用戶:Simon 1996/沙盒/23

前任Position established
13 January 2016
1 July 2014—27 October 2015
出生 (1978-10-17) 1978年10月17日45歲)
政黨我們可以黨 (2014–present)
其他政黨聯合我們能 (2016年至今)
西班牙共產主義青年聯盟 (1992-1999)

巴勃羅·伊格萊西亞斯·圖里翁,以Pablo IglesiasPablo Iglesias Turrión另稱(西班牙語發音:[ˈpaβlo iˈɣlesjas tuˈrjon];生於1978年10月17日)是西班牙政治人物,我們可以黨自2014年起的總書記。

Before then, he was a lecturer in political science at the Complutense University of Madrid. He was elected to the European Parliament in the 2014 elections as the leading candidate of the newly formed party Podemos, along with four other members of his party. He hosts the internet programs La Tuerka and Fort Apache, and frequently appears in Spanish political TV shows.



Iglesias出生於馬德里,在那裏他以馬德里康普頓斯大學學習榮譽。 He received his degree in law (2001), including an Erasmus term at the University of Bologna, before turning to political science and administration, receiving his licentiate (2004), teaching certificate (2004), DEA (2005) and PhD (2008).[1] His doctoral dissertation was on political conflict and peace processes, titled "Post-National Collective Action", under Heriberto Cairo Carou.[2][3] Iglesias has also obtained a Master of Humanities (2010, honours) from Charles III University with a thesis regarding a political analysis of cinema, and a Master of Arts in Communication (2011, distinction) from the European Graduate School in Switzerland, where he studied political theory, cinema and psychoanalysis.[1][4]

Academic career


He was the acting head teacher of political science in the Universidad Complutense de Madrid,[5] where he was named honorary professor in September 2014.[6] He defended in 2008 his dissertation, which was supervised by Heriberto Cairo Carou,[3] and whose subject was collective political action in post-millennial political history.[7] Since 2002, he has published more than 30 articles in academic journals.[8]

Media work


Iglesias presents the political debate TV shows Fort Apache for the Iranian government's Hispan TV and La Tuerka while he is also the director of programming at the production company Con Mano Izquierda (With the Left Hand).[9] He has also written articles in publications such as Público,[10] Kaosenlared,[11] Diagonal[12] and Rebelion.org.[13]



In 2003, he started a TV programme on Tele K, La Tuerka[14] (produced by Producciones CMI).

In November 2012, he appeared as a commentator in an episode of the news show La Sexta Columna titled Rajoy año I: La realidad era esto,[15] which analyzed the first year of Mariano Rajoy's government. In May 2013, Iglesias was invited to the political talk show El Gato al Agua,[16] broadcast by Intereconomía, to talk about the political demonstration Rodea el Congreso.[17][18] After this participation, he started to receive requests from other media and became a frequent guest to political talk shows like El Gato al Agua, El cascabel al gato (13 TV), La Sexta Noche (La Sexta), Las Mañanas de Cuatro (Cuatro) and La Noche en 24 Horas (24 Horas).

In October 2013, he was given the "Enfocados" prize by the Department of Journalism and Audiovisual Communication of the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid[19] for his contribution to social change, which he shared with Ignacio Escolar and Jordi Évole in the individual category.

Political career


Iglesias positions himself on the left-wing. He was a member of the Communist Youth Union of Spain from 1992 to 1999 and was part of the anti-globalisation movement.[20][21][22]

Since the early-2000s, Iglesias has been involved with the Center for Political and Social Studies Foundation (CEPS) and is currently on the executive board of the organization.[23][24] During the 2000s, Iglesias was involved in Latin American politics for the CEPS Foundation and monitored elections in Paraguay and Bolivia while acting as a strategic analysis advisor for the government of Venezuela and as a consultant for the government of Bolivia.[24][25] Iglesias has stated that he admires the policies of Hugo Chávez.[22][26]

Iglesias campaigning for Podemos at the 2014 European elections

In January 2014, he presented, along with other people and groups, the Podemos movement,[27] as a participant political force in the 2014 European elections. He was elected to the head of the party list in open primary elections.[28]

He was then elected as a Member of the European Parliament.

