
Wikidata weekly summary #514






Wikidata weekly summary #515

This Month in GLAM: March 2022


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維 基 百 科 政 策 簡 報
— 每月一期,掌握政策脈動 —



  1. 快速刪除方針》:修訂〈其他頁面〉一節,擴大O4準則適用範圍,並調整O7準則語句措辭;相關模組一併修訂討論紀錄
  2. 管理員的離任方針》:經社群討論通過,將管理人員離任相關頁面整合至行政員佈告板討論紀錄
  3. 討論頁指引》:明定一般討論頁之排版格式和標準不適用於因技術原因而無法遵守者(例如結構式討論頁)。討論紀錄
  4. 關注度指引(電視劇)》:依據社群討論結果,正式訂立電視劇相關條目之關注度指引,優先適用於既有之《關注度指引》。討論紀錄



Wikidata weekly summary #516

邀請您與維基媒體基金會執行長Maryana Iskander一同討論基金會的年度計劃



這些對話接續Maryana Iskander身為維基媒體基金會執行長的聆聽之旅


  • 2030維基媒體運動策略為「知識即服務」和「知識平權」設定了方向。維基媒體基金會希望根據這兩個目標進行規劃。您認為維基媒體基金會應該如何將這兩個目標應用到工作中?
  • 維基媒體基金會將繼續探索在區域層級上更好的工作方式。我們在補助金、新功能和社群對話等方面加強區域聚焦。您覺得什麼部分運作良好?又有什麼部分需要改進,以及如何改進?
  • 任何人都可以為運動策略的進程做出貢獻。邀請您分享您的活動、想法、請求以及經驗傳承。您認為維基媒體基金會應如何能更好地支援從事運動策略活動的志願者和自治體?

下星期日4月24日07:00 UTC的對話場次將提供同步中文口譯,更多相關資訊下週儘快與您分享。

運動策略與治理VChang (WMF)留言2022年4月14日 (四) 19:11 (UTC)

更新:4月24日的對話邀請您透過此Zoom會議連結參與。 基金會將透過此年度計劃更明確的聚焦運動策略,並想了解社群目前已有什麼工作以進行雙向規劃。內容主要為基金會年度計劃簡介、執行長Maryana開場和開放提問討論。提問部分以上列三個問題做引導,不過對話將保持彈性開放社群成員自由地提問、分享對基金會年度計劃的想法以及已經在進行的相關工作等。如果您對此活動有任何疑問,歡迎與我聯繫,謝謝!VChang (WMF)留言2022年4月21日 (四) 16:39 (UTC)

This Month in Education: April 2022

The Signpost: 24 April 2022

Wikidata weekly summary #517




運動策略與治理團隊謹代表選舉委員會和理事會 --VChang (WMF)留言2022年4月25日 (一) 17:37 (UTC)

New Video and Audio player will change in your wiki very soon



Next week we will change the software that lets you play audio and video files on your wiki from Kultura to Video.js. With this change, the old player won’t be accessible anymore. The replacement of the player has been active as a beta feature since May 2017.

The new player has many advantages, including a better design, consistent look with the rest of our interface, better compatibility with browsers, the ability to work on mobile which means our multimedia will be properly accessible on iPhone and Android, better accessibility, and many more.

The old player has been unmaintained for eight years now and was custom for MediaWiki (unlike the new player which is a widely used open source project) and uses old, slow, deprecated, and abandoned frameworks such as jQuery UI. Removing the old player’s code also improves performance of the wikis for anyone visiting any page (see this blog post). The old player has many open bugs that we will be able to close as invalid after this migration.

The new player will solve a lot of old and outstanding issues, but will also have its own bugs and missing features. All important known ones have been fixed, but there will be some small ones to tackle in the future, after the rollout.

What we are asking now is to turn on the beta feature for the new player and let us know about last-minute any issues.

You can track the work in T100106 and read more information about the new player on this page: mw:Extension:TimedMediaHandler/VideoJS_Player

Thank you, Amir Ladsgroup留言2022年4月26日 (二) 00:08 (UTC)



運動策略與治理VChang (WMF)留言2022年4月26日 (二) 09:06 (UTC)

Improving moderation tools on mobile web - share your opinions!

Sorry for writing this message in English - please feel free to help by translating it below.

The Moderator Tools team at the Wikimedia Foundation is working on improvements to the mobile web interface. In particular, we are exploring improvements to tools for content moderators, including patrollers and administrators.

If you edit from a mobile device, or would like to do so more, we want to hear from you so that we can prioritise work on the features which you need most!

Please share your opinions on our project page on MediaWiki. Samwalton9 (WMF)留言2022年4月26日 (二) 10:25 (UTC)

New Wikipedia Library Collections Available Now - April 2022

Hello Wikimedians!

The TWL owl says sign up today!

The Wikipedia Library has free access to new paywalled reliable sources. You can these and dozens more collections at https://wikipedialibrary.wmflabs.org/:

  • Wiley – journals, books, and research resources, covering life, health, social, and physical sciences
  • OECD – OECD iLibrary, Data, and Multimedia​​ published by the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development
  • SPIE Digital Library – journals and eBooks on optics and photonics applied research

Many other sources are freely available for experienced editors, including collections which recently became accessible to all eligible editors: Cambridge University Press, BMJ, AAAS, Érudit and more.

Do better research and help expand the use of high quality references across Wikipedia projects: log in today!
--The Wikipedia Library Team 2022年4月26日 (二) 13:16 (UTC)

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