned "THREE PROUD PEOPLE MEXICO 68," was under threat of demolition in 2010 to make way for a rail tunnel[37] but is now listed as an item of heritage significance.[38]

West Oakland mural


In the historically African-American neighborhood of West Oakland, California there was a large mural depicting Smith and Carlos on the corner of 12th Street and Mandela Parkway.

Above the life-sized depictions read "Born with insight, raised with a fist" (Rage Against the Machine lyrics); previously it read "It only takes a pair of gloves."[39] In early February 2015, the mural was razed.[40]

The private lot was once a gas station, and the mural was on the outside wall of an abandoned building or shed. The owner wanted to pay respect to the men and the moment but also wanted a mural to prevent tagging. The State was monitoring water contamination levels at this site; the testing became within normal levels "so the state ordered the removal of the tanks, testing equipment, and demolition of the shed."[41]

瑞典國家樂團Nationalteatern在其1974年的專輯「Livetärenfest」中的歌曲「John Carlos先生」講述的是該事件及其後果

討伐體制樂團(Rage Against the Machine)在「Testify」單曲上使用了封面藝術品上的敬禮照片(2000)[42]

美國說唱歌手肯德里克·拉馬爾(Kendrick Lamar)的單曲「HiiiPoWeR」(2011)的封面藝術作品展示了敬禮的裁剪照片

由美國說唱歌手Earl Sweatshirt創作的歌曲「Hoarse」(2013)的特色是「尖銳的尖峰,拳頭緊握,模仿'68奧運會」


Peter Perrett的歌曲「Shivers」,最著名的是The Only Ones的主唱,其特色是「自由的火炬,Tommie Smith的黑色手套」

美國嘻哈樂團A Tribe Called Quest的「The Space Program」(2017)音樂錄影帶以Pharrell Williams模仿敬禮為特色

  • John Carlos故事:改變世界的體育時刻,作者:John Carlos和Dave Zirin,Haymarket Books(2011)ISBN 978-1-60846-127-1
  • 三個驕傲的人(2000)[壁畫]。 39 Pine Street Newtown NSW Australia.[43]