On 25 June 2014, GUE/NGL, the European Parliament group Podemos joined, elected him as the candidate for the presidency of the European Parliament.[29][30] As an MEP, Iglesias was a member of the Committee on Foreign Affairs, the Subcommittee on Human Rights and vice-chair of the Delegation for relations with Mercosur. He was also a substitute for the Subcommittee on Security and Defence and the Committee on Agriculture and Rural Development.[31]

In August 2015, Iglesias endorsed Jeremy Corbyn's campaign in the Labour Party leadership election. "We salute and support him," he told reporters. "The fact that at this moment Jeremy Corbyn is the favourite to win... and make a 180-degree turn from the direction set out by Tony Blair shows how much things are changing across Europe." Iglesias added: "A different Labour Party that returns to its origins as a representative of the popular classes is, I believe, very important."[32]


Personal life


Iglesias was named after the 19th century "father" of Spanish socialism and founder of the Spanish Socialist Worker's Party (PSOE), Pablo Iglesias Posse.[20] He is the son of Luisa Turrión, a lawyer for the trade union CCOO, and Javier Iglesias, a labor inspector and retired history professor, and, according to Iglesias, former member of the Frente Revolucionario Antifascista y Patriota.[34] Pablo's grandfather Manuel Iglesias was sentenced to death in Francoist Spain, but the sentence was not carried out because the accusations against him were proved to be false.[35] His maternal great-grandfather was one of the founders of the General Union of Workers (UGT), one of the largest workers unions in Spain.[36]


  • Iglesias Turrión, Pablo; Espasandín, Jesús (coordinadores). Bolivia en Movimiento. Acción colectiva y poder político. Madrid: El Viejo Topo. 2007: 376. ISBN 978-84-96831-25-4. 
  • Iglesias Turrión, Pablo. Multitud y acción colectiva postnacional. Madrid: Complutense de Madrid, Servicio de Publicaciones. 2009: 574. ISBN 978-84-692-1016-1. 
  • Iglesias Turrión, Pablo. Desobedientes. Madrid: Popular. 2011: 249. ISBN 978-84-7884-498-2. 
  • Iglesias Turrión, Pablo; Monedero, Juan Carlos. ¡Que no nos representan!: El debate sobre el sistema electoral español. Madrid: Popular. 2011: 127. ISBN 9788478845156. 
  • Iglesias Turrión, Pablo (2013) Cuando las películas votan. Lecciones de ciencias sociales a través del cine,Catarata
  • Iglesias Turrión, Pablo (2013) Maquiavelo frente a la gran pantalla. Cine y política, Akal
  • Iglesias Turrión, Pablo; Nega (2013). Abajo el Régimen. Conversación entre Pablo Iglesias y Nega LCDM. Icaria, colección Más Madera a dos voces