See also



  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 1968: Black athletes make silent protest (PDF). SJSU. [9 November 2008]. (原始內容存檔 (PDF)於18 December 2008). 
  2. ^ 2.0 2.1 2.2 1968: Black athletes make silent protest. BBC. 17 October 1968 [9 November 2008]. (原始內容存檔於17 January 2010).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  3. ^ Lucas, Dean. Black Power. Famous Pictures: The Magazine. 11 February 2007 [9 November 2008]. 
  4. ^ Peter Norman. Historylearningsite.co.uk. Retrieved on 13 June 2015.
  5. ^ Spander, Art. A Moment In Time: Remembering an Olympic Protest. CSTV. 24 February 2006 [9 November 2008]. (原始內容存檔於21 October 2008). 
  6. ^ Hope and Defiance: The Black Power Salute That Rocked the 1968 Olympics. Life. 14 October 2013 [13 November 2013]. 
  7. ^ 7.0 7.1 Frost, Caroline. The other man on the podium. BBC. 17 October 2008 [9 November 2008]. (原始內容存檔於20 October 2008). 
  8. ^ John Carlos (PDF). Freedom Weekend. [9 November 2008]. (原始內容 (PDF)存檔於December 18, 2008).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  9. ^ Smith: 'They tried to make it a moment, but it was a movement'. 
  10. ^ On This Day: Tommie Smith and John Carlos Give Black Power Salute on Olympic Podium. Findingdulcinea.com. Retrieved on 13 June 2015.
  11. ^ "The Olympic Story", editor James E. Churchill, Jr., published 1983 by Grolier Enterprises Inc.
  12. ^ Silent Gesture – Autobiography of Tommie Smith (excerpt via Google Books) – Smith, Tommie & Steele, David, Temple University Press, 2007, ISBN 978-1-59213-639-1
  13. ^ Mexico 1968 (official International Olympic Committee website. Retrieved 30 June 2013.
  14. ^ The TIME Vault: October 25, 1968. TIME.com. [2016-08-20]. 
  15. ^ The Olympics: Black Complaint. Time. 25 October 1968 [12 August 2012]. "Faster, Higher, Stronger" is the motto of the Olympic Games. "Angrier, nastier, uglier" better describes the scene in Mexico City last week. There, in the same stadium from which 6,200 pigeons swooped skyward to signify the opening of the "Peace Olympics," Sprinters Tommie Smith and John Carlos, two disaffected black athletes from the US put on a public display of petulance that sparked one of the most unpleasant controversies in Olympic history and turned the high drama of the games into theater of the absurd. 
  16. ^ Tommie Smith 1968 Olympic Gold Medalist. Tommie Smith. [9 November 2008]. (原始內容存檔於19 October 2008). 
  17. ^ Tommie Smith. biography.com
  18. ^ Ray Didinger; Robert S. Lyons. The Eagles Encyclopedia. Temple University Press. 2005: 244–. ISBN 978-1-59213-454-0. 
  19. ^ John Carlos. [16 October 2016]. 
  20. ^ Amdur, Neil. Olympic Protester Maintains Passion. New York Times. 10 October 2011 [11 October 2011]. 
  21. ^ Dobuzinskis, Alex. Former Olympians: No regrets over 1968 protest. Reuters. 21 July 2012 [13 December 2012]. 
  22. ^ Salute at ESPYs – Smith and Carlos to receive Arthur Ashe Courage Award. espn.com. 29 May 2008 [17 January 2009]. (原始內容存檔於5 April 2008).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  23. ^ Carlson, Michael. Peter Norman - Unlikely Australian participant in black athletes' Olympic civil rights protest. The Guardian. 5 October 2006 [23 August 2016]. 
  24. ^ Hurst 2006
  25. ^ Flanagan, Martin. Olympic protest heroes praise Norman's courage. The Sydney Morning Herald. 6 October 2006 [9 November 2008]. 
  26. ^ Peter Norman not shunned by AOC. Australian Olympic Committee. [23 August 2016]. 
  27. ^ Carter, Ron. Peter may have lost team place (PDF). The Age. 27 March 1972 [23 August 2016]. 
  28. ^ Parliament Apologises to Peter Norman. andrewleigh.com. [April 3, 2018]. 
  29. ^ Johnson Publishing Company. Jet. Johnson Publishing Company. 1973: 32. 
  30. ^ 2008 Program Revealed!. 8 May 2008 [17 January 2009]. (原始內容存檔於25 January 2009). 
  31. ^ Small, Geoff. Remembering the Black Power protest. The Guardian (UK). 9 July 2008 [9 November 2008]. 
  32. ^ Speech to the Ontario Equine Center at the University of Guelph, Akaash Maharaj, 27 May 2011
  33. ^ Slot, Owen. America finally honours rebels as clenched fist becomes salute. The Sunday Times (London). 19 October 2005 [9 November 2008]. 
  34. ^ Part 2: John Carlos, 1968 U.S. Olympic Medalist, On the Response to His Iconic Black Power Salute. Democracy Now!. 12 October 2011 [8 October 2015]. I would like to have a blank spot there and have a commemorative plaque stating that I was in that spot. But anyone that comes thereafter from around the world and going to San Jose State that support the movement, what you guys had in '68, they could stand in my spot and take the picture. 
  35. ^ Crumpacker, John. SF GATE - Olympic Protest. 
  36. ^ Speed City: From Civil Rights to Black Power. History San José. 28 July 2005 [9 November 2008]. (原始內容存檔於December 6, 2008).  已忽略未知參數|df= (幫助)
  37. ^ 37.0 37.1 "Last stand for Newtown's 'three proud people'" by Josephine Tovey, The Sydney Morning Herald, 27 July 2010
  38. ^ Heritage Assessment of the Three Proud People mural 2012 互聯網檔案館存檔,存檔日期October 2, 2013,.. (PDF). Retrieved on 13 June 2015.
  39. ^ It Only Takes a Pair of Gloves Mural. oaklandwiki.org
  40. ^ West Oakland Mural Bulldozed | bayareaintifada. Bayareaintifada.wordpress.com (3 February 2015). Retrieved on 2015-06-13.
  41. ^ West Oakland Mural Bulldozed. 
  42. ^ Tropes in Media – The Clinched Fist - GD 203. go.distance.ncsu.edu. [永久失效連結]
  43. ^ https://www.clovermoore.com.au/three_proud_people_mural
  • 「虛偽的政治」 - 包括1968年11月6日「哈佛深紅」的授權摘錄
  • 「Matt Norman,導演/製片人'Salute'」(播客:Peter Norman的侄子討論關於Norman在Black Power致敬中的角色的新紀錄片)
  • 「El Black Power de Mexico:40añosdespués」(布宜諾斯艾利斯的DiarioLaNación,2008年11月10日)
  • 「這是我的決定」(Tommie Smith談到他的無聲抗議,2008年8月8日)