  1. ^ 1.0 1.1 Iglesias Turrión, Pablo. Pablo Iglesias Turrión's CV (PDF). [26 September 2014] (Spanish). [來源可靠?]
  2. ^ Pablo Iglesias Turrión's dissertation
  3. ^ 3.0 3.1 Iglesias Turrión, Pablo. Multitud y acción colectiva postnacional: un estudio comparado de los desobedientes: de Italia a Madrid (2000–2005). Universidad Complutense de Madrid. 2009 [13 July 2013]. ISBN 978-84-692-1016-1 (Spanish). 
  4. ^ Profesorado-Pablo Iglesias Turrión UCM's website, 3rd Department of Political Science. Access date 23 May 2014.
  5. ^ Pacho, Nacho. La Complutense quiere que Pablo Iglesias sea profesor honorífico. El Mundo. 12 July 2014 (Spanish). El rector explica que Iglesias ya no pertenece a la UCM desde el pasado 1 de julio, cuando perdió su condición de profesor titular interino 
  6. ^ La Complutense nombra profesor honorífico a Pablo Iglesias. eldiario.es. 25 September 2014 [25 September 2014] (Spanish). 
  7. ^ Marina González. El que puede. La Diaria. 6 August 2014. 原始內容存檔於September 26, 2014 (西班牙語). 
  8. ^ Pablo Iglesias Turrión in Google Scholar. Access date 23 May 2014.
  9. ^ Producciones Con Mano Izquierda. Pablo Iglesias Turrión. Director de contenidos y creatividad. [23 May 2014] (Spanish). 
  10. ^ Otra vuelta de Tuerka. Público. [13 July 2013] (Spanish). 
  11. ^ Artículos de Pablo Iglesias. Kaosenlared. [13 July 2013] (Spanish). 
  12. ^ Iglesias Turrión, Pablo. Asamblea constituyente y revolución. Diagonal. 22 July 2006 [13 July 2013] (Spanish). 
  13. ^ Artículos de Pablo Iglesias. Rebelión.org. [13 July 2013] (Spanish). 
  14. ^ Rozas, Daniel. I am not a crock! "A la izquierda le falta imaginación". Diagonal. 3 July 2012 [13 July 2013]. 
  15. ^ Rajoy año I: La realidad era esto, atresplayer.com, 16 November 2012.
  16. ^ Pablo Iglesias en El Gato al Agua. 24 April 2013 [13 July 2013]. 
  17. ^ Europa Press. El 25S llama a "asediar" el Congreso el 25 de abril y a no abandonar hasta que dimita el Gobierno. Europa Press. 31 March 2013 [1 May 2013] (Spanish). 
  18. ^ Efe. El Congreso no celebrará pleno durante el intento de "asedio" del 25S. La Razón. 16 April 2013 [1 May 2013] (Spanish). 
  19. ^ Celebrada la primera edición de los Premios de Periodismo para el Cambio Social. entreculturas. 13 November 2013 [24 May 2014] (Spanish). 
  20. ^ 20.0 20.1 Minder, Raphael. Spanish Upstart Party Said It Could, and Did. Now the Hard Part Begins.. The New York Times. 29 May 2014 [16 December 2014]. 
  21. ^ Iglesias to head Spain's leftist Podemos party. The Local. 16 November 2014 [18 December 2014]. 
  22. ^ 22.0 22.1 Ames, Paul. Europe looks left. Global Post. 15 November 2014 [8 January 2015]. 
  23. ^ ¿Qué es la Fundación CEPS?. CEPS Foundation. [11 February 2015] (Spanish). 
  24. ^ 24.0 24.1 Mercado, Francisco. La fundación relacionada con Podemos cobró 3,7 millones de Chávez en 10 años. El Pais. 17 June 2014 [8 February 2015]. 
  25. ^ Ruiz Valdivia, Antonio. 25 datos que no sabías de Pablo Iglesias. Huffington Post. 11 May 2014 [8 February 2015]. 
  26. ^ Pablo Iglesias Turrión se hizo presente en un homenaje a Hugo Chávez. El Propio. 25 November 2014 [8 February 2015] (Spanish). 
  27. ^ Europa Press. Podemos formaliza su inscripción como partido político. eldiario.es. 13 March 2014 [12 July 2014] (Spanish). 
  28. ^ Pablo Iglesias, elegido cabeza de lista por Podemos en las primarias con más participación para las europeas. Público. 3 April 2014 [30 May 2014] (Spanish). 
  29. ^ Fariza, Ignacio. Pablo Iglesias, candidato de la Izquierda Unitaria a la presidencia de la Eurocámara. El País. 25 June 2014. 
  30. ^ Europa Press. Pablo Iglesias, elegido candidato a presidir el Parlamento Europeo por la Izquierda Unitaria Europea. El Mundo. 25 June 2014. 
  31. ^ Pablo IGLESIAS. European Parliament. [21 November 2015]. 
  32. ^ Kassam, Ashifa. Podemos leader backs Jeremy Corbyn campaign for Labour leadership. The Guardian. 25 August 2015 [15 July 2017]. 
  33. ^ Francesco, Manetto. Iglesias deja el Parlamento Europeo con un duro ataque a la gran coalición. 國家報. 27 October 2015 [1 December 2015]. 
  34. ^ El último secretario general, Público, 18 September 2012.
  35. ^ El abuelo de Pablo Iglesias fue represaliado por el franquismo. elplural.com. 13 August 2014 [1 October 2014] (Spanish).  參數|newspaper=與模板{{cite web}}不匹配(建議改用{{cite news}}|website=) (幫助)
  36. ^ El que puede. (原始內容存檔於September 26, 2014). 


新頭銜 Secretary General of Podemos

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